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Tony Evers: "I'd rather go to jail than arm teachers" PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Tony Evers for Governor   
Saturday, 10 March 2018 15:11

MADISON - Instead of acting to reduce gun violence, Republicans want to give guns to teachers. As a lifelong educator, I can say without any hesitation that I’d rather go to jail than arm teachers in our schools.

More guns will increase the danger for our kids, not reduce it.

That’s why I’m demanding Governor Walker reject more guns in schools and invest $50 million to provide training to reduce school violence and hire both qualified school counselors and security guards.

I can’t do it alone, though, Friends. I need you to click here and join me to demand that Walker reject arming teachers.


We need to follow the lead of young people in Florida and across America. Their inspiring call to action for commonsense gun safety measures represents a change in the American conscience. We need to continue to push for reform that gets to the root of the problem.

Conducting universal background checks, eliminating bump stocks and reinstating waiting periods are measures both gun owners and non-gun owners widely support.

Add your name here to join me in demanding Walker invest in real school security, not the arming of teachers.

Every classroom should be safe. Every teacher should feel safe. Every student should feel safe.


Brad Schimel Tries to Reinvent Self Ahead of Reelection Bid PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Melanie Conklin   
Saturday, 10 March 2018 11:01

brad-schimelAttorney General running scared from his long history of being a GOP partisan hack.

League Looks for Election Observers on April 3 PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by League of Women Voters Wisconsin   
Thursday, 08 March 2018 16:50

voter-us-electionsMADISON - The League of Women Voters of Wisconsin is looking for dedicated volunteers to observe what is happening on the ground on Election Day, so we can improve the election process and empower more voters.

We're already coordinating our efforts to observe the Spring Election on April 3, 2018.

We would love it if you or someone you know would consider volunteering with us this year as an Election Observer.

Our focus for the Spring Election will be on:

  1. Ensuring there is no disenfranchisement
  2. Monitoring the voter experience - including registration and showing ID
  3. Tracking any problems that can be fixed for the fall elections

If you're interested in volunteering for the April election, let us know by filling out our volunteer form. That'll make sure we have the most up to date information to get in contact with you and to use when assigning polling places.

If you have any questions about volunteering, please do not hesitate to reach out. You can contact Eileen Newcomer, Voter Education Coordinator at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or at (608)256-0827.

Last Updated on Thursday, 08 March 2018 17:08
Scott Walker on Billboards in New Mexico PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Melanie Conklin   
Thursday, 08 March 2018 15:17

MADISON - Below are two press releases from Gov. Scott Walker's trip to New Mexico to campaign for Rep. Steve Pearce. 

The first is a summary of the joint press call between the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Democratic Governor's Association, New Mexico Democratic Party and several New Mexico education organizations. 

The second release was sent by the New Mexico Federation of Labor and details, with photos, the billboard they put up to welcome Walker to New Mexico.

For Immediate Release:
March 7, 2018                 

Jared Leopold, 202-772-5600
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DGA, Wisconsin and New Mexico Democrats Blast Pearce for Bringing Damaging Walker Education Agenda to New Mexico

Walker Traveling to New Mexico Today to Campaign and Fundraise With Pearce
Today, as Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker heads to New Mexico to fundraise with gubernatorial candidate Steve Pearce, the Democratic Governors Association and New Mexico and Wisconsin Democratic Parties called on Pearce to say whether he would bring Walker’s damaging education agenda to New Mexico. 

In Wisconsin, Walker has been a disaster on education. As governor, Walker slashed nearly $1 billion for public education, the largest cut in state history. Walker also spent his time antagonizing educators and created a statewide teacher shortage. Meanwhile, New Mexico already ranks 49th in education under Gov. Susana Martinez’s failed leadership.

Just a week after Governor Walker professed to be “not a national figure,” he continues his aggressive schedule of national political travel and neglecting Wisconsin to support an extreme candidate who is out of touch with the people of his state (and too toxic for even his own party).

DGA Executive Director Elisabeth Pearson, Democratic Party of New Mexico Chair Richard Ellenberg, Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Martha Laning spoke on a press call along with representatives of the Albuquerque Federation of Teachers and NEA New Mexico. They discussed Walker’s record of decimating Wisconsin’s public education system and how the people of New Mexico can’t afford another governor who puts personal political ambition and ideology ahead of the state’s needs. 

Audio of this call is available upon request.

“It’s clear that Scott Walker only cares about Scott Walker’s political career, and Wisconsin families have paid the price as he gutted the state’s public education system,” said DGA Executive Director Elisabeth Pearson. “New Mexico can’t afford further Scott Walker and Susana Martinez-style education devastation. But it appears that’s just what Steve Pearce would do if elected.”

“After seven years of Governor Martinez, New Mexico can’t afford another governor who puts political ideology ahead of our state, which is why Scott Walker should keep his funding cuts in Wisconsin and leave us alone,” said New Mexico Democratic Party Chairman Richard Ellenberg. “Our students and families can’t afford the same attacks on public education that Walker pushed in Wisconsin.”

“Scott Walker has neglected Wisconsin and put his own personal political ambitions ahead of education in our state,”said Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Martha Laning. “Children in New Mexico and Wisconsin deserve leaders who see public schools, tech colleges and universities as the economic engine that creates opportunities and builds stronger economies and communities. I urge the people of New Mexico and Wisconsin to reject right-wing extremists Scott Walker and Steve Pearce.”

# # #


New Mexico Federation of Labor Sends Strong Message to Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker

Albuquerque, N.M. - As Steve Pearce brought the anti-worker Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker to New Mexico today, the New Mexico Federation of Labor sent a strong message with billboards across Albuquerque. The billboards will be visible all day Wednesday, March 7 on I-40 at 6th and 12th and on Paseo at Edith and Jefferson.

"In New Mexico, we value our workers, and if Steve Pearce thinks he can bring a governor known for anti-worker, anti-social justice policies, he's gonna know that policies that hurt workers aren't welcome in our state. If Steve Pearce's rubbing elbows with governors like Walker, he doesn't deserve to be governor in New Mexico," said Jon Hendry, President of the New Mexico Federation of Labor.

"Scott Walker will go down in history as the worst governor for workers,” said Stephanie Bloomingdale, Secretary-Treasurer of the Wisconsin AFL-CIO. “He has a consistent record of attacking workers’ rights while failing to create jobs. Since the day Walker took office he has been looking to advance the wants and desires of his millionaire and billionaire campaign donors at the expense of working people.”

The billboard buy was placed by the New Mexico Federation of Labor to ensure New Mexicans knew that gubernatorial candidate Steve Pearce associates himself with anti-worker colleagues. Scott Walker has pushed policies that have lowered wages and benefited big business instead of everyday workers, including signing legislation that made Wisconsin a so-called "right to work" state. Data shows that states with right to work laws in place have lower wages. Walker has eliminated worker protections, cut wages and benefits, rescinded equal pay protections and is against raising the minimum wage -- in addition to gutting unions.

Governor Walker and the Republicans have passed many other bills with a negative impact on unions and workers:

Repealing the 2009 Equal Pay Enforcement Act, which made it easier for women workers victimized by wage discrimination to seek remedies.

-Legalizing a “seven day work week,” repealing a law that said employees must have at least one day of rest every seven days.

Repealing the “living wage” law, which gave workers the option to demand better pay — as much as $6,000 annually — than the minimum wage. Meanwhile, Walker and Republicans have resisted calls to raise the minimum wage, which have been passed in 21 states.

Ending prevailing wage requirements by local governments.

-Ending project labor agreements by local governments, which require the use of union workers for public works projects. The state Senate and Assembly have both passed similar bills which simply need to be consolidated.

-Eliminating child labor law rule that “16- and 17-year-olds couldn’t work more than 26 hours during a school week and more than 50 hours a week during vacations,” as Bloomberg.com reported. The new law lifted those restrictions.

Last Updated on Thursday, 08 March 2018 16:26
Walker's "Welfare Reform" Approach is Punishment, Not Lifting People Out of Poverty PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Forward with Flynn, Bryan Kennedy   
Tuesday, 06 March 2018 14:29

matt-flynnMILWAUKEE - Democratic gubernatorial candidate Matt Flynn today made the following statement regarding Walker's "welfare reform" plans.

"Cutting food stamps, BadgerCare coverage, and other benefits might save the state money in the short term, but it will not make anyone's lives better. The strings Walker wants to attach to benefits are intended to shame the recipients, not help them. We should focus instead on pulling people out of poverty rather than pushing them further towards destitution.

"My approach to 'welfare reform' is economic opportunity. If we raise the minimum wage and reverse the anti-union laws, we can pull people out of poverty. Higher wages is the key. Walker has forced wage-killing policies on Wisconsin for seven years. Adjusted for inflation, median hourly wages are lower than they were under Jim Doyle. The result is more people depend on the state for food stamps, health coverage, and more."


Matt Flynn is a Navy veteran, attorney, and former Chair of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin. He attended law school at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.

For additional information, visit www.ForwardWithFlynn.com

Matt Flynn Will Make Childcare a Budget Priority PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Forward with Flynn, Bryan Kennedy   
Monday, 05 March 2018 11:43

matt-flynnGubernatorial candidate wants greater support for Wisconsin Shares and YoungStar.

MILWAUKEE - Democratic gubernatorial candidate Matt Flynn called for greater support for Wisconsin’s two essential childcare programs, Wisconsin Shares and YoungStar.

Flynn said, “Working parents need to know their pre-school children are well cared for and are developing the skills they will need to succeed in school. As a first step we need to restore the money that Walker and Republicans cut from Wisconsin Shares in the last 10 years. Childcare is essential to improve quality of life in Wisconsin.”

Flynn’s childcare strategy will:

  1. Fund and continue improving YoungStar to ensure quality of childcare.
  2. Restore Wisconsin Share payments, cut by Scott Walker, to ensure that childcare is affordable for families.
  3. Rigorously monitor Wisconsin Shares and YoungStar to improve quality and to attack fraud and waste.
  4. Fight for federal healthcare dollars. Healthcare and childcare go hand in hand.

Childcare is a good investment of taxpayer money. According to Arthur Rolnick, former research director at the Federal Reserve Bank, “Early childhood development is like a low-risk, blue chip stock that pays extraordinary dividends that are long lasting.”

The Wisconsin Budget Project’s September 2017 report indicates that Walker’s misplaced priorities have seriously reduced the number of children served: “The Wisconsin Shares child care subsidy program has shown a serious decline over the last decade, with annual subsidy payments dropping over $130 million in current dollars. There has been an 18% decline in participating child care programs, and a decline of over 20% in children served – particularly in rural areas.”

“Scott Walker is investing billions of our tax dollars in corporate subsidies and marketing campaigns. It makes far more sense to invest in the foundation of our economy, the families who live here,” said Flynn. “When I am governor, we will work with families, agencies, and professionals to create a stronger childcare program that has the scope and rigor to meet the needs of parents and children across Wisconsin.”


Matt Flynn is a Navy veteran, attorney, and former Chair of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin. He attended law school at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.

For additional information, visit www.ForwardWithFlynn.com.

Tim Burns on the Wisconsin Supreme Court Primary PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Burns for Wisconsin, Amanda Brink   
Friday, 23 February 2018 12:26

tim-burnsCongratulates Judge Rebecca Dallet and Michael Screnock on the campaigns they have across the state. Hopes supporters will never stop fighting for working people and Wisconsin families.

MADISON - Following election returns Michael Screnock and Rebecca Dallet have advanced to the April General Election for the State Supreme Court. They will face off on the April 3rd ballot.

In response Tim Burns released the following statement:

I want to take a moment to congratulate Judge Rebecca Dallet and Michael Screnock on the campaigns they have across the state. My campaign and I have worked incredibly hard and fought passionately for what we believed in, but unfortunately, we came up short.

I hope my supporters will never stop fighting for working people until we restore power back to Wisconsin families from the hands of a privileged few. There’s so much work to do in 2018, and I know that Working Families Party, Citizen Action of Wisconsin, AFT local 212, AFSCME, the TAA and Our Wisconsin Revolution will be leading the charge to ensure a Wisconsin that works for everyone, not just the wealthy and well-connected.

In the coming days, I will be returning to private life, but I will continue to be a fierce partner with my supporters, their issues and the candidates they support.

Kevin Nicholson Declined to Register as a Republican in 2010 PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Brad Bainum   
Monday, 19 February 2018 11:31

kevin-nicholson-cspanNicholson has repeatedly contended that he's been an active Republican since 2007. He says he left the Democratic Party as early as 2000, despite working to elect Democrats in 2002. Dems say his "dishonesty is disqualifying".

MADISON - The Wisconsin State Journal yesterday reported that Kevin Nicholson declined to register to vote as a Republican as late as 2010, when he moved to Massachusetts, despite Nicholson repeatedly claiming that he's been an active Republican since 2007.

This is just the latest glaring contradiction in Kevin Nicholson's year-long-and-counting campaign to perniciously mislead Wisconsinites about his personal views and political history:

  • It was UNTRUE when Nicholson claimed he left the 2000 Democratic National Convention convinced he was not a Democrat, because two years laterNicholson worked to elect Democrats in Minnesota -- and five years after that, he registered to vote as a Democrat in North Carolina.
  • It was UNTRUE when Nicholson said his military service led him to leave the Democratic Party, because it's a matter of public record that he voted in the 2008 Democratic presidential primary in North Carolina.
  • And the time Nicholson claimed to have voted "no preference" in 2008's Democratic presidential primary? There's NO EVIDENCE of that, either. Records prove otherwise, and PolitiFact has called out Nicholson's dishonesty.

"Wisconsinites expect transparency," said Brad Bainum, Democratic Party of Wisconsin spokesperson for the 2018 Senate race. "Kevin Nicholson's pathological dishonesty is disqualifying, and no amount of spending from his out of out-of state, billionaire megadonor or corporate special interests can change that." 

Read more from the Wisconsin State Journal.

Matt Adamczyk: I Choose Leah PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Leah Vukmir for Senate, Mattias Gugel   
Monday, 19 February 2018 10:34

leah-vukmirWisconsin’s state treasurer since 2015 endorses Leah Vukmir as Republican candidate for U.S. Senate.

MADISON - I have dedicated my entire tenure as state treasurer to cutting government waste. I have advocated for eliminating my own job and identifying expensive, useless bureaucratic red tape. Leah Vukmir understands those exact issues, working tirelessly to address them, and has been one of my strongest allies in removing the unnecessary position of state treasurer.

And because we share the same values to create a limited, smaller government, I choose Leah Vukmir for U.S. Senate.

The challenges facing our state and our nation must be addressed head on, and I know of no better fighter than Leah. Leah is battle tested. She has taken on the difficult issues and successfully implemented conservative policies, improving the lives of Wisconsinites.

matt-adamczykSmall changes make big differences. In my role as state treasurer, I have worked hard to look for all the efficiencies, even seemingly minor ones. In our world of flashy politics, it is easy to overlook the small things, but Leah has been an unwavering ally in our fight for fiscal reform. She understands that the basics form the foundation of conservative leadership.

In politics, there is a saying: It is far easier to prevent something from happening than it is to remove something after it has happened. Leah has been a vigilant partner in preventing bad things from starting. She has always believed that stopping bad legislation is just as important, if not more important, than implementing good legislation. We have benefited from Leah’s steadfast conservativism for near two decades. Wisconsin, and the rest of America, desperately needs someone with that same attitude in Washington.

Though I’m sad to lose an ally who fights for fiscal conservatism in Madison, I choose Leah Vukmir to be our next U.S. Senator. We would all benefit from Leah’s experience and unwavering dedication to the taxpayers of the Badger State.


Matt Adamczyk has been Wisconsin’s state treasurer since 2015.

Last Updated on Monday, 19 February 2018 10:51
Citizen Action Endorses Tim Burns for State Supreme Court PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Robert Kraig   
Thursday, 15 February 2018 16:01

tim-burnsBurns a breath of fresh air in corrupt Supreme Court election process says statewide progressive social justice group.

Last Updated on Saturday, 17 February 2018 15:33
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