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Dallet Victory, Screnock’s Defeat is a Loss for Walker PDF Print E-mail
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Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Melanie Conklin   
Wednesday, 04 April 2018 16:02

rebecca-dalletThe GOP and right-wing special interest groups, particularly the WMC, spent more than $2 million propping up candidate Screnock. Wisconsin voters rejected him and elected Judge Rebecca Dallet with her message of fairness and putting the people of our state first.

MADISON - With the backdrop of mounting national attention focused on Wisconsin, Judge Rebecca Dallet overcame a typically lower-turnout, more conservative election cycle with her message of fairness, justice and putting the people of our state before special interests.

Dallet, a Milwaukee circuit court judge and former prosecutor who has spent more than twenty years working in Wisconsin courtrooms, was elected to a ten-year term on the Wisconsin Supreme Court tonight with historically high voter turnout.

“My enthusiastic congratulations to Judge Rebecca Dallet! I know she will lead with our Wisconsin values and be an enthusiastic advocate for Wisconsin families on our state’s high court,” said Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Martha Laning. “Wisconsin voters have emphatically rejected corruption, and instead voted to have fairness and independence restored to our courts. Judge Dallet will deliver that balance on behalf of the people.”

rebecca_dallet_michael_screnock_debate“Tonight is a huge loss for Gov. Scott Walker, more so even than Judge Michael Screnock, as Walker’s endorsement, philosophy and politics were on the ballot,” added Laning. The Republican Party of Wisconsin and right-wing special interest groups, particularly corporate business lobby Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce (WMC) spent more than $2 million propping up candidate Screnock, Walker’s lawyer, ahead of today’s election.

This election comes just months after a shocking Republican defeat in a special election for Wisconsin State Senate where the Democratic candidate won by 10 points in a district that went 17 points for President Donald Trump in 2016. After the loss, Walker posted an unhinged Tweetstorm, declaring that the results were a “WAKE UP CALL” for Republicans.

scott-walker-at-rnc“Tonight makes it clear that Gov. Walker’s single-minded focus on his own ambitions, combined with Republicans toxically unpopular agenda of dismantling education, gutting health care and spending billions on tax breaks for the wealthy and mega corporations has been rejected by Wisconsinites,” said Laning. “How many more wake-up calls do Walker and the GOP need before they realize their extremism is out-of-touch with Wisconsin values?”

More than a year ago, the Wisconsin Democratic coordinated campaign launched its new field program -- 20 months in advance of the November election and earlier than ever before. It uses a grassroots, neighbor to neighbor voter structure, modeled after the successful Obama “community team” field program that incorporates all the progressive enthusiasm building in our state.

Laning stressed her gratitude for all the enthusiastic field teams, community leaders and volunteers who helped make tonight’s win possible.

“One thing is clear: blue voters across Wisconsin are organized and energized for November,” said Laning. “Wisconsinites are taking action to defend our Wisconsin values of fairness, kindness, opportunity and community. And we are winning. Republicans like Scott Walker have refused to listen to Wisconsinites, and they will have to answer for this inattention and neglect in November.”

Last Updated on Wednesday, 04 April 2018 16:27
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