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Senate Republicans Vote Against Giving Veterans the Day Off for Veterans Day PDF Print E-mail
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Written by GBP Staff   
Thursday, 15 June 2017 08:17

veterans_army_medicWisconsin GOP goes AWOL when it comes to going beyond lip service for veterans.

MADISON - Senate Republicans voted against giving veterans who work in the private sector a paid day off to observe Veterans Day. The amendment to Senate Bill 113, introduced by State Senator Dave Hansen (D-Green Bay), would have made sure that every veteran who goes to a job in Wisconsin would receive a paid day off for Veterans Day.

dave_hansen“It’s important that Wisconsin recognize Veterans Day, but it should be about more than closing state offices and giving state workers the day off,” said Hansen. “If we truly want to honor our veterans we should give them the day off with pay so they can participate in Veterans Day events or use it as a day of personal reflection. They are the ones who sacrificed for us. It’s the least we can do for them on their day.”

Hansen said he believes Wisconsin employers would support such a change in the law.

“I don’t know why Senate Republicans would oppose giving veterans the day off. I certainly can’t imagine any patriotic business owner objecting to honoring our veterans who have done so much to protect our way of life in this way.”


Legislative writer Jay Wadd contributed this story.

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