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Klobuchar drops out of 2020 race PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by The Hill Press   
Monday, 02 March 2020 19:17

amy-klobuchar-pbsSen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) will end her presidential campaign on Monday and endorse Joe Biden.

Buttigieg to drop out of presidential race PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by The Hill Press   
Sunday, 01 March 2020 19:07

pete-buttigieg-2019Buttigieg's decision to drop out of the race comes after billionaire Tom Steyer suspended his campaign on Saturday following a poor showing in South Carolina.

Paul Piotrowski Announces Candidacy for State Senate PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Paul Piotrowski Press   
Saturday, 29 February 2020 18:11

paul-piotrowski-announce-spjStevens Point Veteran to run for Wisconsin’s 24th Senate District

Stevens Point, WI – Citing the need to lower health care costs, provide quality education for our children, restore local decision making authority and protect our drinking water, central Wisconsin native and longtime law enforcement officer Paul Piotrowski, has formally announced his candidacy for the 24th State Senate District.

“I’m running for State Senate because we deserve a stronger voice than what we have in Madison,” said Paul, “Residents throughout the 24th Senate District need someone they can trust and rely on. From my service in the Navy to protecting our community as a police officer, I know how to fight for the issues impacting families every single day.”

Piotrowski, a Democrat, proudly served his hometown for close to 27 years as a Stevens Point police officer. He is a veteran of the United States Navy, earning a Defense Meritorious Service Medal, and most recently served as the Stevens Point City Clerk, an elected position. As an officer for the Stevens Point Police Department, Paul served in various roles including Patrol Sergeant and Community Resource Officer. Piotrowski represented the department on different committees and commissions like Portage County Alliance for Youth, the Family Crisis Center Advisory Board, and Triad with senior citizens. He has also served as a volunteer in the community over the years, particularly for the Portage County Cultural Festival. Paul and his wife Cindy live in Stevens Point. They have two grown children and three grandchildren.

“I’m a native of central Wisconsin. Cindy and I raised our children here and we both have been deeply involved in our community and the region. I look forward to meeting voters across the district and to learning about their needs and expectations.” he said


Residents can learn more about Paul at:

The 24th Senate District includes portions of Adams, Portage, Monroe, Marathon, Wood and Waushara Counties.

Last Updated on Saturday, 29 February 2020 18:26
Bill would reverse funds transfer for wall, restore Wisconsin military contracts PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Saturday, 29 February 2020 17:46

donald-trumpMADISON, WI - Despite numerous promises that Mexico would pay to fund a border wall, Donald Trump is stripping millions of taxpayer dollars away from Wisconsin, again, to pay for his vanity project. Most recently he took aim at the Oshkosh Corps, which supports thousands of manufacturing jobs, by taking away millions of dollars in funding for the military vehicles they build. In September of 2019, Trump diverted millions of dollars from the Truax Field Air National Guard Base.

Read below how Wisconsin Senator Tammy Baldwin is fighting to reverse Trump's budget cuts.

Wisconsin Examiner: Bill would reverse funds transfer for wall, restore Wisconsin military contracts
Erik Gunn

Sen. Tammy Baldwin joined two-and-a-half dozen other Senate Democrats this week in a bill to reverse the Trump administration’s transfer of $3.8 billion from the Department of Defense to pay for building a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.

The bill aims to pressure the administration to restore funding for military contracts with two Wisconsin manufacturers. It also would limit the DoD from diverting more funding for the wall, which was a top talking point for President Donald Trump in his 2016 campaign and has remained so since his election.

“You promised the people of Wisconsin that Mexico would pay for your ineffective border wall,” Baldwin (D-Wis.) wrote in a letter she sent to Trump on Monday. “However, you are once again making American taxpayers fund it and you are taking funding away from Wisconsin manufacturers that strengthen our national defense and create jobs.”

Earlier this month, Trump announced the transfer of $3.8 billion in DoD funds for the wall project. Included in those funds, according to Baldwin’s office, were $101 million that Congress appropriated for Army heavy wheeled defense vehicles to be built by Oshkosh Defense, a brand of Oshkosh Corp. in Oshkosh, Wis. Also included, Baldwin stated, was $650 million for an amphibious Navy ship powered by diesel-engine electric generation systems built by Fairbanks Morse in Beloit, Wis.

The Restoring Military Priorities Act of 2020, authored by Sen. Dick Durbin (R-Ill.) and cosponsored by 31 other Democratic senators, including Baldwin, would reverse the $3.8 billion transfer. It would also cut how much the DoD could transfer under the fiscal 2020 budget, from $6 billion to less than $2.2 billion.

The $3.8 billion diversion comes on top of $2.5 billion in DoD money transferred last spring to help pay for the wall.

In addition, Trump has announced plans to move another $7.2 billion in military money to the wall project, “diverting funding from military families and forcing American taxpayers to pay for his vanity project and failed campaign promise,” Baldwin said in a statement.

Where the 2020 Democrats stand in Super Tuesday polls PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by The Hill Press   
Thursday, 27 February 2020 11:04

bernie-sandersBernie ahead now, but much more to come.

WASHINGTON, DC - With the first three presidential nominating contests in the books, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is the undisputed front-runner in the Democratic field, but the overwhelming majority of primary voters have yet to cast their ballots.

Other candidates are looking to make up ground in less than a week on Super Tuesday, when 15 states and territories — including the two biggest — will allocate a third of the pledged delegates up for grabs this cycle.

Centrist candidates are increasingly warning of the dangers they say a Sanders nomination can pose to the party and its chances in November, and some are looking to Tuesday's primaries as the best chance to boost their flagging campaigns.

But polling shows Sanders in a strong position heading into the March 3 contests, particularly in delegate-rich California, fueling fears that the Vermont lawmaker could run away with the nomination after next week, following his close second-place finish in Iowa and victories in New Hampshire and Nevada.

Read the full story here

Five takeaways from the Democratic debate PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by The Hill Press   
Wednesday, 26 February 2020 17:08

bernie-sandersWASHINGTON, DC - The Democratic White House hopefuls slugged it out on Tuesday at the party's 10th presidential debate, with Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) coming under a fierce volley of attacks ahead of Saturday’s primary in South Carolina.

Here are five takeaways from a heated night in Charleston, S.C.

Read the full story here

Wisconsin Republican Party Struggles to Recruit New Candidates PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Katie Iliff   
Thursday, 13 February 2020 16:24

dan-kapankeGOP recycles Dan Kapanke for his former 32nd District state Senate seat, a recalled candidate with history of ethics violations & extreme views.

LA CROSSE – Despite being rejected by voters in three straight elections (2010, 2011 & 2016), Republicans announced Dan Kapanke is once again running for office. As a previously recalled GOP politician with a history of ethics violations and out-of-touch views, Kapanke’s candidacy is the latest sign of Republican struggles in Wisconsin. Low enthusiasm, a divisive agenda and declining popularity among young adults, women and working families have driven many Wisconsin voters away from the Republican Party.

“Republican Party bosses clearly didn’t get the message the first, second, or third time that voters in western Wisconsin rejected Mr. Kapanke at the polls,” said Katie Iliff, SSDC Executive Director. “His record of massive school cuts, tax giveaways to the wealthy, and limiting access to women’s health care have shown that he is another rubber stamp for the Republican special interest agenda. We need to move Wisconsin forward - not backwards. The last thing families need is a relic from the past that is only interested in obstructing progress for our state.”

As an elected official, Dan Kapanke voted for the largest cut to local K-12 schools in Wisconsin history and argued that Gov. Walker’s attacks on worker rights didn’t go far enough. He voted against the Compassionate Care for Rape Victims Act and supported legislation making it harder for women to access birth control.

“Hardworking families trust Jennifer Shilling and appreciate her commitment to local schools, affordable health care access and pro-growth policies that strengthen communities,” added Iliff. “Jennifer Shilling has proven that she’s not afraid to stand up to special interests to protect local families and move our state forward.”

Tom Palzewicz: 'What is a gun?' PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Tom Palzewicz, Candidate for Congress   
Tuesday, 11 February 2020 17:04

tp-ad-front-roomBROOKFIELD, WI - “What is a gun?”  When I heard Tom say that, I knew that here was a guy with a new approach.  The setting was a “Meet & Greet”, and someone had asked the usual question about Gun Control vs. 2nd Amendment Rights.  It seems that so many people have made up their mind about this issue that productive conversation seems almost impossible.  We’re stuck.

So I was impressed with Tom’s response to the question.  Rather than barge head-on into the usual debate, Tom wondered if we might at least be able to have discussion – and maybe find some agreement – about what should qualify as a gun that is appropriate for the average person to own.  Rather than pound, unproductively, on the locked front door of the issue, Tom suggested we look for a side door to a room where people might sit down and talk.

That’s part of why I’m supporting Tom. I respect his search for creative approaches to the problems facing our nation.  Rather than just saying the same thing, louder and louder, as so may politicians seem to be doing, Tom strikes me as someone who understands that true communication requires both things – listening as well as talking.  Of course he has different ideas than some others in the political arena, but I’ve never heard him talk disrespectfully about any of them. I see Tom as willing, and working, to search for new solutions to old problems, wherever they can be found.

Bill Petterson


Tom Palzewicz is running for Congress in Wisconsin’s 5th District

Last Updated on Tuesday, 11 February 2020 17:23
Stuck Supports Passage of PRO Act PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Amanda Stuck Press   
Tuesday, 11 February 2020 15:57

working-womenCandidate Believes in Empowering the Working Families of Wisconsin.

APPLETON - State Representative and Congressional candidate Amanda Stuck expressed disappointment in incumbent Congressman Mike Gallagher’s recent no vote on the Protecting the Right to Organize Act (PRO Act, HR 2474).

Stuck, who is challenging Gallagher in the Eighth Congressional District, has been an advocate for unions throughout her career.

amanda-stuck“We need to give our workers the tools and the agency they need to make a better life for themselves and their families,” Stuck said. “One of my greatest honors as a legislator is being able to support these working families in their fight.”

Stuck has been endorsed by numerous unions including:

  • NorthEast Wisconsin Building & Construction Trades Council
  • Appleton FireFighters Local 257
  • International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers (SMART)
  • International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace, and Agricultural Implement Workers of America Region 4 (UAW)
  • Painter & Allied Trades District Council No. 7 (IUPAT)
  • American Postal Workers Union

“The Protecting the Right to Organize Act (PRO Act, HR 2474) would be one of the first significant upgrades to union rights in decades,” Stuck continued. “While I am thrilled that we are finally seeing some progress in the fight to empower our workers I am disappointed that my opponent was one of the few legislators to vote against the PRO Act.

“Our job as legislators is to focus on what we can do to help our constituents. The working families of Northeast Wisconsin deserve better, they deserve a voice in Washington that will fight for them.”

Democrats Must Focus on Kitchen Table Issues to Win in 2020 PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Priorities USA Press   
Friday, 07 February 2020 10:19

donald-trump“I've also made an ironclad pledge to American families: We will always protect patients with pre-existing conditions. And we will always protect your Medicare and we will always protect your Social Security. Always.” - President Donald Trump, 2/4/2020 State of the Union remarks

WASHINGTON, DC - With the Senate impeachment vote behind us, Democrats must refocus our efforts on the most important issue at hand -- defeating Trump in November.  While Trump is now the first president in history to have a bipartisan Senate vote in favor of their removal from office, he remains in a relatively strong position to be re-elected, with every sign pointing to a close election decided by slim margins in just a handful of battleground states. Trump argued that voters should determine whether he stays in the White House past 2020. It’s time for Democrats to ensure that doesn’t happen.

If Democrats want to win, we -- and most importantly our candidates for President -- must increase our focus on the issues that affect voters’ lives on a daily basis. Priorities USA polling has consistently found that messages focused on health care, drug prices, wages and Medicare and Social Security are effective both at moving voters away from Trump and at galvanizing the Democratic base. Democrats in Congress should continue to do their constitutional duty to conduct oversight and hold the President accountable, but the focus on the campaign trail must be on communicating these messages to voters. 

President Trump’s State of the Union speech showed that he and his team are very aware of these vulnerabilities. During his speech, Trump spent significant amounts of time attempting to whitewash his record on these issues by staking out positions on issues like pre-existing conditions, Medicare, and Social Security that belie his actions as president. Voters will not be fooled by Trump’s lies if Democrats deliver a clear accounting of the facts.

Our last battleground poll found that 53 percent of voters viewed health care as more of a reason to elect someone other than Trump while just 29 percent viewed it as a reason to re-elect him. The numbers were not much better with white women without a college degree (a critical group for Trump). 50 percent of these voters view health care as a reason to elect someone else versus just 32 percent for re-election. There is a reason Trump is lying about his record on the issue.

Voters know the cost of prescription drugs continues to rise. We need to tell them about the $7 billion in tax cuts Trump gave big drug companies.

Voters know the cost of health care premiums continues to rise. We need to make sure they know Trump’s policies are a reason why.

Voters know they are struggling to save for retirement. We need to make sure they know Trump has repeatedly proposed cutting Medicare and Social Security.

Voters know insurance companies used to discriminate against people with pre-existing conditions. We need to make sure they know Trump is actively working to allow that again.

Trump knows these issues matter and is using the bully pulpit to hide the truth. If Democrats don’t do a better job of putting them front and center, we will lose a very winnable election to Donald Trump.

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