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Constitutional Convention Puts All Citizen Rights at Risk PDF Print E-mail
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Written by League Women Voters WI, Andrea Kaminski   
Tuesday, 28 March 2017 10:07

united-states-constitutionWisconsin legislators to meet Tuesday to add a balanced budget amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Non-partisan League of Women Voters calls it a reckless proposal and urges action to stop it now.

MADISON - State lawmakers today are considering proposals calling for a Constitutional Convention for the purpose of adding a balanced budget amendment to the U.S. Constitution. We understand people’s concerns about rising federal debt, but this is the wrong way to tackle that problem and a particularly dangerous path to take. The League will be testifying at the hearing.

There are three key reasons to reject this proposal:  1) it imperils all citizen rights that are currently protected in the Constitution; 2) it weakens our ability as a nation to respond to unforeseen emergencies; and 3) it robs states, like ours, of the ability to meet the changing needs of our cities and counties.

A Constitutional amendments (Article V) convention could go in many different directions, regardless of Wisconsin lawmakers’ efforts to restrict the role of our own state’s delegates. It would put at risk every citizen right protected in the Constitution, including such things as voting rights and freedom of speech.

Second, a balanced budget requirement could have drastic economic consequences. It would put the federal government in a position where it could not respond to an economic recession or a national disaster without increasing taxes – right when fewer people might be working. That's when a tax increase would hurt the most!

Finally, our nation is changing, and that change is taking place in every state and every district. Our Constitution is more than 200 years old. It has served us well, with amendments added individually as needed. It has afforded us the flexibility to keep up with the ever-changing needs of the American people.

Contact your state legislators and tell them a Constitutional Convention to pass a balanced federal budget is a reckless proposal, and it should be rejected.

To find your own legislatorsclick here and enter your address under "Find My Legislators" next to the little green map of Wisconsin.

You could also contact the committee chairs who are holding todays hearing:
--Sen.David Craig - 608-266-5400,  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
--Rep. Tyler Vorpagel - 608- 266-8530,  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

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