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New TV Ad Highlights Joe Biden’s Plan to Combat the Coronavirus, Restore the Economy PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Priorities USA Press   
Tuesday, 20 October 2020 08:35

trump-failed-pusaAd will also run on digital platforms, such as pre-roll video and social media, in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania targeting voters who are likely undecided.

Washington, DC — In a new TV ad from Priorities USA Action, Joe Biden rejects Donald Trump’s false choice between getting control of the coronavirus and rebuilding our economy. By failing to combat the coronavirus, Donald Trump’s incompetence has resulted in over 215,000 American deaths and the worst economic collapse since the Great Depression.

joe-bidenFix It” emphasizes Joe Biden’s strong leadership and experience taking on our country’s greatest challenges. Under a Biden-Harris administration, our country can defeat the virus and build our economy back better than it was before. The ad will run on cable and broadcast in Phoenix, Arizona.

The ad will also run on digital platforms, such as pre-roll video and social media, in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania targeting voters who are likely undecided. Priorities USA Action is on track to spend over $200 million this cycle to ensure that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are elected in November.

“Throughout this campaign, Joe Biden has consistently provided a clear vision to build our country back better while Donald Trump offers nothing but recklessness and failed leadership,” said Guy Cecil, Chairman of Priorities USA. “Our ads continue to focus on kitchen table issues like health care and creating good-paying jobs because these are the issues that voters will consider at the ballot box. Americans want a president who will strengthen our economy, protect our health care, and handle crises like the coronavirus responsibly. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are the only candidates in this race who will actually deliver for the American people.”

DPW to Launch "What's at Stake" Bus Tour as In-Person Early Voting Begins PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Courtney Beyer   
Monday, 19 October 2020 10:12

vote-47-mbWISCONSIN -- On Tuesday, October 20, the first day of in-person early voting, the Democratic Party of Wisconsin will launch a statewide “What’s at Stake” Get Out the Vote Bus Tour with Wisconsin leaders and campaign surrogates including State Treasurer Sarah Godlewski, Congresswoman Gwen Moore, and more.

The bus tour will kick off on the first day of in-person early voting, October 20, with stops in Madison, Waukesha, and Milwaukee and continue with other stops across the state throughout the week. At each stop, voters will be encouraged to go to and make a plan to cast their ballot. 

“With so much at stake this election, Wisconsinites are ready to cast their ballots and make their voices heard,” said State Treasurer Sarah Godlewski. “This bus tour across this state will highlight all of the ways in which Joe Biden will fight for the people of Wisconsin, including lowering the cost of health care and protecting coverage for those with pre-existing conditions. It’s time we elect a leader with the empathy and experience needed to help us rebuild and unite the country.”

“In Wisconsin, we have the opportunity to make a difference in this election and deliver change to create a brighter future for our country,” said Congresswoman Gwen Moore. “As voters head to the polls, we cannot afford to leave anyone behind or let anyone sit this election out. It’s time to make history and elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to restore the soul of our nation and create an economy that works for hardworking families in Wisconsin, not just the wealthy and Wall Street.”

The Get Out the Vote bus tour will feature a series of events and include over a dozen stops, including in Madison, Waukesha, Milwaukee, Green Bay, Superior, Eau Claire, Hudson, La Crosse, Janesville, Kenosha and Racine.

Janesville Leaders Blast Trump for Failed COVID-19 Response PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Monday, 19 October 2020 09:53

trump-covid-new-casesWISCONSIN -- Ahead of Donald Trump’s visit to Wisconsin, which in recent days saw record high COVID-19 infections, Janesville leaders spoke out about his mishandling of his virus and the vital need to elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to the White House. 

WMTV: Janesville leaders criticize Trump’s visit to Janesville, call it a ‘super spreader' event

  • State Representative Deb Kolste, Janesville City Council member Susan Johnson, and Laura French, a Wisconsinite affected by COVID-19 met virtually Saturday morning at 10 a.m to give statements on the matter.
  • “It is the pinnacle of irresponsibility and callous negligence for Trump to come to our city and hold a rally that could become a super spreader event," Kolste said. "I’ve seen the unmasked people at his rallies, it such a disheartening scene. It is such a simple thing and a simple science to wear a face covering.”
  • Their statements come as the state approaches 1,600 deaths from COVID-19 and days after the creation of a field hospital at the state fairgrounds near Milwaukee.
  • “When I see the president mocking mask mandates, encouraging people not to follow these guidelines, and ignoring the reality of a crisis that has already taken over 210,000 American lives, it makes me incredibly upset,” Johnson said. “These are super spreader events and health care experts in Wisconsin and at the CDC have pleaded with President Trump to put an end to this reckless behavior.”
  • The leaders emphasized that a vote for Joe Biden would get the virus under control and save the economy.

See more coverage below.

Newsweek: “The president will head to the neighboring state of Wisconsin later Saturday, where he plans to host a rally in Janesville, located about 75 miles west of Milwaukee. City leaders held a virtual press conference Saturday morning, criticizing Trump's response to the coronavirus pandemic and his decision to hold a large event where cases are also surging, local station WMTV reported. ‘These are super spreader events and health care experts in Wisconsin and at the CDC have pleaded with President Trump to put an end to this reckless behavior,’ said Janesville City Council member Susan Johnson.”

Wisconsin State Journal: "These rallies not only threaten public health, but they hurt our economy … until we get this pandemic under control we cannot get our economy back," Janesville City Council member Susan Johnson said Saturday. Janesville is a community all too familiar with economic hardship. The Janesville General Motors plant, once located a few miles from where the president spoke, shuttered its doors two days before Christmas 2008 and left the community and thousands of residents in turmoil amid the last economic recession...“It is the pinnacle of irresponsibility and callous negligence for Trump to come to our city and hold a rally that could become a super-spreader event," Rep. Deb Kolste, D-Janesville, said Saturday."

Gazette Xtra: “As the state continued to average more than 3,000 new COVID cases a day this week, Janesville Democratic state Rep. Deb Kolste and Susan [Johnson], a Janesville City Council member, held a video conference Saturday morning hosted by the Wisconsin Democrats. Kolste and Johnson slammed Trump for what the two called a ‘failed national pandemic response’ they believe has led to a COVID case spike locally and statewide and a series of local and national ‘economic crashes’ tied to the pandemic. The Rock County Board had asked Trump not to visit Janesville in his slated rally that was canceled earlier this month after Trump tested positive for COVID.”

Last Updated on Tuesday, 20 October 2020 10:02
DPW Announces LOL Comedy Fundraiser PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Friday, 16 October 2020 14:01

sarah-silverman-comicWorld-acclaimed comedians and actors featured in Livestream Event doing stand-up bits, skits, and live crowd interaction between the participants on October 20.

WISCONSIN -- The Democratic Party of Wisconsin will host Laughing All the Way to the White House: A Comedy Livestream Event to turn Wisconsin Blue on October 20 -- the first day of in-person early voting in Wisconsin -- with world-acclaimed comedians and actors that will feature stand-up bits, skits, and live crowd interaction between the participants. The event will be available for a minimum donation of $1, and all proceeds will go towards making Trump a one-term president.

List of participants: Sarah Silverman, Lewis Black, Sarah Cooper, Bassem Youssef, Chelsea Peretti, Judd Apatow, Whitney Cummings, Bradley Whitford, Mike Birbiglia, Sklar Brothers, Ahmed Ahmed, Cristela Alonzo, Anjelah Johnson, Greg Proops, Jackie Kashian, Maria Bamford, Will Forte, Ben Gleib, Seth MacFarlane, Hasan Minhaj, Roy Wood Jr, and Harry Shearer.

Last Updated on Saturday, 17 October 2020 14:28
Sen. Tammy Baldwin Endorses Assembly Candidates PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Courtney Beyer   
Friday, 16 October 2020 09:48

kristin-lyerly-zoomGreen Bay area's Kathy Hinkfuss and Dr. Kristin Lyerly are among slate of candidates for the Wisconsin Assembly promoted for Democratic victories across the state.

Last Updated on Sunday, 18 October 2020 11:42
New PUSA Spanish-Language Ad Slams Trump PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Priorities USA Press   
Tuesday, 13 October 2020 13:57

pusa-trump-ad-spanish“Deal Or No Deal” Contrasts Trump’s Record of Failure with Biden’s Strong Leadership

Washington, DC — Priorities USA Action and Latino Victory Fund are announcing a new Spanish-language ad, which will run as part of our previously announced TV ad buy in Florida funded by Mike Bloomberg, and by Priorities on digital in other battleground states.

The ad, “Deal Or No Deal,” contrasts Donald Trump’s record of failure on every front — mishandling the coronavirus, destroying the economy, and threatening millions of Americans’ health care — with Joe Biden’s strong track record of steady leadership and his unique fitness for this crucial moment in our country’s history.

Deal Or No Deal” will air on cable and broadcast Spanish-language television in Miami. It will also run statewide on social and streaming video platforms in Arizona, Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, specifically targeting Latino voters in both English and Spanish.

“Donald Trump claims that he's a master dealmaker, but he has failed to deliver for the Latino community time and time again,” said Guy Cecil, Chairman of Priorities USA. “On Trump’s watch, Latino voters have seen unprecedented sickness and death, widespread job loss, and repeated attacks on their health care. Enough is enough. It’s time for a real leader who has the strength to tackle the tough challenges facing our nation and put us back on the right track. It’s time for Joe Biden.”

"President Trump has brought his failed and dishonest business practices to the White House. During his time as President, he has caused the loss of hundreds of thousands of American lives by mishandling the COVID-19 pandemic and inflicted great suffering on us all through his ill-informed policies. Our Latino community has been a target of his indifference and ineptitude, and only voting for Joe Biden as the next president of the United States will stop the damage caused by Trump and steer the nation toward unity and recovery," said Luis A. Miranda, Jr., Chairperson of Latino Victory Fund.

"Donald Trump brags about his ability to make a deal. Here's the real deal: Latinos have been let down by President Trump and can make their voices heard when they vote for Joe Biden," said Mike Bloomberg. "Joe Biden will be a president that keeps his promises and stands up for Latinos." This is part of Mike Bloomberg’s commitment to spend $100 million in Florida to support Vice President Joe Biden in defeating Donald Trump through advertising and a strong ground game to get out the vote in communities across Florida.”

Pence Can’t Distract from Trump’s Failed COVID-19 Response PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Tuesday, 13 October 2020 13:34

trump-mike-pence-nbcnewsPence comes to town to distract from the ineffective leadership in the White House.

MADISON - As Wisconsin nears over 150,000 Wisconsinites who have tested positive for COVID-19, and the state continues to battle skyrocketing cases and economic crisis from Trump’s failed coronavirus response, Mike Pence will head to town to distract from the ineffective leadership in the White House. Here’s what he won’t mention: 

Cases are spiking across Wisconsin, and the state is currently approaching the grim milestone of over 150,000 infections.

  • Channel 3000: “Three weeks after surpassing 100,000 all-time cases of the novel coronavirus, Wisconsin is approaching more than 150,000 infections.Combined data from state and county health dashboards showed an additional 2,244* cases of COVID-19 in the state, which makes Wisconsin’s total count of cases since the start of the pandemic 147,769*. Wisconsin hit 100,000 total cases on Sept. 20 — three weeks ago tomorrow, while the state has seen at least 3,000 new infections each of the past two days.”
  • Green Bay Press Gazette: “Meanwhile, seven more Wisconsinites died from the virus, bringing the death toll to 1,465 people, according to the state health department.”

The crisis has reached a tipping point in some corners of the state, where doctors say hospitals are nearing capacity, and the state had to create a field hospital to handle the influx of patients.

  • Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: “Gov. Tony Evers will open a 530-bed field hospital at State Fair Park next Wednesday to help hospitals in the Fox Valley and northern Wisconsin cope with a surge of COVID-19 patients that is leaving some facilities there with just a few open beds.”
  • CNBC: “A hospital in northeast Wisconsin is considering pausing elective procedures as health officials grapple with rising coronavirus cases and a double-digit positivity rate.Dr. Paul Casey, who heads the emergency department for Bellin Health Systems in Green Bay, Wisconsin, told CNBC’s Shepard Smith on Thursday that hospital beds have been at or near capacity over the past week and that it’s weighing on both staff and operations.”

The failed COVID-19 response is also hitting Wisconsin’s economy hard, and experts believe it will take the state even longer to recover given the strength of this new wave of cases.

  • Green Bay Post Gazette: “The region's explosion of coronavirus cases doesn't just threaten more lives but could reverse Wisconsin's economic recovery as it infects more of the workforce and saps consumer demand.”
  • Green Bay Post Gazette: “More than half of workers in the leisure and hospitality sector either permanently or temporarily lost their jobs in March and April, and the sector still has a long way to go to recover those jobs. Some businesses in this industry that have been unable to reopen even see the need for industry-specific aid for this sector.”

New data confirms that Trump and Pence’s failed COVID-19 response tanked the economy, contracting by 32.6% between April and June. This exacerbated existing economic trouble from the manufacturing recession Trump oversaw from his chaotic trade policies with China.

  • Wisconsin Public Radio: “Wisconsin's economy shrunk by an annual rate of 32.6 percent between April and June compared to the first three months of 2020, according to new numbers released Friday from the federal Bureau of Economic Analysis, an agency within the U.S. Department of Commerce. The drop is the highest recorded by the agency since it started tracking quarterly GDP figures for states in 2005. It dwarfs some of the worst losses seen in past quarters, which hover around 8 percent.”
  • Politico: “But the White House's trade wars kicked the sector into another slump in 2019, with Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Pennsylvania facing declines or plateaus in manufacturing employment even back in February — well before Covid-19 forced layoffs at dozens of plants. As of July — the most recent month for which data is available — each state is down between 20,000 and 40,000 workers from pre-pandemic levels.”
Biden Endorses Amanda Stuck for Congress in Wisconsin’s 8th District PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Amanda Stuck Press   
Tuesday, 13 October 2020 12:58

amanda-stuck-doorco“Northeast Wisconsin's families deserve a voice in Washington that will fight for them and that's Amanda,” says Joe.

Mike Pence Visit to Wisconsin PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Friday, 09 October 2020 08:36

mike-penceWISCONSIN -- In response to Mike Pence's upcoming visit to Wisconsin, Democratic Party of Wisconsin spokesperson Philip Shulman released the following statement:

“Last night on the debate stage Mike Pence made clear that he and Donald Trump have no plan to protect people with pre-existing conditions even as they try to repeal the ACA, which would put over 2.4 million Wisconsinites at great risk of losing their coverage. Pence’s visit will only serve to remind Wisconsin voters how he and Trump failed to respond to COVID-19, leading to the economic collapse from which families across the Badger state are still suffering. Whatever lip service Mike Pence wants to give won’t change the fact that Wisconsnites will vote on November 3rd to elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to the White House.”

Last Updated on Saturday, 10 October 2020 08:41
Joe Biden Endorses Tom Palzewicz For Congress PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Palzewicz for Wisconsin, Chelsea Cross   
Friday, 09 October 2020 08:05

joe-biden-winTom will reach across the aisle to serve working families, not special interests and fight to help us build back better, says Biden.

Brookfield, WI - The Tom Palzewicz for Congress campaign is pleased to announce an endorsement from Vice President Joe Biden.

“A Navy Veteran, small-business owner, and lifelong Wisconsinite, Tom Palzewicz is the right leader for Wisconsin’s families. Tom will reach across the aisle to serve working families, not special interests. And, he’ll fight to help us build back better. I’m proud to support Tom Palzewicz for Congress,” said Vice President Biden.

tom-palzewiczPalzewicz stated, “In the midst of a global health crisis, our country dealt with ineffective leadership at the highest level. Wisconsin lost $25 million due to our legislators’ arrogance and refusal to hold sessions on Wisconsin’s COVID-19 response. And our Republican leaders and Conservative Supreme Court urged us to risk our lives to vote and leave our homes during this pandemic. Unlike my opponent, Scott Fitzgerald, Joe Biden will do his job and work for all of us, not just those who voted for him. I am honored to have his support.”

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