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Stubbs On Senate Joint Resolution 3 PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Shelia Stubbs Press   
Friday, 05 February 2021 14:58

covid-19-vaccination-65New Madison legislator says GOP repeal of the statewide mask order will risk the lives of Wisconsinites and jeopardize our progress against this terrible virus.

MADISON- Yesterday, the Wisconsin State Assembly voted to end the statewide mask mandate, and the statewide public health emergency. Upon this vote, Representative Stubbs (D-Madison) released the following statement:

shelia-stubbs“COVID-19 has run rampant in Wisconsin, leaving holes in our community that will be felt for generations. Yesterday, my Democratic colleagues and I voted in support of public health, and against partisan obstruction. I am appalled that my Republican colleagues decided to prioritize political attacks above meaningful COVID-19 relief.”

“Repealing the current public health emergency order has needlessly risked millions in Foodshare dollars. Thousands of Wisconsinites will now face worsened food insecurity because of this hasty and ill thought out action. If we want to see an end to the COVID-19 crisis, we need to prioritize funding programs that will help families survive through this difficult time.”

“In addition, the repeal of the statewide mask order will allow COVID-19 to continue to plague our communities, and risk the health of our neighbors. Masks are a proven, scientific, and reasonable way to stop the spread of COVID-19. It is vital that we continue to support the mask mandate, and all measures that prioritize public health.”

“Ultimately, these actions will risk the lives of Wisconsinites and jeopardize our progress against this terrible virus. As your representative, I will continue to fight for meaningful COVID-19 relief, and for the health and wellbeing of our community.”

Democrats Take Action to Protect Public Health PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Jon Erpenbach Press   
Friday, 05 February 2021 11:10

assembly-wi-robin-vosWEST POINT, WI – Senator Jon Erpenbach (D-West Point) released the following statement after legislative Democrats introduced legislation to reinstate the use of face coverings to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

jon-erpenbach“We have been in this pandemic for eleven months and while the vaccine offers some light at the end of the tunnel, we still need to use every tool we can to curb the spread of COVID. With a more contagious variant of the virus spreading throughout our state, health and science experts are urging citizens to continue safety measures such as using face coverings and social distancing. As elected officials, we took an oath to protect the lives of Wisconsin citizens and Republicans should have no problem supporting this bill.”

Last Updated on Saturday, 06 February 2021 11:20
The House is on Fire and Republicans argue about Process PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Melissa Agard Press   
Friday, 05 February 2021 10:16

wisconsin_senateSenate GOP in Disarray, go back on their word with the Governor

MADISON - Today, the Wisconsin State Senate will take up another amended version of Assembly Bill 1. The new version before the Senate today came after Assembly Republicans ignored the compromise bill passed by the Senate on January 12th.

Senator Agard (D-Madison) released this statement:

melissa-sargent“We are in the middle of a pandemic, but the actions legislative Republicans are taking do not reflect our current reality. They are legislating as though we do not have thousands of active cases of COVID and nearly 6,000 empty seats at dinner tables. Today, Senate Republicans are going to go back on the compromise they made with Governor Evers, choosing instead to play politics with the state’s COVID response.

“The fact is there is so much that we agree on. We want schools to open safely, we want businesses to recover, we want to go to sporting events, we want to gather with friends and family, we want to live our lives.

“We all want these things back - but we need to work together and do the difficult but necessary things to move forward and get to that point. We need to wear masks and practice social distancing. We need to get through these last few challenging months as we work to get vaccines to people across Wisconsin.

“Republicans arguing about the governor issuing the public health emergency are missing the point entirely. Our main goal is not who is solving the problems in front of us, but that we are actually solving the problems in front of us. When the house is on fire, you shouldn’t care who puts it out. What matters is we put out the fire. Our state is still suffering from the effects of this pandemic and our legislature has done very little to provide any support.

“Republican leaders have completely lost sight of our objective. Our objective is to get life back to normal, to restart our economy, and to allow our kids to return to school - not continue these political theatrics that are so trivial compared to the problems our friends and neighbors are facing. Wisconsinites deserve better.”

Last Updated on Saturday, 06 February 2021 10:37
WisDems Issue Statement After Republican Legislature Strikes Down Protective Mask Mandate PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin   
Friday, 05 February 2021 09:20

robin-vos-is-safe-to-voteMADISON - After the Wisconsin Assembly Republicans voted to strike down the protective mask mandate, Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Ben Wikler issued this statement:

“Wisconsinites will lose their lives because of the actions of Robin Vos and Wisconsin’s Republican state legislators. Striking down COVID protections, in defiance of top scientists and the CDC, will make this pandemic worse and undermine our economy, our schools, and our health. Governor Evers issued these protections to protect people against COVID-19, and the GOP has torched them only to hurt Governor Evers. Nearly 6,000 Wisconsinites have lost their lives to this pandemic. What Robin Vos is doing is cruel and disrespectful to their families, and to the millions more who fear that the virus will take their loved ones. The Republican vote to repeal this mask mandate is reckless and dangerous to the people of Wisconsin.”

Sheila Briggs releases the first ad in State Superintendent's race. PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Briggs for Kids   
Monday, 01 February 2021 17:26

briggs-for-kidsMadison, WI - Dr. Sheila Briggs is up with the first digital ad of the State Superintendent's race.  Titled "Equity," the 15-second ad shows her vision for Wisconsin's public schools-- a vision where all of our kids can be successful, regardless of zip code, race, income level, first language or ability status.

The ad can be viewed at:

The following is a statement from Sheila Briggs:

"I'm so thankful for all of the support we have received so far in this race.  It has made this ad possible.  Working together, we can have a public education system that supports all of our kids across Wisconsin."


On Tuesday, May 26th, 2020 Dr. Sheila Briggs announced her candidacy for State Superintendent of Public Instruction.  Briggs began her 30-year career as a kindergarten teacher in Madison, where she later served as a principal and school administrator. In 2011, she was appointed to serve as Assistant State Superintendent by Tony Evers, and she was reappointed to the position by State Superintendent Carolyn Stanford Taylor in 2019.

Stubbs Kicks Off Black History Month PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Shelia Stubbs Press   
Monday, 01 February 2021 10:56

juneteenth-1900Black history tells us stories of resistance and survival, while teaching us about the impact of Black heritage and culture.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 03 February 2021 11:08
DPW Chair on Senator Johnson Vote Against DHS Nominee PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin   
Wednesday, 27 January 2021 10:46

ron-johnson-unfitSenator Johnson has been dogged by rank partisanship and cowardice. He should resign now, or be held accountable by the people of Wisconsin, say WisDems.

MADISON - Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Ben Wikler released the following statement after Senator Ron Johnson voted against President Biden’s nominee for Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas:

“It’s fitting that Senator Johnson’s last act as chair of the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee was to try and block a key national security post. Mayorkas is not only eminently qualified, endorsed by four former DHS Secretaries, and previously confirmed by the Senate, but Johnson’s own former staff secretary urged him to support the nominee. This nay vote is indefensible.

“In his role as a Senate Committee Chair, Ron Johnson has actively abetted atrocious policies like family separation that violated human rights, undermined our nation's core values, and left us more isolated and less safe in the world. Then Johnson threatened to hold national security hostage in order to prevent Trump's impeachment trial. Now, in voting against Mayorkas—the first Latino and first immigrant nominated to be secretary of DHS—he has underscored his refusal to help fix what he helped to break in our government.

“Johnson’s tenure in the Senate has been dogged by rank partisanship and cowardice, and he has proven time and again that there is nothing he won’t do or sacrifice in order to win cheap political points. Voting against Mayorkas is yet more proof that Senator Johnson should resign now - or be held accountable by the people of Wisconsin.”

LWV-WI Publishes Online Voter Guide Ahead of Spring Primary PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by League of Women Voters Wisconsin   
Wednesday, 27 January 2021 10:37

vote-47-mbGroup provides a comprehensive guide for election-related information. The spring primary will be held on February 16, 2021.

Stubbs on The Inauguration Of President Biden, Vice-President Harris PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Shelia Stubbs Press   
Wednesday, 20 January 2021 15:41

biden-swornMADISON - Today, President Joseph R. Biden was inaugurated as the 46th President of the United States, and Vice-President Kamala D. Harris was inaugurated as the 49th Vice-President of the United States. Rep.Stubbs (D-77) released the following statement:

shelia-stubbs“I want to congratulate President Biden on becoming the 46th President of the United States, and I look forward to seeing his administration succeed over these next four years. After four years of divisiveness, it is refreshing to see compassionate leadership enter the White House”

harris-sworn-in“It cannot be overstated that today is a historic day for women, especially women of color. As a Black and South Asian American, Vice-President Kamala D. Harris is now the first person of color to serve as Vice-President. In addition, Vice-President Harris is the first woman to ever hold this position. As a Black woman, it is inspiring to see someone with my shared experience help lead our country into a better tomorrow. I hope all young woman of color will think back today, and remember that there is no limit on what they can accomplish.”

“This new era of leadership will move our country into a more equitable future. While there is still so much work to be done, I am excited to see what this new administration will accomplish. It is refreshing to know that the Executive branch of our federal government is in the hands of these two dedicated public servants”

Last Updated on Friday, 22 January 2021 16:02
Hintz Congratulates President Biden, Vice President Harris On Inauguration PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Gordon Hintz Press, Rep. 54th Assembly District   
Wednesday, 20 January 2021 15:21

harris-sworn-inState Assembly Democratic Leader looks forward to working with Biden-Harris Administration.

MADISON – Today, President Joseph R. Biden was sworn in as the 46th President of the United States of America. Rep. Hintz (D-Oshkosh) released the following statement:

gordon_hintz“I congratulate President Biden on his inauguration as President of the United States of America. The last four years have tested the very foundations of our democracy, eroded trust in government, and diminished our nation’s reputation around the world. I am confident President Biden’s experienced leadership, his message of hope and decency, and his commitment to bringing America’s best and brightest minds together to address the challenges of today means brighter days are ahead of us.”

Also today, Vice President Kamala D. Harris was sworn in as Vice President, becoming the first woman, first Black person and first South Asian American person to hold that office. Rep. Hintz continued, “I congratulate Vice President Harris on her inauguration, which is a first for our nation in so many ways. She will be an extraordinary leader who brings experience, compassion and creativity to the office of vice president, and she will show millions of people, young and old alike, a new face and voice of leadership.”

Rep. Hintz concluded, “I wish President Biden and Vice President Harris the very best as they formally begin their work on behalf of our country.”

Last Updated on Friday, 22 January 2021 15:35
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