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Radical, hateful content found on blog of Supreme Court candidate Brian Hagedorn PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Courtney Beyer   
Thursday, 31 January 2019 15:03

Brian HagedornHagedorn's partisan agenda has no place on Wisconsin's highest bench.

MADISON -- Reporting from Dan Bice at the Journal Sentinel has shined a spotlight on the extremely radical content found on the blog of Supreme Court candidate and former counsel to Scott Walker, Judge Brian Hagedorn. Bice reports that Hagedorn maintained a blog where he regularly wrote posts dehumanizing members of the LGBTQ community, even going so far as to relate homosexuality with bestiality. Hagedorn is vying for a seat on Wisconsin’s Supreme Court against Chief Judge of the Wisconsin Court of Appeals Lisa Neubauer.

“Hateful statements like these are wholly disqualifying,” said Martha Laning, chair of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin. “Wisconsinites expect their judicial system to be fair and independent, but Hagedorn’s extreme beliefs and radical, partisan agenda put him out-of-step with these values. Hatred like this goes against everything we in Wisconsin believe in, and it has no place on our state’s highest bench.”

Hagedorn's spokesperson offered no apology for his past remarks in a statement released to Bice and refused to admit whether or not Hagedorn still held these beliefs.

Sen. Hansen in Response to Gov. Evers’ State of the State Address PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Wisconsin Senate, Jay Wadd   
Wednesday, 23 January 2019 17:02

tony-eversAfter 8 years of Scott Walker divide and conquer, it's refreshing to see a Governor willing to find common ground.

MADISON - On Tuesday, newly elected Governor Tony Evers gave his 2019 State of the State Address in the Assembly Chambers of the Wisconsin State Capitol. Green Bay's Senator Dave Hansen was there and had the following response.

dave-hansen“After 8 years of divide and conquer from Scott Walker to hear a message of hope it was a breath of fresh air to hear our new governor talking about wanting to work together on behalf of the people for a change.

“He delivered a positive message of hope and a willingness to work together to move Wisconsin forward, not just for the special interests but for all the people, especially those who have been left behind by the policies of the last 8 years.

“It has also been refreshing to see a Governor travelling the state holding listening sessions that are open to anyone who wants to attend them compared to the invite-only affairs that Scott Walker held.

“Hopefully we’ll be able to find common ground on some of the big issues like pre-existing conditions, public school funding, roads and finding ways to create good paying jobs throughout our state.”

Last Updated on Wednesday, 23 January 2019 17:15
Senate Dem Leader Praises Gov. Evers State of the State Address PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Wisconsin Senate, Kate Constalie   
Wednesday, 23 January 2019 12:01

tony-eversShilling reaffirms Senate Democratic commitment to Governor’s priorities

MADISON, WI – Senate Democratic Leader Jennifer Shilling (D-La Crosse) released the following statement in response to Gov. Evers’ State of the State address:

jennifer-shilling“For too long, we’ve seen misguided priorities under Republican control that favor the wealthy and well connected. This is a new era in our state, and it is refreshing to have a Governor that is committed to focusing on the people of Wisconsin rather than playing political games. Senate Democrats are eager to work with Gov. Evers on the issues impacting Wisconsin families every day. We will deliver on his plan to improve health care, strengthen schools, fix our roads and invest in pro-growth policies that build up the middle class.

“Democrats are committed to lowering property taxes, strengthening local schools and giving Wisconsin children the best possible education by restoring millions in state aid cut by Republicans. We are going to grow our economy from the ground up by raising wages, expanding access to paid sick leave and making child care more affordable for working families. We remain dedicated to jump-starting small business development, investing in 21st century infrastructure by fixing our crumbling roads and bridges and expanding high-speed broadband internet access.

“With Gov. Evers’ leadership, these goals are all within our reach, but we need to find new ways to work together, invest in our communities and expand opportunities for everyone – not just the wealthiest one percent.”

Staush Gruszynski Responds to State of the State Address PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Wisconsin Assembly Democrats   
Wednesday, 23 January 2019 11:43

tony-evers-2019-sosSays people of Green Bay want access to affordable healthcare, public schools fully funded, and our roads fixed. Governor Tony Evers on track.

MADISON – State Representative Staush Gruszynski (D-Green Bay) offered the following remarks after attending Governor Tony Evers’ first State of the State Address at the State Capitol on Tuesday evening.

staush-gruszynski“Governor Tony Evers’ State of the State Address shows that the Governor has a clear agenda that sets politics aside to put the people of Wisconsin first. Like the Governor, I am ready to work with my colleagues in the legislature to move Wisconsin forward, which is exactly what my constituents asked me to do. The people of Green Bay want access to affordable healthcare, they want to see our public schools fully funded, and they want us to fix our roads. So does Governor Evers, and so do I,” Gruszynski said.

Gruszynski was elected to represent the 90th Assembly District in November 2018 and serves on the following Assembly committees: the Committee on Forestry, Parks and Outdoor Recreation, the Committee on Local Government, the Committee on Sporting Heritage, the Committee on Tourism, and the Committee on Rural Development.

Governor Evers State of the State: A New Way Forward PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Wisconsin Senate Democrats   
Wednesday, 23 January 2019 10:56

chris_larsonMilwaukee - Senator Larson released the following statement regarding Governor Evers’ First State of the State Address

“In his first State of the State Address, Governor Evers laid out a strong vision for a first term that has a foundation in working together for the benefit of all of our friends and neighbors, not just those who can afford an army of lobbyists. There are hundreds of thousands of Wisconsin families who have been left behind over the last eight years and are struggling to make ends meet. During that same time, some of our wealthiest corporations and citizens have done very well. Whether it is access to healthcare, a reasonable living wage, or funding our public education and infrastructure, Governor Evers recognizes the significant challenges facing our neighbors across Wisconsin.

“One of our cherished Wisconsin values is that we care about our neighbors. Governor Evers wants to restore that value and make sure that everyone in Wisconsin has the same access to opportunity.”

Hintz Applauds Gov. Evers’ State Of The State Address PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Wisconsin Assembly, Aaron Collins   
Wednesday, 23 January 2019 10:46

tony-eversWisconsin Values, Priorities Highlighted By The Governor

MADISON – Assembly Democratic Leader Gordon Hintz (D-Oshkosh) released the following statement regarding Governor Tony Evers’ first State of the State Address:

gordon-hintz“How refreshing to see an agenda that expands health care access, makes a commitment to our public schools, and rebuilds our transportation infrastructure. These are the issues that people across Wisconsin care about, and these are the issues Governor Evers is prioritizing.

“It is a new era for Wisconsin. Governor Evers is focused on restoring our shared Wisconsin values, not his political future. The core principles of the new Administration are the ideals we should all strive for: equity, opportunity, and community. Governor Evers knocked it out of the park tonight.”

Last Updated on Friday, 25 January 2019 10:54
Hintz Applauds Appointment of Major Anthony Burrell PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Wisconsin Assembly, Aaron Collins   
Friday, 18 January 2019 13:17

anthony-burrellDemocratic leader impressed with his professionalism and commitment to public safety in our state.

MADISON – Today, Representative Gordon Hintz (D-Oshkosh) commended Governor Evers’ appointment of Major Anthony Burrell as Superintendent of the Wisconsin State Patrol. Rep. Hintz released the following statement:

gordon-hintz“This a terrific appointment by the Governor. I have met with Major Burrell over the years during his service as Captain of the Northeast Region and have always been impressed with his professionalism and commitment to public safety in our state. Wisconsin will be well served by Major Burrell.”

2019 Spring Elections Are Just Around the Corner PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by League of Women Voters Wisconsin   
Wednesday, 16 January 2019 11:43

lwv-gotv-posterMADISON - The 2019 Spring Primary Election is Tuesday, February 19. Many municipalities and school districts will have nonpartisan primary elections to decide candidates for important local races such as mayor, school board, city council, etc.

Then on Tuesday, April 2, the 2019 Spring General Election will be held. Statewide court races (including a seat for the Wisconsin Supreme Court) as well as key local officials will be decided by the April election.

Be informed and help spread the word about these important state and local elections!

You can find out the date of your next election by visiting the official election website of the state of Wisconsin - MyVote.wi.gov and searching by your address

You may also consider absentee voting by mail to ensure you don't miss an election this year. You don't need to declare a reason to vote absentee by mail in Wisconsin, and many people find it very convenient to be able to vote when it fits best in their schedule. Find out how you can request your ballot.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 16 January 2019 11:59
Wisconsin Republicans Suddenly Interested in Democratic Proposals PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Courtney Beyer   
Friday, 11 January 2019 15:50

robinvosMADISON - After eight years of staunchly refusing to consider Democratic proposals to protect Wisconsinites’ health care, fully fund the state’s classrooms and provide a long-term solution to Wisconsin’s transportation crisis, Assembly Republicans have suddenly expressed support for such priorities in a letter sent to Governor Tony Evers today.

“Where was this ‘hand of bipartisanship’ the last eight years?” asked Democratic Party of Wisconsin spokesperson Courtney Beyer. “Now that Vos no longer has a rubber stamp in the Governor’s office, he’s chosen to steal the same Democratic proposals that he spent the last six years shooting down. Clearly Republicans care more about taking credit for Governor Evers and legislative Democrats’ ideas than actually solving the problems our state faces.”

Hintz Sworn-In to Wisconsin State Assembly PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Wisconsin Assembly Democrats   
Tuesday, 08 January 2019 18:07

assembly-wiAssembly Democratic Leader to begin 7th term serving the people of Oshkosh

MADISON – Representative Gordon Hintz (D-Oshkosh) was sworn in Monday for the 2019-2020 legislative session of the Wisconsin State Assembly. Rep. Hintz has been serving the 54th Assembly District since 2007 and was re-elected as Assembly Democratic Leader for the 2019-10 legislative session.

gordon_hintz“It is an honor to serve the residents of the 54th Assembly District. As someone who has always called Oshkosh home, I take the responsibility of representing our community very seriously and am eager to get to work in Madison.”

“The hardworking people of 54th Assembly District elected me to strengthen our public schools, improve access to quality healthcare, and fix our roads and bridges. I believe these goals are achievable when we come together to find solutions that work for everyone in our state. The 2019-2020 legislative session is an opportunity to make Wisconsin a better place to live, work, and raise a family. Let’s get to work.”


Rep. Hintz represents the 54th Assembly District which encompasses the City of Oshkosh. Rep. Hintz served on the Joint Finance Committee prior to being elected to Assembly Democratic Leader in 2017.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 08 January 2019 18:13
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