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Written by Wisconsin Conservation Voters, Ryan Billingham   
Wednesday, 28 February 2018 15:26

flint-water-crisisConservationists announce scores from National Environmental Scorecard for Wisconsin's delegation in Washington. Senator Ron Johnson scores a big 0, while Tammy Baldwin is best at 100%.

MADISON – Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters today released the Wisconsin delegation’s scores on the League of Conservation Voters’ 2017 National Environmental Scorecard.

The Scorecard is the primary yardstick for evaluating the environmental records of every member of Congress, and is available for download at

ron-johnson“As President Trump launched attack after attack on longstanding environmental protections, Senator Ron Johnson refused to stand up for Wisconsin’s air, water, land and wildlife,” said Executive Director Kerry Schumann. “Senator Ron Johnson scored a goose egg – zero percent. Meanwhile, Senator Tammy Baldwin voted 100 percent of the time to protect the environment.”

In the House, a shocking four members from Wisconsin earned an abysmal score of 10 percent or less. And Speaker Paul Ryan, while he chose not to vote this session, has a lifetime score of just 11 percent. The 2017 Scorecard measures votes cast during the first session of the 115th Congress.

tammy_baldwin“Instead of rubber stamping a polluter agenda, we need our representatives in Congress to fight for Wisconsin’s communities – and thankfully we can count on Senator Tammy Baldwin and Representatives Gwen Moore, Ron Kind, and Mark Pocan to push back. We’re more determined than ever before to hold members of Congress accountable for putting polluters ahead of our families,” Schumann said.

The average House score for Wisconsin was 42 percent and the average Senate score was 50 percent. The full delegation’s scores for 2017 are:

Senator Tammy Baldwin – 100 percent

Senator Ron Johnson – 0 percent

Representative Paul Ryan – 11 percent lifetime

Representative Mark Pocan – 89 percent*

Representative Ron Kind – 94 percent

Representative Gwen Moore – 100 percent

Representative Jim Sensenbrenner – 6 percent

Representative Glenn Grothman – 0 percent

Representative Sean Duffy – 0 percent

Representative Mike Gallagher  – 3 percent

More information on individual votes and the Scorecard archive can be found at

*Rep. Pocan missed several votes due to emergency heart surgery. He entered a statement into the Congressional Record noting how he would have voted, and all votes would have been scored pro-environment. Rep. Pocan has long been a champion for the environment in Congress and in the Wisconsin Assembly, standing up for clean air, clean water, and clean energy.

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Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to electing conservation leaders, holding decision makers accountable, and encouraging lawmakers to champion conservation policies that effectively protect Wisconsin's public health and natural resources.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 28 February 2018 15:57
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