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Women's March WI This Saturday PDF Print E-mail
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Written by League of Women Voters Wisconsin   
Friday, 19 January 2018 15:25

womens-march-2018League of Women Voters Wisconsin plans major actions in Eau Claire, Green Bay, and Milwaukee on Saturday, January 20th to commemorate one year anniversary of the historic women's march.

MADISON, WI - January 20th marks the anniversary of the historic women's march. National Women's March leadership is putting together a day of action to mobilize their followers to take the next step. League members from across the country will come together again to participate in the Women's March Day of Action as we work together to keep this movement strong.

While the National Women's March anniversary event will take place in Nevada, Women’s March Chapters are organizing state-specific anniversary events. Women's March WI will focus on uplifting the accomplishments of women of color and investing in the transformational work they have accomplished over the last year. In Wisconsin, events are taking place this Saturday (Jan 20) in Milwaukee, Green Bay, and Eau Claire.

Activities will vary city to city, but will be focused on bringing people together, providing educational workshops and registering voters. We know how powerful we are when we gather together, share space and lift each other up. Wisconsin local Leagues will be participating by providing nonpartisan voter services. The League of Women Voters Greater Green Bay will be speaking at the rally and will be holding nonpartisan voter education at the Green Bay event. The League of Women Voters of Milwaukee County will have a table as part of the post march activities at the Milwaukee event. If you attend, please stop by and say hi to these hard working League members.

Finally, whether you are able to attend or not, consider wearing red that day to show your solidarity. Organizers of the Day of Action have chosen red as it is used to signify support and remembrance of missing and murdered indigenous women. You can follow the conversation using #wearredwmwi and #1in3nativewomen.

Last Updated on Friday, 19 January 2018 15:44
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