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PUSA Ad: Donald Trump Still Wants to Take Health Care from Millions of Americans PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Priorities USA Press   
Saturday, 15 August 2020 16:27

covid-19-wh-trump-debunkNew ad “C’mon Man” illustrates Donald Trump’s attack on American health care using his own words.

Washington, DC — As the United States surpasses 5 million cases of COVID-19, Donald Trump is still pushing the Supreme Court to kill the Affordable Care Act while at the same time threatening to choke off crucial funding from Social Security and Medicare. As president, Joe Biden will reverse Donald Trump’s unconscionable attacks on the well-being of the American people and protect health care access for generations to come.  

Released ahead of the start of the Democratic National Convention, “C’mon Man” illustrates Donald Trump’s attack on American health care using his own words. Donald Trump has repeatedly claimed that his administration will “kill” the Affordable Care Act and “terminate health care.” While Trump is trying to score political points at the expense of American lives, Joe Biden has consistently vowed to protect and build on the Affordable Care Act, providing access to high quality health care for millions of Americans. “C’mon Man” will run on digital platforms in key battleground states targeting voters particularly persuadable on health care as part of Priorities’ nearly $1.5 million weekly TV and digital ad buy. 

Priorities USA Action is committed to spending over $200 million to defeat Donald Trump and ensure that Joe Biden is in the White House next year to fight for our access to high quality care. 

“Donald Trump’s assault on the health care coverage of millions of Americans is nothing new. Trump’s obsession with repealing the Affordable Care Act is part of a clear pattern of putting personal politics ahead of the well-being of the American people,” said Josh Schwerin, Senior Strategist and Communications Director for Priorities USA. “As an instrumental figure in passing the ACA, Joe Biden knows what it takes to pass consequential legislation that will actually improve the lives of the American people. Our health care is under attack, and we need Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on the front lines.”

Lt. Gov., Health Care Professionals Blast Trump Administration for Failed Coronavirus Response PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Saturday, 15 August 2020 16:18

donald-trump-rally-milw"The Republicans who continue to bury Wisconsin under this pandemic could learn a thing or two by watching the Democratic Convention where they’ll see the pain they’ve caused our state.”

WISCONSIN -- Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes, President of the Wisconsin Federation of Nurses and Health Care Professionals Jeff Weber, and health care professionals blasted Donald Trump and the Republicans for their failed coronavirus response and dangerous decision to campaign in person during the pandemic. Trump’s visit to the state comes as the Wisconsin Department of Health Services reported that over 1,000 Wisconsinites have died from COVID-19. During the press call, Barnes, Weber, and other health care professionals condemned Trump’s failure to lead and called on him to tune into the Democratic convention to hear the stories of hardworking Wisconsinites hurt by his horrible coronavirus response, instead of holding a photo-op that does nothing to solve the crisis facing our state.

Watch the full event here or read excerpts of what the speakers said below.

Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes: “In order to solve any problem you have to first admit that there is a problem, and Donald Trump has yet to do that. He is showing his lack of sincerity in addressing this issue in any sort of way by scheduling an in person visit to Wisconsin this week. He’s doing that because he is not very popular in the state at the moment and he is trying to do everything that he can do. This is a very desperate move, but a desperate move that will put lives at risk, including the people who are traveling with him, including his own… Peoples’ lives and safety have been completely disregarded since Donald Trump took office. He has shown no willingness to help people out, especially those who are in need, especially those who are struggling, so as we battle COVID-19 we are doing the responsible thing. We have always let the medical advice and science guide our decision making, and we’re going to continue to do that, even if it means we can’t have the exciting time that we planned to have in nominating the next president of the United States of America, Joe Biden. Even if it means we can’t celebrate with tens of thousands of our closest friends, we are going to do the responsible thing, because that’s what this moment calls for us to do. That’s what the nation is calling for us to do, and the country can see an example of what it means to make the sacrifice so we can provide a better quality of life for people all across this country.”

Jeff Weber: “I represent over 2,500 health care workers across our state who are on the frontlines fighting this pandemic. Everyday they go to work risking their lives -- wondering if this is the day that they may catch the virus. You see, even though we’ve been fighting this virus for nearly six months, Donald Trump is still abandoning nurses, doctors, and health care professionals… The people of Wisconsin are suffering, and as of this week, at least 1,000 Wisconsinites have died of COVID-19 and over 60,000 have tested positive. 1,000 is a hard number to swallow, 1,000+ grandparents, parents, friends, and family members, all ripped from us because of Trump and his Republican colleagues inability to listen to science and experts… It is in insult that Trump, Pence, and other Republicans would come here to hold in person campaign events as this crisis rages. Their carelessness and recklessness is a slap in the face to health and essential workers who put their lives at risk everyday… The Democratic Party has shown us what it means to value people over politics, and has made the difficult yet smart decision to present their party convention virtually. The Republicans who continue to bury Wisconsin under this pandemic could learn a thing or two by watching the Democratic Convention where they’ll see the pain they’ve caused our state.”

Marcia Steele: “I am dealing with the result of the president’s failed response to the coronavirus pandemic every single day. From the moment that the virus hit, it was clear that the president and Wisconsin Republicans were not going to provide the support and leadership we need. For months all they’ve done is watch the death toll grow… How many more patients will I have to swab? How many family members will be infected and possibly lose their life because of this event?... Countless lives depend on us electing new leadership this fall. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have a comprehensive plan to get the pandemic under control and support the workers who are risking their lives to help patients… I’m proud that my party made the tough decision to hold a virtual convention. They trust science and the public health experts, knowing it is the best way to keep people safe. That’s the sort of leadership we deserve and that’s what we’ll get with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in the White House.”

Kate Walton: “For the past few months, I’ve watched COVID-19 cases skyrocket, I’ve cared for patients with tragic outcomes that could have been prevented or avoided, and have felt my cries and my frustration have been ignored by the current administration. The absence of any form of leadership from Donald Trump and the White House is a driving reason behind why we have seen a surge of COVID-19 cases in proportion with our population, especially in comparison to other countries… Trump refused to take this pandemic seriously from the outset and continues to do so… Trump boasts that America is the greatest country in the world, yet we are rationing PPE because as a country we’ve never taken any of the steps that could help us survive this pandemic. We need supplies, we need help, we need leadership. I wake up every morning, knowing that I am putting myself in a direct line of fire with a deadly illness, only to see Donald Trump and Mike Pence parade around Wisconsin for a political photo-op. That is not the leadership we asked for… I support Joe Biden and Kamala Harris because they listen to science, they care about public health, and they are fighting to put nurses like me out of harm's way.”

Trump Triples Down on Plan to Cut Social Security in Wisconsin Tele-Rally PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Friday, 14 August 2020 09:42

donald-trump-rally-milwTrump promotes executive order to defer payroll tax that would slash funding for Social Security.

Last Updated on Saturday, 15 August 2020 10:35
Seniors Slam Trump’s Relentless Attacks on Social Security PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Thursday, 13 August 2020 08:52

elderlyWisconsin Senior: “Since Donald Trump took office, he has broken every promise he ever made to protect Social Security.

WISCONSIN -- As Donald Trump doubles down on his commitment to slashing social security, congressional candidate and State Representative Amanda Stuck joined Social Security recipients Sarah Conklin and Crystal Porter to criticize Trump’s repeated attacks on Social Security over the last four years, and his cruelty in threatening to permanently cut funding for the program during a pandemic. Social Security is a vital lifeline for countless Wisconsin families, seniors, people with disabilities, and this threat is part of a long history of Trump and his administration recklessly playing politics with people’s lives.

Watch the full event here or read excerpts of what the speakers said below.

Congressional Candidate Amanda Stuck: “We have about 150,000 people here in the 8th congressional district that rely on Social Security… Folks like my grandma who worked her entire life… raised her family here and now relies on Social Security. They are very worried about what cuts or defunding will mean to them… In the economy that we have now, we know we can't afford to be cutting these benefits at all. If anything we really need to be looking at how we can help people, how we can make sure people have more resources, not less, during these hard economic times… This is something that really is going to be on the ballot, that people are going to be watching, and they should know who is actually looking out for them and who really wants to cut their livelihood and their benefits.”

Sarah Conklin: “I am a poster child for pre-existing conditions, including MS, and like so many Wisconsinites my out of pocket costs are horrendous. The only way I’m able to afford my medication and treatments are with Medicare and Social Security… If Trump gets his way with this new executive order, which would cut funding for Social Security, I don’t know what I’ll do. Since Donald Trump took office, he has broken every promise he ever made to protect Social Security and has repeatedly attacked it, along with Medicare and Medicaid, when we senior citizens depend on it for our wellbeing. Trump and the GOP are clearly more interested in passing tax cuts for big corporations instead of helping the senior citizens that depend on Social Security for a bare minimum of financial stability. We are tired of his broken promises and cannot wait to elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris this fall. Who have shown they are committed to defending Social Security and expanding financial protection for seniors across the country.”

Crystal Porter: “I work a part time position at our local senior center. I talk to seniors every single day, besides myself, who are concerned about their benefits being cut. Donald Trump’s attack on our Social Security and Medicare would be very devastating to all of us… If one of us should get sick with COVID and our benefits are cut, where do we go? Do we lose our home? Are we out in the street?... We depend on that Social Security to live. We are so excited to know that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be our next president and vice president and I can’t wait for November 3rd to come, to make it so we’re all covered and take care of, so that our president and our vice president are concerned about the American people and are not just tossing us out like garbage, as the Trump Administration is doing giving tax cuts to the rich and taking away from us and making us poorer than we already are… I see this every single day working with the seniors at our senior center… some people don't have enough money to buy their lunches, decent groceries, or medicine, and… something has to change and I pray it changes soon.”

Last Updated on Saturday, 15 August 2020 09:01
Jonathon Hansen Wins Democratic Primary Election for State Senate District 30 PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Hansen for Senate   
Wednesday, 12 August 2020 15:04

jonathan-hansenDe Pere Alderman Jonathon Hansen thanks the people of the 30th State Senate District for their support.

Last Updated on Saturday, 15 August 2020 09:05
PUSA: A Joe Biden-Kamala Harris Administration Will Fight For Every American PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Priorities USA Press   
Wednesday, 12 August 2020 11:49

biden-harris-pusaNew Priorities USA ad features how Kampala Harris will bring her years of experience in California and in the Senate to help build the most progressive administration in history.

WI Teachers Blast Trump, Devos for Lack of Plan to Get Kids Back to School Safely PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Friday, 07 August 2020 12:15

trump-devosWISCONSIN -- On Tuesday, Wisconsin teachers called out Donald Trump and Betsy Devos for their lack of a plan to send kids and teachers back into schools safely. Wisconsin Education Association Council President Ron Martin penned an op-ed highlighting the problems the public school system faces, while FOX6 published a story concerning the lack of PPE for schools.

See More Below

WEAC President Ron Martin in the Cap Times:

  • Wisconsin parents and teachers are consumed with how to keep students safe and learning as a new school year approaches. In fact, it seems the only person not talking about reopening schools is U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos.
  • DeVos has popped up again in our state this time to champion the Trump administration’s reckless attacks on Title IX, designed to make it nearly impossible for victims of sexual assault on campus to get justice.
  • Instead of campaigning for Trump’s pet projects, the U.S. Education Secretary should be talking to Wisconsin about federal support for schools and students in this time of crisis.
  • The health and safety of our students and educators should be top-of-mind for the nation’s leaders, and all decisions should be guided by science.
  • I can’t say I’m surprised at the void in the DeVos/Trump response to the pandemic. They pursued a federal budget that tried to slash over $8 billion in funding for public education, including a proposed elimination of funding for the Special Olympics, assuming nobody would notice.
  • What Wisconsin needs now is serious consideration about how our students and educators can safely learn and teach during a pandemic.
  • We agree with teacher Jill Biden and her husband Joe that schools need a clear, science-based strategy, not mixed messages and ultimatums.

FOX6: 'Anxious and uncertain:' Questions, concerns persist as schools prep for fall return

  • Masks and hand sanitizer are just the beginning of a list of items that schools will need to help students and staff stay safe come fall. Though the state stepped in to help, some are wondering if it will be enough. Greg Engle, director of planning and preparedness with Wisconsin Emergency Management, said the state is dipping into its stockpile to help protect those who are headed back into school buildings.
  • Meanwhile, some feel that the safety measures in place are just a drop in the bucket. Ron Martin, president of the Wisconsin Education Association Council (WEAC), said there is a lack of a return plan in a broader sense of education and wants more to be done on a larger level. "Now as we look to another school year, parents and educators are still anxious and uncertain," said Martin. "We deserve more testing, a national tracing plan, proper PPE and the funding to make it all happen so we can go back to our school face-to-face safely."
Last Updated on Saturday, 08 August 2020 09:38
Palzewicz All-In on John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Palzewicz for Wisconsin, Chelsea Cross   
Friday, 07 August 2020 10:50

coronavirus-voting-us-abcnewsPalzewicz is hoping bill will be put up for a vote in Senate. Will back efforts in the new Congress to ensure that the right to vote is not denied any eligible voter.

Brookfield, WI –  Getting out the vote is fundamental to the success of political campaigns, but for some, just getting to vote is a major issue.  Democrat Tom Palzewicz, who is running for the Fifth Congressional District seat, is applauding the efforts to persuade Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to allow a vote on the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.

In 2013, the United States Supreme Court ruling in the Shelby County v. Holder gutted critical voter protections within the Voting Rights Act.  The Senate, in a bipartisan effort, has introduced the legislation which is designed to prevent discriminatory changes to state voting laws and procedures. The decision left the door open for states to institute a wave of voter suppression initiatives that has effectively disenfranchised minority voters.

tom-palzewicz“You saw this in the gubernatorial election in Georgia that denied Stacy Abrams supporters from voting,” said Palzewicz.  “This is just Jim Crow repackaged.  The legacy of John Lewis is grounded on the right to vote and express one's opinion. It is essential to democracy.  You can see since 2016 this has been a serious issue and there are efforts to suppress the vote, prevent voter registration and prevent early voting. Voters in Wisconsin had to endure the Covid-19 pandemic to vote in April's election.”

Palzewicz is hoping that the bill will be put up for a vote, but if it isn't, he is prepared to back any efforts moving forward in the new Congress to ensure that the right to vote is not denied any eligible voter.

DPW Calls Out Trump’s Attacks on the Latinx Community PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Friday, 07 August 2020 09:56

trumpdonald_092419Trump has failed the Latinx community here in Wisconsin, say DEMS.

WISCONSIN -- Donald Trump’s presidency has been propped up by his attacks on people of color and exploited  the most racist elements of our society. He has continuously pushed policies that harm the Latinx community on everything from health care and the economy to his heartless immigration policy. Democratic Party of Wisconsin spokesperson Philip Shulman released the following statement calling out Trump for his abhorrent rhetoric and policies towards the Latinx community:

“Trump has relentlessly failed the Latinx community here in Wisconsin. Trump's run for office started with him calling Mexicans rapists and murderers, and since then his presidency has devolved into cruelty, with him and his cronies ripping children from their mothers’ arms and locking them in cages, attacking health care in the middle of a pandemic devastating communities of color, and building an economy that only works for the rich and well-connected. He has pursued vile policies like taking money away from service members in Wisconsin to fund his border wall, proclaiming that the suburbs in Wisconsin would disappear because of Black and Brown people, and ignoring the coronavirus until pursuing a failed response that has disproportionately infected and killed members of the Latinx community. Latinx Wisconsinites continue to face the brunt of the economic impact of Trump’s ineffective coronavirus response as Trump himself says “it is what it is”, once again passing the buck instead of stepping up to do his job. Donald Trump will continue to scapegoat and harm the Latinx community until he is no longer president, which is why it’s that much more important that we send Joe Biden to the White House in November.”

Gerrymandering Creates Difficult Road For Dems In Wisconsin PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Palzewicz for Wisconsin, Chelsea Cross   
Friday, 07 August 2020 08:57

voter-primaries-s5Fifth Congressional District candidate Tom Palzewicz and other Dems for state and national office face uphill battle.

Brookfield, WI –  Imagine the Green Bay Packers playing the Chicago Bears, in Soldier Field, but the Packers were only allowed to field 8 players, while the Bears had their usual 11.  It would be difficult at best for the Packers to win, if not impossible.  But in Wisconsin politics, Fifth Congressional District candidate Tom Palzewicz and other Dems for state and national office have to deal with Republican gerrymandering to win seats.

Partisan gerrymandering, orchestrated by Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald and Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, have made certain that only 10% of legislative districts and no congressional districts offer real choices to Wisconsin voters.  District maps have been redrawn, making it difficult if not impossible for Democrats to win in some districts including the fifth.

Jay Heck, the Executive Director of Common Cause in Wisconsin for the last 22 years, wrote an op-ed in the July 22 edition of the Wisconsin Examiner, laying out the long history of lies and deceit championed by the state's two most powerful Republican politicians.  It is Fitzgerald that will benefit from the heavily gerrymandered Fifth District in his race against Palzewicz this fall.

Heck wrote, “Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos and State Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald have long opposed any and all attempts to bring even an iota of fairness and impartiality to the redistricting process of state legislative and congressional districts in Wisconsin.  Indeed, their fear of a fair system that would provide Wisconsin voters with legitimate competitive elections and genuine choices at election time is such that they have quashed any and all efforts to allow even a public hearing on the issue in the Wisconsin Legislature since 2009.

“The very dirty, not-so secret truth is that both Vos and Fitzgerald have long depended on their absolute control of the redistricting process to enable each to enforce their iron-clad demand for allegiance and absolute obedience to their political and policy objectives and quash any dissent or independent thinking among rank and file legislators in their respective partisan caucuses.”

For Palzewicz the focus is on the needs of the Fifth District and the nation.

tom-palzewicz“We just have to work harder,” said Palzewicz.  “At least the football field is always 100 yards long, so the field is fair.  What you see in Wisconsin is authoritarian rule, which is exactly what we're getting from Donald Trump.  Democracy?  In Wisconsin? I promise to be loyal to the U.S. Constitution and the people of Wisconsin.  Wisconsin and America have to come first, not self-interest and political power.”

Fitzgerald and Vos have asserted that all bi-partisan efforts and plans that have been brought before the Wisconsin legislature are “unconstitutional.”  But Heck writes, “according to the Wisconsin Legislative Council and virtually every constitutional expert — such as University of Wisconsin-Madison political science professor David Canon to name just one — the measure is fully compliant with Wisconsin’s Constitution.”

Fitzgerald and Vos oppose efforts by Governor Tony Evers to establish a non-partisan commission to draw state legislative and congressional districts, calling that unconstitutional and illegal.

“Democracy thrives when people are given the freedom of choice,” Palzewicz explained. “When voters are denied that choice we are left with the desires of special interests and chosen few.”

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