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PUSA Responds to Trump Campaign's Ongoing Wisconsin Lawsuit PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Priorities USA Press   
Thursday, 25 June 2020 11:54

trump-wh-gaggleAdvocacy group won't back down from holding Trump accountable.

WASHINGTON, DC - Priorities USA Action released the following statement in response to the odd press release from the Trump campaign after Priorities successfully intervened as a defendant in the Trump campaign's lawsuit in Wisconsin:

Priorities USA Action successfully intervened as a defendant in the lawsuit filed by the Trump campaign against a small Wisconsin TV station in a desperate attempt to prevent Americans from hearing the truth about Trump's failed response to the coronavirus pandemic which has cost over 120,000 American lives and millions of jobs. We stand by the facts in our ad that uses Trump's own words. We won't back down from holding Trump accountable for failing America." - Guy Cecil, Chairman of Priorities USA

Palzewicz Believes “Servant leadership” Needs to be Restored to Congress PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Palzewicz for Wisconsin, Chelsea Cross   
Wednesday, 24 June 2020 10:41

tom-palzewiczRunning in the 5th Congressional District, formerly held by long-time Republican congressman Jim Sensenbrenner, Democrat wants to be a representative that listens.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 24 June 2020 11:08
PUSA Launches New Ads Using Trump's "Slow the Testing Down" Comments PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Priorities USA Press   
Tuesday, 23 June 2020 16:22

trump-testing-pusa“Americans have died, gotten sick or lost their jobs because of Donald Trump’s selfishness, negligence, and incompetence. What he admitted to in Tulsa is nothing short of a tragedy,” said PUSA.

LCV Victory Fund Releases New Anti-Trump Ads PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Priorities USA Press   
Friday, 19 June 2020 09:17

trump-pusa-ad-6.10Paid media part of ongoing $14 million environmental swing voter program.

Washington, D.C. As part of its ongoing $14 million anti-Trump campaign targeting ‘environmental swing voters,’ LCV Victory Fund released new digital ads and direct mail that expose the truth about Donald Trump’s harmful environmental record, and its similarities to his coronavirus response.

The ongoing paid media campaign targets voters in the battleground states of Arizona, Florida, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. LCV Victory Fund is partnering with Priorities USA Action for the digital programs in Michigan, Florida, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Since the start of the paid media campaign last month, the ads have had tens of millions of impressions on various digital platforms including Facebook, YouTube, and Hulu across all six battleground states.

WATCH: "Titans"
WATCH: "Hook"
WATCH: "Serious"
WATCH: "Tapped"
WATCH: "Cries Hoax"
WATCH: "Family"
WATCH: "Every Year"
WATCH: "Out of Sight"

MAILER: “Warning”
MAILER: “Hoax”
MAILER: “Losing Arizona”
MAILER: “Water & Health"
MAILER: “Our North Carolina”
MAILER: “Doctor”

“Donald Trump is currently exploiting a nation in pain, in the middle of a pandemic that is disproportionately harmful to Black, Latinx and Indigenous communities, to dismantle environmental policies that protect our children and families,” said Pete Maysmith, LCV Victory Fund Senior Vice President of Campaigns. “Voters need to know that Trump refuses to listen to experts, prioritizes corporations over people, and denies the threat of climate change just like he denied the threat of the coronavirus. Trump is putting the health of our communities at extreme risk, especially communities of color and low-income communities.”

“Donald Trump’s environmental record is self-serving, reckless, and dangerous,” said Priorities USA Executive Director Patrick McHugh. “Voters deserve to hear the truth about the existential threat that four more years of Trump represents, and the disproportionate harm his policies stand to bring to our most vulnerable communities, already hurting from the multiple crises we’re facing as a nation.”

The new ads and mail use research-driven messaging about Trump’s record on climate, and its links to the coronavirus pandemic, as well as the environment, and the damage he’s doing to clean air and drinkable water. Some of the ads address state-specific environmental issues, like “Out of Sight,” which is running in Arizona and points to the state’s extremely high air pollution levels and the negative impacts that Trump’s latest rollbacks of air pollution safeguards could have on Arizonans’ health, including exacerbating the symptoms of coronavirus. In North Carolina, “Family” and “Tapped” call attention to the highly contaminated drinking water in the state, including with toxic coal ash, and the way Trump’s actions are making contamination worse.

This high-frequency digital advertising and accompanying high repetition direct mail program is targeted at a total universe of 1.58 million “environmental swing voters” who were identified through advanced modeling techniques. The program will continue to run until the Democratic National Convention on August 16.

Scripts of the new ads are below.

Our kids aren’t titans of industry
Or big political donors
But their safety still matters
Corporate polluters are letting cancer causing chemicals
Into drinking water across the state
And President Trump stood up for them
But he should be standing up for our kids

You can’t see the toxins corporate polluters let into our drinking water
But you can see how they get away with it
Because instead of requiring polluters to pay for their mess
Trump’s letting chemical companies off the hook
Ignoring the science and the health experts who know
When polluters don’t pay for the poisons they’ve put in our drinking water
We pay
With our health
Donald Trump has consequences for all of us

You should listen to experts
Even if you think you know best
But while 97% of experts warned about climate change
Trump: ‘Global warming … a lot of it’s a hoax’
And when coronavirus came
Trump: ‘This is their new hoax’
Every time, Trump only listens to himself

We should now have to worry about our water
But North Carolina has tap water with the highest contamination
From cancer causing forever chemicals
Donald Trump is gutting water pollution protections
And opposing limits on dumping those forever chemicals into our water

“Cries Hoax”
Trump cries hoax and we pay the price
Trump: ‘A lot of it’s a hoax’
Trump: ‘This is their new hoax’
Trump: ‘It’s a hoax, a lot of it’
Trump: ‘It’s a hoax’
Trump denied the threat of coronavirus just like he denied the threat of climate change
Trump doesn’t listen to experts
Instead he cries hoax

Drinking water
Taking a bath
Brushing teeth
If our water isn’t safe
Our family isn’t safe
But North Carolina has tap water with the highest contamination
From cancer causing forever chemicals
Now Donald Trump is gutting water pollution protections
Even from toxic coal ash
And opposing safeguards that would limit
The dangerous forever chemicals in our water
We all hoped he’d be different
But we have to look out for our families’ health

“Every Year”
Matthew, Florence, Dorian
Every year stronger, more dangerous
Climate change
It’s raising sea levels and producing bigger storms
But Donald Trump called the science a hoax
And he’s rolling back limits on carbon pollution that causes it
Overruling NASA, the Pentagon, and climate scientists who say we need urgent action
For us that means more flooding, more destruction
Donald Trump is making it worse

“Out of Sight”
While one crisis is dominating the headlines
Another is happening out of sight
Donald Trump is blocking safeguards on dangerous air pollutants
Toxic metals, like mercury, linked to brain damage
And lung damaging industrial particles
Even after a study showed a troubling link to higher coronavirus death rates
Arizona has some of the most polluted air in the nation
When we’re at risk, Donald Trump is making it worse

Last Updated on Saturday, 20 June 2020 09:33
Kristina Shelton Earns Wisconsin Conservation Voters Endorsement PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Kristina for Assembly   
Thursday, 18 June 2020 10:54

kristina-sheltonAssembly District 90 candidate thanks grassroots environment nonprofit for switching endorsement to her from incumbent and fellow Democrat Staush Gruszynski.

GREEN BAY, WI -- Kristina Shelton, Democratic candidate for Wisconsin State Assembly District 90, has been endorsed by Wisconsin Conservation Voters. Shelton earned the endorsement against incumbent Democrat Staush Gruszynski who was awarded the endorsement in 2018.

“Kristina’s commitment to climate action, clean water, democracy and voting access, and her commitment to environmental justice make her the clear candidate in this race,” said WCV in a statement.

clean-airWisconsin Conservation Voters is a statewide grassroots nonprofit that has been advocating for clean energy, safe water, environmental justice, and conservation since 2002.

“Wisconsin Conservation Voters is the gold standard of pushing for environmental justice in Wisconsin.” said Shelton. “Since my campaign has prioritized the fight for clean energy and healthy water, and against climate change, I am honored to have earned WCV’s endorsement. I can’t wait to get to work on our shared goals once I’m elected to the Assembly this November.”

Kristina Shelton has laid out a detailed and ambitious policy agenda. Her priorities include funding for infrastructure and environmental resiliency, affordable healthcare for all, and restoring the strength of Wisconsin’s unions.

Her opponent in the Democratic Party primary, Staush Gruszynksi, was asked to step down after sexually harassing a Capitol staffer last October. After refusing to resign, Gruszynksi was removed from the Democratic Assembly Caucus and relieved of his committee assignments. This means that as the Legislature responds to important conservation issues, constituents of the 90th District have no voice.

WCV joins other organizations including Citizen Action of Wisconsin and Democracy for America in endorsing Shelton. The campaign expects to announce more endorsements in the coming weeks.

Last Updated on Friday, 19 June 2020 11:06
Wisconsin Conservation Voters endorses Kristina Shelton for Assembly PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Wisconsin Conservation Voters, Ryan Billingham   
Thursday, 18 June 2020 09:47

kristina-sheltonClean water and environmental advocacy group says newcomer Shelton is a champion who will offer bold solutions to the problems facing northeastern Wisconsin.

Last Updated on Friday, 19 June 2020 10:27
DNC Battleground Brief 6-5-2020 PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Khary Penebaker, DNC Member WI   
Friday, 05 June 2020 19:26

trump-protesters-split-cnnThis is the DNC’s Battleground Brief -- a weekly wrap-up of Trump’s broken promises and everything you need to know across the path to 270.

Democratic Party of Wisconsin On May Jobs Numbers PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Friday, 05 June 2020 08:52

trump-covid-natl-emergTrump was handed a booming economy that he flushed away as he ignored intelligence warnings as far back as January about the impending COVID-19 outbreak.

WISCONSIN -- Friday, Democratic Party of Wisconsin Spokesperson Philip Shulman released the following statement in response to the May jobs report:

“Today’s dismal jobs report, which showed 13.3% of Americans out of work at the conclusion of May, is due not only to Trump’s disastrous COVID-19 response, but also because of his erratic trade war with China and his tax-scam bill that encouraged giant corporations to ship jobs overseas. Instead of fighting for hard working Wisconsinites who are struggling more than ever, Trump has been more concerned with pushing conspiracy theories and stoking racial grievances. He has turned a blind eye to the tens of millions of Americans who are out of work, the 818 Wisconsin dairy farms that closed their doors forever, and the more than 4,100 factory workers in the Badger state who lost their jobs last year as a result of his trade war.

“Trump was handed a booming economy that he flushed away as he ignored intelligence warnings as far back as January about the impending COVID-19 outbreak. Instead of working with economic advisors, he gave away the store to China as he shipped them PPE that our frontline workers desperately needed. But his kowtowing didn’t start there; after staging a photo-op for a hollow trade deal, America’s farmers are getting a measly $13 billion in agriculture purchases from China -- not even a drop in the bucket compared to the markets Trump destroyed.

“After three and a half years Wisconsinites know they can’t afford four more years of Trump as president. He has proven to be nothing more than bluster and bravado. Just like his businesses, many of which have gone bankrupt, he has run Wisconsin's and America’s economy into the ground. His callousness during some of America’s darkest days has further proven he is not fit to lead our country.”

Senator Darling is Part of the Problem PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Eric LaGesse   
Friday, 05 June 2020 08:37

alberta_darlingCo-Chair of Joint Finance Committee history of blocking measures to address racial disparities

MADISON – The tragic killing of George Floyd and the protests that have followed in Wisconsin and across the nation are the sad result of years of systemic racism and discrimination. For far too long, Senator Alberta Darling (R-River Hills) and her Republican colleagues have pursued policies that cement Wisconsin's unfortunate distinction of having the worst disparities for Black families in the country. As the co-chair of the Joint Finance Committee, Senator Darling has used her position of power to further tip the imbalances in our state. Instead of fighting to eliminate the barriers to success people of color face every day, she routinely does the bidding of powerful special interests, and puts the blame on communities of color.

“Wisconsin residents deserve better than someone who supports policies that suppress communities of color,” said SSDC Executive Director Eric LaGesse. “From voting rights, to education and health outcomes, Sen. Darling is complicit in the systemic problems that prevent Black Wisconsinites from being treated equally. The success of our state relies on the success of the people that live and work here, and they deserve elected leaders that will fight for the rights of everyone.”

Despite Wisconsin having the highest infant mortality rate for African Americans, Sen. Darling voted against a Democratic budget amendment to improve women’s health and birth outcomes. Sen. Darling also rejected funding for clean water protections as thousands of children are continuously poisoned by lead pipes. During her time in the legislature, she has been a staunch supporter of voter suppression policies that disenfranchise people of color.

Trump Crushed Wisconsin’s Economy PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Friday, 05 June 2020 08:17

trump-tariffsAnd It Started Before COVID-19

WISCONSIN -- Like the rest of the country, Wisconsin’s economy continues to suffer because Trump failed to take early and decisive action against the Coronavirus that would protect American families and the economy. Instead of working with medical experts and his economic team to prevent the economy from free-falling, Trump prioritized pushing conspiracy theories and using White House press briefings as partisan campaign rallies rather than reassuring the American people.

To date, there have been nearly ¾ of a million unemployment claims as a result of Trump’s failure to adequately address COVID-19; Wisconsin hit 14.1% unemployment as of April. Businesses across the state have shut down permanently, entrepreneurs have had to put their plans on hold, and spending from everyday Wisconsinites has all but dried up.

But Trump’s assault on Wisconsin’s economy started long before his disastrous response to the Coronavirus.

Farmers, manufacturers, and local economies have paid a heavy price for his chaotic trade war with China that turned the Badger state into a political football. Trump never had a real plan to deliver for Wisconsin, and as a result the state’s farming community has been decimated. 818 dairy farms closed their doors forever, crop farmers saw the markets they took decades to build disappear in just a few short months, and the state's manufacturing sector lost over 4,100 jobs in 2019.

The impact of Trump’s mindless trade-war stretched into local economies as local businesses felt the impact of his toxic agenda. An economic report found that average families stood to lose $1,000 a year because of his failure. All the while Trump ignored the very real pain being felt across Wisconsin, claiming things like “Farmers are over the hump” and supporting Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue has said Wisconsin’s small and medium-sized farms need to get bigger or just go out of business.

What’s more is Trump hid behind a multi-billion dollar taxpayer funded bailout that went primarily to large agriculture companies and not the very family farms he put in the line of fire with his trade war. And now the pain is going to get even worse as Trump failed to deliver any real results. It was recently reported that instead of the $50 billion in agriculture products Trump promised China would buy, it is instead a fraction of that total.

“Trump is danger to all of us: whether it is his disastrous response to COVID-19, his enabling of white-supremicists and bigots, or his aimless trade wars -- he is a president only for himself,not Wisconsinites or the American people,” Democratic Party of Wisconsin spokesperson Philip Shulman said. “So many have lost so much: family members and friends, jobs, or life savings. The pain has been endless under Trump. This nation cannot afford four more years of this president, and the November 3rd election can’t come soon enough.”

Last Updated on Saturday, 06 June 2020 08:23
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