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State Republicans Propose 'Permitless Carry' Bill PDF Print E-mail
News - Articles for State & Local
Written by Wisconsin Senate, Tony Palese   
Tuesday, 28 March 2017 10:44

school_shooting_sandy_hookIn wake of mass shootings, GOP wants to arm more teenagers.

MADISON, WI – As gun lobbyists push to expand access to firearms across the country, Wisconsin Republicans announced their plan to allow dangerous individuals to carry firearms without a permit or background check. The “Permitless Carry” proposal by Wisconsin Republicans would lower the age to carry a concealed weapon and give dangerous individuals greater access to firearms. In response, Senate Democratic Leader Jennifer Shilling (D-La Crosse) released the following statement:

jennifer-shilling“Gun violence in Wisconsin is a public health crisis. I don’t hear anyone clamoring to put more painkillers on the street to combat opioid abuse, so why do Republicans think more guns in the hands of dangerous criminals will make our communities safer? Allowing anyone to carry a loaded, concealed firearm in public without any safety training or a simple background check is completely irresponsible.

“The overwhelming majority of Wisconsin residents agree that responsible individuals who want to carry a concealed weapon should go through a background check and obtain a permit. Too many men, women and children have already died as a result of gun violence. Rather than putting more guns in the hands of dangerous individuals, we should protect families and communities by closing the gun show loophole, strengthening background checks and keeping guns off school property.”

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