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Barrett, Laning Slam Disastrous Trumpcare Bill PDF Print E-mail
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Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Brandon Weathersby   
Sunday, 11 June 2017 16:39

mike-penceCall for strengthening ACA instead, as Mike Pence to visit Milwaukee.

MADISON - On a press call ahead of remarks from Vice President Mike Pence in Milwaukee, Mayor Tom Barrett and Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Martha Laning highlighted the disastrous effects of Trumpcare which stands to kick 23 million Americans off of their heath care insurance.

tom_barrett"I'm surprised that the Vice President wants to come to Wisconsin to tout legislation that is designed to deny health care for 23 million Americans and give tax breaks to the wealthiest people in this nation," said Mayor Tom Barrett. "It's notable that he's not appearing at a place where you're going to find people between 50-60 who are going to be affected by this adverse - because those are the people that are really going to suffer from this action that is moving through Washington right now."

If Trumpcare becomes the law of the land, it is estimated that 311,000 Wisconsin residents will lose their health care coverage. In addition, uncertainty surrounding Gov. Walker’s plans to opt-out of federal health protections could jeopardize access and increase costs for more than 850,000 Wisconsin residents with pre-existing conditions.

TrumpCare contains an Age Tax - placing a greater burden on millions of Americans ages 50 – 64 by allowing insurers to charge them at least 5 times more. It also guts protections for people with pre-existing conditions, letting insurers jack up their rates as much as they want - breaking a promise Trump and many Members of Congress made.

martha-laning"Trumpcare will mean real harm for Americans across our nation. Average Wisconsinites will feel the impact of this bill in the doctor’s office and in their checkbook," said Chair Martha Laning. "Kicking vulnerable people off of their health care insurance isn’t the Wisconsin way. These aren't just numbers, these are real people and we need to prioritize taking care of our most vulnerable Wisconsinites."   

For some Americans, Trumpcare will mean bankruptcy.  For others, it will be a death sentence.  At a time when working families are still struggling to get ahead - this bill will be devastating to both their health and their pocketbooks. That's why an overwhelming number of Americans disapprove of Trumpcare and would like to strengthen the Affordable Care Act to ensure that every American has access to health care.

"You look at this legislation and what it does for people in the state of Wisconsin - in rural areas in particular where you're going to see dramatic increases or if you look at people who have pre-existing conditions and the difficulties they're going to have to continue to get coverage. It raises the question of why Republicans are doing this. And I think we know the answer, [Republicans are] obsessed with the fact that this legislation passed under President Obama. And regardless of the fact that it has been successful, they are going to do everything they can do to kill the [Affordable Care Act] even though it means 23 - 24 million Americans will no longer have health care. To me, that is the opposite of the direction we should be going. We should be making sure people have health care - rather than trying to deny them care," concluded Mayor Barrett.

Listen to the entire press call here.

Last Updated on Sunday, 11 June 2017 16:55
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