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We Need A Budget To Help Wisconsin Communities Thrive PDF Print E-mail
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Written by League Women Voters WI, Andrea Kaminski   
Friday, 20 January 2017 11:36

joint-finance-statebudThe League of Women Voters is one of 20 organizations to endorse an alternative budget drafted by the Wisconsin Council on Children and Families and Wisconsin Citizen Action.

MADISON - Over the past several months the League has been working with other good organizations to rethink how we approach the state's biennial budget. We believe that crafting a state budget involves careful choices as to how to tax fairly and invest resources wisely.

capitol-night-wiscFor several years now, the people of Wisconsin have been told that our state is "broke" and there is not enough money to help our communities thrive or our institutions continue to serve with excellence. That is not true. 

The League is one of 20 organizations to endorse an alternative budget drafted by the Wisconsin Council on Children and Families and Wisconsin Citizen Action. The coalition is calling on lawmakers to reject pressure by well-heeled special interests and craft a budget designed to help our communities prosper. Lawmakers can start by cleaning up the tax code and closing two loopholes that serve special interests, whether they create jobs in the state or not. 

The Wisconsin Budget for All outlines how that would restore nearly $900 million in revenue to invest in strong families and thriving communities across the state.

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