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New PUSA Ad Keeps Focus on Coronavirus, Health Care and the Economy PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Priorities USA Press   
Thursday, 10 September 2020 10:36

trump-pusa-mask“Mask,” a new TV ad from Priorities USA Action, holds Donald Trump accountable for abandoning Americans who have lost their jobs and their health insurance during the pandemic.

WI union leaders say Trump has betrayed working Wisconsinites PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Wednesday, 09 September 2020 09:51

WISCONSIN -- Ahead of Mike Pence’s visit to the badger state on Labor Day, Union leaders from across the state bashed the administration for hurting Wisconsin workers for the last four years. Now, in the middle of a pandemic, Donald Trump’s failed response to COVID-19 has completely abandoned working families across the state.


News8000: WI union leaders say Trump administration has betrayed working Wisconsinites

  • Ahead of the Vice President’s visit on Monday representatives from the American Federation of Teachers, Wisconsin Farmers Union, and American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees shared their frustrations about the Trump administration during a video press call.
  • AFSCME Council 32 representative Valerie Landowski said the administration’s response to COVID-19 has failed Wisconsin.“It’s wreaked havoc on Wisconsin families. We aren’t getting the PPE we need in our facilities. We’ve seen thousands of layoffs and furloughed employees. This has created an economic downturn that will destroy the economy of Wisconsin and nationally for years to come,” Landowski said.
  • Wisconsin Farmers Union President Darin Von Ruden also shared his thoughts, saying the dairy industry is failing because of moves made by the administration, including outsourcing products because it’s cheaper. “Farmers need to produce at a lower cost, which we can’t do because the price of our essential needs, equipment, materials to run our businesses have also increased in price because of the aluminum and steel tariffs,” Von Ruden said.
  • AFT Wisconsin President Kim Kohlhaas touched on Wisconsin lawmakers’ response to getting the economy back on track, saying they aren’t doing enough. “The fact that there has not been a session to deal with COVID, to deal with the economy, and to deal with unemployment is completely unacceptable. Governor Evers has called for it, he has asked to have these conversations, and they have been rejected. I don’t think there are a lot of solutions unless we’re willing to sit down and start talking about it,” Kohlhaas said.


Democrats Speak Out on BLS Jobs Numbers PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Saturday, 05 September 2020 10:30

donald-trumpTrump continues to downplay the COVID-19 crisis and, in doing so, has prolonged and deepened our job loss.

Kenosha Business Owner Declines President Trump Photo-op PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Thursday, 03 September 2020 09:20

trump-in-kenosha-limanewsTrump again fails to bring community together and meet the moment.

Pence Visit to La Crosse PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Wednesday, 02 September 2020 12:46

mike-penceWISCONSIN -- In response to Mike Pence’s announced visit to La Crosse, Wisconsin Farmers Union President Darin Von Ruden released the following statement:

“Trump and Pence have relentlessly attacked Wisconsin workers and farmers since taking office, from falsely claiming they were “over the hump” as thousands of farms declared bankruptcy to engaging in a costly and ineffective trade war with China that caused the Badger state to bleed jobs. Wisconsin has lost over 2,000 dairy farms since Trump took office, with a record 818 closing in 2019, and continues to lead the nation in farm bankruptcies. This administration has been completely void of any sort of plan or platform that will help farming families across the Badger state; all we've gotten the last four years are empty promises and no results. Pence’s visit to La Crosse is political theater when we need concrete action, and Wisconsinites are counting the hours until we can send Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to the White House to fix the problems that the Trump-Pence administration created and actually help Wisconsin farmers."

Farmers Call Out Trump’s Chaotic Policies Prior to Photo-Op Visit to Kenosha PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Tuesday, 01 September 2020 12:56

tractor-flag"As far as I’m concerned, Donald Trump is driving me out of business."

WISCONSIN -- Wisconsin Farmers Hans Breitenmoser Jr. and Craig Myhre, and Democratic Party of Wisconsin 2nd Vice Chair and 57th assembly district candidate Lee Snodgrass called out the pain that Donald Trump’s chaotic presidency has caused in Wisconsin, from inflaming racial injustice to trade wars to his handling of the coronavirus. Breitenmoser Jr., a dairy farmer and Lincoln County Board Supervisor, and Myhre, a grain farmer and part time mailman, have seen first hand the destruction Trump’s trade wars and failed response to the COVID-19 pandemic have done to their businesses and communities.

trump-tariffsSnodgrass, who lives in the Appleton area, has also seen the damage Trump’s destructive policies have done to the state's manufacturers and main streets. These Wisconsinites make it clear that Trump has sown division and economic pain for four years, and Joe Biden’s leadership is desperately needed in the White House to build back the Badger state better..

Watch the full event here or read excerpts of what the speakers said below.

DPW Vice Chair and 57th assembly district candidate Lee Snodgrass: “I think Donald Trump’s visit today is quite harmful to the state of Wisconsin… he is counting on division because he thinks this division secures his base, and Wisconsin is going to show him that’s not how it works around here… A lot of people are realizing the things he has run on, the fires that he has stoked, the things that he has tried to do simply for photo ops, frankly, are not working for Wisconsin… I have friends who are business owners… Trump’s tariffs have made it such that it’s very very expensive to stay afloat, and you add the bungled response to the pandemic on top of that, and we have people who, as the weather gets cooler, are wondering if they'll be able to keep their doors open… When you think about how things could have been, experts are talking about how we’re not going to recover from this economy possibly until 2030, the damage that has been done is so so great. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris already in the very short time that they've been campaigning together, have shown that they are the party of unity and compassion, a party of actually listening to people, sitting down at the table, and looking for solutions… instead of basically looking for a photo-op and looking for a way to divide us further.”

Craig Myhre: “My crops are corn, soy beans, and hay… As we came out of some of the best grain prices we’ve had through the Obama administration, farming was doing well, then Trump got elected… and put on his tariffs on our exports… So things slowed down and got tougher, and then the pandemic came along and that was just putting salt in the wound. As far as I’m concerned, Mr. Trump is destroying agriculture. I really don’t understand how any farmers can support him. We are all struggling… I talk to many guys who are not sure how long they can hang on… As far as I’m concerned, Donald Trump is driving me out of business, so I’ve taken part time off for unemployment. Joe Biden, when elected, will straighten these issues out to get our trade issues straightened out. We need those markets. We need this pandemic to get straightened out. We need to come up with a plan to get our economy moving again… our farm supply co-ops are hurting, our implement dealers are hurting, our small towns are drying up, and agriculture is on the verge of implosion… We need better leadership. Joe Biden will provide some integrity to the office of the president again, and hopefully we can get this thing turned back around.”

John Drew: “It’s been a struggle, to be sure, for the last number of years... The Republicans have given a lot of lip service to the importance of small businesses, but their policies tend to favor large businesses… At some point you have to put your money where your mouth is, and I don't think the Republican party has been doing that… The Republican party has become the party of Trump… They've stated openly that their platform is that they'll help president trump achieve his agenda, regardless of what that agenda is.… It’s important for people to look at the platform, or lack thereof, of the parties, and also look at the track record… If you look at the drama and the chaos that we’ve had for the past four years, I think you'd have to say, a little less tweeting and a little more thoughtful low drama public policy. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have proven time and again that they're in public service not because they like the camera shined on them… they've been doing this because they are sincerely concerned about creating good public policy. If we are really serious about having people who are more interested in policy and less interested in politics, then I think the choice is clear.”

PUSA Takes on Trump's Reckless School Push and Coronavirus Failures, Highlight Joe Biden PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Priorities USA Press   
Friday, 21 August 2020 10:18

pusa-lifeanddeathNew TV Ads from Priorities USA highlight how Donald Trump continues his reckless push to send our kids back to the classroom with little regard for their health or safety.

Washington, DC — Every day we read about another coronavirus outbreak in a school, and every day Donald Trump continues his reckless push to send our kids back to the classroom with little regard for their health or safety. With coronavirus outbreaks still uncontrolled in many states and millions of people still out of work thanks to Trump’s failures, Americans are facing an uncertain future while other countries return to normal life. The Trump administration was given multiple warnings by experts, guidelines for handling the pandemic, and opportunities to educate the American public about effective mitigation strategies. Donald Trump ignored every single opportunity to get the coronavirus under control, instead opting for his comfort zone of lies and disinformation. Every American is now paying the price for Trump’s incompetence.  

A pair of new TV ads from Priorities USA Action hold Donald Trump accountable for his failures and tell the stories of Americans who have been harmed by his lack of action. 

Darlene works on the front lines of our nation’s coronavirus crisis as a nurse. She wants her child to go back to school, but she fears for their safety with the pandemic still taking thousands of American lives each week while Trump fails to act. A registered Republican, Darlene will share her story with battleground state voters during the week of the Republican National Convention. In “Life and Death,” she declares that she cannot vote for Donald Trump because of his failure to listen to experts and keep Americans safe. 

Wreck” contrasts Donald Trump’s failed leadership that has always put himself first with Joe Biden’s fact-driven, compassionate leadership. While Trump is trashing our economy and our institutions, Joe Biden has a plan to build our economy back better than it was before. Not only will Joe Biden and Kamala Harris listen to science and confront the virus, they will create millions of good jobs, improve access to affordable health care, expand Medicare, and ensure that our progress is preserved for generations to come.

Life and Death” and “Wreck” will run on cable and broadcast in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Arizona. 

Priorities USA Action is spending about $2 million per week on television and digital ads telling Americans the truth about Donald Trump’s failure to contain the virus and protect our children. Priorities is committed to investing more than $200 million through November to defeat Donald Trump and ensure that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are in the White House in 2021. 

“To keep America’s children safe, parents and teachers need a leader that they can rely on. Handling this pandemic is the ultimate test of leadership — and Trump has failed miserably,” said Chairman of Priorities USA Guy Cecil. “There is still so much uncertainty about how we will open our schools safely, and the blame for this chaos rests squarely on Donald Trump’s shoulders. We need a president who will lead with compassion and always heed the advice of experts. Joe Biden will be that leader. Priorities is committed to doing everything we can to support the Biden-Harris ticket so we can forge a better future for our country next year.”

Wisconsin Conservation Voters endorses its third wave of candidates PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Wisconsin Conservation Voters, Ryan Billingham   
Thursday, 20 August 2020 16:09

wetlands-wiCandidates share values of clean water, clean air, accessible public lands, an equitable, safe democracy, and the pursuit of clean energy.

MADISON – Wisconsin Conservation Voters is proud to announce its third wave of endorsements for candidates running for office in the Wisconsin State Legislature.

kelda-roys“Our endorsed candidates share our values: clean water, clean air, accessible public lands, an equitable, safe democracy, and the pursuit of clean energy,” said Executive Director Kerry Schumann. “We’re proud to endorse this most recent slate of candidates who will fight for a brighter, cleaner, more equitable Wisconsin.”

The Wisconsin Conservation Voters Board vets candidates through a questionnaire, a personal interview, and research on each prospective candidate and their campaigns.

Wisconsin Conservation Voters endorses the following candidates:

Rep. LaKeisha Myers for Assembly District 12
Jessica Katzenmeyer for Assembly District 15
Erik Brooks for Assembly District 21
Shaun Murphy-Lopez for Assembly District 49
Emily Berge for Assembly District 68
John Ellenson for Assembly District 75
Francesca Hong Assembly District 76
Jacob Malinowski for Assembly District 82
Charlene Warner for Assembly District 93

Melissa Sargent for Senate District 16
Kelda Roys for Senate District 26

“With the future of Gov. Evers’ veto power in jeopardy as well as the future of clean energy policy, clean water policy, and voting rights, this election is one of the most important in the state’s history,” Seth Hoffmeister, Organizing and Political Director, said.

For our entire slate of endorsed candidates and election updates click here.


Engaging voters to protect Wisconsin's environment.

Last Updated on Friday, 21 August 2020 16:23
Trump Administration is Failing Wisconsin Workers PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Tuesday, 18 August 2020 09:31

donald-trump-uk"Our economy is hurting, our state is hurting, we’re tired of the photo-ops. We need leadership. We deserve more. We deserve a president that actually cares," say Sen. Tammy Baldwin, Wisconsin AFL-CIO Treasurer, and small business owner.

Women for Trump Bus Tour Blasted for Campaigning During Pandemic PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Sunday, 16 August 2020 16:02

women-for-trump-bus-cbs58Wisconsin leaders are speaking out about the threat Trump poses in his response to the COVID-19 pandemic and his other reckless policies.

WISCONSIN -- As the “Women for Trump” Bus Tour irresponsibly rolls through the Badger state, Wisconsin leaders are speaking out about the threat Trump poses to them, both in his response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the reckless policies he’s pursued during his presidency that have harmed women. Since taking office, Trump has gone after women’s  health care, tried to remove workplace protections, and has failed to come up with a comprehensive plan that will keep families and their children safe.

See Read what  just a few leaders are saying:

latonya-johnsonState Sen. LaTonya Johnson: “Trump’s disastrous failed COVID-19 response has been particularly devastating for Black and brown women. They disproportionately serve on the frontlines of this pandemic and have been crucial for keeping our friends and neighbors safe as well as keeping essential businesses open. This bus tour is nothing more than a sham and does nothing to help Wisconsinites confront the pandemic. Since the outset of his presidency, Trump has made clear he sees Black and brown and women as expendable, and a wreckless bus tour will do nothing to change that.”

robyn-viningState Rep. Robyn Vining: “Wisconsin women don’t need a visit from the Women for Trump Bus to show us how terrible the president has been when it comes to dealing with each and every issue that affects us personally, our families, and our communities. But here we are, and here they come. Whether it’s resolving this pandemic, navigating the plan for school reopening, fighting for health care, reigniting our economy, combatting violence against women, or protecting our children and families, I know Wisconsin women would much rather be on Team Joe than be anywhere near this terrifying bus. Love wins and so will we.” 

State Rep. Greta Neubauer: “This irresponsible and unsafe campaign event can’t distract from the fact that Trump has completely failed Wisconsin’s women. He continues to prioritize his own campaign over the women of our state. Trump’s inability to respond to the coronavirus pandemic has put countless lives at risk, cost many people their jobs and left families wondering how they will make it to the end of the month. We deserve better and the only way we’ll get it is Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in the White House.”

More Background:

Trump came to Wisconsin in 2016 and promised “nobody will be better to women”, but it couldn’t have been further from the truth.

Trump: “Nobody will be better to women, and nobody will give greater security to our country for women, and in that case, for everybody. Nobody but Donald Trump.” [Trump Campaign Rally, Appleton WI, 3/30/16]

Trump’s failed COVID-19 response has disproportionately hurt women, especially women of color.

Pew Research: “More women than men lost their jobs from February to May, 11.5 million vs. 9.0 million.”

National Women’s Law Center: “While the overall unemployment rate dropped to 10.2% in July, almost 1 in 7 Black women (13.5%) and Latinas (14.0%) remained unemployed” 

CNN: “Coronavirus infection may make pregnant women more severely ill, CDC says” 

Throughout his presidency, Trump has attacked women’s health care, including birth control, and is currently in court trying to strike down the Affordable Care Act and protections for people with pre-existing conditions.

Vox: “The Affordable Care Act changed everything. It prohibited insurers on the individual market from charging people more based on their gender or their medical history. Women are more likely than men to have a preexisting condition, which can include a history of rape, domestic violence, or even pregnancy. The law required insurers to cover certain services, including maternity care, ensuring women would be able to buy a health plan that actually covered the medical care they needed.” 

ABC News: “Supreme Court Allows Trump To Exempt Employers From Obamacare Birth Control Mandate.” 

Trump has also tried to use his office to undue meaningful regulations around workplace harassment and fair pay.

NBC News: “On March 27, Trump revoked the 2014 Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces order then-President Barack Obama put in place to ensure that companies with federal contracts comply with 14 labor and civil rights laws.” 

Washington Post: “A federal judge on Monday ordered the Trump administration to reinstate an Obama-era rule that required companies to report pay data by race and gender, a move advocates say will help shrink the wage gap.  Tanya S. Chutkan, a U.S. district judge for the District of Columbia, ruled that the Trump administration violated the law when it halted the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s efforts to collect pay data by race and gender from large companies.”

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