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Elections, Elected Officials and Political Parties
Sen. Tammy Baldwin Wins Decisive Re-Election Victory PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Courtney Beyer   
Wednesday, 07 November 2018 13:45

tammy_baldwinMADISON - The following is a statement from Democratic Party of Wisconsin chair Martha Laning on Sen. Tammy Baldwin’s decisive re-election victory:

martha-laning“Wisconsinites have re-elected our Senator Tammy Baldwin tonight because they know she will always put Wisconsin first. Whether she was fighting to ensure young people could stay on their parents’ health insurance or keeping jobs here in Wisconsin, Tammy has been on our side leading the charge for a better future. We are truly lucky to have such a fierce advocate for our families and communities representing us in Washington for another six years.”

Tom Sieber: Thank You For Everything! PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Tom Sieber   
Tuesday, 06 November 2018 23:19

ts-thanks-youWe should all hold our heads high and know that we fought the good fight and we worked as hard as we can.

GREEN BAY, wi - Before the polls close tonight and this election cycle comes to end, I want to personally thank each and everyone of you for your support of this campaign.

tom-sieberWin or lose tonight, it is truly astonishing what we have accomplished together. Thanks to your help, we will end this campaign having knocked on over 40,000 doors and have received close to $110,000 in campaign contributions.

Whatever tonight and tomorrow brings, we should all hold our heads high and know that we fought the good fight and we worked as hard as we possibly could to ensure a better future for all of our communities.

Having your help knocking doors, making phone calls, financing this campaign, and most importantly your vote is truly a once in a life time blessing.

From my family to yours, thank you!


Tony for Wisconsin Launches Closing Campaign Ads: ‘Ask’ and 'Momentum' PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Tony for Wisconsin Press   
Wednesday, 31 October 2018 11:28

tony_eversNew 30 second spots running statewide.

MADISON - Tuesday, Tony for Wisconsin launched its closing ads of the campaign, ‘Ask’ and ‘Momentum.’

In ‘Ask,’ Tony lays out the contrast in this race on issues from schools to taxes to health care and makes his pitch directly to Wisconsin voters. He asks for their vote, “because after eight years it’s time for change.” ‘Momentum’ highlights Tony’s growing support from communities and opinion leaders across Wisconsin and emphasizes his experience, integrity, and plans for Wisconsin.

These 30 second spots will run statewide in the closing week of the election on cable, broadcast, and digital.

"Ask" can be viewed here, and a full transcript is below.

"Ask" Transcript:

Wisconsin has a big choice in this election.

Scott Walker does what’s best for himself, and his donors.

Playing politics with our schools and our health care.

As governor, I’ll put you first.

I’ll invest in our schools.

I’ll cut taxes for middle class families by ten percent.

I’ll protect those with pre-existing conditions and hold down the cost of health care.

I’m Tony Evers, I’m asking for your vote because after eight years it’s time for change.

"Momentum" can be viewed here, and a full transcript is below.

"Momentum" Transcript:

People are coming together to support Tony Evers for governor.

Newspapers say Tony has the kind of experience we need.

The integrity to renew Wisconsin.

Former Walker appointees are now backing Tony Evers. Because Tony won’t play politics with our state.

Wisconsin nurses say Evers has the best plan to bring change and access to quality, affordable health care.

Tony Evers. It’s time for a change, and a governor who cares about us.

WATCH: Obama Highlights Walker’s Hypocrisy on Pre-existing Conditions PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Alex Japko   
Saturday, 27 October 2018 14:44

obama-milw-102618Obama: “Let’s Also Call It What It Is. It Is A Lie” at Milwaukee rally on Friday.

Last Updated on Saturday, 27 October 2018 15:00
Tom Sieber Wins Community Support! PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Citizens For Sieber Press   
Saturday, 13 October 2018 12:55

ts-fire-fightersBrown County Tavern League, Green Bay Area Professional Fire Fighters, Professional Fire Fighters of Wisconsin and the National Association of Social Workers all endorse District 88 Assembly Democratic candidate.

GREEN BAY, WI - This week we were proud to announce several more groups that have endorsed our campaign! These groups represent the hard working, dedicated men and women that make up our communities.  I'm honored to earn their support and promise to work hard everyday in Madison to represent their interests!

ts-tavern-lg-memberJoin the Brown County Tavern League, The Green Bay Area Professional Fire Fighters, the Professional Fire Fighters of Wisconsin and the National Association of Social Workers in supporting Tom!

When the working class does well, we all do well.  We need more elected officials in Madison that stand with the working class and not with the special interest groups.  I will stand with you when elected.

Join these working class advocates in supporting our campaign

Thank you for the support!


Last Updated on Saturday, 13 October 2018 13:35
Schimel Won’t Debate Outside of Milwaukee or Madison PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Kaul for Attorney General Press   
Thursday, 11 October 2018 12:23

BradRepublican AG candidate withdraws from only debate for the race that was scheduled to take place outside of the I-94 corridor.

MADISON - Yesterday evening, Brad Schimel, who has ignored Josh Kaul’s challenge to debate in every congressional district in Wisconsin, withdrew from the only debate for the Attorney General’s race that was scheduled to take place outside of the I-94 corridor.

KaulKaul campaign advisor Gillian Drummond commented, “Josh Kaul believes that people from across the state deserve the opportunity to hear from the candidates for Attorney General about how they will address the important issues in their communities. Brad Schimel should explain to Wisconsinites why he won’t debate Josh Kaul anywhere outside of Milwaukee or Madison.”

Josh Kaul served as a federal prosecutor in Baltimore, one of America’s most violent cities. There, Kaul prosecuted murderers, gang members, and drug traffickers, taking dangerous criminals off the street and making communities more secure. He grew up in Oshkosh and Fond du Lac in a family of law enforcement professionals and teachers. He is running for Attorney General in 2018.

For more information, please visit: www.joshkaul.org

Last Updated on Friday, 12 October 2018 10:47
Walker Ducks Question about State Plane Use PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Alex Japko   
Saturday, 06 October 2018 09:23

walker“News 18 asked him about when he used taxpayer money to fly from Appleton to Green Bay...he never commented about his trip by plane.”

CHIPPEWA FALLS, WI - Scott Walker’s use of the state plane is in the spotlight again. At a stop in Chippewa Falls Thursday, Walker was asked about Tony Evers’ livestream mocking his infamous plane ride between Appleton and Green Bay. As a surprise to no one, he lobbed some false attacks and ducked the question.

While Walker was in Chippewa Falls, News 18 asked him about when he used taxpayer money to fly from Appleton to Green Bay. Tony Evers and Mandela Barnes documented the same 24 mile trip on Facebook Live from their car Tuesday...he never commented about his trip by plane.

What happened next? Wisconsin’s most notorious frequent flyer hopped back on the plane of course! Here's his flight path for the day:


As a reminder, Walker’s took 65% more flights than any governor in the top 10 most populous states. Since dropping out of the presidential race in 2015, he’s racked up a $934,000 bill on more than 950 taxpayer funded flights.

“If Scott Walker thinks he can hop in his getaway plane to run from tough questions, he’s got another thing coming,” said Alex Japko. “Wisconsinites are fed up with their governor wasting their tax dollars. They deserve an explanation about why their governor is jet setting around the state on their dime.”

For a recap of Tony Evers and Mandela Barnes’ road trip mocking Walker, watch the highlight video released by the campaign here.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 09 October 2018 09:41
Vukmir Silent On Skipping 70% Of Opioid Task Force Meetings PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Brad Bainum   
Friday, 05 October 2018 17:57

leah-vukmirVukmir has proudly touted her role on the Task Force during her U.S. Senate campaign, and even claimed credit for the Task Force's work.

MADISON - 48 hours after a report that Republican U.S. Senate candidate Leah Vukmir blew off the majority of Gov. Scott Walker's Opioid Task Force meetings, despite touting her role on the Task Force, Vukmir has yet to explain why she failed to attend 7 of the Task Force's 10 meetings.

Vukmir has proudly touted her role on the Task Force during her U.S. Senate campaign, and even claimed credit for the Task Force's work, but the truth is that Vukmir didn't take her job seriously and blew off 70% of meetings.

Sure, Vukmir called in to two of the meetings that she skipped, in person. But when she did attend telephonically, Vukmir did not participate.

Leah Vukmir didn't do her job on the Governor's Opioid Task Force, she refuses to explain why, and now she's asking for a promotion to the U.S. Senate.

Across the board, Vukmir has consistently sided with powerful special interests over Wisconsinites, working to let insurance companies get out of covering Wisconsinites' various health care conditions, from mental health care and oral chemotherapy, to cochlear implants and substance abuse treatments. Now, Vukmir is campaigning on repealing the Affordable Care Act and gutting protections for Wisconsinites with pre-existing conditions.

FACT CHECK: Howard Marklein Voted to Give Billions to Foxconn While Shorting Our Roads and Schools PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Courtney Beyer   
Friday, 05 October 2018 16:44

Howard MarkleinReedsburg Republican sets Foxconn, big business first.

MADISON - Howard Marklein’s latest re-election ad makes several glaring omissions from his time in the legislature. A quick look behind the curtains makes the facts clear: Howard Marklein voted to give billions of taxpayer dollars to a foreign corporation while shorting priorities for hardworking Wisconsinites.

CLAIM: Howard Marklein “kept [his] word to look after your tax dollars

REALITY: Marklein voted to give $4.5 billion of taxpayer money to Foxconn, a Chinese corporation with a history of broken promises. This $4.5 billion giveaway is the largest state taxpayer handout to a foreign corporation in U.S. history. Under the best-case scenario, it will be at least 25 years until Wisconsin taxpayers could potentially break even on their investment, if at all.

CLAIM: “We’ll be spending more on things that matter here at home: education…

REALITY: One of Marklein’s first acts in public office was to vote to slash $800 million in funding for Wisconsin’s classrooms. Seven years later, funding for public education remains below what it was in 2009. Wisconsin spends about $1,000 less per pupil than before Marklein took office and ranks below six other Midwest states.

CLAIM: “We’ll be spending more on things that matter here at home:…transportation

REALITY: As part of Republicans’ $4.5 billion taxpayer giveaway to Foxconn, Marklein voted to divert $90 million in funding for local road projects to Foxconn. Thanks to the neglect of Republicans like Marklein, the financial burden of Wisconsin’s crumbling roads has fallen to Wisconsin taxpayers -- local government “wheel taxes” have nearly tripled, and Wisconsinites in some parts of the state are paying upwards of $2,100 on car repairs because of the poor conditions of Wisconsin’s roads.

The facts couldn’t be clearer: Howard Marklein has neglected and short changed Wisconsin priorities while doling out billions of taxpayer dollars to a foreign corporation.

Vukmir Repeatedly Opposed Expanding Mental Health Care Coverage PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Brad Bainum   
Friday, 05 October 2018 09:20

leah-vukmirA new DPW research report explores how Leah Vukmir has, time and time again, sided with insurance companies over Wisconsinites in need of mental health and substance abuse treatment coverage.

Last Updated on Friday, 05 October 2018 09:43
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