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"What's at Stake" GOTV Bus Tour to Stop in Wausau PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Courtney Beyer   
Wednesday, 28 October 2020 09:41

wausauBus tour to also make stops at University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh and University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point

WISCONSIN -- On Wednesday, October 28, the Democratic Party of Wisconsin’s Get Out The Vote bus tour will make a stop in Wausau with Congressional Candidate Tricia Zunker, Mayor Katie Rosenberg, and State Assembly Candidate Jeff Johnson.

At the event, the leaders will talk about what is at stake for Wausau in this election including access to health care and the economy. They will also encourage people to make a plan to cast their ballot now that early in-person voting is underway in Wisconsin.

Earlier in the day, the bus tour will also make stops at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh and University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point to highlight the stakes of this election for young voters and encourage them to make their plan to vote early.

Final Midwestern TV Ads Say 'Donald Trump Isn’t Working For Us' PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Priorities USA Press   
Wednesday, 28 October 2020 09:18

trump-ad-drug-co-profitsDonald Trump still can’t find a reason why he should be reelected. Joe Biden is the only candidate in this race who the American people can count on to put them first.

Last Updated on Thursday, 29 October 2020 09:32
DPW on SCOTUS Wisconsin Vote Count Ruling PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Courtney Beyer   
Tuesday, 27 October 2020 16:53

vote-47-milwaukeeThe most powerful rebuke to Republican judicial activism is to vote and defeat Trump in a landslide.

WISCONSIN -- The following is a statement from Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Ben Wikler on the U.S. Supreme Court's decision on Wisconsin voting rights:

“Despite the efforts of Donald Trump, the Republican Party, and partisan Justices on the Supreme Court, voting remains easy, accessible, and convenient for Wisconsinites, and the Democratic Party of Wisconsin will double down on making sure that every Wisconsin voter knows how to exercise their sacred right to vote in the final eight days of this election.

"The most powerful rebuke to Republican judicial activism is to defeat Trump and elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in a landslide.”

Trump's Failed Pandemic Response and China Policy PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Tuesday, 27 October 2020 09:59

trump-ques-covid19-cnnTrump’s White House, in an interview, said that they are 'not going to control the pandemic.' So it seems like they have given up on dealing with the coronavirus, but they never really seemed to try.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 28 October 2020 10:13
Amy Coney Barrett Confirmation PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Tuesday, 27 October 2020 09:06

amy-coney-barrett-confirmationWISCONSIN -- In response to the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, Democratic Party of Wisconsin Executive Director Nellie Sires released the following statement:

“The confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett was yet another attack by Donald Trump on the health care Wisconsinites rely upon, including the protections for the 2.4 million Wisconsinites with pre-existing conditions and the 150,000 Wisconsinites who get their health insurance through the exchange. Even in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis, exacerbated by Trump’s failed pandemic response resulting in 220,000 deaths, including over 1,800 here in Wisconsin, Trump is doing everything possible to take health care away from millions of people when they need it most. Trump’s White House admits they have no plan to stop coronavirus, and Trump said on the debate stage last week that we will “learn to live” with COVID-19.

"Now more than ever, health care is on the ballot, and the only way we can protect our friends and family who rely upon the ACA is to elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to the White House on November 3rd. Joe Biden was instrumental in passing the ACA and believes we should expand access to quality, affordable health care, not rip it away. We know that by electing Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, we’re sending leaders to the White House who will fight to make sure every Wisconsinite gets the care they need, not work to take it away.”

DPW on White House Refusing to Address Pandemic PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Monday, 26 October 2020 14:25

covid-19-wh-trumpWISCONSIN -- In response to White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows saying that the Trump Administration will not address the COVID-19 pandemic, Democratic Party of Wisconsin spokesperson Philip Shulman released the following statement:

“Trump and his administration are just saying what we already know: that they have completely given up on trying to get this pandemic under control, even as Wisconsin sees its hospital capacity pushed to the brink by skyrocketing cases of COVID-19 infections and deaths. Even though Trump exacerbated this crisis, he is still trying to strip protections from the 2.4 million Wisconsinites with pre-existing conditions and rip away health care from the 150,000 people who get their health care through the exchange. The only way we will get out of this catastrophe is by electing Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to the White House on November 3rd.”

Watch Rocky Horror Show Livestream on Halloween PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Courtney Beyer   
Monday, 26 October 2020 14:16

rocky-horror-dpwWISCONSIN -- The Democratic Party of Wisconsin will host a Rocky Horror Show Livestream on October 31 at 9:00 PM CT. Original cast members and special guests alike will join for this Halloween, cult classic. The event will be available for a donation of any amount or interested viewers can sign up for a volunteer shift, and all proceeds will go towards making Trump a one-term president.

“Rocky Horror has been changing lives for decades, and now, with this reunion on Halloween Night to supercharge Wisconsin Democrats in the final stretch, it’s going to change the world again,” said Democratic Party of Wisconsin chair Ben Wikler. “In the final sprint of this election, we don’t need a time warp. The joy, laughter, and hilarious, outrageous energy of this iconic musical will mobilize new volunteers and raise funds to send Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to the White House.”

List of participants: Tim Curry, Barry Bostwick, Nell Campbell, Wilmer Valderrama, Connie Britton, Rosario Dawson, Lance Bass, Seth Green, Jason Alexander, Jason George, The Dresden Dolls, Miss Peppermint, Jenna Ushkowitz, Eiza Gonzalez, Josh Gad, Karen Olivo, Rumor Willis, Rachel Bloom, Ben Barnes, BC Jean, and Madison Uphoff.

Sen. Tammy Baldwin Comments on Last Night's Debate PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Friday, 23 October 2020 10:12

donald-trumpWISCONSIN - In response to last night's presidential debate, Wisconsin Sen. Tammy Baldwin released the following statement:

tammy_baldwin“Last night confirmed what we already knew: Donald Trump has no plan to address the COVID-19 pandemic that is ravaging every corner of our state right now due to his failed leadership. On the debate stage, he said we’re “learning to live with” coronavirus, but it couldn’t be further from the truth. Wisconsinites are suffering more than ever as the economy continues to lag and face the brutal reality that Trump is trying to take protections away from the 2.4 million people in the Badger state who have pre-existing conditions, which he admitted to trying to “terminate” through his attacks on the Affordable Care Act. Last night proved that the only way we will get through this crisis and build our country back better is by electing Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to the White House.”

Last Updated on Saturday, 24 October 2020 10:18
Peaceful Transfer Of Power Is The American Way PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Palzewicz for Wisconsin, Chelsea Cross   
Friday, 23 October 2020 08:01

covid-19-protest-madisonAbuse of power and corruption are issues in this election. Wisconsin is an example to the nation of what could happen to the nation.

Brookfield, WI –  If the Democrats win the White House and flip the Senate, what will happen between Election Day and the installation of the new Congress and the Inauguration? Wisconsin is an example to the nation of what could happen.

When Democrat Tony Evers defeated Republican Scott Walker, Republicans sprang into motion to affect legislation that would limit the new governor's powers. If President Donald Trump is defeated, that could lead to some interesting days in Washington.

"We saw this in Wisconsin where the Republicans basically went back and passed the set of laws to take away the power of the incoming Democrat," said Palzewicz. "I think we have to be cognizant of the fact that there's going to be a lame duck. What might Mitch McConnell and the Republicans do if the Senate flips? After the election, if Trump becomes a lame duck, I don't know what McConnell would do. I am sure they won't go quietly into that good night."

When Walker lost in Wisconsin, the legislature, led by Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald, Palzewicz's opponent, immediately took action to strip powers from the governor-elect. The Fitzgerald-led legislature has taken to the courts to legislate, rather than take on the governor's actions in open debate.  When there was no governor to oppose in debate, they legislated away the incoming governor's powers.

tom-palzewicz"That's really the last meaningful thing our full-time legislature has done," said Palzewicz. "Every other important action has been a lawsuit. If Fitzgerald wins the seat, he will be in the minority and will not have the luxury of hiding in the backroom and not being counted.  He will not have the power to legislate by litigation. He is likely to get a taste of his own medicine because he won't have Donald Trump and a Republican majority to protect him."

"Abuse of power and corruption are issues in this election. I am running because it is time to bring integrity back to government and not allow corruption to ride rough shod over democracy. Fitzgerald and his boys went to the court recently to once again block the efforts of Governor Evers to fight the pandemic, even though Wisconsin is one of the highest rising hot spots on the country. Fitzgerald isn't the answer for Wisconsin."

Palzewicz warns that social media fans the flames of misinformation, feeding the Republican strategy. He cautions people to be discerning, informed, and see all sides of the issues.

"Our nation has benefited from free and open elections since the late 18th century," said Palzewicz. "Power moves from one party to the other, presidents and congressmen come and go, but democracy has worked.  It works when we all work together.  It will fail when the desire for power supersedes the collective good."

Fitzgerald Turning Wisconsin Into Failed State PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Palzewicz for Wisconsin, Chelsea Cross   
Wednesday, 21 October 2020 10:16

scott-fitzgeraldlScott Fitzgerald’s political career is colored by a personal quest for power, abuse of taxpayer dollars to defend purely partisan policies, and a complete disrespect for the will of Wisconsinites, says Palzewicz. Here's 10 reasons how Wisconsin has suffered.

Brookfield, WI –  Wisconsin is becoming a failed state. In the midst of a pandemic and pending economic disaster, Scott Fitzgerald, the most powerful Republican in Madison, has taken ten specific actions that are significantly harming Wisconsin, and many believe are causing Wisconsin to become a failed state.

Democrat Tom Palzewicz, running against Fitzgerald for the Fifth Congressional District, wants to stop the Fitzgerald train-wreck from moving to Washington and hurting Wisconsin even more. Palzewicz has outlined Fitzgerald's actions on ten key issues and why these actions have been so harmful to all Wisconsin residents.

tom-palzewicz"Wisconsin will not recover quickly from Fitzgerald's destructive behavior," Palzewicz said, "and we must do everything possible to stop him from going to Washington and continuing to cause such huge harm. Here are ten reasons why Wisconsin deserves better..."

Scott Fitzgerald’s political career is colored by a personal quest for power, abuse of taxpayer dollars to defend purely partisan policies, and a complete disrespect for the will of Wisconsinites. Fitzgerald’s track record on gerrymandering, government secrecy, Machiavellian legislative tactics, and proclivity for dark money reveals his utter disregard for the well-being of Wisconsin and the will of the voters.

At the helm of the heavily gerrymandered, Republican-controlled state legislature, Scott Fitzgerald has led the expenditure of over $4.5 million on legal fees defending partisan, power grabbing policies at the expense of Wisconsin taxpayers. Fitzgerald led the effort to redraw electoral maps to deliver an overwhelming majority for the Wisconsin Republican GOP in the state legislature. He oversaw the hiring of political consultants to ensure precision in calibrating these red-leaning electoral maps. Fitzgerald oversaw $3.5 million in legal defenses paid for by taxpayers to defend maps drawn in secret which fundamentally and deliberately skew the balance of power in Wisconsin in favor of Republicans.

After Democrats won every Wisconsin executive election in 2016, Fitzgerald led over ten initiatives during the lame-duck period to limit the incoming Governor’s power. According to a Marquette Law poll, 55% of Wisconsinites disapproved of the lame-duck laws to limit democratically elected officials prior to assumption of office. Rather than respecting the will of the people, Fitzgerald and the Wisconsin GOP spent $1 million in legal fees on the taxpayer’s dime to defend their partisan, autocratic powerplays during the lame-duck period. The most controversial legislation with questionable consequences for the public was written in secret without public review and were fast tracked to the floor by Fitzgerald for swift votes.

Scott Fitzgerald’s contempt for basic democratic practices exemplifies zero-sum, partisan politics of the worst kind. The voters and our democratic system suffers as a result of Scott Fitzgerald’s self-serving agenda. Here is a compilation of Fitzgerald's anti-democratic behavior.


COVID-19 is the single biggest threat to public health and national security we are facing as a nation. Fitzgerald and the Republicans wanted to open up the state, regardless of the consequences. They went against the Governor's mandate, and bars and restaurants opened their doors. Since then, the rise in Covid-19 cases has put Wisconsin in serious jeopardy. We are one of the top states in Covid cases.


Wisconsin is one of the most gerrymandered states in the nation. So much so that in 2018 Democrats won 65% of the vote yet lost seats in the legislature. This political deck stacking isn't a democracy; it's authoritarianism.


Trump and the Republicans talk a good game and say they are the farmer's friends. But commodity prices for corn and soybeans have plunged because of Trump's tariffs with China. The best way to help farmers is to open up markets and allow them to do business.


The non-expansion of Medicaid has cost Wisconsin millions of dollars in federal aid. Tony Evers tried to expand Medicaid as one of his first acts as Governor, Fitzgerald blocked it. With the Medicaid expansion, the federal government foots 90% of the bill for many of the working poor. This saves the state money while also ensuring healthcare for those people. For example, Michigan saved $153 million in 2019 and will save more in 2020 during the pandemic. The action was short-sighted and served no purpose except as a political talking point.


Here we are in the worse public health crisis in 100 years, and the Republicans want to take away people's health insurance. They say they have a better plan, but in the four years of Donald Trump's regime, we have seen nothing, not a scrap of information about a better plan. Moreover, some 20 million people will lose coverage if Republicans get their way. Fitzgerald approved a law to prevent Wisconsin from getting out of Obamacare cases, the courts agree with Evers, and Wisconsin is no longer fighting the ACA.


The full-time legislature is not allowed to do its job. Republicans, under Scott Fitzgerald's leadership, have turned away from democracy in favor of authoritarian rule and use the judicial system as a weapon against Governor Tony Evers. There has been no debate in the Wisconsin Legislature for months. Democracy thrives on a healthy debate of the issues. Fitzgerald doesn't believe in this principle.


When Governor Evers takes any action, Fitzgerald and the Republicans sue to stop him, using taxpayers' dollars. That's how you become a failed state. According to the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, the taxpayers have paid nearly $2 million for lawyers hired by the Republicans. Democracy, according to Scott Fitzgerald and the Republicans, is not legislative debate, bipartisan fact-finding, or even an argument over a cup of coffee. The legislature doesn't do its job because Fitzgerald won't let them.

"Taxpayers have spent more than $400,000 on lawyers hired by Republican legislators to fight parts of Democratic Gov. Tony Evers' COVID-19 response plan." The article states that most attorneys are paid $500 an hour, but some get as much as $850 an hour.


When Governor Tony Evers mandated the safe at home plan, it was intended at the time to flatten the COVID-19 curve and give us a chance to curb the spread of the disease. It was working. Wisconsin was turning the tide, but then Fitzgerald and the Republicans sued, saying that the Governor had overstepped his authority. They had no plan to replace his action, no vision of how to fight the pandemic. It was all about power, and Fitzgerald knows it. He won't support the Governor because Republicans, for some reason, aren't supposed to allow collaboration. It doesn't make any sense. We were on the right path, but Fitzgerald and a Republican court stopped it. The people paid the price, not Fitzgerald. The costs of this failed choice are immeasurable.


Republicans have a reputation for voter suppression. Look at the south. Those Republicans used to be Democrats, that is, until the Civil Rights Act of 1964. That was a significant turning point, as the old conservative Democrats became Republicans. Voter suppression against people of color has been a part of the Republican playbook. Here in Wisconsin, they used the courts, at taxpayer expense, to stop Governor Evers' request to postpone the April election because of the obvious public health concerns. It didn't work because they still lost a Supreme Court seat by 130,000 votes. They are also suing to prevent counting ballots mailed by election day.


According to the Associated Press, the state and local governments will spend up to $764 million on Foxconn even if nothing is actually built. Fitzgerald said, "Not a dollar would be paid out until jobs in the Foxconn development were created. The incentive package is based on fulfilling the contract.' The Associated Press reported Fitzgerald's statement as misleading because tens of millions have already been spent on the project. So far, $190 million has been spent by Racine County and Mount Pleasant, and the state has given a $15 million grant to Mount Pleasant. $20 million has been spent on financing and legal costs."

Palzewicz wants to restore integrity and transparency to the political process. The consequences of these ten actions by Fitzgerald have already cost Wisconsinites countless millions of dollars. Without change, Wisconsin will continue to decline and be viewed by many as a failed state.

Last Updated on Thursday, 22 October 2020 10:31
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