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Barca Supports Walker Special Session on Opioids PDF Print E-mail
News - Articles for State & Local
Written by GBP Staff   
Saturday, 07 January 2017 11:40

drug-test-cupBelieves opioid abuse is a very serious issue facing Wisconsin families, and we need to do everything we can to address it.

MADISON – On Thursday, Gov. Scott Walker asked the Republican controlled State Legislature to hold a special session on opioid addiction. On Walker’s list of proposals is a program to help prevent substance use addiction for Wisconsin high school students.

peter_barca“The opioid epidemic in our state is a very serious issue that requires a very aggressive response", said Assembly Democratic Leader Peter Barca responding to Walker’s special session and executive orders concerning opioid abuse. "I hope the committees will collect input from those who know this issue firsthand—from law enforcement, to educators, to medical professionals—as this will help us address this crisis in the most comprehensive manner possible."

Barca made his statements in a press release issued Thursday.

“The urgency of this special session is warranted, and I hope Gov. Walker takes the same approach to other incredibly significant issues facing Wisconsin families right now, including rebuilding the most diminished middle class in the country", said Barca. "As elected officials, we need to do everything we can to address those who are hurting.”

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