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Walker Silent On Donald Trump Jr. Russian Collusion Scandal PDF Print E-mail
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Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Brandon Weathersby   
Friday, 14 July 2017 18:56

donald-trump-jrsrAs evidence of the President's campaign team colluding with a hostile foreign government to influence our elections grows, Wisconsin Republicans have joined their national leaders in looking the other way. Gov. Walker hasn't made any public statement on the unfolding scandal.

MADISON - This week, we learned about a June 2016 meeting between Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, Paul Manafort and a Russian lawyer who sought to pass on allegedly incriminating information about Hillary Clinton to the Trump campaign. Yet, Gov. Scott Walker has remained silent on this troubling revelation.

Democrats have condemned the Trump campaign for their willingness to accept the help of a hostile foreign government to sway the election and called for the President, his family. and his campaign team to come clean about their contacts with Russia. At both the state and the federal level, Democrats have supported an investigation to figure out the truth about Russia's meddling to ensure that it never happens again and allow lawmakers to get back to work creating good-paying jobs, improving access to health care, and creating educational opportunities for all Americans.

scott-walkerGov. Walker, the standard bearer for Republicans in Wisconsin, simply hasn't made any public statement on the scandal as it continues to unfold. On Monday, Donald Trump, Jr. released a batch of emails which provided proof that he accepted a meeting with a Russian lawyer under the pretense that she had damaging information to share about his father's political opponent, Sec. Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump, Jr. wrote, "If it's what you say I love it especially later in the summer."  

In the past, Governor Walker went out of his way to criticize Sec. Hillary Clinton for using a personal email account during the four years she was Secretary of State, even taking his attacks so far to say he wouldn't give her the password to his own phone. But in the days since the scandal surrounding Donald Trump's campaign team broke, the governor has been silent about the scandal or his confidence in the Trump administration given the apparent close ties of the Trump family and Russians acting on behalf of the Kremlin.  

The Governor's silence can't be chalked up to budget negations, as the Joint Finance Committee isn't set to meet this week or the following week. Furthermore, the Governor has had the time to post milk cartons on social media but won't comment on the latest developments regarding Russian interference in our national elections.

martha-laning"Governor Walker's silence on the possibility of the President's campaign team colluding with a hostile foreign government to influence our elections is appalling. I never thought I would see the day when the Governor of our state would allow partisan politics to come before our national security and the integrity of our elections," said Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Martha Laning. "It's clear that Gov. Walker only cares about himself and his political future, but Wisconsin families deserve leaders who will value our national security and safeguard the integrity of our electoral system."

Last Updated on Friday, 14 July 2017 19:21
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