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Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes Enters U.S. Senate PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Tony for Wisconsin Press   
Tuesday, 20 July 2021 09:34

tony-evers-mandela-barnesGovernor says he supports any decision Mandela makes about how best to serve the people of Wisconsin.

Last Updated on Friday, 23 July 2021 09:44
Stubbs Likes SCERB Approval of Vel Phillips Statue PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Shelia Stubbs Press   
Saturday, 17 July 2021 11:10

vel-phillipsMadison Representative thanks people who helped move the project forward.

Rebecca Kleefisch’s Shadow Campaign For Governor Still Evading Scrutiny PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press   
Friday, 16 July 2021 10:06

rebecca-kleefischMADISON - Thursday, while campaigns across Wisconsin filed their finance reports and disclosed their donors, likely GOP candidate Rebecca Kleefisch continued to avoid transparency by running for governor through her “nonprofit” organization, the 1848 Project.

Kleefisch has made no secret of the fact that she is a candidate for governor, telling a reporter “you’re not wrong” when asked if she was running. By running her campaign through this shadow group, Kleefisch is avoiding the scrutiny that comes from being an announced candidate. Without disclosing her donors, Wisconsin voters have no idea what individuals, corporations, or special interests are funding her campaign across the state.

In addition to Kleefisch’s comments confirming her intent to run for governor, the 1848 Project has done little to hide its true purpose. For example, she has hired political operatives for key roles in the organization and ran multiple radio ads directly attacking Gov. Evers on a range of issues.

An IRS complaint has been filed against Kleefisch’s “nonprofit” organization. In the meantime, Kleefisch still owes Wisconsinites answers about her dark money group:

  • When will the 1848 Project’s donors be disclosed publicly?
  • What expenditures has the 1848 Project made to raise Kleefisch’s profile across the state?
  • What role do partisan political operatives play in the 1848 Project?
  • When Kleefisch announces her run for governor, will she disband the 1848 Project, or will it continue to act as a dark money organization to support her candidacy?

“While other candidates have been required to file financial reports, Rebecca Kleefisch has tried to pull the wool over everyone’s eyes and evade the same level of scrutiny as an announced candidate,” said Democratic Party of Wisconsin Rapid Response Director Kayla Anderson. “Kleefisch isn’t fooling anyone - it’s obvious the 1848 Project is a gubernatorial campaign in disguise. Kleefisch needs to disclose who is funding this shadow campaign and what role these GOP political hacks are playing in it. Wisconsinites deserve nothing less than full transparency.”

Parents Blast Sen. Johnson for Standing Against Wisconsin Tax Cut PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Thursday, 15 July 2021 10:56

ron-johnson-quibblesGreen Bay parents Dr. Kristin Lyerly and Terry Lee point out how Johnson liked tax money when it benefitted his own company in 2017.

Last Updated on Saturday, 17 July 2021 11:11
Rep. Stubbs on the 2021-23 Budget Signing PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Shelia Stubbs Press   
Friday, 09 July 2021 15:42

wisc-capitol-domeMadison representative says she will continue to advocate for environmental protection, accessible healthcare, quality education, and meaningful criminal justice reform.

MADISON, WI- Yesterday, Governor Evers signed the 2021-23 state budget and announced that $100 million in federal funds would be invested in our public schools. On this announcement, Representative Shelia Stubbs (D-Madison) released the following statement:

“The budget that Governor Evers introduced was an investment in the future of Wisconsin. The central priority in his budget was clear: we need to put people over politics. Instead the Joint Finance Committee removed meaningful provisions to expand BadgerCare, invest in higher education, and protect our environment.”

“Governor Evers signed this budget into law today, but he used his partial veto to make this budget better for the people of Wisconsin. Instead continuing partisan gridlock, Governor Evers ensured that Wisconsin communities can move forward.”

“Also I want to commend President Biden and Governor Evers for their continued commitment to public education in Wisconsin. Their investment of $100 million in our public schools will make a real impact in the lives of children in our K-12 system.”

“While the budget season is now officially over, the fight for a more equitable Wisconsin continues. As your representative I will continue to advocate for environmental protection, accessible healthcare, quality education, and meaningful criminal justice reform. We must continue our fight for a better Wisconsin, and build progress wherever we can."

Gov. Evers Restores Two-Thirds Funding to Schools, Signs One of the Largest Tax Cuts in Wisconsin History PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press   
Friday, 09 July 2021 09:52

evers-signsWisconsin Democratic Party cites press response to first bipartisan budget since 2007.

MADISON, Wis. — Thursday, Gov. Tony Evers signed into law the first bipartisan budget since 2007, including a massive tax break for working families, investments in infrastructure, broadband, and public education, and support for veterans. Thanks to the governor’s steady leadership during the pandemic, Wisconsin is able to take bold action to continue its economic recovery.

Gov. Evers also announced he is directing an additional $100 million in federal funding for Wisconsin’s public schools to support students across the state.

Read more about the bipartisan budget below.

Wisconsin State Journal: Tony Evers signs Republican-authored state budget with billions in income tax cuts

Gov. Tony Evers on Thursday said he planned to sign the Republican-authored state budget, heralding the more than $2 billion in income tax cuts that it provides and vowing to provide an additional $100 million in federal money for the state's schools on top of what the GOP provided.

The budget will bring down the income tax rate from 6.27% to 5.3% for income between about $24,000 and $263,000 a year for individuals, or between $32,000 and $351,000 for married filers. All told, Republicans say the plan would save taxpayers about $2.7 billion over the two-year period.

Talking to reporters at Cumberland Elementary in Whitefish Bay, Evers said though the GOP budget didn't go far enough in spending on schools, vetoing the budget in full was not an option when thinking about the state's kids.


Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Tony Evers signs Republican-written state budget that cuts income taxes, announces $100 million more for schools

Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers on Thursday signed into law a new state budget written largely by Republican lawmakers that cuts income taxes and announced he would be providing school districts with an additional $100 million in federal funding to make up for what he characterized as a plan that falls short for schools.

The Democratic governor signed the $87.5 billion two-year state spending plan in an elementary school library in a Milwaukee suburb, igniting his re-election campaign that will rely on areas like Whitefish Bay where a shifting electorate could prove crucial in Wisconsin's tight statewide races.

The governor tweaked the plan using his veto authority in 50 areas but left intact the centerpiece of the Republican plan — a more than $2 billion tax cut package that would reduce the state's third tax bracket for about half of Wisconsin residents to 5.3%.


Associated Press: Wisconsin Gov. Evers Signs GOP-Written State Budget With $2 Billion Tax Cut

Gov. Tony Evers signed the Republican-written state budget Thursday, enacting a two-year spending plan that includes a $2 billion income tax cut while making 50 partial vetoes.

Evers, a Democrat who is running for reelection next year, cast the tax cut as a bipartisan effort even though the plan was added to the budget by Republican lawmakers.

“I could have vetoed that," Evers said at a signing ceremony at a suburban Milwaukee elementary school. "I made a promise to the taxpayers, to the state we would reduce middle class taxes by 10% and we did 15%. It is a bipartisan effort.”

The average person earning $61,000 a year will see an income tax cut of $488 this tax year and $975 over next two years, state Revenue Secretary Peter Barca said.


WPR: Gov. Tony Evers Signs State Budget, Including GOP-Backed Tax Cut

Gov. Tony Evers has signed the 2021-2023 state budget, which includes a more than $2 billion tax cut backed by Republicans.

The Democratic governor used his veto pen to make 50 changes to the budget. Evers has one of the most powerful veto authorities in the country, with the ability to delete words, numbers and punctuation from the spending plan.

Speaking at a Thursday morning press conference at an elementary school in Whitefish Bay, the governor framed his signing of the mostly Republican-backed budget as a bipartisan move.

"In many ways, this budget presents a false choice between the priorities the people of the state care about and deserve," Evers said. "But after eight long years of politicians making decisions for all the wrong reasons, I ran to be governor of this state and promised I would always put people before politics."


WBAY: Gov. Evers signs state budget with one of largest tax cuts in state history

Gov. Tony Evers has signed the $87 billion state budget passed by the legislature that includes a large tax cut for the middle class.

The governor is making stops across the state, starting with a visit to Cumberland Elementary School in Whitefish Bay where he is signing the 2021-2023 spending plan.

The budget includes a 10 percent tax cut for the middle class and $2 billion in tax relief.

“I made a promise when I ran for governor—I promised I would cut taxes for middle-class families by 10 percent. Today, I am keeping my word,” Gov. Evers said. “This morning, I’m providing more than $2 billion in tax relief and cutting taxes for middle-class families at a time when our economy and families need it most.”

The budget includes $685 million in school spending. Wisconsin will hit the mark of two-thirds funding for schools for the first time in 20 years.

The budget will allow the state to receive $100 million in federal funds for schools and children.


Last Updated on Saturday, 10 July 2021 10:16
Larson Likes Gov. Evers’ Partial Budget Veto PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Chris Larson, State Senator, District 7   
Friday, 09 July 2021 09:40

assembly-wi-robin-vosRepublican budget started out as an ugly and empty piñata, and while Governor Evers’ veto pen couldn’t fill it with good policies or smart investments, he at least broke it apart into a few useful pieces, says Milwaukee area Senator.

Milwaukee, WI – Thursday, Governor Evers partially vetoed and signed the budget put forth by the Republican-controlled legislature. While the Governor used his veto authority to salvage what he could, the final budget remains an example of missed opportunities and false choices. Senator Chris Larson (D-Milwaukee) issued the following statement regarding the signed budget:

chris-larson“Governor Evers understands the value of investing in our children. While the Republican budget continued the dangerous scheme of allowing an education funding gap and barely qualifying for federal funds, Governor Evers was able to meet the promise of two-thirds funding by using federal funds to increase per-pupil aid by $100 million. Given the education funding shell game of the GOP budget, there was little room left for the governor to fix their chaos while meeting the needs of our kids.

“When will Republicans stop forcing the false choices between tax cuts and adequate public education funding? In a year of plenty, they chose to underfund our kids, while giving an outsized tax cut to the wealthy. Seventy-four percent of this regressive tax cut goes toward the wealthy few, while the average person saves little. How many of them should we expect to be grateful enough to use their ill-gotten gains to fund a new school air ventilation system? Or boost the special education reimbursement rate?

“Budget after budget, when Republicans control the process they have failed our children and put our future in jeopardy. They have done this by intentionally denying our kids adequate and equitable funding for their education. It is time for those in GOP leadership to hear the call of the people. Over the past biennium, our communities passed 138 referendums, costing taxpayers $3,220,966,510. Wisconsin deserves better than forcing local communities to keep going back to referendums to make up the gaps in what is needed for our children.

“As the economic future of Wisconsin remains strong, we should have invested in our teachers, reduced classroom sizes, and ensured that our public schools system returned to being a point of national pride. As a member of the Senate Committee on Education, I will continue to fight for progressive policies to bring our children, and those that devote their lives to them, the resources they need to thrive.

“This Republican budget started out as an ugly and empty piñata, and while Governor Evers’ veto pen couldn’t fill it with good policies or smart investments, he at least broke it apart into a few useful pieces.”

Agard Statement on Budget Signing PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Melissa Agard Press   
Friday, 09 July 2021 09:31

wisconsin-flagMadison Democrat likes funding for our public schools, but says we must keep pushing for proposals that will positively impact lives across Wisconsin for generations to come.

MADISON - Thursday, Governor Tony Evers announced his line item vetoes for the 2021-23 state budget. The budget was then signed, becoming Act 58. Additionally, he announced $100 million of American Rescue Plan funds to address the education funding shortfalls.

Senator Melissa Agard (D-Madison) released the following statement:

melissa-agard-sargent“The will of the people is the law of the land - this budget falls short of that. In February, Governor Evers proposed a historic budget that invested in the needs of Wisconsinites. It addressed what the people of our state deserve. Unfortunately, Republicans said no - they turned their back on the people by ignoring countless proposals that would positively impact people across Wisconsin. While Governor Evers was able to use his line-item veto power to make changes to better this budget, it is still disappointing that my GOP colleagues are governing as though the people of Wisconsin are not their boss.

“Throughout this budget process, we have been again and again confronted with this idea of providing the bare minimum versus making a down payment on our state’s future. Budgets are about priorities - we could have done both in this budget. We could have expanded Medicaid, legalized cannabis, created a non-partisan process for drawing legislative maps, invested in forward thinking transportation methods, provided historic funding for schools, invested in climate change initiatives, and so much more.

“While this budget provides one-time relief to Wisconsinites, it does not build the same foundation for our state’s future that was in the governor’s proposal. While it will make sure our bills are paid today, it does not plant the seeds for tomorrow that the people we represent want and deserve. We must work to ensure that we are helping every Wisconsinite reach their full potential and achieve their dreams.

“I am grateful that Governor Evers was able to restore some funding for our public schools through the federal American Rescue Plan funds and make other changes through his veto powers. However, we should not have to settle for less - we must keep pushing for proposals that will positively impact lives across Wisconsin for generations to come.”

Hintz on Gov. Evers Signing 2021-23 Budget PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Gordon Hintz Press, Rep. 54th Assembly District   
Friday, 09 July 2021 09:20

assembly-wiEvers has put the legislature in a position to restore more of the school funding that Republicans cut from his original budget, says Oshkosh representative.

MADISON - Rep. Hintz (D-Oshkosh) released the following statement on Governor Evers signing the 2021-23 state budget and announce the investment of $100 million federal dollars in Wisconsin’s public schools:

gordon_hintz“Gov. Evers introduced a budget which would have invested in Wisconsin’s public schools, brought in millions in federal funding while increasing access to affordable health care, spurred economic development, and provided needed resources for local governments. Unfortunately, legislative Republicans prioritized partisan politics at the expense of the best interests of our state throughout the budget process. Their actions over the past two-and-a-half years leave no doubt they would have been willing to walk away from any vetoed budget, risking Wisconsin’s economic security and stability for many months to come.

“I commend Gov. Evers for acting in the best interests of the people by using his partial veto authority to address some of Republicans’ misplaced priorities and providing certainty for our state. Gov. Evers’ actions today demonstrate that he won’t punish our state in order to engage in tired political fights, and show once again that the people of Wisconsin are always his top priority.

“I also applaud Gov. Evers for announcing the investment of $100 million new federal dollars in Wisconsin schools. The future of our kids is paramount, and this investment will provide critically important resources in light of Republicans’ education cuts. At the same time, we know that much more school funding is needed to avoid cuts and layoffs in the next two years. Through today’s partial vetoes, Gov. Evers has put the legislature in a position to restore more of the school funding that Republicans cut from his original budget. I call on legislative Republicans to act immediately to fund our schools and invest in our kids’ future.”

Derrick Van Orden Silent on January 6th Investigation PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press   
Thursday, 01 July 2021 11:11

derrick-van-ordenRepublican candidate can’t keep his story straight on the extent of his participation in the January 6th insurrection, say Dems.

MADISON, Wis. - On the heels of a report last weekend showing Derrick Van Orden lied about his participation in the January 6 insurrection, the House will vote today on a bipartisan bill establishing a select committee to investigate this attack on our democracy.

In response, Democratic Party of Wisconsin Executive Director Nellie Sires issued the following statement:

“Derrick Van Orden can’t keep his story straight on the extent of his participation in the January 6th insurrection. Wisconsinites still have more questions for him. As Congress votes to investigate this attack on our democracy, the people he is running to represent deserve to know if he would vote in support of investigating the insurrection he attended and apparently watched for entertainment -- or if he would again put our democracy at risk.”

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