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Lawmakers Fear Wisconsin Impact of ACA Repeal PDF Print E-mail
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Written by Wisconsin Senate, Tony Palese   
Tuesday, 21 March 2017 15:29

elderlyThousands to lose coverage, millions would face higher costs.

MADISON – As a result of the Republican health care repeal, over 220,000 Wisconsin residents could lose their coverage and another 3.2 million individuals could see higher out-of-pocket costs. Numerous reports have indicated that seniors and rural families will be hit hardest by the federal changes which are being pushed through by Speaker Paul Ryan and President Donald Trump over the objections and concerns of health advocates and moderate lawmakers. Senate Democratic Leader Jennifer Shilling (D-La Crosse) noted the significant impact on Wisconsin families and expressed concerns with the proposed changes.

jennifer-shilling“Wisconsin families and seniors would see major cost increases and coverage hurdles as a result of the Republican health care repeal,” said Shilling. “These are our friends, neighbors and relatives who are losing coverage. For many, the changes being proposed in Washington D.C. are a life and death matter. Instead of going back to the days when insurance companies could unfairly discriminate against individuals, we should protect the progress we’ve made and ensure families have the opportunity to access quality and affordable health care coverage.”

More than three dozen Wisconsin state senators and representatives sent a letter to the state’s congressional delegation on Tuesday expressing concerns with the proposed changes. The letter noted that 24 million Americans will lose coverage under the proposed ACA repeal and millions more would face additional out-of-pocket cost increases.

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