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Puerto Rico Disaster Relief In Milwaukee PDF Print E-mail
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Written by Lena Taylor, State Senator, 4th District   
Tuesday, 17 October 2017 13:58

puerto rico flagCommunity is coming together to host the United Latino Fundraiser at St. Anthony’s High School, 4807 S. 2nd Street, on Saturday, October 21st and Sunday, October 22nd from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm.

MILWAUKEE - More than three weeks ago, Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico. Officials say nearly 84% of the island is still without electricity, 64% of people are without drinking water and thousands are waiting in lines at gas stations and under-supplied grocery stores.

puerto-rico-hurricane-maria-aftermathDespite Puerto Rico being a territory of the US, the administration, sadly, has not given the support it gave Texas in the wake of Hurricane Harvey or Florida after Hurricane Irma. A recent poll showed that 54% of Americans are unaware that Puerto Rico-born individuals are United State citizens and would be 2 times more likely to help if they knew they were supporting fellow citizens. It didn't help that the administration tweeted out that our efforts cannot stay in Puerto Rico 'forever'.

lena-taylor.In order to help in the efforts to rebuild Puerto Rico, the Latino community is coming together to host the United Latino Fundraiser hosted at St. Anthony’s High School (4807 S. 2nd Street, Milwaukee) on Saturday, October 21st and Sunday, October 22nd from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm. My colleague, Representative JoCasta Zamarripa, is collecting items to aid in the effort and will take these donations to the event on behalf of those who drop off items to her office. Items that will be accepted include: clothes, shoes, batteries, blankets, non-perishable foods and hygiene products. It is our responsibility as a community to help our neighbors recover from any disaster, especially one as devastating as Hurricane Maria. We must show support for our fellow Americans in Puerto Rico.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 17 October 2017 14:16
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