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Walker Refuses To Stand Up For Harley-Davidson, Again PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, TJ Helmstetter   
Wednesday, 15 August 2018 12:55

scott-walker-harleyMILWAUKEE - Patrick Marley of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that Walker attempted to show support for both Trump and the motorcycle company, but did not say whether he opposed a boycott. Walker aides refused to answer that question. Excerpts are below.

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Scott Walker Caught Between Donald Trump and Harley-Davidson


"GOP Gov. Scott Walker also assiduously avoided saying whether he supported a Harley boycott.

The issue was thrust upon the candidates — all strong backers of Trump — after Trump posted a Sunday message on Twitter saying a boycott of the Milwaukee-based company would be "great."

The issue came up at a bad time for Wisconsin Republicans — just before a primary that will determine who will face Baldwin and which of eight Democrats will take on Walker.

In a statement, Walker attempted to show support for both Trump and the motorcycle company, but did not say whether he opposed a boycott. Walker aides refused to answer that question.


That puts Wisconsin Republicans in a tough spot. They don't want to alienate a president who is popular in their party and who is quick to excoriate critics.

But they also don't want to attack a company that is woven into the fabric of the state's identity and celebrating its 115th anniversary."

Read more: https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/politics/elections/2018/08/13/scott-walker-caught-between-donald-trump-and-harley-davidson/975730002/

Mandela Barnes: "YOU made this happen" PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Mandela Barnes, Lt. Governor   
Wednesday, 15 August 2018 09:32

mandela-barnesMILWAUKEE - We did it! Last night, after seven months of campaigning, Wisconsin Democrats went to the polls and chose me to be their next Lieutenant Governor. I want to take a moment to thank each and every one of you who supported me throughout this process. It is an honor and a privilege to have reached this point.

Whether you donated to the campaign, talked to your friends and family, made calls, shared social media posts, came to an event, or simply filled the bubble next to my name on the ballot, we wouldn’t be anywhere without you.

As exciting as all of this is, we know that we’re only halfway there. This election, more than anything else, is about taking power back in our state, and restoring and expanding opportunity across Wisconsin. The time is now to organize in every community, and to elect progressive Democrats up and down the ballot, from Tammy Baldwin at the federal level all the way down to the Assembly, where there are Democrats running in 91 of 99 districts!

I want to thank all the great candidates who ran in the primary for Governor this year. The thoughtful exchange of ideas represented a welcome contrast to the ugly battle waged by Republicans in their primary for Senate.

Democrats stand united, and I am thrilled to be joining the ticket with Tony Evers on the November 6th ballot. With your continued support, I know that we will win and bring real, positive change to the lives of Wisconsinites - no matter which party they’ve supported in the past.

-- Mandela Barnes

Last Updated on Friday, 17 August 2018 09:41
Roys Endorsed by Elected Officials in Southeastern Wisconsin PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Kelda for Governor Press   
Monday, 13 August 2018 16:15

kelda-roys-for-govState Representatives and officials from Milwaukee, Sheboygan, Shorewood, and Oak Creek-Franklin come over to Kelda Roys for Governor.

MADISON, WI - Kelda Roys has secured the endorsement of several state and local elected officials throughout Southeastern Wisconsin.

christine-sinicki-milwRoys has been endorsed by:

  • State Representative JoCasta Zamarripa

  • State Representative Christine Sinicki

  • Milwaukee Alderman Cavalier Johnson

  • Sheboygan Supervisor Alexandra Nugent

  • Sheboygan School Board Member Ryan Burg

  • Sheboygan Alder Ryan Sorenson

  • Shorewood Village Board Member Jessica Carpenter

  • Oak Creek-Franklin School Board Member Leah Schreiber Johnson

“I’m thrilled to have earned the endorsements of so many local elected officials throughout our great state.” said Roys. “They recognizing that our campaign has the message and momentum to take on Walker and return prosperity to Wisconsin.”

Roys has previously been endorsed by many national and state organizations and leaders, including EMILY’s List, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, NARAL Pro-Choice America, Bon Iver, the Network for Public Education, the Wisconsin Gazette, Women’s March WI, National Organization for Women - Wisconsin, Feminist Majority PAC, WUFPAC, Demand Universal Healthcare, Moms Demand Action Candidate Distinction, #VoteProChoice, Andy Gronik, Outagamie Co. Exec. Thomas Nelson, Diane Ravitch, Rep. Lisa Subeck, Rep. Amanda Stuck, Rep. Nick Milroy, former Sen. Jess King, philanthropist Lynde Uihlein, and many local elected officials and leaders.


Kelda Roys, 39, is a small business owner, attorney, former state representative, and past head of NARAL Pro-Choice Wisconsin, who has been standing up for women and families throughout her career. In the Assembly, she stood out as an influential and effective lawmaker, delivering results for working families and helping lead the opposition to Governor Scott Walker’s divisive agenda. As the parent and stepparent of four girls, Roys will fight for paid family leave, affordable childcare, student debt relief, great schools, and healthcare for all. In a year in which Wisconsin voters are ready for change, Kelda Roys provides the clearest contrast to Scott Walker.

Andy Gronik's Endorsements for Tuesday's Primary PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Andy Gronik Press Office, Brandon Weathersby   
Friday, 10 August 2018 12:55

andy-gronikFormer Democratic candidate for Governor Andy Gronik shares his picks in Tuesday's primaries.

MILWAUKEE - Traveling throughout Wisconsin listening to the life stories of real people with all political beliefs and shaping their ideas into real plans to make living in Wisconsin better for everyone was one of the greatest privileges of my life. I am so grateful to all of you for being a part of my campaign and for contributing your ideas, passion, time and money to help me.

While I am no longer in the race, I have continued to fight on your behalf because Wisconsinites deserve a true advocate who will work to bring our divided state and country back together again in ways that honor ALL the people who live here.   We’re getting down to the nitty gritty and I’ve come out strong in support of a few candidates because I think they are uniquely qualified to get us back to being Wisconsin.

kelda-roysKelda Roys For Governor — We can’t begin to restore the progressive values needed to put the people of our state back in the driver’s seat unless we beat Gov. Scott Walker.  And, let’s be honest, beating Scott Walker is going to be tough. I got to know all of the candidates for governor very well and I like them all. But I’m supporting Kelda because I think she’s in the best position, with a unique constituency, to beat Walker. It’s that simple.

Please join me in voting for Kelda Roys for Governor on Tuesday, August 14th.

sarah-godlewskiSarah Godlewski For Treasurer — Gov. Walker’s been busy trying to consolidate power to himself and away from the people of our state. I am diametrically opposed to this kind of power-hungry leadership. Sarah has a brilliant financial mind and the Office of the Treasurer is a financial position - let’s not forget that. Sarah is tenacious, leading the fight to save the office Walker was trying to obliterate — and won — let’s not forget that either.

Sarah is not only the fiscal “watchdog" needed right now in Wisconsin, she has the vision needed to claw back the oversight lost by this office over the years. Please join me in voting for Sarah Godlewski for State Treasurer on Tuesday, August 14th.

earnell-lucasEarnell Lucas for Milwaukee County Sheriff — I love that Earnell Lucas, a kid that grew up in the Hillside Terrace public housing development, wants to apply the knowledge he’s gained working to safeguard Major and Minor League Baseball to restoring the Milwaukee County Sheriff’s Office, which was nationally humiliated by the self-aggrandizing mismanagement of it’s former leader David Clarke.

Sometimes the only way to make systemic changes to up-side-down organizations is by bringing in talented people from the outside to make the changes so desperately needed. And, in Earnell’s case, he will begin the journey of rebuilding honor and professionalism in the Milwaukee County Sheriff’s Office with a working understanding of the department he once so bravely served. I hope Milwaukee County residents will join me in voting for Earnell Lucas for Milwaukee County Sheriff on Tuesday, August 14th.

Thank you in advance for considering these wonderful candidates on Tuesday and for encouraging all of your friends to do the same. And, thanks again for all you have done to inform and support one of the most amazing and fulfilling journeys of my life.



Last Updated on Friday, 10 August 2018 13:20
Evers to Hold Primary Election Night Event in Madison PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Tony Evers for Governor, Maggie Gau   
Friday, 10 August 2018 11:44

tony_eversTuesday, August 14th, Top of the Park, doors open to the public at 8:01 PM.

MADISON – On Tuesday, August 14th, 2018, Evers for Wisconsin will hold a primary election night party with supporters at the Best Western Premier Park Hotel in Madison. Supporters will gather after polls close beginning at 8:01 PM to watch returns come in.

WHEN: Tuesday, August 14, 2018, Event doors open to public: 8:01 PM

WHERE: Best Western Premier Park Hotel, 22 S Carroll St, Madison, Top of the Park, 8th Floor

Last Updated on Friday, 10 August 2018 11:52
Challenger Sieber Outraises Two Term Incumbent in Assembly District 88 PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Citizens For Sieber Press   
Tuesday, 07 August 2018 16:55

tomsieberBrown County Supervisor and newcomer to State politics is getting out to talk to people. Says politicians in Madison are no longer concerned about their interests.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 07 August 2018 18:51
Kelda Roys Endorsed by Rep. Christine Sinicki PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Kelda for Governor Press   
Monday, 06 August 2018 16:17

kelda-roysLongest-serving woman in the Assembly, and a champion for public education, organized labor, and veterans backs Roys for Governor.

MADISON, WI - Today, State Representative Christine Sinicki announced her endorsement of Kelda Roys. Rep. Sinicki is the longest-serving woman in the Assembly, and a champion for public education, organized labor, and veterans.

christine-sinicki-milw“To build a better future in Wisconsin, we need new leadership,” said Sinicki. “It’s time to unite behind the candidate who is energizing voters all across this state - and that’s Kelda. Kelda is the candidate who can win in November.”

“I’m proud to have earned the endorsement of Rep. Sinicki,” said Roys. “Working alongside her in the Assembly to support Wisconsin families was a privilege, and I’m looking forward to continuing that partnership after we win in November. Together, we will restore opportunity and fairness to Wisconsin.”

Last week, Roys earned the endorsements of the Eau Claire indie band Bon Iver, as well as Diane Ravitch, president of the Network for Public Education, who the Washington Post described as “the titular leader of the grassroots movement against corporate school reform.”

Roys has previously been endorsed by many national and state organizations and leaders, including EMILY’s List, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, NARAL Pro-Choice America, the Wisconsin Gazette, Women’s March WI, National Organization for Women - Wisconsin, Feminist Majority PAC, WUFPAC, Demand Universal Healthcare, Moms Demand Action Candidate Distinction, #VoteProChoice, Andy Gronik, Outagamie Co. Exec. Thomas Nelson, Rep. Lisa Subeck, Rep. JoCasta Zamarripa, Rep. Amanda Stuck, Rep. Nick Milroy, former Sen. Jess King, philanthropist Lynde Uihlein, and hundreds of local elected officials and leaders.


Kelda Roys, 39, is a small business owner, attorney, former state representative, and past head of NARAL Pro-Choice Wisconsin, who has been standing up for women and families throughout her career. In the Assembly, she stood out as an influential and effective lawmaker, delivering results for working families and helping lead the opposition to Governor Scott Walker’s divisive agenda. As the parent and stepparent of four girls, Roys will fight for paid family leave, affordable childcare, student debt relief, great schools, and healthcare for all. In a year in which Wisconsin voters are ready for change, Kelda Roys provides the clearest contrast to Scott Walker.

Mahlon Mitchell Turns Tables on Trackers PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Mahlon Mitchell Press   
Saturday, 04 August 2018 10:37

mahlon_mitchell"Scott Walker’s cronies are harassing me and my voters -- and I’m fighting back!" says Gubernatorial candidate.

With less than 2 weeks until Election Day, my team and I are hard at work! We were knocking doors the other day and ran into a Republican tracker who follows me around everywhere harassing me, my team, and our voters.

This type of behavior has no place in our politics -- so I stood up and spoke out.


I promise to stand up to Scott Walker and his political machine every step of the way -- as your candidate, and as your governor.

Of course, Scott Walker is now trying to spin this back on me. But his fake outrage is as out of touch as his priorities. As a 20 year firefighter, I don’t need lessons on courage from a governor who has cowered away from the needs of Wisconsinites, like a fully funded public education system, infrastructure investment, affordable healthcare and living wages.

If Scott Walker wanted to hear from me or Wisconsin voters, he would join us out in the community. Instead, he’s sending his staffer to try to intimidate Wisconsin voters.

If you’re ready for a governor who will fight for you and not just take orders from foreign corporations and a handful of billionaires, then make a contribution to our campaign today.

I’m in this fight for you. And I won’t back down. #TogetherWeRise

-- Mahlon

Evers Campaign Releases Second TV Ad, “Best” PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Tony Evers for Governor, Maggie Gau   
Saturday, 04 August 2018 10:08

school-bus-kidsEvers talks about his belief in kids, and says Scott Walker is “the most anti-education governor our state has ever seen.”

MADISON – With just under a week and a half before the primary election on August 14, Tony for Wisconsin is releasing it’s latest TV ad, “Best.”

tony_eversEvers has led every single poll since January and most recently was shown having strong leads over both incumbent Governor Scott Walker and the entire Democratic primary field.

The ad begins with Evers talking about his own inspiration for Wisconsin’s future, “I’ve always believed that what’s best for our kids, is what’s best for our state. That’s why I got into teaching.” Evers goes on to say that Scott Walker is “the most anti-education governor our state has ever seen.” He ends the ad by promising, “I’ll never play politics with our kids or their schools, because their future is Wisconsin’s future.”

Watch the TV ad, “Best” here: https://youtu.be/5YRXtW2eXR0 or below.

It will air in markets across Wisconsin on television and digital channels.

Last Updated on Monday, 06 August 2018 10:26
Three State Senators Endorse Evers for Governor PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Tony Evers for Governor, Maggie Gau   
Friday, 03 August 2018 16:11

tony_eversEndorsements come within a week of two polls announcing Evers with healthy lead over Governor Scott Walker.

MADISON – State Superintendent Tony Evers is proud to announce the endorsements of State Senator Jon Erpenbach (D-Middleton), State Senator Janis Ringhand (D-Evansville) and State Senator Bob Wirch (D-Somers) for Evers’ campaign for Governor. These come within a week of two polls announcing Evers with healthy leads over both Governor Scott Walker and the democratic primary field.

jon-erpenbach“Potholes are consuming our roads and our healthcare costs are skyrocketing – we have to get back to basics as a state. Four more years of Scott Walker will just be more of the same and Wisconsinites will again be left holding the bag. I’m supporting Tony Evers because we need a leader that is focused on solving our problems, not picking political fights,” Erpenbach said.

“Tony Evers is the only candidate who can beat Scott Walker. I applaud him for being the first candidate to call for a clean campaign pledge in the Democratic primary. As we enter the final two weeks, I hope that all candidates and their supporters follow Tony’s lead and run strong, positive campaigns,” said Ringhand. “I’m supporting Tony because he will bring needed commonsense to the Governor’s office. It’s time for a change.”

Evers has already been endorsed by State Senator Mark Miller, State Representative Dana Wachs, State Representative Sondy Pope, State Representative Don Vruwink, State Representative Daniel Riemer, and State Representative Tod Ohnstad.

“Local control has been absolutely decimated under Scott Walker’s watch. Instead of trusting our local elected officials to make the decisions that are best for our communities, Gov. Walker has decided that he knows better. It’s time for us to return power to the people of Wisconsin and Tony Evers will do just that,” said Sen. Wirch.

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