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Blue Jean Nation 'So long Abe'

Posted by Mike McCabe, Blue Jean Nation
Mike McCabe, Blue Jean Nation
Mike McCabe is the founder and president of Blue Jean Nation and author of Blue
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on Wednesday, 19 October 2016
in Wisconsin

lincoln-walks-awayLincoln defined government as “of the people, by the people, and for the people.” We need Lincoln’s spirit now more than ever.

ALTOONA, WI - No dictionary ever captured the essence of democracy’s meaning better than Abe Lincoln did in his legendary Gettysburg Address. Lincoln defined it as government “of the people, by the people, and for the people.”

For a century and a half after the Civil War the Republican Party was the party of Lincoln. Today’s GOP, however, has separated from Lincoln and the relationship seems destined to end in divorce. Modern-day Republicans have rejected Lincoln’s commitment to equality as they flirted for decades before eventually jumping in bed with white supremacy. They also have renounced Lincoln’s idea of democracy. For years now the likes of Rush Limbaugh have been saying over and over again that America is a republic, not a democracy. And dittoheads across the country dutifully repeat the mantra.

It’s silly to argue over whether America is one or the other when we were so obviously intended to be both. The U.S. was set up to be a democratic republic. The republic the founders gave us also can accurately be described as a representative democracy or a constitutional democracy. The founders wisely and ingeniously struck a balance between majority rule by elected representatives of the people and protection of individual and minority rights by rule of constitutional law. To say we are a republic but not a democracy is to not only disregard the true meaning of these words but also to disrespect the founders’ delicate balancing act.

They understandably wanted no more to do with monarchy and sought to replace a king’s rule with democracy. But they also were rightly fearful of mob rule and felt the need to temper the democratic will with “inalienable” rights for individuals that could not be voted out of existence. They did a better job designing the system than we have done taking care of it. While some among us waste time bickering about whether America is a republic or a democracy, evidence mounts that we may no longer be worthy of either name.

At a time when the republic faced perhaps the greatest threat to its continued existence, Lincoln gave the country not only the perfect definition of democracy but also reason to believe a new birth of freedom in America was possible. In our time, all of us — whether Republican, Democrat, independent or something else — need to channel our inner Lincolns and dedicate ourselves to a new birth of democracy and equality. We need to figure out how to restore government of the people, by the people and for the people. We need to imagine an economy that is of the people, by the people and for the people and strive to make it so.

We need Lincoln’s spirit now more than ever. The party of Lincoln has waved goodbye to Abe. The rest of us need to summon him back.

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Private School Subsidy for Special Education Raises Concerns

Posted by Kathleen Vinehout, State Senator 31st District
Kathleen Vinehout, State Senator 31st District
Kathleen Vinehout of Alma is an educator, business woman, and farmer who is now
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on Tuesday, 18 October 2016
in Wisconsin

teaching-studentsPublic school leaders are concerned about the $12,000 cost of special needs vouchers and the quality of education provided under them at private schools. The money comes from local public schools and is paid to private companies.

MADISON - “When you write about tax money going to private schools, please tell people about special education vouchers,” a rural school board member told me. “Because of a change in state law, our school district is paying for special education students to sit at home in front of a computer.”

October is budget time for school districts. The rural school board member just saw the new budget and learned of the high cost for special needs students who are now attending an online school with $12,000 per student of school funds. The school board member asked that I not mention the district or his name to protect the privacy of local students.

The story of how school districts are paying private or online schools $12,000 per special needs student with little guarantee to parents or taxpayers of the quality of that education reads like a litany of everything wrong with state government.

The plan originated in secret. A budget amendment was made available to the public well after midnight. The vote was speedy and partisan. The document was long and complex. Many other controversial actions were included in the same amendment. The motion passed in the wee hours of the morning. Few paid attention to the details related to special education vouchers and open enrollment.

Now the cost is hitting local school board budgets.

Late last May, GOP leaders introduced a 29-page amendment to the state budget. One of the provisions, scheduled to go into effect this September, allowed special education students to attend private schools with a $12,000 public subsidy. Another provision nearly doubled the cost of open enrollment for a special education student and barred the child’s home school district from stopping the transfer due to financial reasons.

The latter provision opened the door for local special education students to attend on-line schools like “Wisconsin Virtual Academy.”

However, press attention at the time focused on controversial changes like allowing persons without a college degree to be public school teachers or forcing public schools to accept private school students on their athletic teams. Much attention focused on the plans to take control away from the Milwaukee School Board.

A group called “Stop Special Needs Vouchers” made up of concerned parents worked against the plan. These parents raised critical questions about sending tax money to private schools. They saw risks for students who attended private schools and a drain on sorely needed resources for students who stayed in public schools.

The group warned parents that children in a private school would lose rights and protections under federal law. Special education students are guaranteed needed services. Services might include speech therapy, assistance from a reading specialist, or occupational therapy. Private schools are not required to hire special education teachers or therapists. Nor are they required to follow a student’s Individualized Education Plan.

The families of “Stop Special Needs Vouchers” warned legislators that taking $12,000 per student away from public schools meant less money would be available for special needs students who remained in the district.

I spoke with one local superintendent whose district loses $12,000 per special education student but only received $2,400 in state aid per student. The district’s money goes to Wisconsin Virtual Academy. WVA is operated by K12, Inc. a publically traded company co-founded by William Bennett former Secretary of Education under President Reagan.

With so much money leaving a district through a variety of private school subsidies, it is hard to balance the budget.

“Why are schools going to referenda? To survive,” the superintendent told me.

Superintendents and school board members are worried the move to isolating special needs children in special schools or virtual schools changes forty years of policy to educate special needs students in the least restrictive environment.

“The biggest problem is that the kids aren’t getting much in terms of education,” said the rural school board member. “The special education student is going to suffer the rest of their lives because of a poor education.”

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'Lying In The Bed You Made' - Blue Jean Nation

Posted by Mike McCabe, Blue Jean Nation
Mike McCabe, Blue Jean Nation
Mike McCabe is the founder and president of Blue Jean Nation and author of Blue
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on Friday, 14 October 2016
in Wisconsin

bed-nailsConservative Republicans and talk radio hosts are falling over each other in their effort to distance themselves from Donald Trump, but as parents have been saying for generations, you made your bed and now you’ve got to lie in it.

ALTOONA, WI - A weird political year got weirder still when the flamboyant conservative radio and TV personality Glenn Beck said voting against Donald Trump is the “moral, ethical choice” even if it means Hillary Clinton is elected president.

Charlie SykesBeck is hardly alone among conservative pundits having pangs of conscience about what the Republican Party is turning into. Milwaukee’s conservative radio host Charlie Sykes recently owned up to his role in creating an environment where the likes of Trump could thrive, acknowledging that he and other right-wing media personalities have “created this monster.” And then Sykes announced he is ending his radio show.

Most of Sykes’ conservative media peers have gone to great lengths to deflect responsibility. Acting as if he and right-wing commentators like him had no hand in making the Frankenstein that is now laying waste to the GOP, Jonah Goldberg self-righteously proclaims Donald Trump’s supporters “oblivious to the fact that he needs more than his base to win. And once again, conservatives who’ve made a career thumping their chests or their Bibles about the importance of character and morality found themselves making excuses for a man who personifies everything they claimed to oppose.”

Other conservative heavyweights like George Will and David Brooks also have expressed horror in recent days at the ugly turn American conservatism has taken. Brooks says “Trump breaks his own world record for being appalling on a weekly basis” and his “performances look like primate dominance displays — filled with chest beating and looming growls. But at least primates have bands to connect with, whereas Trump is so alone, if a tree fell in his emotional forest, it would not make a sound.”

Brooks concludes: “It’s all so pathetic.”

Will calls Trump an “arrested-development adolescent” with “feral appetites and deranged sense of entitlement.” He goes on to say Trump is a “marvelously efficient acid bath, stripping away his supporters’ surfaces, exposing their skeletal essences” without displaying a hint of awareness of his own culpability as an intellectual architect of modern “conservatism” that has now morphed into Trumpism.

Will then grasps for straws, wishfully speculating that maybe “Trump is the GOP’s chemotherapy, a nauseating but, if carried through to completion, perhaps a curative experience.”

As parents have been saying for generations, you made your bed and now you’ve got to lie in it.

That would be all well and good, if not for the fact that the rest of us are going to have to suffer the side effects of their sleep disorders.

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Citizen Action Applauds Federal Judge’s Action on Photo ID

Posted by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Kevin Kane
Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Kevin Kane
Citizen Action of Wisconsin is a nonpartisan issue focused coalition of individu
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on Thursday, 13 October 2016
in Wisconsin

voter-idJudge orders Walker Administration to help people seeking voting credentials wade through the complicated process and undertake a public education campaign.

MADISON - Judge James D. Peterson ordered the Walker Administration today to take immediate action to remedy clear voting rights violations in the implementation of the Photo ID requirement. This includes helping people seeking voting credentials navigate the complicated process and undertaking a major public education campaign.

Judge Peterson said this morning he did not have the authority to enjoin the Photo ID law. A written order detailing the steps the Walker Administration must take is expected later today.

Judge Peterson’s action was in response to a motion by plaintiffs in a lawsuit filed by Citizen Action’s charitable arm, Citizen Action of Wisconsin Education Fund and Citizen Action community organizer Anita Johnson. Other plaintiffs in the lawsuit include One Wisconsin Institute, Renee M. Gagner, Cody R. Nelson, Jennifer S. Tasse, Scott T. Trindl, Michael R. Wilder, Johnny M. Randle, David Walker, David Aponte, and Cassandra M. Silas.

robert-kraig-announces“We believe that the Photo ID law inherently disenfranchises voters, and will ultimately be struck down as unconstitutional,” said Robert Kraig, Executive Director of Citizen Action of Wisconsin. “However, this close to the election, any interim action that will help more citizens get the credentials they need to vote is a step forward. We applaud Judge Peterson’s efforts to make sure that as many people as possible are able to exercise their fundamental right to vote.”

“We will continue giving hands on assistance to people trying to navigate the complicated system at the DMV for obtaining voting credentials,” said Anita Johnson, Community Organizer for Citizen Action of Wisconsin who works full time on enfranchising voters and is also a plaintiff in the lawsuit. “There are still thousands of people who need help if they are going to be qualified to vote. Any assistance the State of Wisconsin can provide, in accordance with Judge’s Peterson’s orders, will be greatly appreciated.”

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Update from DPW Chair Martha Laning

Posted by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Martha Laning
Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Martha Laning
Martha Laning is the Chair of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin.
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on Thursday, 13 October 2016
in Wisconsin

elizabeth-warrenMADISON - This week I'll highlight Hillary Clinton's clear win at the debate, a number of great speakers who came to the state, the last 27 days of this election season, Donald Trump's horrid comments, a new Russ Feingold ad, a number of our great candidates, Tammy Baldwin's fight against the opioid crisis, and the first place winner from our video contest.

Now is a Great Time to Join the Party

I hope you are enjoying these updates on all the great things happening with Democratic campaigns around Wisconsin.  As we work to win races across Wisconsin this November, it's also a great time to help build our party. Please take a moment today to send this update to a friend or two, and invite them to join the party! All they have to do is go to www.wisdems.org/membership to sign up!  As a member, they will get exclusive updates on Democratic campaigns and events, become part of a local community of progressive grassroots activists, and help to support our candidates up and down the ballot!

Hillary Clinton Again Shows Why She is The Most Qualified Candidate in the Race

trump-clinton-debate2During Sunday’s second presidential debate, it was clear yet again that Hillary Clinton is the only candidate with the temperament, ideas, and experience to be the President of the United States.  Throughout the debate, on issues ranging from health care to growing the economy, Hillary Clinton put forward real, common-sense solutions to the problems facing our country.  She talked about the importance of bringing people together to tackle the challenges facing Americans – rather than dividing and insulting them.  Donald Trump, on the other hand, took the opposite approach. He refused to take responsibility for the repugnant comments he made in 2005 where he bragged about using his celebrity status to sexually assault women.  He also doubled down on his divisive rhetoric about immigrants, Muslim Americans, and anyone who disagrees with him.  Throughout the entire debate, Donald Trump took the low road and true to form Hillary Clinton went high.
The reviews are in…and Hillary Clinton was the clear winner of the debate.

Special Guests in Wisconsin

bernie-for-hillary-wiWe had so many amazing people come to our state this past week. Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, as well as Gabby Giffords and President Bill Clinton were in Wisconsin. They all delivered a clear message: there is too much at stake this election to stay at home. We all have a responsibility to do everything we can, whether it is voting early, knocking on doors, or making phone calls, to ensure we elect Democrats up and down the ticket.   Bernie Sanders visited Green Bay and Madison on Wednesday, Oct. 5th to promote Hillary Clinton’s plan to create an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top.  Elizabeth Warren traveled to Milwaukee and Madison where she encouraged every person in Wisconsin to go out and vote early for Hillary Clinton, Russ Feingold, and great progressive Democrats up and down the ballot.   Gabby Gifford highlighted Democrat’s call this election season for common-sense gun control, including more stringent background checks and restricting those on the no-fly list from purchasing guns. An advocate for gun control her whole tenure in Congress, Gifford stands with Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine as they pledge to stand up to the gun lobby and advocate for responsible change.   And on Saturday, I was thrilled to join President Bill Clinton as spoke to a packed crowd of supporters about Hillary’s experience, judgment, and dedication to moving our country forward together.

Help Us Turn Wisconsin Blue!

martha-laning-canvasI took some time this week to go canvassing with my daughter, and I can’t tell you how excited people are to get out and vote. The enthusiasm I hear for Hillary Clinton, Russ, and other great Democrats down the ticket makes me believe we are going to win big in November. But we know this won’t come easy - we have to do everything we can between now and November 8th to ensure we elect Democrats to office at every level.   The stakes are too high in this election to stay on the sidelines. With less than four weeks until Election Day, we have to do everything we can to elect Democrats up and down the ticket in November.   Go to your county headquarters or contact a campaign directly to see how you can help bring Wisconsin Democrats victory this fall. Whether it is making phone calls, knocking doors, or everything in between, every effort will help ensure we win big in November.   You can find your early vote location OR your election day polling location at www.hillaryclinton.com/locate

Click here to commit to vote this election.
Click here to volunteer.
Click here to find an event near you.

Donald Trump’s Disgusting Comments

Donald Trump’s comments about women are truly horrific. I cannot begin to describe my disgust and disbelief that this man continues to be a major party’s nominee for President of the United States. Yet, despite these revelations - and despite widespread condemnation by members of both parties - here in Wisconsin Republicans like Ron Johnson, Scott Walker, Paul Ryan and so many others have continued to back Mr. Trump. While they may condemn his words, their continued support of a man so truly unfit and unworthy to hold our nation’s highest office is a disgrace.   Donald Trump has built his campaign, and his career on an endless string of bigoted, bullying, misogynistic, and outright hateful words and actions. These recent revelations are nothing new when it comes to Trump’s treatment of women - and yet even these shocking disclosures do not seem to be enough to convince Wisconsin’s GOP leaders to renounce him and his campaign. It’s time for Wisconsin’s Republican leaders to step up, show leadership, and drop their support for Donald Trump. If they won’t, they need to explain to the people of Wisconsin why they continue to stand side by side with this disgusting individual.

Russ Feingold Offers Wisconsin a Hand

russ-feingoldRuss released a new ad, highlighting the need to give Wisconsin’s business owners a hand. Russ understands that the most important resource in Wisconsin is the people and the future of our state rests in the hands of its citizens not Washington. That’s why Senator Feingold has come out against trade deals concocted in Washington that ship well paying manufacturing jobs from the Midwest to Mexico and China.  His opponent Ron Johnson on the other hand, has supported trade deals that were disastrous for Wisconsin workers and business owners during his tenure as senator. Russ is looking to reinvigorate Wisconsin businesses by rejecting bad trade deals and closing loopholes on big corporations that Ron Johnson cozies up to. The only way to build Wisconsin is to support small businesses and bring jobs back to the middle class. That’s the Russ Feingold plan for Wisconsin and that’s the plan we need come November. 

Meet More of Our Great Democratic Candidates

Democrats have a chance for big gains in 2016, thanks in large part to the amazing candidates we have running all over the state.  Here are a few more we are watching closely!   In the 51st Assembly District, Jeff Wright is taking on incumbent Republican Todd Novak.  Jeff is an educator who currently serves as the assistant Superintendent of Sauk Prairie Schools.  He and his family live on a farm in Southwest Wisconsin. Jeff is running because he knows that we need new priorities in Madison, and leaders who will invest in job creation, infrastructure, and education. Learn more about Jeff here and here.   In the 12th State Senate District, Attorney Bryan Van Stippen is running because he believes we need to restore local control for Wisconsin communities, create opportunities for a great education, protect our natural resources, improve our infrastructure, especially high-speed internet, create development opportunities for small business owners, and will advocate for fair taxes and responsible budgeting.  Visit his website and Facebook page to find out more!   

Tammy Baldwin, Wisconsin Step Up Fight Against Opioid Crisis

In the fight to combat rising opioid and heroin overdose deaths in Wisconsin, health officials have announced that pharmacies across Wisconsin will begin selling an anti-overdose drug. The drug naloxone, called by its trade name Narcan will be sold by Roundy owned pharmacies, CVS and Walgreens, a total of over 150 locations statewide.  Since 2009, opioid and heroin overdoses have surpassed car crashes as Wisconsin’s leading cause of death. Leaders like U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin are working tirelessly to solve this problem in Wisconsin and across our country. Senator Baldwin has introduced her own national legislation to combat opioid addiction and help those recovering from it. A key component to her bill was for more pharmacies everywhere in the United States to sell life-saving naloxone drugs. Working alongside her fellow Wisconsinites and her compatriots in Congress, Tammy Baldwin has been able to provide hope and support for those struggling with opioid addiction. 

First Place Video Winner

We are pleased to announce the first place winner from our video contest is Sarah Semrad, a student at UW-La Crosse.

Sarah, with the help of her friends, showed how Gov. Scott Walker’s tenure as Governor has been a disaster for Wisconsinites. The ramifications of massive funding cuts to education, particularly in the UW-system, are made clear by the stories and concerns of these students. Students are concerned about the quality of education they are receiving since the record breaking cuts to the UW system by Gov. Walker and the Republicans. One student, studying to be an elementary school teacher is particularly worried about large class sizes.  Students are also concerned about Gov. Scott Walker’s cuts to clerical healthcare for women and his refusal to addresses student loan refinancing.

The quality of higher education is the bedrock of Wisconsin’s economy, but Gov., Walker’s near-sighted budget cuts and his inaction on student loan refinancing hamper the ability for these students to contribute to Wisconsin’s economy. This video by the students of UW-La Crosse is a perfect example of why we need to vote blue in November, for leaders who care about students and prioritize education and health care.

You can see Sarah’s great video here.

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