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Evers Ad Hits Back on Walker’s False Attacks PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Tony for Wisconsin Press   
Tuesday, 18 September 2018 15:17

tony-eversFormer Middleton School Board President says “The truth is we fired him, but an independent arbitrator gave him his job back because of a legal loophole. Instead of running false, nasty attack ads, Scott Walker should focus on his own record.”

MADISON – On Friday, Tony Evers’ campaign released a new ad responding to Scott Walker’s false, disgusting attacks regarding license revocation.

The ad features Ellen Lindgren, the former Middleton School Board President who was involved in the teacher case at the center of several Walker campaign and special interest group ads.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 18 September 2018 15:40
Vukmir Backs Lawsuit To Gut Pre-Existing Condition Protections PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Brad Bainum   
Tuesday, 04 September 2018 21:24

critical-illnessGOP Senate candidate Leah Vukmir backs 3 separate Republican efforts to gut anti-discrimination protections the for 2.4 million Wisconsinites with pre-existing conditions.

61 Former Assistant Attorneys General Endorse Josh Kaul PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Kaul for Attorney General Press   
Saturday, 01 September 2018 15:01

josh-kaulPeople who work in the field everyday want Josh Kaul for Wisconsin Attorney General

MADISON – Tuesday, Josh Kaul’s campaign announced that 61 former Assistant Attorneys General have endorsed Josh Kaul for Attorney General.

Former Assistant Attorney General Dan Stier said, “Elections are about choices. Fortunately Wisconsin voters have a terrific alternative to the failure that is AG Schimel. His name is Josh Kaul. He grew up in Wisconsin in the Lake Winnebago area. His distinguished legal career began as a student at Stanford Law School, where he served as president of the school’s prestigious law review. He has prosecuted violent criminals and protected voting rights, and he will restore integrity, competence, honor, and effectiveness to the Attorney General’s office.

Josh Kaul voiced his gratitude for the support from the 61 former Assistant AGs. “It means a great deal to have the support of people who have advocated for the interests of Wisconsinites,” Kaul said. “As Attorney General, I’ll fight every day to make Wisconsin a safer and stronger state than we’re on track for right now.”

The former Assistant AGs who have endorsed Josh Kaul for Attorney General include:

Ruth Bachman

Tom Balistreri

Crystal Banse

Jeffrey Bartell

Kathy Batha

Mary Batt

Linda Bochert

Burnie Bridge

Mary E. Burke

Bill Bussey

Linda Clifford

Bruce Craig

Tom Creeron

Tom Dawson

Tom Dosch

Shari Eggleson

William Eich

Kathleen Falk

Maureen McGlynn Flanagan

Matt Frank

Jim Freimuth

Bill Gansner

Dave Gilles

Paul Gossens

John Greene

Jane Hamblen

Jerry Hancock

Dave Hanson

Hal Harlowe

Dave Hase

Charles D. Hoornstra

Ed Hughes

Bob Hunter

Stephen W. Kleinmaier

Roy Korte

Bob Larsen

Jennifer Lattis

Alan Lee

Mike Losse

Margie Moeller

Steve Morgan

Steve Nicks

Nancy Noet

Kevin O’Connor

Bruce A. Olsen

Lee Pray

Debra Remington

Peter Ritz

Ned Sahar

Bob Selk

Joe Sensenbrenner

Carl Sinderbrand

Diane (Nicks) Sorensen

Dan Stier

Jack Sweeney

Barbara Tuerkheimer

Warren Weinstein

Diane Welsh

Steve Wickland

Bill Wolford

Christopher G. Wren

Josh Kaul served as a federal prosecutor in Baltimore, one of America’s most violent cities. There, Kaul prosecuted murderers, gang members, and drug traffickers, taking dangerous criminals off the street and making communities more secure. He grew up in Oshkosh and Fond du Lac in a family of law enforcement professionals and teachers. He is running for Attorney General in 2018.

For more information, please visit: www.joshkaul.org

Last Updated on Saturday, 01 September 2018 15:10
DPW Video "Hiding on Harley" Highlights Walker's Failure to Stand Up to Trump PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Courtney Beyer   
Wednesday, 29 August 2018 14:31

scott-walker-harleyWhen Harley-Davidson needed an ally against Trump’s tariffs, Scott Walker was nowhere to be found.

MADISON - As Harley-Davidson celebrates its 115th anniversary this week, the Democratic Party of Wisconsin launched a new video, “Hiding on Harley” showing Scott Walker’s failure to stand up for Wisconsin as President Trump’s trade war hurts businesses and workers.

View Why is Scott Walker Hiding on Harley? video below.

Earlier this summer, Harley Davidson announced that due to Trump’s tariffs,  they would be forced to move some production overseas. This announcement prompted Trump to float the idea of a possible boycott, which would have only hurt the company further. But instead of standing up for Wisconsin businesses and Wisconsin workers, Walker ducked his head for an entire day to avoid angering Trump.

His slow and reluctant response should be a warning to any Wisconsin company: Scott Walker does not have your back.

“Scott Walker cannot be trusted to stand up for Wisconsin businesses or workers hurt by the harmful policies coming out of Washington,” said Democratic Party of Wisconsin spokesperson Courtney Beyer. “When Harley-Davidson needed an ally against Trump’s attacks, Scott Walker was nowhere to be found. If this is how Walker treats his "favorite" company, imagine how badly he’ll treat everyone else.”

Vukmir Attacks Nurses, Then Backs Cutting Health Care PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Brad Bainum   
Tuesday, 28 August 2018 15:49

nurseDays after attacking nurses and doctors who spoke out against her health care agenda, Vukmir is recommitting to plans that would increase health care costs and cut access for millions.

MADISON -- After last week accusing Wisconsin nurses and doctors of "doom-and-gloom" lying about her dangerous health care agenda, Republican U.S. Senate candidate Leah Vukmir has now reaffirmed her commitment to the dangerous set of health care policy priorities that the Wisconsin medical providers warned about, including Vukmir's support for gutting pre-existing condition protections and slashing funding for Medicaid, which covers three in five Wisconsin nursing home residents.

leah-vukmirHere's a look at Vukmir's health care agenda, via the Wisconsin State Journal:

  • Vukmir supports GOP repeal plans that gut pre-existing condition coverage protections -- "Vukmir has supported various Obamacare repeal proposals offered by Republicans in Congress. She said she supported the Graham-Cassidy repeal measure debated in the Senate last year, and praised the American Health Care Act, the repeal bill that passed the U.S. House last year."
  • Vukmir supports deep cuts to BadgerCare (Medicaid) -- "The Graham-Cassidy measure she supported would have cut funding for Medicaid relative to the future course set under current law. Wisconsin would have gotten $562 million fewer federal dollars for Medicaid over a decade under the plan, the Kaiser foundation found."
    • What that means for Wisconsin: Following the passage of the Republican tax law that sends more than 80 percent of benefits to the richest 1 percent and large corporations, Vukmir signaled her support for cuts to programs like Medicare, which covers more than 1 million Wisconsinites, and Medicaid, which provides coverage for 3 in 5 Wisconsin nursing home residents.
  • Vukmir supports the Trump administration's "junk plan" rule -- "Vukmir, in an interview with the State Journal earlier this month, said she supported scaling back essential health benefit requirements...Vukmir supports rules recently issued by the Trump administration that aim to chip away at Obamacare by permitting certain types of health plans that don’t meet the law’s requirements."
    • What that means for Wisconsin: According to the AARP, the "junk plan" rules that Vukmir supports would allow insurance companies to "deny coverage to people with preexisting conditions" and "impose an age tax, charging older Americans much higher premiums."

Read more here.

Weekly News from Your Wisconsin Democratic Party Chair PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press   
Friday, 24 August 2018 14:26
Follow this newsletter to keep current on the events shaping our state and the work our party is doing to win in 2018 and beyond.

Tammy is special interests' #1 target

Marquette Law School released a new poll this week, and friends, the Senate race is neck and neck.


The Koch Brothers spent a whopping $5.1 million against our Senator Tammy Baldwin during the primary, and you bet they’re going to put more resources behind Leah. It reminds me of 2016 when these same billionaires and special interests spent millions of dollars at the last minute to pull off an upset against Russ Feingold.

We can’t let that happen again.

Tammy has put Wisconsin first. She’s fought to defend the millions of Wisconsinites with pre-existing conditions, she stood up to greedy hedge fund managers, and she’s making sure that Wisconsinites struggling with addiction are able to access the care they need.

"Last weekend I spent some time in Milwaukee catching up with old friends and making new ones and I kept hearing one thing over and over: people are worried about health care. That's why I'm going to keep fighting for affordable care for everybody." -- @tammybaldwin

The choice between Tammy Baldwin and Leah Vukmir couldn’t be clearer.

Will you help Tammy fight back?

Hey Scott Walker, fix the roads!

It isn’t news to anyone who’s spent 15 minutes in Wisconsin that our roads are crappy. In fact, 42% of our roads are in poor or mediocre condition, compared to just 19% in Illinois! Our roads are littered with potholes in every corner of the state, and major highway projects have been delayed under Scott Walker’s failed leadership from the I-94 to the I-43 to Highway 15.

Despite the sorry state of our roads (We rank 44/50 states!), Scott Walker chose to divert $90 million away from state highway projects as part of his $4.5 billion taxpayer giveaway to Foxconn!

Everyday working Wisconsinites have had to pick up the tab; local “wheel taxes” have nearly tripled and folks pay on average $637 per year on car repairs thanks to our crumbling roads. That’s why Tony Evers, Mandela Barnes, and laborers and operating engineers from across the state called on Scott Walker to Fix the Roads!

Wisconsinites deserve safe and dependable roads to drive on. Roads touch every part of our lives -- solid infrastructure is particularly important for economic growth, from starting a small business to attracting folks to live in our state! Tony has said that all options are on the table when it comes to fixing our roads, because unlike Scott Walker, he won’t neglect the needs of hardworking Wisconsinites.

Maybe Scott Walker would see the urgency in fixing our roads if he actually drove on them!

Research group One Wisconsin Now uncovered a trove of documents from Governor Walker’s administrations showing that he has abused taxpayer resources by racking up over $818,000 in air travel costs since September 2015!

He frequently flew short distances that could have been easily driven, like the 24 miles from Appleton to Green Bay, the 39 miles from Janesville to Madison or the 24 miles from Kenosha to Milwaukee. And the cost to taxpayers was extraordinary; in February 2016, he used a state plane to pick him up in Milwaukee after a haircut and fly him to an NRA convention in Wausau, and that cost us $2,586!

It’s clear that after working as a career politician for 25 years, Walker doesn’t understand the value of a hard-earned dollar. For the average working family in Wisconsin, $2,586, and it’s downright ridiculous that Walker would abuse taxpayer dollars this way.

Tony Evers is one of us. While Walker has spent his whole career chasing higher office, Tony has spent his career serving Wisconsinites, teaching our children and leading our schools. I can’t imagine a better person to lead Wisconsin, and I can’t wait to vote for Tony in November.

Candidate Spotlight

Name: Julie Henszey
Running for: Senate District 5
Current Residence: Wauwatosa

Why are you running?

I am running because we cannot afford to stay on the path we’ve been traveling down. Politicians in power are jeopardizing our people, our future, and our institutions for political gain. They have attacked public education, short-changed us on healthcare, aggressively curtailed environmental protection, handed out tax breaks to wealthy business owners, limited the power of county and municipal governing bodies, and answered to donors and special interests when cutting business deals.
Like my neighbors, I can’t sit by and watch our leaders take these reckless actions. We’ve collectively worked to elevate our voices and now I’m prepared to take on a larger role, proactively and collaboratively guiding Wisconsin down a new path towards opportunity for all.

IBEW Endorses Tony Evers for Governor PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by IBEW, John T. Zapfel   
Tuesday, 21 August 2018 14:23

electrical-workersSay Tony Evers has strong record of supporting workers’ rights, energy independence, infrastructure investment and apprenticeship training.

MILWAUKEE – Citing his commitment to Wisconsin’s working families and strengthening its energy infrastructure, the Wisconsin State Conference of International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) announced today that it has endorsed Tony Evers for governor of Wisconsin. The IBEW will be mobilizing its 15,000 members across the state of Wisconsin to support Evers’ campaign.

tony_evers“Because of Tony Evers’ strong record of supporting workers’ rights, energy independence, infrastructure investment and apprenticeship training as Superintendent of Public Instruction of Wisconsin, we are thrilled to support his campaign to lead our state into the future,” said Leo Sokolik, president of the Wisconsin State Conference of International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. “Tony listens to working families and is committed to making sure that we have a strong voice in his future administration. IBEW is proud to support Tony’s plans for our state by mobilizing our members to help his campaign succeed.”

“Our members are on the front lines of Wisconsin’s rapidly evolving utility industry and know what is required to move Wisconsin towards its renewable energy future. With so much at stake, we are confident Tony Evers has the experience and vision to move Wisconsin forward and look forward to working with him to do so,” said Tony Bartels, Secretary Treasurer of the Wisconsin State Conference of International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers.

The Wisconsin State Conference of IBEW represents a membership 15,000 strong, consisting of electricians, telecommunications, broadcasting, and linemen and other employees of public utilities.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 21 August 2018 14:48
3M Under Investigation for Polluting Again PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Kaul for Attorney General Press   
Tuesday, 21 August 2018 10:43

josh-kaulSchimel let 3M go without a fine in 2016. Josh Kaul won’t give polluters a pass.

MADISON – In the wake of news that Wisconsin’s Department of Natural Resources is investigating more air pollution from 3M, Josh Kaul called out Brad Schimel’s soft-on-pollution approach.

brad_schimel“In 2016, Brad Schimel let 3M off the hook without payment of a fine, and now it’s under investigation again,” Kaul said. “We need an attorney general who is serious about holding polluters accountable when they break the law.”

“From waiting until an election year to finally take some action to address the increased delays in testing at the state crime labs, to his failure to finish awarding school-safety grants before the start of the school year, Brad Schimel’s actions too often seem to be timed for political expediency. Hopefully, now that it’s an election year, Schimel will finally take real action to protect clean air and clean water,” Kaul said.

Josh Kaul served as a federal prosecutor in Baltimore, one of America’s most violent cities. There, Kaul prosecuted murderers, gang members, and drug traffickers, taking dangerous criminals off the street and making communities more secure. He grew up in Oshkosh and Fond du Lac in a family of law enforcement professionals and teachers. He is running for Attorney General in 2018.

For more information, please visit: www.joshkaul.org

Democratic Gubernatorial Ticket and AG Nominee Tour State PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Courtney Beyer   
Thursday, 16 August 2018 10:40

tony_eversTony Evers, Mandela Barnes and Josh Kaul will visit Milwaukee, Green Bay, Madison, Stevens Point and La Crosse Thursday and Friday.

mandela-barnesMADISON - Democratic gubernatorial nominee Tony Evers and lt. governor nominee Mandela Barnes will be joined by Attorney General candidate Josh Kaul and local leaders in Milwaukee, Green Bay, Madison, Stevens Point and La Crosse for their first joint public events of the general election.

The nominees will highlight their shared priorities and rally voters behind their positive vision for the future of Wisconsin.

josh-kaulThe nominees will be joined at each event by local leaders who will speak on the ticket’s strength and ability to defeat Scott Walker in November.

WHO: Tony Evers, Mandela Barnes and Josh Kaul joined by local leaders

WHAT: Campaign kickoff tour


  • MILWAUKEE -- Best Place at the Historic Pabst Brewery (901 E Juneau Ave) Thursday, August 16 10:45 AM - 11:20 AM

  • GREEN BAY -- Democratic Party Office (118 S Chestnut Street) Thursday, August 16 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM

  • MADISON -- Goodman Community Center (149 Waubesa Street) Thursday, August 16 5:35 PM - 6:30 PM

  • STEVENS POINT -- UW Stevens Point (2100 Main Street) Friday, August 17 12:05 PM - 12:35 PM

  • LA CROSSE -- Pearl Street Brewing (1401 St Andrews Street) Friday, August 17 3:25 PM - 3:55 PM

Candidates will have limited availability for questions after the event.

Last Updated on Friday, 17 August 2018 10:57
DPW Launches Statewide “Leah Vukmir Isn’t For Us” Tour PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Brad Bainum   
Thursday, 16 August 2018 09:17

leah-vukmirTwo-day tour includes stops in Milwaukee, Green Bay, Eau Claire, Wausau, and Madison.

MADISON - The Democratic Party of Wisconsin announced Wednesday the “Leah Vukmir Isn’t For Us” Tour -- a two-day, statewide tour highlighting Republican U.S. Senate nominee Leah Vukmir’s health care record.

The “Leah Vukmir Isn’t For Us” Tour -- which will include press events in Madison, Milwaukee, Eau Claire, Wausau, and Green Bay -- will feature Wisconsin nurses and health care professionals who are holding press events across the state to highlight Leah Vukmir’s health care agenda that includes:

  • gutting protections for Wisconsinites with pre-existing conditions;

  • letting insurance companies charge seniors more; and,

  • pursuing deep cuts to Medicare and Medicaid, which covers three in five Wisconsin nursing homes residents.

As a national leader of ALEC, a shadowy corporate special interest group, Leah Vukmir has taken her cues from special interests, not Wisconsin families, including by limiting health care coverage and making it harder to hold neglectful nursing homes accountable.

“Leah Vukmir Isn’t For Us” Tour Schedule:

Thursday, August 16 at 10:00 AM — Madison-area medical professionals will hold a press conference on Leah Vukmir’s health care record and agenda on the Capitol Square, at the corner of Main St., S. Pinckney St., and King St.

Thursday, August 16 at 2:00 PM — Milwaukee-area medical professionals will hold a press conference on Leah Vukmir’s health care record at the Milwaukee County Democratic Party office, located at 2999 S. Delaware Avenue in Milwaukee.

Friday, August 17 at 9:30 AM — Eau Claire-area medical professionals will hold a press conference on Leah Vukmir’s health care record at the Eau Claire County Democratic Party office, located at 440 Broadway St. in Eau Claire.

Friday, August 17 at 1:00 PM — Wausau-area medical professionals will hold a press conference on Leah Vukmir’s health care record at the Marathon County Democratic Party office, located at W 54403, 833 S 3rd Ave. in Wausau.

Friday, August 17 at 4:00 PM — Green Bay-area medical professionals will hold a press conference on Leah Vukmir’s health care record at the Brown County Democratic Party office, located at 118 S Chestnut Ave in Green Bay.

For more information, or to RSVP to any individual event, email Brad Bainum at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

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