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Eric Trump Visit to Wisconsin PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Friday, 09 October 2020 07:55

trump-pusa-play-it-downWISCONSIN -- In response to Eric Trump's upcoming visit to Wisconsin, Democratic Party of Wisconsin spokesperson Philip Shulman released the following statement:

“It’s more clear than ever that regardless of what Trump and his campaign do, Wisconsinites know the president has completely failed to address the COVID-19 pandemic and keep families safe. What’s more is in the midst of this pandemic, which continues to fuel a soaring infection rate and hospitals on the brink of bed shortages, Trump is still trying to dismantle the health care system and strip protections for people with pre-existing conditions. Trump and his cronies have repeatedly put themselves first and Wisconsinites last, and Badger State voters are going to remember that on November 3rd when they send Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to the White House."

New Bilingual Latino Ad Highlights Joe Biden’s Leadership PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Priorities USA Press   
Thursday, 08 October 2020 16:17

pusa-biden-2020-adLatinos have been disproportionately hurt by Trump’s mishandling of the coronavirus and the resulting economic fallout, and many are looking for new leadership.

Scott Fitzgerald Not Doing His Job PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Palzewicz for Wisconsin, Chelsea Cross   
Wednesday, 07 October 2020 10:31

scott-fitzgeraldFitzgerald wants to stop the one action that the CDC considers the most effective means of protecting against the virus, wearing a mask, and he is counting on his gerrymandered district to propel him to Washington.

Brookfield, WI – Scott Fitzgerald, the Republican candidate for the Fifth Congressional District, is not debating or holding town hall events, not stating his position on issues, he's not doing interviews, or even presiding over the Wisconsin Senate Senate. He is not doing anything to run for Congress. Instead, he is going to court once again to try to stop Governor Tony Evers from controlling COVID-19 in Wisconsin.

Even after President Donald Trump tested positive for COVID-19 and was hospitalized at Walter Reed, Fitzgerald wants to stop the one action that the CDC considers the most effective means of protecting against the virus—wearing a mask. Fitzgerald, the Senate Majority Leader, joined a lawsuit against Governor Tony Evers for his mask mandate. Fitzgerald would rather litigate than legislate. Democrat Tom Palzewicz is running against Fitzgerald for the Fifth District seat in Congress to bring democracy back to government.

tom-palzewicz"Fitzgerald claims that the governor is not doing his job, that he is overstepping his authority while the nation watches the news of the president's diagnosis," said Palzewicz, "The reality is that Scott Fitzgerald isn't doing his job. He heads up a state government with a full-time legislature but doesn't ever seem to go to work. He is supposed to be running for Congress, but he doesn't do that job either. No one knows his views on healthcare, climate change, or any other major issues facing this country. Scott Fitzgerald is doing nothing to run for Congress.

"Fitzgerald is counting on his gerrymandered district to propel him to Washington allowing him to avoid working in Washington just as he avoids working in Wisconsin. Who wouldn't want that job?" Palzewicz explains.

"What will it take for Fitzgerald to understand this virus is a very real threat, not only to public health but to our national security?" Palzewicz asked. "Fitzgerald goes to court to open up Wisconsin and then watches from a distance as infection rates spike. He is on the wrong side of this issue, and it has gotten to the point where he poses a threat to public health by his refusal to take common-sense measures to fight the pandemic.

"Fitzgerald has no plan for fighting the pandemic. He has no plans for healthcare. He is willing to dismantle the Affordable Care Act (ACA, Obamacare) but has nothing to replace it. Tens of millions would lose their coverage. He may also be considering cutting Medicare and Medicaid, further eroding what little millions of people have. He'll cut Social Security, which for some seniors is all they have to live on. And for what purpose?"

"In reality, we have no idea what Fitzgerald will do because he won't tells us," Palzewicz continued. "Democracy dies when you can run for congress and don't tell anyone what you're planning to do when you get there."

Palzewicz has maintained that the pandemic is not a political issue, but a public health issue. He has stated that it will take both Republicans and Democrats, working in cooperation, to create a plan for public health effectively. Palzewicz, a U.S. Navy veteran and former banker, has promised to work across the aisle and listen to all ideas.


Tom Palzewicz is the Democrat running for Congress in Wisconsin's 5th Congressional District. He is a small-business owner and Navy Veteran running against Scott Fitzgerald.

New PUSA TV Ad Contrasts Biden and Trump on the Pandemic PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Priorities USA Press   
Monday, 05 October 2020 16:18

pusa-contrast-biden"Night and Day" will run on cable and broadcast in Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin beginning Wednesday.

DPW Raises Over $500,000 With Virtual VEEP Cast Reunion PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Monday, 05 October 2020 16:06

veep-cast-eventWISCONSIN -- Today, the Democratic Party of Wisconsin announced it is releasing a special recording of the virtual VEEP cast reunion. The digital event was a huge success and raised over $500,000 for the party that will be used to defeat Trump this November. Wisconsinites and people across the country can use this link to donate and watch the full event.

Read more about the event below:

The Hollywood Reporter: Inside the 'Veep' Virtual Reunion That Raised $500K (and Counting) for the Biden Campaign

  • The seeds for the virtual Veep reunion that live streamed on Sunday night had been in the works for weeks. Which is why it was very Veep-like that, only days before the cast-wide event, President Trump revealed that he had tested positive for COVID-19.
  • "It really upstaged us in a very almost Tom Hanks kind of way," showrunner and executive producer David Mandel tells The Hollywood Reporter.
  • Trump was only invoked when summing up the legacy of Selina Meyer: The "second worst president of the United States," said Mandel; Louis-Dreyfus added of her character, "Selina began as somebody who was very self-centered and that focus on herself was completely reinforced by everyone around her. Nobody shut her down ever. Who does that sound like? So that massive ego grew and grew and grew until she absolutely did herself in with her own self at the end of the series."
  • Mandel, who took over as showrunner and executive producer for the final three seasons of Veep, was approached about one month ago by the Democratic Party of Wisconsin to hold Sunday's reunion event to benefit the Joe Biden-Kamala Harris campaign. "Anything you donate will be used to ensure that Trump loses Wisconsin, and thereby the White House," read the public invite for the event.
  • Reuniting on behalf of Wisconsin, a key state in the 2020 presidential election between Trump and Democratic nominee Biden, Louis-Dreyfus and the cast ended up raising more than $500,000 for the Democratic Party of Wisconsin by the end of the broadcast, and urged fans tuning in to volunteer for the cause. The event live streamed once and required a donation for access (more on that below).
  • Moderated by Mandel, Sunday's event included the cast answering fan questions about the series — which wrapped its seventh and final season in May of 2019 — and performing a virtual table read of five deleted scenes, including from the final episode.
  • The reunion opened with a pre-taped bit of Walsh reassuming the podium as his press secretary character Mike McLintock to explain the ground rules ("Everyone watching must follow COVID-19 regulations for their particular state") and warn of foul language ahead ("It's kind of what made the show famous").
  • As promised, highlights from the gathering included a cast-wide competition to deliver the best Jonah Ryan insult for the character played by Timothy Simons ("Stillborn flamingo," a submission from special guest, and real-life Wisconsin congresswoman, Gwen Moore, was the winning jab); and an expletive-filled plea of electoral wisdom for Wisconsin voters from the duo of Congressman Roger Furlong (Bakkedahl) and his aide Will (Franklin).
  • At the end of the night, the Veep star reiterated, "Wisconsin is going to be close, and it’s the best way to get Joe Biden in the White House."
  • Visit and, with a donation, gain access to an exclusive replay of the reunion. On the replay page, fans can enter a raffle to win autographed prizes, including posters, bobbleheads and a script from the final season autographed by the cast
Last Updated on Tuesday, 06 October 2020 16:16
Wisconsin 3rd Worst In Nation For COVID-19 PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Palzewicz for Wisconsin, Chelsea Cross   
Friday, 02 October 2020 17:14

tom-palzewiczTom Palzewicz wants Scott Fitzgerald to stop obstructing Wisconsin's Covid-19 response. He wants to go to Washington to do something for everyone, whether they voted for him or not.

Brookfield, WI – CNN reported that Wisconsin ranks third in the nation with new COVID-19 cases. Still, to date, the Wisconsin Legislature led by Scott Fitzgerald has done nothing, except sue the governor for taking appropriate action to contain COVID-19. Democrat Tom Palzewicz wants Fitzgerald to stop obstructing Wisconsin's Covid-19 response.

Palzewicz is running against Senate Majority leader Scott Fitzgerald, who, along with Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, has prevented Wisconsin from moving forward, which is a major contributing factor to the spike in cases.

"They have offered no plan on how to combat COVID-19 in Wisconsin," said Palzewicz. "Instead, they go to court and sue, but for what purpose? Badger Bounce-back was working, yet Fitzgerald went to the Supreme Court to stop it. There is no Republican plan in Wisconsin, in Washington, or from the White House. There is just action against anyone who does want to do something.

scott_fitzgerald"The legislature, Congress, has a solemn responsibility to unify the state and country, to bring about a strategy for fighting this pandemic. Fitzgerald won't debate the issue. He won't even respond to invitations to discuss the pandemic. He responds to nothing. We have been going downhill ever since that terrible decision in the Supreme Court, and we will continue to go downhill under Republican rule.

"As a candidate for Congress, Fitzgerald also does not present any positions, other than he hates Nancy Pelosi and supports Donald Trump. He won't debate, discuss or even respond about key issues that are facing this nation."

Palzewicz believes in open discussion and listing to all positions on the issues.

"Democracy is all about bringing ideas to the table," Palzewicz continued. "There are ideas I don't agree with, but we need to discuss those ideas and see if there are areas of agreement and commonality. Republicans do not seem to want to do this. Mitch McConnell prevents debate in the U.S. Senate, Fitzgerald gavels the Wisconsin Senate without so much as a discussion. This is not democracy. It is authoritarianism. This is not what we're about."

Palzewicz is running to bring democracy back to government. He wants to confront the issues facing us and work with Republicans to solve problems. He believes in airing out viewpoints and debating the issues. Moreover, he has openly welcomed the opinions of voters, both on the right and left.

"I do not want to go to Washington to represent only those who voted for me," said Palzewicz. "I am a Wisconsinite and an American, first and foremost. Government is all about representing the people, not the party. Problems do not get solved by litigation. They get solved by people listening and working towards agreement. Authoritarians do not understand this, nor do they respect it."

Stuck Denounces Rep. Gallagher’s COVID Response PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Amanda Stuck Press   
Friday, 02 October 2020 10:28

amandastuckGallagher hosted the Republican State Convention in July shaking hands and hugging like we aren’t in a global pandemic. Recently he attended a Catholics for Trump event exhibiting the same reckless behavior.

Tom Palzewicz Introduces Himself PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Tom Palzewicz, Candidate for Congress   
Thursday, 01 October 2020 10:03

tom-palzewiczTom Palzewicz is the Democrat running for Congress in Wisconsin's 5th Congressional District. He is a small-business owner and Navy Veteran running against Scott Fitzgerald in this traditionally red district.

BROOKFIELD, WI - Greetings, my name is Tom Palzewicz. I am a small-business owner, Navy Veteran, and Democrat running for Congress in Wisconsin's 5th Congressional District. I'm running because our country lacks vision. We are at a crossroads for our Democracy, and the stakes are high for our country. When I got into this race, I looked forward to an honest exchange of ideas and solutions. Unfortunately, my opponent, Scott Fitzgerald, has been unwilling to engage in this fundamentally democratic exercise.

The central tenet of our Democracy is debate. We will never agree with anyone on everything, nor were we meant to. Still, the ability to find common ground is almost impossible without a free-flowing exchange of ideas. A series of debates provides voters a window into the policy solutions we offer as prospective representatives. I am ready, willing, and eager to engage in a robust, open, and respectful conversation with Senator Fitzgerald because it is what the voters deserve. After sending letters, making phone calls, and reaching out across various channels, Fitzgerald still declines the opportunity to make his case to the voters and defend his ideas. I know the voters of this district, not as Republicans or Democrats, but as my friends, family, and neighbors. I know that no matter what party you identify with, you welcome solutions, and you welcome debates.

scott_fitzgeraldParty loyalty has sadly been absolute at the federal level of our government. In the White House, Senate, and even here in Wisconsin the “with us or against us" mentality is pervasive. I know Wisconsinites are better than this. Instead of placing the country's needs first and having real conversations about our values and ideas, we are dividing almost everything by fealty to party and raw power acquisition. We have not had a reasonable discussion about how to solve our most pressing issues. We are amid a pandemic that claimed the lives of over 200,000 Americans, we see racial injustice violently unfold before our eyes, and we are witnessing an unrelenting climate crisis. No matter how great these challenges may seem, we can overcome them through the American spirit of dialogue, discussion, and yes, debate.

Last Updated on Friday, 02 October 2020 10:23
Women Military Veterans Express Outrage With Derrick Van Orden PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Courtney Beyer   
Thursday, 01 October 2020 09:20

derrick_van_orden-at-rally-mjsWISCONSIN -- Today, three women veterans from Wisconsin’s Third Congressional District will hold a press conference expressing their outrage following revelations of Derrick Van Orden’s troubling history of sexual harassment in the United States Navy. 

Last week, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel first reported that in his 2015 book, Derrick Van Orden bragged about sexually harassing two women naval officers by exposing them to a male Lieutenant’s genitals without their consent. 

WHAT: A video press call with three women veterans from Wisconsin’s Third Congressional District expressing their disgust in Derrick Van Orden’s history of sexual harassment in the Navy.

WHO: Three women veterans from Wisconsin’s Third Congressional District.

WHEN: TODAY, October 1st, 11:00 AM CT

Last Updated on Saturday, 03 October 2020 09:27
Exposing The Real Dave Armstrong PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Jake Andrejat   
Wednesday, 30 September 2020 14:08

real-armstrong-dpwWhat Robin Vos and Wisconsin Republicans don’t want you to see.

WISCONSIN -- On Monday, The Democratic Party of Wisconsin launched, a website dedicated to unearthing 75th Assembly District GOP candidate Dave Armstrong’s dark history of racism, misogyny, and outrageous conspiracy theories.

Democratic Party of Wisconsin spokesperson Jake Andrejat released the following statement: 

dave-armstrong-rice-lake “Wisconsinites’ values are better than the hatred and division espoused by Dave Armstrong. These radical and misplaced views have absolutely no place in the State Legislature, and we want to make it abundantly clear to voters what this candidate really stands for.”

Visit to learn more about Armstrong’s egregious views and conspiracy theories.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 30 September 2020 14:29
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