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Senate Passes Vukmir Bills on Repeat Violent Criminals PDF Print E-mail
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Written by Leah Vukmir, State Senator District 5   
Wednesday, 08 November 2017 11:15

judgementBills are part of Victim Prevention Package to revoke probation if a criminal is charged with a felony, require a three-year sentence for a probationer who illegally possesses a gun, and move a judge’s ability to grant expungement to after an offender successfully completes sentence.

MADISON - The Wisconsin State Senate on Tuesday passed five bills authored by Sen. Leah Vukmir, R–Brookfield, and Rep. Joe Sanfelippo, R–New Berlin, to address the growing problem of repeat violent offenders terrorizing communities across the state.

leah-vukmir“Our families pay an enormous cost when their loved ones are murdered, assaulted, raped, robbed or carjacked,” Vukmir said. “We must realize that a failure to imprison those who pose a significant risk to the public often leads to more victims. Today’s votes will send a strong message to criminals that their incessant unlawful behavior will not be tolerated.”

Senate Bills, 52, 53, 54, 55 and 56 — which are all a part of Vukmir’s and Sanfelippo’s Victim Prevention Package — passed, three of them with bipartisan support. These bills would compel the Department of Corrections to recommend revoking probation if a criminal is charged with a felony, require a three-year sentence for someone who illegally possesses a gun while on probation, move a judge’s ability to grant expungement to after an offender successfully completes his or her sentence, along with other necessary reforms.

Another bill in the crime package, Senate Bill 58, which would increase penalties for carjacking, passed earlier this summer.

“I encourage Wisconsinites to call their representatives and encourage them to take up these bills this fall so they can be signed by Gov. Walker soon,” Vukmir said. “Protecting our communities needs to be a top priority. We don’t want any more of our family, friends and neighbors to become victims.”


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