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Evers Budget Initiatives Good for Gruszynski PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Wisconsin Assembly Democrats   
Saturday, 02 March 2019 13:44

wisc-capitol-dome"I look forward to working with Governor Evers to advance common-sense policies that reflect our shared Wisconsin values,” says new Representative Staush Gruszynski of Green Bay.

MADISON – State Representative Staush Gruszynski (D-Green Bay) expressed his support for Governor Evers proposed 2019-2021 State Budget priorities after the Governor’s budget address at the State Capitol on Thursday evening.

staush-gruszynski“Tonight, Governor Evers shared his vision for a Wisconsin that works for everyone, a Wisconsin for all of us. Like the Governor, I strongly support putting politics aside so that we can work together to address the pressing issues facing our state,” Gruszynski said. “Whether it is the Governor’s commitment to reinvesting in our public K-12 schools and the University of Wisconsin system, his goal of ensuring that everyone in our state can drink clean water from their tap, or his plan to expand Medicaid to provide affordable, high-quality healthcare to more Wisconsinites, it’s safe to say that it’s a new day in Wisconsin. I look forward to working with Governor Evers to advance common-sense policies that reflect our shared Wisconsin values.”

Hintz on Governor Evers Fair Maps Plan PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Wisconsin Assembly, Aaron Collins   
Friday, 01 March 2019 15:26

vote_todayFair Maps Lead to Good Government and a More Transparent Democracy

MADISON – On Tuesday, Governor Evers announced that his biennial budget will include a nonpartisan redistricting process. Assembly Democratic Leader Gordon Hintz (D-Oshkosh) released the following statement in support of the Governor’s plan:

gordon_hintz“I’m thrilled that Governor Evers has made non-partisan redistricting reform a priority by including it in his state budget proposal. In 2011, Assembly and Senate Republicans drew maps in secret with a partisan advantage of 64-35 seats in the State Assembly. And for the past eight years, lawmakers have pushed through laws and policies that are out of line with the majority of Wisconsinites. When politicians pick their voters instead of the other way around, they are insulated from the accountability required in a democracy.

“There is a myth perpetuated by my Republican colleagues that voters choose divided government in Wisconsin in the 2018 election. This claim is directly contradicted by the fact that in a massive Democratic election cycle where five Democrats swept statewide races, Governor Evers simultaneously won only 36 Assembly seats. By design, these gerrymandered maps assure Republican control of the Assembly whether it is a Democratic or a Republican election year.

“Competitive elections bring accountability. The very reason Republicans can ram through laws during a lame duck session that undermine the future powers of a democratically elected Governor and Attorney General is because they are insulated from any realistic backlash from voters.”

DNC Announces Investment in DPW Organizing Program PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin   
Wednesday, 27 February 2019 17:34

votersProgram will focus on mentoring students from communities of color.

MADISON - In preparation for the 2020 cycle, the Democratic National Committee has announced a multi-million dollar investment in the recruitment and training of college-aged organizers in several key battleground states, including Wisconsin. Organizing Corps 2020 will recruit, pay and train young people to work in the 2020 presidential cycle, with particular focus on mentoring students from communities of color.

martha-laning“The path to defeating Donald Trump runs through Wisconsin,” said Martha Laning, Chair of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin. “With the DNC’s support, we’ll not only build a strong ground game ready to support our eventual presidential nominee, we’ll also grow and train the next generation of Democratic leaders.

“Communities of color, particularly Milwaukee’s black community, have been underrepresented on Wisconsin political campaigns for too long. We’re excited by the opportunity to build these talent pipelines and make our campaigns reflect the diversity of our Democratic coalition.”

Thanks to a key early investment in its organizing program, the Democratic Party of Wisconsin’s 2018 field program was the largest the Party had ever built in a midterm cycle. The Party’s organizers built over 250 volunteer neighborhood teams across the state that knocked over 500,000 doors in the final four days before the election. In 2019, the Party anticipates tripling its voter outreach done in 2017.

The DNC’s Organizing Corps 2020 will also partner with state parties in Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina and Pennsylvania. In 2016, Donald Trump won MI, PA & WI by 78,000 votes while 975,000 nonwhite registered voters stayed home on election day.

Last Updated on Saturday, 02 March 2019 13:03
Wisconsin Realtors Yank Support for Brian Hagedorn PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Courtney Beyer   
Thursday, 21 February 2019 18:12

real-estate-for.saleNormally Conservative group drops candidate after hearing multiple disturbing reports of Hagedorn’s radical and homophobic agenda.

MADISON - The Wisconsin Realtors Association, a group that often backs conservative judicial candidates and has never previously revoked a candidate endorsement, is dropping its endorsement of Supreme Court candidate Brian Hagedorn after multiple disturbing news reports of Hagedorn’s radical, homophobic agenda, including reports that he founded a private school which actively discriminates against LGBTQ students and teachers. Wisconsin Realtors are additionally requesting Hagedorn return the $18,000 they donated to his PAC last month.

brian-hagedorn“This is yet another sign that Brian Hagedorn is too extreme and partisan to be trusted on the Supreme Court,” said Courtney Beyer, Democratic Party of Wisconsin spokesperson. “Wisconsinites expect their judiciary to be fair and impartial. That Hagedorn is bleeding support from his own backers shows just how fringe and out-of-touch his candidacy has become.”


“As a result of recent disclosures regarding past statements and actions by Wisconsin Supreme Court candidate Brian Hagedorn, the Wisconsin REALTORS® Association has withdrawn its endorsement of his candidacy. The real estate related issues that served as the basis for our endorsement have been overshadowed by other, non-real estate related issues – issues with which we do not want to be associated and that directly conflict with the principles of our organization and the values of our members.”

DPW Announces Legal Action Over Republicans' Lame-Duck Power Grab PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Courtney Beyer   
Thursday, 21 February 2019 13:23

senateMADISON - The Democratic Party of Wisconsin will announce today the filing of a lawsuit in federal court to stop the unprecedented and illegal laws passed by Republicans during December’s lame-duck session.

Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Martha Laning will join Kevin Benish, associate at Holwell Shuster & Goldberg LLP to discuss the lawsuit, DPW v. Vos et al. on a press call TODAY at 11:15 AM CT.

WHO: Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Martha Laning and Kevin Benish, associate at Holwell Shuster & Goldberg LLP

WHAT: Press Call discussing DPW v. Vos et al.

WHEN: 2:00 PM CT, Thursday, February 21

Capitol Update - Under the Dome February 15, 2019 PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Wisconsin Democrats   
Saturday, 16 February 2019 11:36


MADISON - A recap of this week's events "Under the Dome"


February 15, 2019


Both the Assembly and Senate were in session this week to take up a GOP spending plan that jeopardizes funding for schools, roads, and communities. The plan will create a greater deficit in the state budget while protecting tax giveaways corporations and individuals making over a million dollar per year.


Additionally, the Black Legislative Caucus introduced a resolution proclaiming February as Black History Month and honoring individuals from the African-American community and their contributions to the fight for racial equity. Unfortunately, Republican Leaders opted to disrespect black leaders in the legislature by removing Colin Kaepernick, who was born in Wisconsin, from the resolution.


On Wednesday this week, Governor Evers announced initiatives that will be included in the state budget that will expand access to clean drinking water. Legislative Democrats praised the announcement as a step toward ensuring all Wisconsinites have access to clean water. This reinforces Gov. Evers’ declaration that 2019 will be the “Year of Clean Drinking Water.”

What Democrats Are Saying

​ Democratic Proposals

LRB1649- Ensure unemployment benefits for federal workers residing in Wisconsin in the event of a government shutdown (Sen. Taylor and Rep. Myers): This bill will would allow the Department of Workforce Development (DWD), which administers the Unemployment Insurance program, to make unemployment benefits eligible to claimants like the “essential” federal employees impacted by the shutdown.

LRB1152- Prohibiting the assembly and senate from passing certain bills following a general election (Rep. Spreitzer and Sen. Ringhand): This amendment prohibits changes to the powers and duties of statewide constitutional officers, judicial branch judges and justices, the legislature, any state agency, or any other public entity created by law.

LRB1058- Prohibiting GPS Monitoring for Truancy Cases (Rep. Stuck): Current law specifies which offenses can be subject to GPS monitoring orders by the courts. Habitual truancy is not one of those offenses. This bill codifies in statute that GPS monitoring may not be ordered in truancy cases. This bill will help to ensure that GPS monitoring is not ordered in any truancy cases in the future.

LRB1404- Voter Protection Act (Sen. Smith, Sen. Miller, and Sen. Hansen): Comprehensive reform bill to better protect voters and make it easier to vote on Election Day.

LRB 1811- Proclaiming February 2019 Black History Month (Sen. Taylor, Sen. Johnson, Rep. Crowley, Rep. Myers, Rep. Bowen, Rep. Field, Rep. Stubbs, and Rep. Haywood): Black History Month gives the nation and Wisconsin, an opportunity to recognize the significant contributions people of African descent have made, to the foundation, growth and development of our country and state. The month reminds us that our national history is diverse and multicultural, and implores us to respect the role that every ethnic group as played in the formation and sustainability of our great democracy.

LRB 0725- SSG Daniel Busch Memorial Highway Bill (Rep. Considine, Sen. Erpenbach, Rep. Plumer, Sen. Olsen): Designating a portion of State Highway 33 the Staff Sergeant (SSG) Daniel D. Busch Memorial Highway.

This Week in the Senate

Senate Session

The Senate this week took up the Republican tax-cut bill, which would add $490 million to the state's deficit over the next ten years.  Several joint resolutions were recognized including, National Speech and Debate Day, American Heart Month, and Republican version of Black History Month. Despite Senate Democrats advocating for diversity and inclusion, the Republican majority passed the amended resolution, excluding Colin Kaepernick from the joint resolution.


Also in the Senate this week, the Republicans passed a tax plan-Assembly Bill 4, which benefits large corporations and the wealthy and rather than serving the best interests of hard-working families.


Senate Committees

Senate Committee on Economic Development, Commerce and Trade

The committee held a Public Hearing on Wednesday, February 13th on the following bills:

  • Senate Bill 15: Relating to new internship grants and making an appropriation.
  • Senate Bill 16: Related to career and technical education incentive grants and making an appropriation.
  • Senate Bill 17: Related to workforce training grants for seminars in high-demand fields to teach new skills and provide micro-credentials and making an appropriation.


Study Committees

Legislative Council Study Committee on Child Placement and Support

The committee held a Study Meeting on Monday, February 11th to discuss bill drafts and recommendations, relating to determining child support, eliminating an administrative rule limitation on recovery of birth costs, and determining placement.


Joint Committees

Joint Legislative Council

The committee held an Executive Session on Wednesday, February 13th where it received the following study committee reports: Minor Guardianship, Use of Police Body Cameras. Identification and Management of Dyslexia, Investment and Use of the School Trust Funds, and Direct Primary Care.


This Week in the Assembly

Assembly Session

The Assembly conducted session a floor session on Tuesday, February 12th, passing the Republican tax bill (Assembly Bill 4) which benefits large corporations and the wealthy rather than serving the best interest of hard working families.


The Assembly also passed several resolutions which includes: AR3, relating to proclaiming the month of February 2019 as Career and Technical Education Month in Wisconsin; AJR3, relating to proclaiming February 2019 to be American Heart Month in Wisconsin; AJR4, relating to recognizing February as Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month; AJR6, relating to modifying the session schedule for the 2019-20 biennial session period. In addition, they passed the Republican version of the joint resolution on Black History Month (AJR8).


The entire floor session calendar can be found here.


Assembly Committees

There were no committee meetings held this week.

Next Week in the Legislature

Senate Committees

Committee on Agriculture, Revenue, and Financial Institution

The committee will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, February 19th on the following:

  • Peter Barca: Secretary Designee of the Department of Revenue
  • Kathy Blumenfeld: Secretary Designee of the Department of Financial Institutions
  • Brad Pfaff: Secretary Designee of the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection,
  • Senate Bill 12: Eliminating deductions for moving expenses for businesses that move out of the state or out of the United States.
  • Senate Bill 13: Notification of changed property tax assessment for agricultural land.
  • Senate Bill 14: An income and franchise tax credit for paid interns and making an appropriation.


Committee on Government Operations, Technology and Consumer Protection

The committee will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, February 19th on the following:

  • Joel Brennan: Secretary Designee of the Department of Administration
  • Senate Bill 4: Relating to motor vehicle immobilization devices
  • Senate Bill 19: Relating to: terminology changes for those with an intellectual disability in administrative rules.

Senate Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety

The committee will hold a public hearing on:

  • Kevin Carr: Secretary Designee of Corrections

Assembly Committees

Committee on Education

The committee will hold on a public hearing on February 21st on an update on education from the Department of Public Instruction.


Joint Committees

Committee for Review of Administrative Rules

The committee will hold a public hearing and executive session on Thursday, February 21st.


Sign Up For Under the Dome Below!

To view updated committee notices, visit the legislative website and click on Committee Schedule: Wisconsin State Legislature.

The State Capitol Update is provided by the Senate and Assembly Democratic Caucuses. For additional information, please send an email to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or call toll free: 1.800.385.3385.

Last Updated on Saturday, 16 February 2019 11:52
Erpenbach on the GOP Spending Bill PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Jon Erpenbach Press. State Senator 27th District   
Thursday, 14 February 2019 16:01

wisconsin_senateWednesday's Republican spending bill is nothing more than a political stunt aimed at hindering Governor Evers’ ability to improve Wisconsin for all.

MADISON - Yesterday the senate voted, along party lines, to pass the Republican’s irresponsible spending bill. This bill is nothing more than a political stunt aimed at hindering Governor Evers’ ability to improve Wisconsin for all, and it has led Republicans to vote for a bill that they know they cannot fund. The Republican spending plan will end up costing taxpayers more in the long-run, in order for Republicans to keep in place tax handouts to millionaires. I am disappointed to see their refusal to collaborate, and instead put their corporate donors first.

jon-erpenbachThe Republicans spending plan, paired with their Foxconn aspirations, would exceed the expected budget balance before the process even begins. Governor Evers will be introducing his budget in a couple weeks, and the Republicans are attempting to tie his hands. The voters of the state sent a clear message in November that they want more investments in schools, health care and infrastructure, and by spending down Wisconsin’s general fund (GPR), the GOP would be hindering the Governor’s ability to deliver on those needs.

Due to the lack of school aids under former Governor Walker, taxpayers in Wisconsin have resorted to raising their own property taxes in order to ensure our kids have the resources they need. Wisconsinites have voiced their concerns over growing health care costs, while Republicans continue to turn away Medicaid dollars and threaten health care protections, and our infrastructure is crumbling, forcing communities to resort back to dirt roads. GOP lawmakers have no problem squandering away taxpayer dollars, forcing hard-working Wisconsinites to make up the difference.

Making substantial spending decisions prior to the budget being introduced is reckless and irresponsible. We will have months of discussions and decision making once Governor Evers introduces his proposal in a couple weeks, and Wisconsinites deserve a sustainable tax relief plan. We need to put money back in the pockets of the middle-class, while creating opportunities and growing our communities. It is possible to give the middle-class a tax cut, and make needed investments in our state. It is time that we stop playing politics, and reach across the aisle on real, smart solutions that work for all.

Team Evers Responds to DPW Chair Martha Laning's Decision. PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Tony Evers for Wisconsin Press, Sean Elliott   
Thursday, 07 February 2019 17:39

martha-laningMartha is leaving the Party stronger, more competitive, and ready to secure more wins on behalf of Wisconsinites. We on Team Evers are grateful for her leadership.

MADISON - The following is the response from the Tony for Wisconsin campaign to State Democratic Chair Martha Lanings's announcement Wednesday that she will not seek re-election in the Party’s June leadership race.

tony-evers“Chair Laning’s leadership and vision were an important part of our success in November,” said Sean Elliott, Tony for Wisconsin's finance director. “Martha’s drive and passion to see a better future for our state helped deliver historic victories for Wisconsin Democrats. Though Martha has led the Party through some of its most challenging moments, through all the obstacles, she has maintained a relentless optimism in Wisconsin Democrats’ ability to win and lead.

“The robust Party infrastructure Martha has built will continue to support and deliver victories for Wisconsin Democrats for years to come. Martha is leaving the Party stronger, more competitive, and ready to secure more wins on behalf of Wisconsinites. We on Team Evers are grateful for her leadership and years of service to the cause, and we look forward to working with the Party’s next chair.”

Last Updated on Thursday, 07 February 2019 17:57
DPW Chair Martha Laning to Step Down PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Courtney Beyer   
Thursday, 07 February 2019 17:01

martha-laningState Democratic Chair since 2015 will not seek re-election in the Party’s June leadership race.

MADISON - Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Martha Laning, who has served in the role since being elected in 2015, has offered the following statement on her decision not to seek re-election in the Party’s June leadership race:

“Four years ago, I ran to become Chair because I knew that Wisconsin Democrats needed a strong party infrastructure, a robust and engaged grassroots network, and a clear vision for what it means to be a Democrat. Like so many people in our state, I was deeply concerned about how the policies of Scott Walker and Wisconsin Republicans were taking opportunity away from our kids, jeopardizing the future of our communities and turning Wisconsin into a state none of us recognized anymore. I wanted to do my part to help.

Martha Lanning talks to media after delegates to the 2015 Democratic Party of Wisconsin convention elect her as party chair.

“Four years later, I am incredibly proud of the Party we have built. For the first time since 1982, Democrats hold all five constitutional state offices, lead by Governor Tony Evers who will put the people first as he champions our Wisconsin values. We re-elected our Senator Tammy Baldwin so she could continue her work improving the lives of Wisconsinites and protecting those that need it most.

“These victories didn’t happen by accident. We launched an unprecedented year-round, every-year organizing program to empower activists across our state to inspire, engage and turn-out Democratic voters. We bolstered our candidate services team to support down-ballot candidates and helped them run competitive campaigns. We ensured the Party had the financial resources to support our ambitious plans.

“Given these accomplishments and the bright future ahead for Wisconsin Democrats, I believe this is the perfect time for me to transition to my next challenge. I will not stand for reelection as DPW Chair this coming June and welcome the opportunity to support new leadership as they take the helm this summer. I remain committed to the Party and to our Democratic values, and I will continue to lead the Party with the same transparency and vigor as we prepare for the next Chair’s race and leadership transition following June’s election.

“It has been an honor to work with so many caring and passionate activists who give their time to help make our vision a reality. I am humbled to work with a staff that doesn’t see the work just as a job, but as a calling to build a stronger Wisconsin. Chairing the Democratic Party of Wisconsin has been an incredible opportunity, and I couldn’t be prouder of the work we’ve done together to move Wisconsin forward.”

Supreme Court Candidate Still Refuses to Apologize for Homophobic Blog Posts PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Courtney Beyer   
Monday, 04 February 2019 16:16

brian-hagedornScott Walker's former legal counsel likened homosexuality to bestiality, would be another extreme partisan on the Supreme Court

MADISON - In Supreme Court candidate Brian Hagedorn’s first public interview since news broke that he once authored a blog with radical, hateful content, Hagedorn refused to apologize or even walk back statements he made as extreme as likening homosexuality to bestiality. Talking to conservative radio host John Muir, Hagedorn lashed out at those criticizing his posts, rejecting suggestions that if elected, he consider recusing himself from cases where he’s expressed a personal political belief.

“It’s unacceptable that it’s been four days and Wisconsin voters still don’t know whether or not Brian Hagedorn still holds these extreme, partisan beliefs,” said Courtney Beyer, Democratic Party of Wisconsin spokesperson. “Wisconsinites want their courts to be independent, but Hagedorn won’t even commit himself to the basic expectations of fairness and transparency. Brian Hagedorn is just another extreme partisan whose fringe, radical beliefs belong nowhere near our courts."

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