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Senate HiCap Well Bill Another Corporate Giveaway PDF Print E-mail
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Written by GBP Staff   
Thursday, 06 April 2017 17:30

hicap-residentsSB 76 will lead to long-lasting harm to our lakes, rivers and streams and to our economy as hunters, fishers and vacationers choose to spend their time and money in other places. "Unfair preference to the well-heeled at the expense of average Wisconsinites" says Hansen.

MADISON – In a destructive move for Wisconsin small farmers, property owners, boaters, and fishermen, the Republican controlled Senate voted 19-13 on Wednesday to relax high-capacity well regulations by passing SB 76. The bill goes next to the state Assembly.

The bill is considered another giveaway to powerful corporations and corporate farms and a defeat for our proud tradition of environmental protection. Supporters of the bill include the powerful state Dairy Business Association, the Potato and Vegetable Growers Association, and other large-scale water user lobbyists.

dave-hansen“Once again when faced with decision on whether to side with the majority of Wisconsin residents or corporate special interests, Republicans today got it wrong," said Sen. Dave Hansen (D-Green Bay) in a statement released Wednesday. “If last fall’s election told us anything it’s that Wisconsin residents on both sides of the aisle are tired of a system in this state that has one set of rules for corporations and the wealthy and another for the rest of us."

Republicans in the Senate chose to sell out our proud tradition of environmental protection by giving powerful corporations and corporate farms unfettered access to our groundwater, allowing high capacity wells to be permitted permanently. It is a decision that will lead to long-lasting harm to our lakes, rivers and streams and to our economy as hunters, fishers and vacationers choose to spend their time and money in other places that place a greater importance on protecting their precious natural resources.

“The Republican legacy continues to be one of giving unfair preference to the well-heeled at the expense of average Wisconsinites and of denying average families and small business owners a level playing field that truly affords them the opportunity to succeed and enjoy a high quality of life.”


Legislative writer Jay Wadd contributed to this story.

Last Updated on Thursday, 06 April 2017 18:10
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