Sunday June 30, 2024

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Laura Kiefert, Green Bay Progressive

Laura Kiefert lives in Howard and is a Partner in the Green Bay Progressive. Members of FaceBook can follow her at My Truth and Anti-Alternative Facts , @mytruthandantialternativefacts.

Recent Posts

  • Jim Jordan's Controversial Path: From Capitol Hill to Global Implications

    As he runs for Speaker, a Green Bay progressive discusses Jim Jordan and his dubious qualifications. GREEN BAY - I've spent a considerable amount of time diving into the world of politics, observing individuals and their actions. Jim Jordan, a Congressman from Ohio, has caught my attention on numerous occasions, but for all the wrong reasons. Wh ...
    Oct 11 Tags: Untagged
  • On Getting Vaccinated

    With Aaron Rodgers out for a game for testing positive for COVID-19, progressive activist Laura Kiefert speaks out on the community responsibility to get vaccinated. GREEN BAY, WI - I’m sick and tired of the vaccination debate and just as tired of keeping my frustration on the subject to myself. So here goes. I think that as a society, we have a ...
    Nov 04 Tags: Untagged
  • Raging Feminists Wrapped in Victim Blankets

    Woman, lifelong proud feminist, comments on where contemporary feminism seems to be going. GREEN BAY, WI - This post might be particularly interesting to fellow Democrats. It’s part of the reason I’ve chosen to no longer be a member of my local chapter, the Democratic Party of Brown County Wisconsin . I am proud to have been part of the women’s ...
    Mar 05 Tags: Untagged
  • Next President Should Not Hide Behind Justice Department Policy

    We need the Congress to specifically state in law what many of us have always taken for granted - that no one, including the President of the United States, is above the law. GREEN BAY, WI - Like many patriotic Americans, I believe that no one is above the law, not even the President. However, with the rampant corruption and pending impeachment ...
    Dec 14 Tags: Untagged
  • You Really Believe That?!?

    Our Laura Kiefert introduces her new blog with a piece about the crazy things you’ll hear if you actually talk to one of the Trump believers who hang out at our senior centers and listen only to Fox "News". GREEN BAY, WI - There’s a person who has played an important role in my life whose beliefs regarding politics and religion differ from my ow ...
    Feb 24 Tags: Untagged

Chris Larson, State Senator, District 7

Chris Larson (D) is the Wisconsin State Senator from the 7th District in Milwaukee.

Recent Posts

  • Larson Supports Legalization and Decriminalization of Marijuana

    MILWAUKEE – I commend Lt. Gov. Barnes and Rep. Sheila Stubbs for continuing to spotlight the need for marijuana decriminalization. Every legislative session since 2015, I have introduced bills to decriminalize and legalize marijuana. Support for legalizing and decriminalizing marijuana in Wisconsin has grown to be popular for many reasons. Includi ...
    Oct 31 Tags: Untagged
  • Sen. Larson on Republican Sour Grape Session

    MILWAUKEE - We just had an election wherein the outcome was clear, the people of Wisconsin sought change and elected a new Governor. Now should be a time of peaceful transition, but instead we have just witnessed an unprecedented power grab by Republicans in the state legislature. The recent passing of President George HW Bush is a stark reminder ...
    Dec 10 Tags: Untagged
  • Senator Chris Larson remarks on Gov. Walker’s ‘State of the State’

    The Governor's smooth talking spin on the State of our State ignores the facts that reflect the reality our neighbors are facing every day. MADISON, WI – On Wednesday the legislature gathered once again to hear Governor Walker’s State of the State address. True to form Governor Walker donned his rose-colored glasses and told the state that our l ...
    Jan 25 Tags: Untagged
  • One Step Closer to Tackling Wisconsin’s Lead Crisis

    Senator says we need to continue the momentum after the passage of SB 48 relating to lead service line replacements and take immediate action to keep our kids safe from being further poisoned by lead. MADISON – Each of our neighbors deserve to live in a healthy, safe community. Lead pipes are an avoidable public illness that is quietly devastati ...
    Nov 02 Tags: Untagged
  • Proceed with Caution During Foxconn Frenzy

    Wisconsinites should not blindly put their faith, and money, in this jobs promise. We’ve been deceived by Walker’s rose-tinted glasses before. MADISON - It is with good reason that Wisconsinites are not yet willing to blindly put their faith, and money, in a feeble jobs promise. We’ve been deceived by Walker’s rose-tinted glasses before. Since ...
    Jul 27 Tags: Untagged

Peter Barca, Assembly Democratic Leader, District 64

Representative Peter Barca is a lifelong citizen of Kenosha and Somers. He currently represents much of the City of Kenosha and portions of the City of Racine, Town of Somers, Village of Mount Pleasant, and Village of Elmwood Park as the State Representative from the 64th Assembly District.
He had previously served as Majority Caucus Chairman and as Co-Chairman of the Joint Legislative Audit Committee. Representative Peter Barca. currently Minority Leader from Assembly District 64 (D - Kenosha). Elected to Assembly 1984-1992 (resigned 6/8/93 upon election to U.S. Congress); reelected since 2008. Minority Leader 2015, 2013, 2011; Majority Caucus Chairperson 2009, 1993, 1991. Member of Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation

Recent Posts

  • Opioid Treatment Bills Don’t Go Far Enough

    Assembly Democratic Leader Peter Barca speaks out on the bills debated Tuesday aimed at fighting the opioid epidemic. MADISON - I applaud the bipartisan effort that led to the acknowledgment of this serious epidemic, but these bills could have a much greater impact to positively affect so many lives. In order to help Wisconsinites strugglin ...
    Apr 06 Tags: Untagged
  • Rep. Peter Barca on 'Permitless Carry' Bill

    Assembly Democratic Leader says allowing individuals to carry firearms without proper safety training, especially on school grounds, goes too far. MADISON - Wisconsin Republican legislators have proposed a bill to allow individuals to carry firearms without proper safety training. The authors of the bill put forward extreme provisions that ...
    Mar 30 Tags: Untagged
  • Walker State of the State Out of Touch with Wisconsin Reality

    As the Governor begins his seventh year and delivers his rosy State of the State, the majority of Wisconsin believes we are on the wrong track. MADISON – Six years ago, Gov. Walker spoke before an audience in the Assembly chamber and made a lot of promises. He said Wisconsin would lead the economic recovery. He said we would stop kicking the can ...
    Jan 11 Tags: Untagged
  • Walker Higher Ed Bills are Election-Year Smoke and Mirrors

    MADISON, WI - On Monday, Governor Scott Walker signed into law four higher education bills, Assembly Bills 740, 741, 742 and 744, calling the package 'college affordability bills' . These Republican bills do nothing to address the burden of student debt and the people of Wisconsin shouldn’t fall for the Republicans’ lack of action with these modes ...
    Mar 29 Tags: Untagged
  • State of the State - 'nothing more than Band-Aid proposals'

    MADISON - During his speech tonight, Governor Walker offered nothing more than Band-Aid proposals that are anemic and weak compared to the significant challenges we face. The numbers are staggering. In 2015, roughly 10,000 hardworking Wisconsinites received layoff notices, the highest single-year total since the governor took office. Wisconsin st ...
    Jan 19 Tags: Untagged

Dave Hansen, State Senator Dist 30

Dave Hansen, State Senator Dist 30 has not set their biography yet

Recent Posts

  • Fitzgerald Decision to Overturn Governor’s Mask Order Just More Politics

    Senate Republican move to overturn Governor’s order requiring people to wear masks in public is simply pandering for votes and power, ignores public health. GREEN BAY, WI - In what is no surprise, Senate Republicans wasted no time announcing their intent to overturn Governor Ever’s Executive order requiring people to wear masks in public along w ...
    Aug 01 Tags: Untagged
  • Senator Hansen In Response To Violence In Madison

    Violence needs to stop, but inaction by State Legislature on Police reform only fueling the fire says Green Bay Senator. GREEN BAY, WI - For the past few weeks we have seen peaceful protests in our state in response to the killing of George Floyd and other black lives that have been taken before and since his death. The violence we saw last nig ...
    Jun 24 Tags: Untagged
  • Supreme Court Put Profits Over People

    Wednesday's decision comes as no surprise, says Green Bay Senator. Justices put the bidding of their corporate benefactors over workers' lives. GREEN BAY, WI - Congratulations workers! Thanks to the corporate controlled State Supreme Court you’re going back to work whether you feel safe or not. Because now that they have repealed the Safer at Ho ...
    May 14 Tags: Untagged
  • Appleton GOP Press Conference on “Re-opening” Dangerous and Tone Deaf

    Senator says area Republicans don’t seem to care that the majority of people in this state do not want to re-open now, nor do they care about the predicament the workers are in. They just seem so eager and willing to risk the lives of others. GREEN BAY, WI - Thursday’s press conference at an Appleton dairy by Assembly Majority Leader Jim Steinek ...
    May 09 Tags: Untagged
  • Justice Roggensack’s comments show she is unfit to serve

    Her comments also show a complete lack of knowledge or understanding of just how transmittable the coronavirus is, says Green Bay Senator. GREEN BAY, WI - As Brown County continues to increase at the fastest rate in the state, Justice Roggensack’s comments that workers at meat packing plants “are not regular folks” are as dangerous as they are i ...
    May 07 Tags: Untagged

Wisconsin Senate, Jay Wadd

Wisconsin Senate, Jay Wadd has not set their biography yet

Recent Posts

  • Walker and Republicans Have Failed Wisconsin Women

    Since Gov. Walker and the Republicans repealed Wisconsin’s Equal Pay Enforcement Act in 2011, the gender gap remains at 78 cents on the dollar. Our families and our economy continue to suffer. GREEN BAY - State Senator Dave Hansen (D-Green Bay) released the following statement Tuesday as we commemorate Equal Pay Day and discuss the state of gend ...
    Apr 11 Tags: Untagged
  • Sen. Hansen, Rep. Anderson Unveil Plan to Go After Predatory Drug Pricing

    Drug companies are increasing prices on generics by as much as 500%, and it's time to shine a light on this dark corner of the prescription market says Green Bay senator. Bill would give AG power to investigate. MADISON - Joined at a press conference today by Dr. Robert Kraig of Citizen Action and people directly impacted by the predatory practi ...
    Mar 07 Tags: Untagged
  • Senators Have Double-Standard When It Comes to Fraud

    Senate Republicans in Madison go after the little guy while CEOs and wealthy business owners walk free says Hansen. Introduces amendment to hold all to same standard. MADISON - State Senator Dave Hansen (D-Green Bay) said Tuesday that when it comes to punishing those who commit fraud against Wisconsin taxpayers Senate Republicans are only i ...
    Feb 22 Tags: Untagged
  • Republicans Pass Wetlands Destruction Bill

    The assault on our quality of life continues with passage of a bill that will lead to more flooding and damage to homes and businesses. MADISON - On a day that saw flood warnings for parts of Wisconsin, Senate Republicans passed a bill that will lead to more and more flooding and damage to homes and businesses resulting from the destruction of e ...
    Feb 21 Tags: Untagged
  • Area Legislators Propose Help for Paper Industry

    Stuck, Hansen, Nelson, Hintz Call for State Action to Help Keep Mills Open in the Paper Valley. APPLETON, WI – Following the recent announcement of paper mill closures from Kimberly Clark, State Representative Amanda Stuck, State Senator Dave Hansen, and Outagamie County Executive Thomas Nelson spoke at the Paper Discovery Center, home of the Pa ...
    Feb 06 Tags: Untagged
  • Other entries by Wisconsin Senate, Jay Wadd
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