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New Legislation Seeks to Reform WEDC PDF Print E-mail
News - Articles for State & Local
Written by Wisconsin Senate, Scott May   
Friday, 03 November 2017 12:45

walker-wedcBill would make meetings more open, include a period for public comment, and increase the membership of the WEDC Board.

MADISON – State Senator Tim Carpenter (D-Milwaukee), is circulating legislation that would provide more transparency and accountability to the Board of the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC).

tim-carpenterUnder the bill being circulated by Senator Carpenter WEDC would be required to hold its meetings in the State Capitol unless otherwise approved by the Board, those meetings would be required to be broadcast in the same manner and to the same extent as other legislative committee meetings, and the meetings would be required to include a period of public comment. In addition, the bill would increase the membership of the WEDC Board to include more elected officials who are held accountable to the taxpayers of Wisconsin.

“We have seen time and again that the WEDC Board prefers to operate in autonomous secrecy and we have seen the consequences of that secrecy. It is time for WEDC to step into the light and be held accountable for the vast amounts of taxpayer dollars they are doling out,” said Carpenter.

Last Updated on Friday, 03 November 2017 13:28
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