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Republicans Open Wisconsin for Corruption

Posted by Peter Barca, Assembly Democratic Leader, District 64
Peter Barca, Assembly Democratic Leader, District 64
Representative Peter Barca is a lifelong citizen of Kenosha and Somers. He curre
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on Sunday, 08 November 2015 in Wisconsin

legislatureMADISON - When the legislature convenes an extraordinary session, it should be focused on urgent issues that will improve the lives of everyday citizens across Wisconsin.

Yet the Republican plan for their upcoming extraordinary session is to focus not on jobs, middle-class empowerment or any other issues that represent the top priorities of the people of our state, but on allowing more secretive money in politics, enabling more corporate influence over our government and increasing opportunities for political corruption.

Following this week’s announcement that Oscar Mayer is closing its plant in Madison and laying off more than 1,000 workers – and with Wisconsin stalled at 34th in the nation in private-sector job growth, dead last in new business start-ups and with a middle class shrinking faster than any other state – it is imperative that we focus our attention squarely on growing jobs. Republicans must reverse course and call for an extraordinary session to find solutions to Wisconsin’s jobs and lagging middle-class wage crisis instead of padding their campaign coffers.

When I speak to people around my district and across the state, they tell me they believe it is already far too easy for deep-pocketed individuals and wealthy special interests to buy elections in Wisconsin and control the agenda in Madison. I’m sure the public is outraged that Republicans would abuse their power to feather their own nests rather than working to create jobs or grow our economy.

Earlier this year, Assembly Democrats put forward our “15 Bills for 2015,” an Economic Opportunity Agenda designed to help create good-paying jobs, connect workers with available jobs, increase wages and rebuild Wisconsin’s middle class. Unfortunately, Republicans have refused to give any of them a committee vote or even a public hearing. The people of Wisconsin would be far better served by an extraordinary session that includes these bills or any other meaningful economic development initiatives.

While the Senate has passed their harmful campaign finance changes in extraordinary session, the Assembly has yet to act, so there is still time for your advocacy to make a difference. You can find out more about how to contact your legislator by visiting the legislative homepage at or you can call the legislative hotline at 1-800-362-9472.

I strongly urge you to contact your state representatives and make your voices heard. Let the Republicans know these campaign finance proposals are wrong for Wisconsin and that we must instead take immediate bipartisan action to help create jobs and strengthen the finances of hardworking Wisconsin families.

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Representative Peter Barca is a lifelong citizen of Kenosha and Somers. He currently represents much of the City of Kenosha and portions of the City of Racine, Town of Somers, Village of Mount Pleasant, and Village of Elmwood Park as the State Representative from the 64th Assembly District.

He had previously served as Majority Caucus Chairman and as Co-Chairman of the Joint Legislative Audit Committee. Representative Peter Barca. currently Minority Leader from Assembly District 64 (D - Kenosha). Elected to Assembly 1984-1992 (resigned 6/8/93 upon election to U.S. Congress); reelected since 2008. Minority Leader 2015, 2013, 2011; Majority Caucus Chairperson 2009, 1993, 1991. Member of Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation


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