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Motion For Free Tuition For Wisconsin Technical College Students Blocked PDF Print E-mail
News - Articles for State & Local
Written by GBP Staff   
Friday, 19 May 2017 16:09

matc-studentsRepublican controlled Joint Finance Committee votes down idea 12 to 4.

MADISON - Joint Committee on Finance Democrats filed a motion on Thursday to provide state funding for free tuition for Wisconsin Technical College students.

“We know that a skilled workforce is what Wisconsin needs to boost our economy and free tuition at our Technical Colleges is a great way to get there," said Senator Jon Erpenbach (D-Madison) in a statement released after the meeting.

By 2020, nearly 70 percent of all jobs will require some kind of post-secondary training, certificate, or degree and the barrier for many people seeking to enter the workforce is financial.

jon-erpenbach"Let’s just remove that barrier," said Erpenbach. "Our technical colleges work with businesses to provide programs for education and training specifically needed in that community. Technical Colleges are responsive and nimble in helping to meet workforce needs. If we really want to help both businesses and our citizens, we should prioritize free tuition at our Technical College schools in this state budget."

According to Erpenbach, to rebuild our economy and the middle class communities that drive that economic engine, we need to offer unrestricted opportunities for education and training at our Technical Colleges.

Unfortunately, the motion failed to pass the Republican controlled Joint Finance Committee 4-12.

For information on what other states have done to offer free tuition at technical colleges visit NCSL:

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