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Dogged by scandals at home, Gov. Walker sets his sights on D.C.

Posted by Jennifer Shilling, State Senator 32nd District
Jennifer Shilling, State Senator 32nd District
Jennifer Shilling serves as the Senate Democratic Leader and represents the 32nd
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on Tuesday, 14 July 2015 in Wisconsin

scott-walkerLA CROSSE – Despite ongoing questions about potential corruption, criminal pay-to-play activity and another financially reckless $1.2 million taxpayer giveaway at the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation, Gov. Walker is set to abandon his post as chairman of the troubled agency and focus on his presidential campaign.

While the rest of the nation is enjoying strong economic growth, family wages are declining in Wisconsin and the state ranks dead last in the Midwest for job creation.

With a record of ethics problems, a lagging economy and declining family wages, Gov. Walker has proven that his priorities are more in line with Washington D.C. special interests rather than hardworking Wisconsin residents. Over the last four years he has devastated our schools, cut middle class wages and sold out Wisconsin families to benefit the special interests behind his presidential campaign.

While Gov. Walker continues to campaign full-time for president on the taxpayers' dime, families here in Wisconsin are being left behind. We need a full-time governor who is going to put the needs of Wisconsin families first and work to restore education funding, invest in infrastructure and expand access to quality health care.

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Jennifer Shilling serves as the Senate Democratic Leader and represents the 32nd District which covers La Crosse, Vernon, Crawford and parts of Monroe County.


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