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Bloomberg Ad Features Milwaukee Gun Violence Survivor, Khary Penebaker PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Mike Bloomberg Press, Brandon Weathersby   
Tuesday, 04 February 2020 17:39

mike-bloomberg-01-21-2020Milwaukee, Wisconsin - Democratic presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg’s campaign released on Friday a new digital ad featuring Khary Penebaker, a survivor of gun violence in Wisconsin.

The digital ad is part of a series of videos featuring gun violence survivors from twelve states to show the impact gun violence has had on communities across the country. On Thursday, the Bloomberg campaign released “George,” the ad that will air during Super Bowl LIV on Sunday, February 2. The ad features Calandrian Simpson Kemp, a mother from Texas who lost her son, George Kemp Jr., to gun violence and is an active member of Moms Demand Action, the grassroots movement of Americans fighting for public safety measures that can protect people from gun violence.

khary-penebakerPenebaker lost his mother Joyce to suicide in 1979 — she was only 27 years old. The experience moved Penebaker to volunteer as a spokesperson for various gun violence prevention organizations including Moms Demand Action and Everytown for Gun Safety, where he is currently a Wisconsin Survivor Fellow. He also serves on the board of Wisconsin Anti-Violence Effort (WAVE).

“Mike Bloomberg had the vision to form a movement around the issue of gun violence prevention,” Khary Penebaker says in the ad. “And then he had the foresight to say we can turn this issue into one that people vote for -- you’re voting to prevent stories like mine. I’m glad we have a person like Mike Bloomberg who is choosing to put an end to this.”

Watch the video here.

More than 36,000 people are killed with guns in an average year, including over 22,000 suicides. Further, America’s gun suicide rate is 10 times higher than other high-income countries. Despite these facts, Donald Trump has remained a steadfast friend to the National Rifle Association. Trump expanded access to assault weapons and high-capacity magazines to groups, like those who may be suicidal, previously prohibited from ownership.

Mike has proposed a gun safety policy that treats the gun violence crisis like a true national emergency: creating an effective background checks system, keeping guns away from people who pose a danger to themselves or others, protecting young people in schools and Americans in their homes, tackling daily gun violence in the hardest-hit communities, and confronting the gun industry head-on.

Khary Pennebaker is a Wisconsin-based gun violence prevention and DNC Representative who endorsed Mike Bloomberg earlier this month, praising his progressive track record and agenda on common-sense gun safety laws.

See below for additional background on Bloomberg’s record:

Mike Bloomberg’s record of fighting to prevent gun violence

  • In 2006, Mike founded Mayors Against Illegal Guns with Boston Mayor Thomas Menino. It grew to a coalition of over 1,000 mayors across the country.
  • In 2013, Mike merged Mayors Against Illegal Guns with the grassroots group Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America and helped launch Everytown for Gun Safety. Everytown has helped to defeat dozens of gun lobby-backed bills each year in states. In 2018 alone, this included “permitless carry” bills in 17 states that would allow concealed carry with no permit whatsoever, bills that would allow guns in K-12 schools in 18 states, and bills that would require colleges and universities to allow guns on campus in 16 states. For more detail on Everytown and Moms’ victories, see a full timeline here.
    • 12 states have passed or expanded background checks since 2013, with MAIG/Everytown playing a critical role in victories in CO, WA, OR, NV, NM, NJ, CA, and VT.
    • 29 states and DC have passed a total of 51 domestic violence laws since 2013, including states like AL, IN, LA, KS, ND, SC, and UT.
    • 15 states and DC have enacted red flag laws since Newtown, and Everytown was instrumental in passing each one.
    • In 2018, Everytown spent $30 million on targeted contributions, independent expenditures, and voter mobilization. In 110 Everytown-supported races that year, the vast majority of candidates won. Everytown was the largest outside spender in the 2019 Virginia legislative elections, spending $2.5 million to help flip both houses of the General Assembly and deliver a gun sense majority to the NRA’s home state.
  • Mike spent $110 million to elect candidates strong on gun safety in the 2018 midterm elections, including helping to elect 21 of 24 candidates backed in Congressional swing districts, which was crucial to Democrats retaking the House.
  • As Mayor of New York City, Mike took on gun dealers and gun show vendors across the country that were feeding the criminal market. During Mike’s time as mayor, firearm deaths decreased by 46% and the firearm death rate was less than a third the rate in the rest of the country.
    • As mayor, Mike tackled gun violence by taking on the gun industry and cracking down on illegal gun sales. He filed federal lawsuits against 27 gun dealers in five states when guns they sold showed up on New York City streets—and the city’s undercover operations revealed they were not complying with federal law. The dealers settled with the city or had settlement terms imposed on them and agreed to clean up their operations.
    • The number of crime guns recovered in NYC from the five states where the City sued gun dealers dropped by 18% in the years after the suits were settled. The share of targeted dealers’ crime guns recovered in New York City declined by 75%.
    • The city’s undercover stings recovered 6,043 guns between 2004 and 2013 and also exposed that sellers at gun shows in multiple states were breaking federal laws.
    • Under Mike’s administration, NYC was an early adopter of creative interventions, such as Cure Violence, which engaged the members of the community directly impacted by a violent event. These interventions reduced retaliatory gun violence in communities traumatized by violent episodes by as much as 63%.
Trump’s super PAC lags behind Dem rival heading into 2020 PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Priorities USA Press   
Tuesday, 04 February 2020 17:16

trump-rncPriorities USA outraised America First by $8 million last year.

WASHINGTON, DC - The Republican super PAC formed to help President Donald Trump win reelection raised less money in 2019 than its Democratic counterpart, a sign big Democratic donors are readying a cash onslaught to fight Trump.

Priorities USA, which will be the main outside spender backing the Democratic nominee for president, raised $58.5 million in 2019, the group announced on Friday — $8 million more than the $50.4 million more than America First, the group backing Trump.

The millions raised by both groups, more than a year before Election Day, foreshadow a costly election ahead. And Trump and his allies are starting 2019 at an unusual cash disadvantage: Usually, a super PAC tied to the president would raise millions more than its rival, because donors and corporate interests itching to gain power in Washington want to contribute. A super PAC representing the party out of power, especially one without a clear nominee, usually has no such luck.

But in a Friday memo, Priorities USA Chairman Guy Cecil boasted that his group has increased its fundraising goal for the 2020 cycle by $50 million, to $150 million total, and has already placed a total of $70 million in ad reservations to run from now to July. The group has also been outspending Trump’s campaign on digital advertising in four battleground swing states that it is targeting with ads.

“Priorities is well-positioned to continue taking a leading role in the general election campaign against Donald Trump until a Democratic nominee for president has been selected,” Cecil said.

Click here to read the rest of the article.


Printed Politico: Trump’s super PAC lags behind Dem rival heading into 2020

January 31, 2020

By Maggie Severns and Alex Isenstadt

Will Testin Flip Flop on Farmers Again? PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Wisconsin Senate, Katie Iliff   
Saturday, 01 February 2020 14:07

rural peopleStevens Point Republican Refuses to Commit to Gov. Evers' Rural Prosperity Special Session

MADISON - During his State of the State Address, Gov. Evers called for a Rural Prosperity Special Session to address the dairy crisis in Wisconsin and help rural communities succeed.

The Governor’s call to action comes at a time when Republicans refuse to address Wisconsin’s alarming spike in farm bankruptcies and suicide rates. Insecurity for family farms was further escalated after Republicans rejected the appointment of Brad Pfaff as Secretary of the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP).

patrick-testin“Months after rejecting Brad Pfaff as DATCP Secretary, farmers fear that Republicans like Senator Testin will once again turn their backs on the dairy crisis in Wisconsin,” said SSDC Executive Director Katie Iliff. “Senator Testin has a pattern of siding with party bosses in Madison rather than voting for what’s best for local families. His constant flip flopping has proven he can’t be trusted to do what’s right for our family farms and rural communities.”

Governor Tony Evers’ initial budget proposal included initiatives to support farmers such as Buy Local, Buy Wisconsin, Farm to School, Dairy Processor Grants, and additional county conservation positions. Senator Testin and his Republican colleagues rejected these proposals and opted instead to prioritize more tax breaks for wealthy donors and out-of-state corporations.

Last Updated on Saturday, 01 February 2020 14:20
Citizen Action endorses Ed Fallone and Jill Karofsky for Supreme Court PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin Press   
Friday, 31 January 2020 16:44

Jill KarofskyMilwaukee, WI - In the critical Wisconsin Supreme Court race, Citizen Action of Wisconsin’s board voted to endorse both Ed Fallone and Jill Karofsky.

ed_falloneAfter interviews which included members from across the state, Citizen Action member and board leaders concluded that both would be independent judges who will fairly interpret and apply the law for everyone, regardless of their race, their income, or where they live. Their judicial integrity is in sharp contrast to the current Supreme Court that regularly twists the law to rubber stamp the priorities of a single political party, and caters its decisions to the interests of the rich, the powerful, and the well connected.

robert_kraig“Both Ed Fallone and Jill Karofsky would make excellent and impartial Wisconsin Supreme Court justices who give every case a fair hearing and render decisions based on rigorous legal interpretation not ideology,” said Robert Kraig, Executive Director of Citizen Action of Wisconsin. “Fallone or Karofsky would be a breath of fresh air on a Supreme Court where the majority regularly puts politics and ideology ahead of the fair interpretation of the law. Does any fair minded person doubt that the Supreme Court majority would have struck down the lame duck session laws, if the shoe was on the other foot and a newly elected Republican governor’s power were curtailed by a Democratic Legislature?”

Citizen Action is a statewide membership group with chapters (organizing co-operatives) in Metro Milwaukee, Green Bay/Fox Valley, Wausau, Eau Claire, and the Driftless Area. Citizen Action’s top issues are health care reform, a just climate transition that creates living wage jobs for communities of color and rural regions that need them most, and protecting and expanding our democracy. Citizen Action was a lead plaintiff in the federal lawsuit that struck down Governor Walker’s restrictions on early voting, and the lame duck session attempt to restore this attack on democracy.

Trump Said What?! PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Priorities Wisconsin, Cassidy Geoghegan   
Saturday, 25 January 2020 12:46

trumpcareCassidy Geoghegan of the Priorities USA group here in Wisconsin offers her take on the events of the week.

MADISON - A few things of note this week:

1. The biggest bombshell this week was certainly the news that Trump admitted he is open to cuts to Medicare and other programs that hundreds of thousands of Wisconsinites rely on.

Some important context if you plan to cover this:

2. New research published by Baldwin Wallace University’s Community Research Institute shows that Trump is falling behind in key states, including Wisconsin. In fact, 18.4% of voters in Wisconsin remain undecided about who they’ll vote for in 2020. Additionally, health care issues are the #1 concern in Wisconsin (30.6%), "the lone Midwest or Northeast state that did not expand Medicaid under Obamacare."

3. As you probably know, Pence is coming to Madison next week to speak at the Wisconsin School Choice Student Showcase. While Pence’s focus will be on school choice, it’s important to note that the Trump administration’s actions have been making it harder for schools in Wisconsin to succeed. A few things we likely won’t hear from the vice president are that:

  • Trump has proposed billions in federal education cuts that would weaken public schools while simultaneously supporting increased funding and benefits for private schools and charter schools.

  • Trump's education budget cuts would have harmful impacts on Wisconsin schools, including major cuts for after-school programs and teacher training programs.

  • Wisconsin ranks as one of the worst states in the country for students with college debt. In the class of 2018, 64% of Wisconsin graduates had student debt — the seventh-highest percentage in the nation. But Trump has failed to address the issue and has proposed massive cuts to federal student aid programs.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you’d like to be connected to any of our storytellers or if you’d like additional information on how Trump’s actions have made it difficult for Wisconsin schools to succeed.



Trump's Commitment to Slash Social Security and Medicare PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Saturday, 25 January 2020 10:25

donald-trumpMADISON, WI - Wednesday, Trump explicitly said he is looking to cut Social Security and Medicare if he wins a second term. This comes after barnstorming Wisconsin in 2016 promising he’d protect these benefits that millions in the state rely on.

TRUMP: “We're going to save your Social Security. You know, all the guys I'm running against, they want to cut your social security. They want to take your Medicare, take your social security, cut the hell out of it. I'm not going to do that...You're going to keep your social security...I'm the only one that says it, believe me, the only one. You're going to keep your so ... as sure as you're sitting there, you're keeping your social security. You've been paying in all your lives. You're going to keep your social security and your Medicare.” [Trump Campaign Rally, Appleton WI, 3/30/16]

In response, Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Ben Wikler released the following statement:

“Trump’s announcement that he’s aiming to cut Social Security and Medicare is a profoundly broken promise for Wisconsinites. He promised in 2016 to protect Social Security and Medicare, essential benefits that millions in our state paid into their entire lives so they could retire and live with dignity. But over and over he has proposed cuts in his budgets, and now he’s doubling down. These cuts threaten the health and well-being of our state and voters aren’t going to stand by for another four years of Trump’s threats and broken promises.”

Gun Violence Prevention Advocate Endorses Mike Bloomberg for President PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Mike Bloomberg Press, Brandon Weathersby   
Friday, 24 January 2020 18:00

sherman-park-copsWisconsin gun violence survivor Khary Penebaker says Bloomberg is “committed to saving lives”.

MILWAUKEE, WI - Wisconsin-based gun violence prevention advocate and DNC Representative Khary Penebaker endorsed Democratic presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg today, praising his progressive track record and agenda on common-sense gun safety laws.

“Mike Bloomberg stood on the front lines of gun violence prevention long before it became a leading Democratic issue. He knew the impact that gun violence inflicts on families and dedicated himself to ending the crisis,” said Penebaker. “Thanks to Mike’s leadership in establishing Everytown for Gun Safety, I was able to transform the heartache of my mother’s gun suicide into meaningful advocacy.”

Penebaker lost his mother Joyce to suicide in 1979 — she was only 27 years old. The experience moved Penebaker to volunteer as a spokesperson for various gun violence prevention organizations including Moms Demand Action and Everytown for Gun Safety, where he is currently a Wisconsin Survivor Fellow. He also serves on the board of Wisconsin Anti-Violence Effort (WAVE).

khary-penebakerPenebaker continued, “My mother’s voice was silenced by a bullet, fired from a gun that she should have never possessed. She won’t have the opportunity to meet her grandchildren or see the man that I grew up to be, but I continue to carry her legacy with me. Moved by my mother's spirit, I am proud to endorse my friend Mike Bloomberg for president. None of the current candidates understand the pain gun violence survivors and their families endure like Mike does — he is committed to saving lives.”

More than 36,000 people are killed with guns in an average year, including over 22,000 suicides. Further, America’s gun suicide rate is 10 times higher than other high-income countries. Despite these facts, Donald Trump has remained a steadfast friend to the National Rifle Association. Trump expanded access to assault weapons and high-capacity magazines to groups, like those who may be suicidal, previously prohibited from ownership.

“Khary Penebaker is a household name in Wisconsin progressive politics and we are fortunate to have him on our team. We will certainly harness his passion to convey the urgency for common-sense gun safety laws,” said Jorna Taylor, Wisconsin State Director for Mike Bloomberg 2020. “Khary’s support will play a major role in rebuilding the Blue Wall and defeating Trump.”

Mike has proposed a gun safety policy that treats the gun violence crisis like a true national emergency: creating an effective background checks system, keeping guns away from people who pose a danger to themselves or others, protecting young people in schools and Americans in their homes, tackling daily gun violence in the hardest-hit communities, and confronting the gun industry head-on.

Last Updated on Friday, 24 January 2020 18:18
DNC Chairman: Wisconsin 'the tipping point state' PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Friday, 17 January 2020 16:43

tom-perezMILWAUKEE, WI - DNC Chairman Tom Perez blasted Donald Trump for his broken promises on health care to Wisconsinites at a roundtable at Coffee Makes You Black in Milwaukee yesterday. Trump has repeatedly tried to take protections away from Wisconsinites with pre-existing conditions and has fought against legislation that would lower prescription drug costs, despite promising to do just the opposite. 

See some of the coverage from the event below.

WISN: DNC chairman: Wisconsin 'the tipping point state'

WPR: “During a visit to Milwaukee Thursday, Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez called out President Donald Trump and Congressional Republicans for breaking their promise to offer people better, more affordable health care coverage. ‘There are 2.4 million Wisconsin residents with a pit in their stomach because their health care is in danger,’ Perez said during a round table discussion at Coffee Makes You Black, a coffee shop on Milwaukee’s north side…The events were part of a tour Perez is on across battleground states to discuss health care following last month's passage in the House of Representatives of a bill that would allow the government to negotiate lower prescription drug prices. The bill, HR 3, is titled the Elijah E. Cummings Lower Drug Costs Now Act, is not expected to get through the U.S. Senate, and the White House has announced that Trump would veto it if it came to his desk, according to NPR.

Cory Booker ends presidential bid PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by The Hill Press   
Tuesday, 14 January 2020 10:37

Cory BookerSays he no longer has the resources to continue his bid for the Democratic nomination.

WASHINGTON, DC - Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) announced on Monday that he would suspend his presidential campaign, acknowledging that he no longer saw a path to the Democratic nomination.

"I will carry this fight forward -- I just won’t be doing it as a candidate for president this year," Booker said in an email to supporters.

"It’s with a full heart that I share this news -- I’ve made the decision to suspend my campaign for president."

Read the developing report here

Ed Fallone - Let's Seize the Opportunity PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Team Fallone   
Monday, 13 January 2020 10:14

ed_falloneEd Fallone is running for the Wisconsin Supreme Court this spring.

STATEWIDE - This spring, we have a chance to make a real difference on the Wisconsin Supreme Court. We don’t have to settle for the same type of judicial candidate, from the same mold as our current Justices. The voters have a choice on February 18.

Ask yourself: “What sort of Justice would you like to see sitting on our state’s highest court?” Chances are, you would like to see a Justice with a wide range of legal experience … someone who is highly respected in the legal community … someone who is committed to defending our civil rights … and someone who is a staunch defender of the public’s right to know the workings of our government. Chances are, you would like to elect a Justice who will follow in the footsteps of Justice Shirley Abrahamson, who was a law professor before her appointment to the Court.

You can measure a person by the stands they took - even when no one was paying attention. Just last week, the GOP resurrected a bill to make English the official language of Wisconsin. Ed was fighting against English Only legislation in 1996. You know what you’re getting when you vote for Ed.


With Ed Fallone, we have a chance to elect a constitutional law professor, an outspoken advocate of our right to vote and our right to equal protection under the law, and someone who has spent decades helping working families navigate the justice system.  This is our chance to add Ed’s experience and perspective to the Court. We can’t miss this opportunity! The next election for the Wisconsin Supreme Court won’t occur until 2023.

Donate today, and let’s make sure that we put Ed’s voice on the Court.

Let’s seize this opportunity.

Team Fallone

P.S. Watch Ed’s most recent interview on PBS “Here and Now,” and join us in Door County on Friday!

Last Updated on Wednesday, 15 January 2020 10:30
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