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Written by Joint Finance Committee Democrats   
Wednesday, 06 September 2017 19:57

school-closedRepublican budget prioritizes special interest giveaways over schools and roads.

MADISON – Instead of fully restoring school funding and fixing crumbling local roads, Republican lawmakers on the legislature’s Joint Finance Committee failed Wisconsin residents. Late Wednesday evening, Republicans again voted to divert funding from rural public schools, expand the private voucher programs, delay road projects, and finance the largest state taxpayer giveaway to a foreign corporation in U.S. history.

lena-taylor“After six years of Governor Walker’s historic cuts to education, Republicans are patting themselves on the back for short-changing our students,” said Sen. Lena Taylor (D-Milwaukee). “Great public schools are the core of our state’s economic future. The budget should reflect those priorities. Democrats are fighting to fully fund education, retain quality teachers, and give all students equal opportunities to achieve academic success.”

gordon_hintz“This is the third budget in a row that Republicans failed the test for finding a sustainable transportation solution. This budget will hurt our businesses, our families, and our communities for years to come when we won’t have enough money in the next budget to pay for schools and the UW system. This election year budget has undermined our state’s ability to fund services that expand economic opportunity for the future. Despite national economic growth, this budget leaves our state with a sizeable shortfall in 2019-2021,” said Rep. Gordon Hintz (D-Oshkosh). “After cutting $18 million in sparsity aid from rural school districts, Republicans turned around and gave $3 billion to a foreign corporation. It’s unacceptable.”

"Instead of Gov. Walker’s plan to delay projects, outsource jobs and max out the state’s credit card, Democrats want to protect and grow Wisconsin’s middle class by investing in infrastructure and improving the safety of our community roads. Republicans have failed to find a long term funding solution for our crippling transportation system," said Sen. Jon Erpenbach (D-Middleton).

“Republicans have spent the last six years prioritizing special interest giveaways at the expense of working families. Enough is enough. Democrats are focused on ways to level the playing field, strengthen communities and expand economic opportunities,” said Rep. Katrina Shankland (D-Stevens Point). “Despite Republican opposition, Democrats will continue to fight for affordable healthcare, quality public schools, safe roads, and family-supporting jobs.”

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