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Hintz Appoints Goyke, Neubauer to Joint Committee on Finance PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Wisconsin Assembly, Aaron Collins   
Friday, 20 November 2020 11:00

jfcphotoThe JFC is the principal legislative committee charged with the review of all state appropriations and revenues

MADISON – Today, Assembly Democratic Leader Gordon Hintz (D-Oshkosh) announced that he will be appointing Representative Evan Goyke (D-Milwaukee) and Representative Greta Neubauer (D-Racine) to the Legislature’s powerful Joint Committee on Finance (JFC) for the 2021-22 legislative session.

gordon_hintz-informal“Representative Goyke and Representative Neubauer understand the values and priorities important to people across Wisconsin. I am confident in their ability to help our state navigate these challenging times brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic,” Rep. Hintz stated. “As members of the Joint Committee on Finance they will also champion the long-term investments in public schools, transportation infrastructure, and health care our state needs.”

“Representative Goyke’s experience on this committee will help provide strong leadership as we move into the process of debating Governor Evers’ proposed state budget. I value Rep. Goyke’s legal background and ability to take complex subject areas and break them down for the committee and the people of Wisconsin. I am always impressed by his methodical work.

I am also honored to appoint my colleague Representative Greta Neubauer. Greta is a thoughtful, hardworking public servant who has been impressive since the first day she came to the Capitol. I know she will bring a new and unique perspective to the committee. Both members will play a key role in helping to shape a budget that helps the people of our state.”

The JFC is the principal legislative committee charged with the review of all state appropriations and revenues, including a comprehensive review of the Governor’s biennial budget recommendations.  The committee has 16 members, comprised of 12 Republicans and 4 Democrats. Representative Goyke and Representative Neubauer welcomed their appointments, and are looking forward to the process of beginning work on the biennial budget.

evangoyke“I am honored to continue serving on the Joint Committee on Finance as the ranking Democratic member. Serving on Finance is a special responsibility and I look forward to working on the budget, especially during these challenging times,” Rep. Goyke stated. “As we determine our priorities moving forward, I will utilize my own experience and expertise to ensure that everyone’s voice is heard when making important policy decisions.”

greta-neubauer“I am honored and deeply grateful for the opportunity to serve on the Joint Committee on Finance in the coming legislative session,” Neubauer said. “We are at a critical point in our state’s history, and the upcoming budget will be the most important in over a decade as we respond to the challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. I want to thank Democratic Leader Hintz for his confidence in me, and I look forward to stepping up to meet these challenges and serving my constituents and the people of Wisconsin in this additional capacity. Let’s get to work on a budget that works for everyone in Wisconsin.”

Last Updated on Saturday, 21 November 2020 11:13
Angela Cunningham Announces Campaign For Judge PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Angela Cunningham Communications, Chelsea Cross   
Wednesday, 18 November 2020 10:24

judgeExperienced litigator and mom seeks to become first Black judge ever elected in Kenosha County.

KENOSHA - Angela Cunningham, community leader, single mom, and experienced litigator, announced last week she would be a candidate for Kenosha County Circuit Court Judge in Branch 6 in the spring 2021 election. Cunningham currently works as a defense attorney and guardian ad litem, previously was a public interest attorney, prosecutor, represented victims of domestic violence in family law action at Legal Action of Wisconsin, and spent many years working in the Kenosha community.

angela-cunningham"I am excited to use my experiences working with victims and keeping the community safe and working with defendants and understanding their unique stories and situations to bring compassion, toughness, and fairness to the bench. I look forward to earning the support of voters in the coming months," said Cunningham. "I grew up in Kenosha, so I know the challenges our community faces. As a single mom, I know what it's like to struggle financially and juggle multiple responsibilities. That never stopped me from trying to make a better life for myself and the people of Kenosha. These experiences will make me an empathetic judge."

Cunningham attended Wilmot Union High School, earned a Bachelor's and Master's degree from UW-Madison and her law degree from Northwestern University Law School. She worked for United Way and Legal Action. She serves on the board for Catholic Charities and previously served on various boards, including the HOPE Council and Kenosha Community Health Center. Cunningham also served on multiple committees, including the NAACP and Mental Health/AODA Services Committee of the Kenosha County Human Services Board.

"I know from personal experience the difficulty of raising a family on one income," said Cunningham. "We have had our challenges, but we've overcome them, and I've helped other families with their challenges. I'll bring that understanding to the Kenosha bench."

After receiving her Master's degree, Angela assisted the Kenosha County Department of Human Services with earning a grant from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, researched juvenile arrests in Kenosha County, and evaluated mental illness in the Kenosha and Racine County jails. She then worked for the ECLA Urban Outreach center and provided outreach services, adult education, and youth programs. For many years, Angela served her community, worked for the Milwaukee justice center and became a well-known, respected litigator.

Angela continues to live in Kenosha and, if elected, would make history as the first Black judge to ever be elected in Kenosha County. The election for Branch 6 will be held on April 6, 2021, with a primary election on February 16, if necessary.

Last Updated on Thursday, 19 November 2020 11:08
Hintz Re-Elected to Lead Assembly Democrats PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Wisconsin Assembly Democrats   
Wednesday, 11 November 2020 11:37

assembly-wiMADISON – Tuesday, members of the Assembly Democratic Caucus held leadership elections for the 2021-2022 legislative session. Representative Gordon Hintz (D-Oshkosh) released the following statement following his re-election as Assembly Democratic Leader:

gordon_hintz“I am honored to be re-elected as Assembly Democratic Leader. This is an exciting time for our caucus. In addition to gaining two new seats, we have several other new members that bring with them the infusion of idealism, and determination to change the direction of our state. We have more voices at the table, and more diversity than ever before. I am humbled to continue working with our returning members, and thrilled to welcome our new members.

“Our state is facing major issues in this upcoming session. First and foremost, Wisconsin is a hotspot in the global COVID-19 pandemic. We must do all we can as a state to slow the spread of the virus and help our economy recover. I am confident that our caucus will offer up innovative legislative solutions to address this crisis.

“In addition to addressing COVID-19, redistricting is set to determine the future of legislative districts for the next decade. We will need all hands on deck in order to fight for fair maps and fair representation for the people of Wisconsin. Our increased numbers and dynamic caucus will help us push back on Republican efforts to gerrymander our state to their political advantage again.

“The time between an election and inauguration is always the most optimistic time of any legislative session. I am humbled by the support of my colleagues for entrusting me to leader our Democratic caucus, and I am ready to get to work. Together, with our shared experiences and shared values, we can start to build a brighter future for Wisconsin.”

In addition to electing Rep. Hintz as Assembly Democratic Leader, the following representatives were elected to Democratic leadership posts: Assistant Leader Rep. Dianne Hesselbein (D-Middleton), Caucus Chair Rep. Mark Spreitzer (D-Beloit), Caucus Vice-Chair Rep. Lisa Subeck (D-Madison), Secretary Rep. Beth Meyers (D-Bayfield), and Sergeant at Arms Rep. Kalan Haywood (D-Milwaukee).

LWVWI Celebrates Record High Voter Turnout in Wisconsin PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by League of Women Voters Wisconsin   
Saturday, 07 November 2020 11:23

voter-usWisconsin voters cast a record of 3,296,374 votes for president, surpassing the previous record of 3,071,434 votes from 2012.

MADISON, Wis. - After months of comprehensive voter education and outreach efforts across Wisconsin, the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin (LWVWI) celebrates a record high voter turnout in the recent presidential election.

“Despite the challenges the pandemic posed, Wisconsin voters were committed to making their voices heard in this election” said Debra Cronmiller, LWVWI executive director. “This could not have been possible without the hard work of clerks, election officials, local Leagues across Wisconsin, and our partners in the Wisconsin Voting Rights Coalition and the Disability Vote Coalition.”

Unofficial results from the Wisconsin Elections Commission report that Wisconsin voters cast a record of 3,296,374 votes for president, surpassing the previous record of 3,071,434 votes from 2012. This represents a 72.66 percent turnout rate of the voting age population.

LWVWI, along with our Election Protection partners in the Wisconsin Voting Rights Coalition, trained and received reports from 134 nonpartisan election observers at polling places and central count facilities across Wisconsin. In total, LWVWI and the coalition partners were able to observe elections in more than 200 municipalities.

“The League has had its nonpartisan election observer program since 2010, and our observers play a critical role as our eyes and ears on Election Day,” said Eileen Newcomer, LWVWI voter education manager. “With our Election Protection partners, we are proud to have been able to observe the 2020 General Election at this scale, and ensure its integrity, especially with the record high number of absentee ballots.”

For the first time, the League will also observe the post-election voting equipment audits in Wisconsin to ensure the accuracy of ballot tabulators. Those interested in volunteering as an observer can sign-up here.


The League of Women Voters of Wisconsin is a nonpartisan political organization that advocates for informed and active participation in government. There are 20 local Leagues throughout Wisconsin. More information at

Post-Election Day Statement From Tom Palzewicz PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Palzewicz for Wisconsin, Chelsea Cross   
Thursday, 05 November 2020 09:02

tom-palzewicz-baldwin-harrisFitzgerald won U.S. House District 5, Palzewicz thanks his supporters.

Wake up Wisconsin, it's ELECTION DAY! PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Sarah Godlewski, State Treasurer   
Tuesday, 03 November 2020 10:43

vote-2020The long wait is over, it's time to make your voice heard. Go vote, if you haven't already, and help others vote if you have.

Ads Mobilize Voters and Protect Voting Rights PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Priorities USA Press   
Friday, 30 October 2020 13:41

trump-pusa-ad-6.2.20Washington, DC — After over 80 million voters have already cast their ballots by mail or early in person, Priorities USA Action and Senate Majority PAC are focused on turning out voters who have yet to make their voice heard. Priorities USA Action and SMP are releasing new digital ads that give voters the tools to make a plan to cast their ballot.

The digital ads seek to help voters during every step of the voting process. “Make A Plan” directs voters to and provides individuals with the information they need to get to the polls or return their ballot. “Hotline” offers resources for any voting-related questions or issues a person might have and “Stay In Line” informs voters of their legal right to stay in line if they get to their precinct before polls close.

In addition to creative, Priorities is also bidding on Google search terms such as ‘Voter Safety,’ ‘Hotline,’ ‘Misinformation,’ ‘Election Day GOTV,’ and ‘Threats.’ Examples of searches that our ads have shown up on include "safest way to vote," "will my vote count," "voting phone number," "where to vote," and "report voter intimidation." The search ads proactively remind people of their state's voting info, connecting them to a hotline to call with questions, as well as a link to the ACLU's voter protection website, which outlines voting rights specified by state. Examples of these ads can be found here.

Because of policies enacted almost entirely by Republicans at the state and national level, access to the ballot in many states has become increasingly difficult, especially for voters of color. Priorities USA Action aims to counter these efforts to suppress the vote by providing voters reliable, factual information about how they can cast their ballot and what resources are available.

“Even with record-level turnout in so many states, we have more work to do to ensure that we defeat Donald Trump, flip the Senate, and elect Joe Biden,” said Guy Cecil, Chairman of Priorities USA. “Priorities is laser focused on turning out voters for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in key battleground states and ensuring that their voices are actually heard in our election. It is shameful that the Republicans in state houses and our nation’s capital have made suppressing the vote a top priority on their agenda. We won’t let these efforts go unchecked and we will continue to invest millions of dollars to make sure that voters have the resources they need to cast their ballot.”

"Now is not the time for Democrats to rest on our laurels - now is the time to kick voter mobilization into high gear. We're excited by the record breaking turnout but we're not taking anything for granted. SMP is proud to join this effort to make sure we're able to get across the finish line across the country while simultaneously protecting and empowering voters who might otherwise not turn out," said J.B. Poersch, President of Senate Majority PAC.

Last Updated on Saturday, 31 October 2020 13:46
Kristina Shelton to Join COVID Long Hauler and Meat Packer to Slam Trump PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by GBP Staff   
Friday, 30 October 2020 10:05

kristina-sheltonLocal people speak out on Trump's failed response to the pandemic.

WISCONSIN -- Ahead of Donald Trump’s visit to Green Bay, 90th Assembly District Candidate Kristina Shelton, Rhonda Noble -- who has experienced the long term effects of COVID-19 as her son continues to battle the virus, and former meat packer Jarrett Brown will hold a video press conference to slam Trump for his failed response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has lead to a public health “nightmare” and has gutted Wisconsin’s industries. Trump has no plan to address the crisis, and Wisconsinites continue to bear the burden of his failed leadership.’

WHAT: A video press call with Wisconsinites calling out Trump’s response to COVID-19 and failed economy ahead of his event in Green Bay.

WHO: Kristina Shelton, Candidate for the 90th Assembly District
Rhonda Noble, Wisconsinite who has experienced the long term effects of COVID-19
Jarrett Brown, former meat packer

WHEN: October 30, 10:00 AM CT

Last Updated on Saturday, 31 October 2020 13:49
Green Bay Central Count Moves to KI PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Green Bay Mayor's Office Press   
Thursday, 29 October 2020 10:53

gb-vote2-47Central Count staff to tabulate absentee by-mail, absentee in-person and Election Day votes for city.

Green Bay, WI - The City of Green Bay uses the Central Count model to tabulate absentee by-mail, absentee in-person and Election Day votes.  In order to ensure room for social distancing among Central Count staff and to accommodate observers, Central Count for the November 2020 Election will be located at:

KI Convention Center, Grand Ballroom

333 Main Street

Green Bay, WI 54301

Central Count will begin at 7 am on November 3rd and continue until all votes are counted.

Central Count will be livestreamed on the City’s You Tube channel, beginning at 7 am on November 3rd:

Musical Guests for Saturday Rocky Horror Show Event PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Courtney Beyer   
Thursday, 29 October 2020 10:14

rocky-horror-dpwShow will feature original musical performances from Bob Weir & Wolf Bros, Fall Out Boy, and Mike McCready of Pearl Jam.

WISCONSIN -- The Democratic Party of Wisconsin is thrilled to announce that Saturday’s Rocky Horror Show fundraiser will feature original musical performances from Bob Weir & Wolf Bros, Fall Out Boy, and Mike McCready of Pearl Jam. Bob Weir is a founding member of the Grateful Dead and currently plays with Dead & Company. Mike McCready is a founding member of Pearl Jam.

The event will feature a table read of the Rocky Horror Show Script with Tim Curry reprising his role as Dr. Frank-N-Furter and various musicians performing their own takes on the musical numbers. Participants include Tim Curry, Barry Bostwick, Nell Campbell, Wilmer Valderrama, Colleen Ballinger, Rosario Dawson, Lance Bass, Seth Green, Jason Alexander, Jason George, David Arquette, Fall Out Boy, Bob Weir & Wolf Bros, Mike McCready, The Dresden Dolls, Miss Peppermint, Frankie Grande, Jenna Ushkowitz, Eiza Gonzalez, Karen Olivo, Rumer Willis, Rachel Bloom, Garrett Clayton, Ben Barnes, Keala Settle, Marissa Jaret Winokur, Graham Phillips, Kalen Chase, and Madison Uphoff.

Last Updated on Friday, 30 October 2020 10:24
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