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Senate Republicans Throw Wisconsin Elections Into Chaos PDF Print E-mail
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Written by Wisconsin Senate, Kate Constalie   
Tuesday, 23 January 2018 17:06

wisc-elections-commGOP witch hunt of honest public servants removes officials that oversee state elections and ethics.

MADISON, WI – Senate Republicans voted to reject the appointments of Elections Administrator Mike Haas and Ethics Administrator Brian Bell despite both administrators receiving reviews of confidence by their bipartisan boards and no evidence of wrong-doing.

jennifer-shilling“Going into an election year, this move causes utter chaos and uncertainty and Republicans have no plan for what will happen next,” said Senate Democratic Leader Jennifer Shilling (D-La Crosse) County clerks, poll workers and voters need continuity, stability and someone with the training and experience to provide guidance during an election. This is another attempt from Republicans to undermine government accountability and rig the system in their favor.

“Senate Republicans fail to acknowledge that crimes were committed in the Walker administration and their political cronies rightfully went to jail,” said Shilling. “Rather than trying to rewrite the history of their own political scandals, we should be helping working families, investing in our communities and encouraging economic prosperity.”

After exempting politicians from Wisconsin’s John Doe criminal investigation laws, rewriting campaign finance laws allowing unlimited corporate campaign contributions, and dismantling the Government Accountability Board, Legislative Republicans have a history of hiding political corruption and limiting government transparency. These misguided attacks on Wisconsin’s long-standing, bipartisan tradition of open and clean government are a threat to our democratic institutions and will only serve to further polarize Wisconsin’s political environment.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 23 January 2018 19:48
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