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Local Schools Lose in State Budget PDF Print E-mail
News - Articles for State & Local
Written by Wisconsin Senate Democrats   
Wednesday, 01 February 2017 12:09

back-to-schoolGOP school cuts continue to hurt students, communities and taxpayers.

MADISON, WI – After cutting $1 billion from Wisconsin’s K-12 schools since 2011, Republicans continue to prioritize tax breaks for the wealthy over funding for local schools. Several recent reports have highlighted massive tax breaks that have ballooned out of proportion which largely benefit individuals making over $1 million a year.

jennifer-shilling“Students are being denied a quality education and Wisconsin schools are falling further behind because Gov. Walker continues to prioritize tax breaks for the wealthy,” said Sen. Jennifer Shilling (D-La Crosse). “Gov. Walker’s decision to cut $1 billion from our local schools and force families to pay higher school property taxes has been devastating for many communities.”

“Public schools are the heart of every community and Democrats are committed to restoring state funding, lowering property taxes and giving Wisconsin children the education opportunities they deserve,” added Shilling. “We need to restore the $1 billion in state aid that has been cut from our schools and put an end to Gov. Walker’s tax breaks that benefit millionaires and companies that outsource Wisconsin jobs.”

In most Wisconsin communities, state aid for local schools remains below funding levels from 2010-11. The three communities Gov. Walker is visiting today have been particularly hurt by Republican school cuts. Over the last five years, the Wauzeka-Steuben School District has seen a 12.4% state funding cut, the Hilbert School District has seen a 16% state funding cut and the Crandon School District has seen a 33.9% state funding cut.


Tony Palese contributed to this story.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 01 February 2017 12:25
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