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Walker Is Desperate To Impress President Donald Trump PDF Print E-mail
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Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Brandon Weathersby   
Wednesday, 22 February 2017 16:26

scott-walkerOur 71-day candidate for president now jumps to do the bidding of the DC establishment and their leader, Donald Trump.

MADISON - Governor Scott Walker can't stop himself from fighting for the D.C. limelight. Today, the 71-day candidate for president joined Wisconsin's Attorney General and special interest groups to feign rage at the democratic process, only reminding us all that he still isn't president. The only difference is, now Governor Walker jumps to do the bidding of the DC establishment and their leader, Donald Trump.

Here are the facts you need to know about the Governor's D.C. establishment talking points:

When the DC Establishment Calls, Scott Walker Answers: After Walker's weekend field trip to the Oval Office earlier this year, the Governor came back to Wisconsin with a new sense of vigor to support Donald Trump's extremely divisive agenda and uniquely unqualified nominees. Walker even took a page from The Donald's playbook and went on a Twitter temper tantrum earlier this month. One thing we all know, Scott Walker is going to do whatever helps Scott Walker stay in power.  The question is, what will the reward be for his latest stunt?

Scott Walker on the Courts:  Scott Walker has appointed two Justices to the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Rebecca Bradley, who has written abhorrent things about the LGBT Community and Dan Kelly, whose positions on affirmative action have been called racist.

Brad Schimel put politics over victims: Wisconsin's top cop has a long record of putting his partisan ideology over victims of crime in our state. Wisconsin continues a tremendous backlog of Rape Kits to be tested. Victims are not receiving justice because Schimel is far too interested in frivolously suing the federal government and engaging in silly press stunts as opposed to doing his job.

Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce: WMC has spent untold millions of dollars to purchase favor on the Wisconsin Supreme Court, now, they're holding press stunts to place Judges on the highest court in the land. You may not be able to purchase a United States Supreme Court seat, but WMC is going to try their best to influence the process.

Republicans are trying to hold their party's 2018 prospects together by any means now that cable news regular, Rep. Sean Duffy, decided against taking on the popularity and strong economic message of Senator Tammy Baldwin. The Republican Senate primary is shaping up to be a circus - distractions and press stunts won't solve what ails their party.

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