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Wisconsin GOP Leaders Engulfed in Chaotic Battle with Donald Trump PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by DGA Press, Christina Amestoy   
Wednesday, 30 June 2021 10:27

trump-speech-wh-082720Local Republicans try to navigate the unrelenting threats from Donald Trump to peddle his conspiracies on non-existent voter fraud, say Democratic Governors.

Wisconsinites Call Out Ron Johnson’s Dangerous COVID-19 Disinformation PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press   
Friday, 25 June 2021 13:31

ron-johnsonDisinformation campaign and attacks on the ACA put Wisconsinites' health at risk say Doctors.

Madison, Wis. -- Today, on a virtual press call, Dr. Jeff Huebner, Dr. Joanna Bisgrove, and Laura French, who lost her mother to COVID-19, called out Ron Johnson for continually putting Wisconsinites' health at risk by spreading dangerous COVID-19 disinformation and attacks on the Affordable Care Act.

Dr. Jeff Huebner: “Senator Johnson -- take your own advice: you’re not a doctor, so stop giving medical advice that is putting lives in danger. Wisconsin deserves a senator who will listen to the truth and science, and put public health first -- that’s not Ron Johnson, and we should vote him out of office in November 2022.”

Dr. Joanna Bisgrove: “Johnson has constantly voted against the Affordable Care Act, and even brought a lawsuit against it that was dismissed because he had no standing. And then he appealed the dismissal -- he just won’t stop.”

Laura French: “Watching Ron Johnson continue to undermine the perils of COVID-19 is a disservice to all those who lost their lives and the struggle we still face getting this virus fully under control.”

You can watch the full event here.

Wis Dems Statement on SCOTUS ACA Decision PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press   
Friday, 18 June 2021 09:58

trumpcareSupreme Court decision to throw out frivolous lawsuit delivers a blow to Senator Ron Johnson and Republicans across Wisconsin, say Democrats.

Madison, Wis -- Thursday, in a massive rebuke of the Republican war on health care, the United States Supreme Court threw out California v. Texas, a lawsuit that could have invalidated the Affordable Care Act, which would have stripped coverage from 185,000 Wisconsinites and removed protections for 2.4 million Wisconsinites with a pre-existing condition. This decision delivers a blow to Senator Ron Johnson and Republicans across Wisconsin who’ve made it their top priority to strip health care away from Wisconsinites.

In response to the Supreme Court’s decision, Democratic Party of Wisconsin Executive Director Nellie Sires released the following statement:

“While today’s decision is a huge relief for the hundreds of thousands of Wisconsinites who’ll continue to have access to affordable health care, we can’t forget that Ron Johnson and his Republican allies have made it their mission to rip health care away, and we still have a lot of work to do.

“Governor Tony Evers kept his promise to withdraw Wisconsin from this disastrous lawsuit, which had the full support of the Walker-Kleefisch administration. Gov. Evers also remains committed to expanding BadgerCare to cover even more Wisconsinites, and it's time for Republicans in the legislature to do the right thing for our state.

“Democrats have been and will continue working to lower health care and prescription drug costs. Thanks to Democratic leadership and President Biden’s American Rescue Plan, more Americans than ever are now covered under the ACA. Today’s decision reminds us that health care is on the ballot in 2022, and Wisconsinites will vote against those who try to sabotage their care, just as they did in 2018 and 2020.”

Last Updated on Saturday, 19 June 2021 10:08
Agard Proud to Stand with LGBTQ+ Caucus PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Melissa Agard Press   
Thursday, 17 June 2021 10:01

lgbtq-rainbow-flagPackage of Bills to Unveil Equality Agenda.

MADISON - Wednesday, the LGBTQ+ Caucus unveiled the Equality Agenda. This package of bills aims to protect and uplift the LGBTQ+ community. The package includes legislation that would change statutory language to include non-binary language, establish LGBTQ+ and Transgender Equality task forces, banning conversion therapy and the “gay panic defense”, and resolutions honoring Pride Month, the Stonewall Uprising, and Trans Day of Visibility and Remembrance.

Senator Melissa Agard (D-Madison) released the following statement on this important legislative package:

melissa-agard-sargent“Even the smallest gestures can have the largest impact especially for our marginalized communities. After the continued attacks in the state legislature on our LGBTQ+ community by the GOP caucus, I was proud to stand with the LGBTQ+ Caucus to introduce bills that would uplift our friends and neighbors. These bills will make our state statutes more inclusive, rid our statutes of same sex marriage ban, and make Wisconsin a more inclusive place for all. These bills are about supporting everyday Wisconsinites who want and deserve the same chances as everyone else to be happy, safe, pursue their dreams, and know that they are beloved and valued.

“To the LGBTQ+ community, I see you, I hear you, and I will always stand with you, support you, and lift you up. I am proud to champion these important bills and I look forward to advocating for them through the legislative process. LGBTQ+ rights are human rights and I will never stop advocating for you in the state legislature.”

Last Updated on Thursday, 17 June 2021 10:10
AFL-CIO, UAW Leaders Blast Johnson PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Thursday, 17 June 2021 09:05

ron-johnsonSenator Ron Johnson is criticized by union officials for trying to Kill US Innovation and Competition Act, siding with China over Wisconsinites

Madison, Wis. -- Wednesday, on a virtual press call AFL-CIO state president Stephanie Bloomingdale, and International Serving Representative for UAW Region 4 Anthony Rainey blasted Senator Ron Johnson for siding with China over Wisconsinites in trying to “kill” the bipartisan U.S. Innovation and Competition Act.

Johnson did everything in his power to block the bill, which invests in Wisconsin’s workers, manufacturers, and 5G broadband, as well as holds China accountable for their cyber security attacks, intellectual property theft, and economic rigging.

You can watch the full event here and see highlights of what the speakers said below:

AFL-CIO state president Stephanie Bloomingdale: “Ron Johnson from Wisconsin turned his back on workers...We know that if this [U.S. Innovation and Competition Act] were another multi-trillion dollar tax handout Johnson would have once again been standing there ready to accept that and pushing that bill...When Ron Johnson took to the floor of the United States Senate to block this bill he did China’s bidding — he stood with an adversary and not the people he was elected to represent: us in Wisconsin … It is time that Ron Johnson be held accountable for these actions...Ron Johnson serves a constituency of one: himself, and we need to hold him accountable for working people in this state … The fact that Ron Johnson turned his back on workers, turned his back on America -- he’s unpatriotic.”

International Serving Representative for UAW Region 4 Anthony Rainey: “Our state has a proud history of manufacturing and labor, and we have a workforce that is ready to take on the challenge of being a primary producer of “Made In America” products. But what’s gotten in the way of progress is elected officials like Ron Johnson —  someone who seems far more concerned with serving himself than serving Wisconsinites. It’s clear that as someone who has every advantage in life, Johnson couldn't care less about people who struggle every day to get by … He had no problem pushing through Trump’s multi-trillion dollar tax bill after he got an amendment added that benefited himself and his corporation … We know he doesn’t represent us in Washington, only himself, and in 2022 we deserve a United States Senator who will fight for Wisconsin workers and families.”

It’s Clear Wisconsinites Are Sick of Ron Johnson PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press   
Monday, 07 June 2021 08:41

ron-johnsonWisconsin Democrats Offer A Badger State Focused Agenda

Madison, Wis. -- The Democratic Party of Wisconsin’s state convention is putting a spotlight on Ron Johnson’s failure to represent the Badger state as he continues to vote against his constituents best interests.

“Ron Johnson is the most vulnerable Senator in the country because he has continuously put his self-interests ahead of the needs of Wisconsinites,” Democratic Party of Wisconsin Senate Communications Advisor Philip Shulman said. “As Wisconsin families were struggling to pay their bills, Johnson voted against critical COVID relief in the American Rescue Plan. And now he’s working overtime to kill the US Innovation and Competition Act -- legislation that would invest in the state’s communities and create good paying jobs while holding China accountable for their unjust cybersecurity and economic practices. Wisconsinites are more than ready to deny Johnson another six years of his self-serving agenda.”


  • Johnson is just one of a handful of senators opposing the U.S. Innovation and Competition Act, which would allocate billions of dollars for the manufacturing sector and technical training, an investment Wisconsin could use to create good paying jobs and support local economies, as well as hold China accountable for their unfair cybersecurity and economic practices and.
  • Johnson voted against the American Rescue Plan, standing against much needed support for small businesses, aid for Wisconsinites struggling to pay their bills due to the pandemic, and bolstering communities fighting to rebuild their economies.
  • Johnson has repeatedly tried to strip health care coverage from roughly 185,000 Wisconsinites and take away critical protections for nearly 900,000 Wisconsinites with pre-existing conditions.
  • Johnson cast the deciding vote on the GOP’s 2017 tax bill—which drove up the deficit by nearly $2 trillion in exchange for billions in tax breaks for the ultra-wealthy and giant corporations—and he even fought to amend the bill to include a special tax break for companies like the one he owned.
Gallagher Violates Ethics Rules with Shady Reimbursements for Expensive Meals PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by DGA Press, Christina Amestoy   
Friday, 04 June 2021 09:28

mike-gallagherWASHINGTON, DC - For someone who says he wants to drain the swamp, Rep. Mike Gallagher is knee-deep in the mud after violating House ethics rules by reimbursing his official Congressional staffer for non-travel-related campaign expenses.

Between August 2019 and December 2020, the likely WI GOP candidate for governor reimbursed a staffer for $1,147 in campaign expenses.

Gallagher's campaign reimbursed the aide for $243 in catering expenses at The Capitol Hill Club, a GOP dining establishment that serves the “nation’s most influential people.” The reimbursement also included $278 for meeting expenses at The Brig, a Washington, D.C. beer garden.

Congressional staffers are forbidden from making contributions to their bosses’ campaigns, even if promptly reimbursed. The Gallagher campaign’s suspicious spending is nothing new for the GOP. In 2019, Republican Rep. Bill Huizenga of Michigan was exposed for similar payments from staff.

Gallagher is “all talk and just a typical Washington politician,” said Elena Kuhn, a Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee spokeswoman. “Gallagher must explain to Wisconsinites why his taxpayer-funded congressional staff are focused on illegally footing the bill for meals at exclusive D.C. political clubs.”

Read more about Rep. Gallagher’s shady ethics violations below: 

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Bice: U.S. Rep. Mike Gallagher says staffer erred by picking up $565 in campaign expenses


U.S. Rep. Mike Gallagher has been all about draining the swamp and changing the way members of Congress do business. 

But the Allouez Republican's campaign may have violated a longstanding House ethics rule by reimbursing his chief of staff for covering various non-travel-related expenses — including catering, meeting and shipping costs — between August 2019 and December 2020. In all, the Gallagher aide paid for and was later reimbursed for $1,147 in expenses by the Gallagher campaign, including $565 in campaign costs unrelated to travel. 

That's pretty small change, but congressional staffers are generally forbidden from making contributions to the campaigns of their boss, even if the staffers are promptly reimbursed. 

Other members of Congress, including former Republican Rep. Jimmy Duncan of Tennessee and Republican Rep. Bill Huizenga of Michigan, have come under fire for similar payments from staff.

Told of the payments, Elena Kuhn, spokeswoman for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, said they show Gallagher is "all talk and just a typical Washington politician."

"Gallagher must explain to Wisconsinites why his taxpayer-funded congressional staff are focused on illegally footing the bill for meals at exclusive D.C. political clubs,” Kuhn said. 

Jordan Dunn, a spokesman for Gallagher, acknowledged the mistake.

"Upon realizing that a small number of campaign outlays were made by a staff member in error and reimbursed by the campaign, actions were taken to correct the matter immediately," Dunn said. "This was inadvertent and steps have been taken to ensure that these errors do not occur again."

Federal election records show that Gallagher's campaign reimbursed Taylor Andreae after he paid $243 for catering expenses at The Capitol Hill Club and $278 for meeting expenses at The Brig on Dec. 17, 2020. Andreae has been Gallagher's top congressional aide since November 2018. 

The Capitol Hill Club is a GOP dining establishment that counts the “nation’s most influential people” as its members, according to The Associated Press. The Brig is a Washington, D.C., beer garden that serves Bavarian fare and offers German and local drafts. 

Andreae was also reimbursed after picking up $44 for mailing expenses at FedEx, and an Uber and a cab ride earlier in the year. 

Gallagher officials said those reimbursements were made in error and steps were taken to make sure they did not recur. For example, once Gallagher officials were told of the Capitol Hill Club charge, the campaign updated the credit card on file so Andreae would not be charged in the future.

Andreae was also reimbursed $582 for travel costs by the Gallagher campaign during late 2019. Gallagher said it believes those payments are permissible under House ethics rules.

Key Takeaways from Johnson’s Combative Interview with the Milwaukee Press Club PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press   
Friday, 04 June 2021 07:45

ron-johnson-speaksRon Johnson Makes Clear He Will Continue to Do What’s Best for Himself, Not Wisconsin.

Madison, Wis. -- At Thursday’s Milwaukee Press Club event, a combative Ron Johnson lashed out at reporters and doubled down on his anti-Wisconsin legislative agenda. Johnson made clear that he will continue to use his perch in the Senate to serve himself and not the Wisconsinites he was elected to represent.

“Ron Johnson has become a creature of Washington. At every step, he does what’s best for him, and ignores the Wisconsinites he was elected to represent,” Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Ben Wikler said. “As Wisconsinites work to recover from the pandemic, Johnson continues to vote against legislation that would help the state’s families and economy.”

Key Takeaways:

  • Johnson kicked off the event by reiterating his desire to kill the U.S. Innovation and Competition Act, which would allocate billions of dollars for the manufacturing sector and technical training, an investment Wisconsin could use to create good paying jobs and support local communities, as well as hold China accountable for their unfair cyber security and economic practices.
  • Johnson doubled down on his opposition to the COVID-19 relief Wisconsinites received that helped them pay their bills and put food on the table during the worst days of the pandemic.
  • Johnson stood by his previous comments falsely stating masks are ineffective in combating the spread of COVID-19, as well as arguing against the need for Wisconsinites to get vaccinated.
  • Johnson made it clear he is going to continue playing political games with the much needed infrastructure bill that would fix Wisconsin’s roads and bridges, provide broadband to rural communities, and get Wisconsinites back to work.
Last Updated on Friday, 04 June 2021 08:32
New Poll Shows Voters Believe GOP Works On Behalf of the Wealthy PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press   
Thursday, 03 June 2021 09:28

mike-gallagherEvery single Republican member of Congress voted against the American Rescue Plan (ARP), and voters noticed.

Last Updated on Friday, 04 June 2021 09:46
Vos’s “Delusional” Election Investigation Into Non-Existent Voter Fraud PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press   
Monday, 31 May 2021 10:50

robin-vos-is-safe-to-voteEven Conservatives Criticize Robin Vos. “The Robin Vos’s of the party are the ones killing democracy.”

MADISON, Wis. -- On MSNBC yesterday, conservative commentators Charlie Sykes and Michael Steele had a few words for Assembly Speaker Robin Vos and his democracy-killing investigation into the 2020 election. Just days after the Associated Press reported Wisconsin only saw 27 possible cases of voter fraud out of 3 million votes (a rate of about 0.0009%), Vos announced he was leading an investigation into the 2020 election, with no regard for the cost to taxpayers.

Sykes and Steele went after Vos for damaging our democracy and undermining confidence in our elections, all to get attention and rile up his base. Bulwark editor Charlie Sykes said of Vos, “He thinks he needs to throw some chum to the base, and that’s what he’s doing. [...] This is one of those cases where guys like Robin Vos know exactly what happened here, and yet he’s going to feed the beast.”

Sykes also took aim at Republican-led state legislatures across the country, including Wisconsin, who are passing voter suppression laws under the guise of integrity. Wisconsin Republicans recently passed several laws limiting absentee voting, sparking backlash from the disability community, and have introduced at least fourteen bills overall seeking to undermine voter rights.

Sykes said, “That is what Republican politics is all about - passing legislation under the assumption that the election was stolen. [...] The damage this has done to our confidence in American democracy is profound and it’s going to be very long lasting.” MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace added, “The Robin Vos’s of the party are the ones killing democracy.”

Former RNC Chairman Michael Steele called Vos’s pursuit of the Big Lie and his investigation a “political machination to get Democrats” rather than an actual policy goal.

In addition to attacks from conservatives, Vos was also roundly criticized in the Washington Post by analyst Philip Bump, who said, “This is the wrong approach for uprooting the false belief that the November election was tainted in any significant way by fraud, or that elections in general were fraudulent. In fact, all it will do is reinforce those concerns, making them harder to address in the future.”

Watch the full clip from MSNBC here.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 02 June 2021 09:25
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