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Our Girls - Kelda Roys for Governor PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Kelda for Governor Press   
Saturday, 23 June 2018 13:00

MADISON - In “Our Girls,” Roys tells the story of learning about the prevalence of Bisphenol A, a neurotoxin and endocrine disruptor, in children’s products, and becoming determined to make Wisconsin a leader in banning it.

Roys authored the law with then-Sen. Julie Lassa, making Wisconsin one of the first states in the nation to prohibit BIsphenol A, which is added to plastics, from children’s food and beverage containers.

kelda-roys-for-govThroughout her career, Roys has taken on powerful special interests to help Wisconsin’s children and families. Learn more: http://bit.ly/2I7WOhd

Andy Gronik Endorses Kelda Roys For Governor of Wisconsin PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Andy Gronik Press Office, Brandon Weathersby   
Saturday, 23 June 2018 10:13

kelda-roysFormer gubernatorial candidate encourages Wisconsinites to support Kelda Roys as the state’s next Governor.

MILWAUKEE – The crowded Wisconsin gubernatorial race has left many in “wait and see” mode. “That’s a recipe for Democrats’ fourth straight loss,” Gronik said. “Now is the time to pick the candidate that will beat Scott Walker in November! I thought I was that candidate, but it wasn’t in the cards. So, I took a day to say ‘thank you’ to some of the thousands of people who supported me. But now it’s time move on and get to electing the next governor of Wisconsin – Kelda Roys.”

andy-gronikFor those paralyzed by indecision, Gronik says, “Get over it or get used to losing. I stood on stage with all of those wonderful candidates – I like and respect every one of them, but that’s not the point. We need to choose the candidate that will beat Scott Walker in November. I believe that candidate is Kelda Roys and I strongly encourage everyone to check out her campaign now.

Gronik is not wasting any time helping Kelda get elected. Today, he’s launching fundraising emails on Kelda’s behalf and asking his social media followers – the largest in the race – to get on board with Kelda. “There’s simply no time to mess around,” Gronik said. “This is about building name recognition, excitement, and financial resources so Kelda sprints through that primary with the support needed to carry her to victory in November.”

To all the donors who have supported Democratic candidates in the past but are now sitting on the bench, Gronik says, “Get in the game – your indecision is a decision. It isn’t helping anyone, and you’re contributing to the confusion. I would simply ask donors, ‘When was the last time you got what you wanted by sitting back and doing nothing?’ There’s no ‘blue wave’ that’s going to carry just any Democratic candidate across the finish line. You need to join me and help make it happen starting today.”

Gronik outlined his top reason for endorsing Roys. “It’s very simple – I believe Kelda will beat Scott Walker in November. That’s it. No need to make this any more complicated than that.”

Andy Gronik will be hosting a fundraiser for Kelda Roys on Saturday, June 30th. Details forthcoming. Gronik is issuing a special “get off your butts” challenge to Wisconsin’s donor community to attend and match or beat his pledge to donate $5,000 to Kelda for governor. “If I can make a decision to support Kelda the day after getting out the race, you can, too. We’ve got nothing to lose but the election if the people and organizations in the position to make a difference continue to sit back and do nothing. Time’s up! Please join me in supporting Kelda for Governor.”

Last Updated on Saturday, 23 June 2018 12:35
Andy Gronik Ends Campaign for Governor PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Andy Gronik Press Office, Brandon Weathersby   
Thursday, 21 June 2018 16:23

andy-gronikMilwaukee entrepreneur Andy Gronik steps aside to help focus resources and momentum on a democratic candidate that will beat Governor Scott Walker.

MILWAUKEE - The crowded field of ten Democrats just got a little less crowded today with the announcement that entrepreneur Andy Gronik would suspend his campaign for Governor of Wisconsin. “This journey has been the greatest of my life,” Gronik said. I’ve had the amazing privilege of meeting with and listening to people from all walks of life and all political persuasions – democrats, republicans and people who could care less about politics – from all across our beautiful state. It is these people’s stories and struggles that inspired me to enter this race and bring people together to create a Wisconsin That Works for everyone.”

The Marquette Law School poll released yesterday showed Gronik trailing Evers by a wide margin but clustered together with his other democratic challengers. “The response to my candidacy has been incredible, and we’ve been picking up momentum and supporters every day, but just not fast enough,” Gronk said. “I will be forever grateful to the tens of thousands of people from throughout the state and country who supported my efforts to become the next governor of Wisconsin. And, I will be eternally grateful to everyone who stood shoulder-to-shoulder with me in the fight to reclaim our state for all of the people who live here.”

Despite the incredible outpouring of support, Gronik has not been able to break away from the very crowded field. “It’s time for me to step down and give someone a legitimate chance to win in November,” Gronik said. “There are lots of people sitting on the bench, confused by the large field of candidates and waiting to see what happens in the primary. I don’t think that’s a winning strategy! This is a time for decisive action, so I am strongly encouraging people to coalesce around the Democratic candidate they believe will beat Scott Walker. Let’s not forget that’s the objective. I will be endorsing a candidate soon and will work hard to see the winner of the primary victorious in November.”

“Jumping into this race was as much of a calling to me as anything I’ve ever done in my life and getting out is very difficult for me. I’ve always delivered on my promises, and I made a lot of promises throughout our state that I’d bring people back together to build on Wisconsin’s strengths and make a living here better for everyone. I took this fight for so many good reasons but especially to help those marginalized by our broken political system who cannot fight for themselves. I’ve fallen well short of my goal, and it hurts.”

“I want to thank my wife Mary and my amazing children Spencer and Maria for all their love and support. I’ve been largely absent from their lives over the past 2-1/2 years working tirelessly to find real solutions to the social issues dividing our state. Every conversation I’ve had during this period has been my honor, and I will take away one compliment as a remembrance of this amazing journey, ‘Andy, you are everywhere, for everyone, always. Wisconsinites, you are loved," Gronik concluded.

SCOTUS Drops Ball on GOP Election-Rigging Case PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Wisconsin Senate, Kate Constalie   
Wednesday, 20 June 2018 17:47

vote-equalEvery voter deserves to have their voice heard. Many state Republican politicians who have blocked this right are up for re-election this fall.

MADISON, WI – The U.S. Supreme Court delayed a decision on the merits of Wisconsin’s gerrymandered legislative maps, dealing a temporary setback to advocates for fair elections. In response to the ruling, Senate Democratic Leader Jennifer Shilling released the following statement:

jennifer-shilling“Democrats believe every voter deserves to have their voice heard,” said Senate Democratic Leader Jennifer Shilling (D-La Crosse). “Republican efforts to suppress voters, restrict voting rights and rig elections through gerrymandered maps have demonstrated just how desperate they’ve become to cling to power. Despite this delay, Democrats will continue to champion non-partisan redistricting reform to empower citizens and restore fairness to our election process.”

Republican lawmakers in the majority party have repeatedly blocked redistricting reform legislation (SB13/AB44) and voted against a Democratic budget motion to create a non-partisan redistricting plan. Republican politicians, many of whom are up for re-election this fall, will benefit from maps that been drawn unconstitutionally in their favor.

Wisconsin legislative districts have been described as “one of the worst partisan gerrymanders in modern American history.” Even though State Senate Democratic candidates won a majority of votes in 2016, Republicans expanded their majority due to the partisan gerrymandered district lines.

Last Updated on Thursday, 21 June 2018 15:25
Supreme Court Redistricting Decision Renews Need for Change PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Wisconsin Senate, Jay Wadd   
Wednesday, 20 June 2018 17:44

vote-equalWe need to take the politics out of the map-drawing process by enacting our Fair Maps redistricting plan, says Senator Hansen.

Last Updated on Thursday, 21 June 2018 15:24
Gronik on Supreme Court Gill v. Whitford Decision PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Andy Gronik Press Office, Brandon Weathersby   
Monday, 18 June 2018 17:54

vote-rightsPragmatic, common-sense solutions, like an independent redistricting reform, are needed to remedy our broken politics where career politicians, special interests, and major corporations win at the expense of everyday people in our state.

MILWAUKEE - Democratic gubernatorial candidate, Andy Gronik, released the following statement on Monday in response to the Supreme Court's ruling in Gill v. Whitford:

andy-gronik"Today, the Supreme Court of the United States decided to delay action on Gill v. Whitford, the Wisconsin gerrymandering lawsuit. I applaud the plaintiffs on bringing up an important case and bringing attention to millions of voters who now know what gerrymandering is and how letting legislators choose their constituents, instead of the other way around, destroys our democracy.

"From the beginning of this campaign, I've made it clear that if we want to protect democracy here in Wisconsin, our governor needs to be a fighter, someone who will fight to make sure the peoples' voice is heard. This month, I took on the state GOP and Governor Walker after they tried to strip away the voices of 1,770 people in Milwaukee's African American community and people with previous felony convictions who had signed his nomination papers. I'm not talking the talk, I'm walking the walk and fighting for every voice in Wisconsin.

"As your next governor, I'll use my problem-solving skills to work with the legislature to pass independent redistricting reform that adopts the Iowa redistricting model and takes partisanship out of mapmaking in the future.

"It's pragmatic, common-sense solutions, like an independent redistricting reform, that we need to remedy our broken politics where career politicians, special interests, and major corporations win at the expense of everyday people in our state.

"I've always believed in a transparent, accountable, and accessible government. The right to vote is sacred and we should do all we can to protect that right and expand it to as many Americans as possible to ensure they have a voice in our government. Voters should choose their politicians, not the other way around.

"We need someone who is a fighter and who will protect our democracy as our next governor. I don't sit on the sidelines while my fellow Wisconsinites are attacked and have their voices taken away by dirty political tricks. I've stood up to Scott Walker and his election machine twice and won. I am that fighter that Wisconsin needs and after I beat Walker in November we'll restore the voice of the people of this state once again."

Last Updated on Thursday, 21 June 2018 15:32
Matt Flynn Criticizes Plan to Reduce Salaries of State Legislators PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Forward with Flynn, Bryan Kennedy   
Friday, 15 June 2018 14:21

matt-flynnQuestions why fellow Democratic candidate Tony Evers is adopting Scott Walker's tactics on wages.

MILWAUKEE - Wisconsin gubernatorial candidate Matt Flynn made the following statement Thursday criticizing a recent proposal to reduce the salaries of Wisconsin's state legislators.

"Why is a Democrat adopting Scott Walker tactics on wages?

"This week saw a proposal from one of my Democratic opponents to lower legislator pay to match that of a starting teacher in Wisconsin. This is a Walker-style tactic to pit the public against their own elected officials.

"Since Scott Walker took office, his mission has been to drive down wages in our state. With Act 10, so-called Right-to-Work legislation, ending Prevailing Wage, and refusing to raise the minimum wage, Walker has put a cap on wages. The median wage in Wisconsin, adjusted for inflation, is lower now than it was under Governor Jim Doyle. 

"Walker has pitted private sector workers against public sector workers. Now, a fellow Democrat proposes to use the same divide-and-conquer tactics to pit the people against their representatives. I disagree.

"We need a Governor who will lift wages in Wisconsin. We need someone who will repeal Act 10 and Right-to-Work, bring back Prevailing Wage, and raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour. We need someone who will put in place policies to make everyone do better—not drag everyone down.

"I get it—this was an election year stunt, much like Governor Walker's recent property tax stunt. But Wisconsinites don't need political stunts. They need higher wages.

"Teachers should have their starting salaries raised, and repealing Act 10 will enable bargaining for wages, hours, and working conditions to make that happen. 

"Furthermore, legislators should be full-time public servants. If legislator pay is lowered, only the wealthy will run for office because only they can afford to serve part-time for little pay. 

"Wisconsinites are tired of suffering from stagnant wages, and where people work two or three jobs to make ends meet. We have to get rid of the divisions that pit neighbor against neighbor. Democrats' goal is to raise everyone's wages, not to lower them."


Matt Flynn is a Navy veteran, attorney, and former Chair of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin. He graduated from law school at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.

For additional information, visit www.ForwardWithFlynn.com.

Sieber On Local Win for Calab Frostman PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by GBP Staff   
Tuesday, 12 June 2018 23:44

tomsieberNew face in 88th AD race congratulates Frostman on win Tuesday, says it’s time to reclaim the Wisconsin idea and move forward.

caleb-frostmanGREEN BAY - “Congratulations to Senator Elect Frostman," said Tom Sieber, Democratic candidate for the 88th Assembly District in a press release Tuesday.

"The victory tonight sends a clear message; it’s time to reclaim the Wisconsin idea," said Sieber. "The idea that we will grow local business and protect the environment. The idea that affords the next generation with the best education and opportunities possible. The idea that our community knows what is best, and not enormous multi-nationals corporations paying off politicians to collect corporate welfare."

"The time for change is now," concludes Sieber. "Some of the state is waiting until November to move forward. Here, in the 88th district we are already hard at work. No more dirty business. No more dirty air and water standards. And, no more dirty politics. We are the future of the Wisconsin idea and we are here to stay."

Last Updated on Wednesday, 13 June 2018 16:16
Republican Special Election Candidates Are Staunchly Anti-health Care PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Melanie Conklin   
Saturday, 09 June 2018 14:10

andre-jacqueDemocratic candidates in both Green Bay, Door & Kewaunee Co. area Senate District 1 and Central Wisconsin Assembly District 42 promise to fight for affordable, quality health care for all. Be sure to vote this Tuesday, June 12.

Last Updated on Saturday, 09 June 2018 15:18
André Jacque Has Been an Enemy to Women's Health Care PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Melanie Conklin   
Thursday, 07 June 2018 15:16

andre_jacqueCandidate in Senate District 1 has extreme record that shows no regard for the health, safety and dignity of Wisconsin women or vital, life-saving research.

Last Updated on Thursday, 07 June 2018 15:34
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