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WI opening many state parks

Posted by Sarah Godlewski, State Treasurer
Sarah Godlewski, State Treasurer
Sarah Godlewski, State Treasurer has not set their biography yet
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on Saturday, 02 May 2020 in Wisconsin

sarah-godlewski-inparkGet out of the house and stay healthy says State Treasurer.

MADISON - It’s no secret that Wisconsin has unbeatable natural resources and stunning state parks, and now, I’m happy to announce that as of today (May 1) many of these wonderful state parks will be once again open to all Wisconsinites while still maintaining the social distancing guidelines to keep us all healthy.

As the Chair of the Wisconsin Board of Commissioners of Public Lands, this is an issue that is near and dear to my heart. I know how important it is for Wisconsinites to be able to get outside and enjoy the natural beauty of our state. Not only that, but it’s also critical to maintaining both mental and physical health.

Best of all, these parks are being opened in a safe, responsible manner that will continue to keep us healthy as we combat the COVID-19 pandemic.

These are uncertain times, but if we do our job as responsible citizens and continue to respect social distancing guidelines while at these wonderful parks -- then we can all once again enjoy the natural beauty of our state.

To read more about these guidelines, and to learn which parks are open check out this Press Release from Governor Evers’ office.

I hope you and your loved ones are staying safe.

Talk soon,


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