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Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Melanie Conklin   
Monday, 02 April 2018 15:52

rebecca-dalletWill Democratic voters hungry for Dallet victory turn out or will NRA and business lobby money prevail again to buy seat for Screnock?

MADISON - Voters in Wisconsin will elect a justice on Tuesday to serve a ten-year term on the Wisconsin Supreme Court. This race is among one of the first statewide general elections of 2018, and has received much national attention. Historically, the electorate that turns out for spring elections puts conservative candidates at an advantage. Given the progressive momentum seen across the nation and in Wisconsin, however, this wisdom no longer applies and we expect to see a competitive race.

Candidate Judge Rebecca Dallet has served Wisconsin’s courtrooms for over twenty years, serving first as a prosecutor and now as a judge in Milwaukee County. She has been a steadfast advocate for victims and survivors of sexual assault, child abuse, human trafficking and domestic violence.

rebecca_dallet_michael_screnock_debateHer opponent Michael Screnock’s experience, however, extends only so far as doing the work of Scott Walker and being appointed by Scott Walker. Screnock has been propped up by hundreds of thousands of dollars from right-wing special interests groups and the Republican Party who have shown they’re willing to go to any lengths to get their rubber-stamp elected.

Screnock was endorsed by the National Rifle Association (NRA) on the day of the Parkland mass shooting which left seventeen teenagers and adults dead. The NRA has spent $44,160 campaigning on Screnock’s behalf, and he refuses to reveal what exactly he “vowed” to do for the NRA in return for their endorsement.

Here are the main highlights from this race. You can find a run-down of Michael Screnock’s record in our Medium post here.

Family calls on top business group to take down TV ad in Wisconsin Supreme Court race: "the Milwaukee County district attorney's office issued a statement condemning the ad, saying it re-victimized the family and used them ‘for political gain’...Screnock refused to call on WMC to change or drop the ad...Dallet said it was ‘heartbreaking’ to see the pain the family was forced to relive because of the ad.” (Journal Sentinel, 3/29/18)

Wisconsin Supreme Court candidate's 1989 arrests for abortion protests provide window into his views: “Michael Screnock was arrested and ticketed for trespassing and obstructing officers twice in 1989 when he participated in large protests at a Madison abortion clinic. ‘In the context of my life, it’s not something I’ve ever regretted doing,’ Screnock said” (Journal Sentinel, 10/30/17)

State GOP, Business Lobby Dump Money in Supreme Court Race: "Reports filed with the state on Monday show of the roughly $900,000 Screnock has raised for the race, 38 percent, or $345,000, came from the state Republican Party. Screnock, who was appointed judge by Republican Gov. Scott Walker in 2015, has received five times more money from the GOP than any other Supreme Court candidate, a review of finance records by the liberal group One Wisconsin Now showed." (Associated Press, 3/27/18)

What Did Michael Screnock Promise the NRA?: "According to a letter sent by the NRA to candidates, in order to receive their endorsement they are required to send a letter to the gun lobby detailing their, ‘positions on Second Amendment issues.’ The letter continues by issuing the threat that failing to pander to the organization could be interpreted as ‘hostility…’" (One Wisconsin Now, 2/19/18)

200-plus candidates sign #NoNRAMoney pledge, including Rebecca Dallet in Wisconsin: "Democrats and Republicans need to reject money from the NRA, period,” said David Hogg, a Marjory Stoneman Douglas student and organizer of the #NeverAgain movement. “They are either with the NRA or they're with the people on the receiving end of the kind of violence we faced in our hallways." (Wisconsin Gazette, 3/6/18)

Judge Rebecca Dallet: I won't back down from gun lobby that's funding my opponent in Supreme Court race: "I refuse to be intimidated by the flood of special-interest cash trying to buy this judicial seat. It’s time to restore independence to our state’s Supreme Court, and I intend to fight to make that a reality...Wisconsin deserves a Supreme Court justice who will stand up for the rights and safety of its citizens." (Cap Times, 3/19/18)

TRUE: Supreme Court candidate Rebecca Dallet's claim that she has presided over more than 10,000 cases (Politifact, 2/16/18)

Why A Judicial Race In Wisconsin Is A Big Deal For Midterms: "Michael Screnock, a Republican-endorsed ally of Gov. Scott Walker, is vying for an open Supreme Court seat against Rebecca Dallet, a liberal who’s racked up endorsements from the likes of Sen. Cory Booker and Eric Holder...Progressives are hoping this election will signal that, just as they did in Virginia and Pennsylvania, Democratic voters are hungry to turn out in places like Wisconsin, where the party has a chance to unseat an old foe, Gov. Scott Walker..." (Buzzfeed, 3/27/18)

Last Updated on Tuesday, 03 April 2018 10:37
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