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Manafort Pushes Chinese Steel, Trump Feigns Buy America Support PDF Print E-mail
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Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Brandon Weathersby   
Monday, 17 April 2017 14:25

trump-buy-americanWhile Trump provides lip-service to a 'Buy American, Hire American' policy, his former campaign Chairman is advising Chinese tycoons on how to secure contracts to build America's infrastructure with Chinese steel.

MADISON - President Donald Trump will be at Snap On Tool in Kenosha Tuesday, a Wisconsin born and built manufacturer. Notably, but not surprisingly absent will be the district’s congressman, Speaker Paul Ryan. While Trump has promised a “Buy American, Hire American” policy, he and Speaker Ryan have repeatedly done the opposite.

Last session, Speaker Ryan pulled Buy American language from a water infrastructure bill, a provision inserted by Wisconsin Senator Tammy Baldwin. Water infrastructure is famously built by Wisconsin’s own Neenah Foundry and a commitment to buying American, rather than Chinese or Russian steel would have been a boon for the company. Instead, Ryan chose billionaires over jobs for Wisconsinites and as President Trump continues to talk about putting American workers first, he is yet to hold the Speaker accountable for his actions.

And just today, first reported by The Financial Times, Trump’s former campaign chairman, was revealed to be advising a Chinese tycoon on the best ways to win Chinese steel contracts for Trump’s $1 billion American infrastructure plan. One can only imagine why Trump kept his mouth shut when the opportunity to truly support Buy America arose.

Senator Tammy Baldwin, on the other hand, continues to stand by Wisconsin workers by fighting for real Buy American provisions that help Wisconsin manufacturers and grow our local economies.

Democratic Party of Wisconsin Communications Director Brandon Weathersby said, "The blatant contradictions between what Trump says in public and does behind closed doors has been a hallmark of the Trump Presidency so far. While Trump provides lip-service to a 'Buy American, Hire American' policy, his former campaign Chairman is advising Chinese tycoons on how to secure contracts to build America's infrastructure with Chinese steel. The fact is that we simply can't trust the President to do what's best for American workers. Whether it's not supporting Buy American provisions, reneging on promises to build pipelines with American Steel, or former campaign Chairman advising Chinese Tycoons on building America's infrastructure with Chinese steel, it’s clear that President Trump does not support ‘Buy American’ or ‘Hire American.’”

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