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Biden’s American Rescue Plan Helps All Communities PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press   
Thursday, 28 October 2021 11:06

door-county-peopleIt doesn't matter if your area is red or blue, families will benefit, but every single Republican in Congress is opposed.

Rebecca Kleefisch Says She’ll Make it Harder to Vote PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press   
Thursday, 28 October 2021 10:24

rebecca-kleefisch-1848plan-sowiKleefisch says She Needs to “Hire Mercenaries” to Win in Wisconsin, say Democrats

MADISON - Rebecca Kleefisch supports making it harder for Wisconsinites to vote — but only after she uses the voting rights protections enshrined by Gov. Tony Evers to win the election.  

At a secret campaign strategy rally over the weekend, Kleefisch told supporters behind closed doors that despite her frequent calls to restrict the right to vote, she’ll need to use the same pro-democracy measures she’s vowing to repeal and limit if she wants a shot at winning the governor’s race. 

However, if elected, Kleefisch promised to strip away those measures and limit Wisconsinites’ access to the ballot box the moment “after swearing in.”

Kleefisch is so disgusted by policies that make voting easier, she said she would have to “shower with steel wool” after helping people maximize their constitutional right to vote.  

If elected, Kleefisch supports limiting ballot drop boxes and restricting who can return absentee ballots for others. The GOP-controlled state legislature recently passed a series of anti-democratic bills with similar restrictions — only to have them shut down by Gov. Tony Evers, whose defense of the right to vote has been a sea wall against the GOP’s voter suppression tactics. 

“‘Voting rights for me — but not for thee’ has always been the GOP’s strategy to winning elections,” said DGA Senior Communications Advisor Christina Amestoy. “Now, Rebecca Kleefisch is simply saying the quiet part out loud. Gov. Evers has successfully protected the right to vote for all Wisconsinites, and if Kleefisch is elected, she’ll undo that progress and strip away access to the ballot box.”

Kleefisch Wants Republicans to “Hire Mercenaries” to Help Her Win PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press   
Wednesday, 27 October 2021 09:58

rebecca-kleefisch-rallyKleefisch says "If you are recording, I don't want you to put this part online to share with Democrats, OK? It is about election strategy” according to Milwaukee Journal Sentinel report.

Madison, Wis. -- Radical Rebecca Kleefisch is so desperate to be governor - she’s willing to say or do anything. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported today on Kleefisch’s suggested strategy for the upcoming election, including a plan to “hire mercenaries” and doing “laundry bags full of ballots.”

Kleefisch is apparently so disgusted with her own plan, that she said she will need to “take a shower with steel wool” following the election. And then after that, she vowed once again to sign the Wisconsin GOP’s voter suppression bills into law.

Earlier this month, Kleefisch refused to rule out overturning the results of a democratic election if she were governor in 2024. Kleefisch also supports the Republican-led sham “investigation” despite multiple reports showing Wisconsin’s 2020 election was fair and secure.

Wisconsinites can’t trust Radical Rebecca Kleefisch to have the courage to do the right thing when it matters.

Read more about Kleefisch’s radical plan below.

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Rebecca Kleefisch says Republicans need to 'hire mercenaries' to win 2022 race for Wisconsin governor

Rebecca Kleefisch over the weekend told Republicans they needed to "hire mercenaries" and engage in "ballot harvesting" to help her win next year's race for governor — a practice she has said she wants to ban.

In a Saturday speech to Republicans in Door County, Kleefisch said the methods she needs to use to win bother her so much she will need to wash herself with steel wool. If her campaign strategy works, she said she would quickly sign legislation overhauling how elections are conducted.

"We execute with excellence, we will beat them at their own game. And the next morning, we all wake up, take a shower with steel wool, and then, after swearing in in January ... (the Legislature) is going to pass all these bills again, and then I'm going to sign them all. And we will never do elections like that again, but this is how we win," Kleefisch said, according to audio of her speech obtained by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

Kleefisch, who served as lieutenant governor for eight years, made her comments as she gears up her campaign to take on Democratic Gov. Tony Evers next year and as Republicans call for tighter voting laws.

After a 20-minute speech, Kleefisch told the crowd she would run down her campaign strategy but asked those present not to share it publicly.

"If you are recording, I don't want you to put this part online to share with Democrats, OK? It is about election strategy," she said.

"What I'm about to say may feel ugly to you guys," she added.

Then, she talked about "ballot harvesting" — a phrase disparagingly used by Republicans to describe groups gathering absentee ballots from voters and returning them to municipal clerks on their behalf.

"Ballot harvesting in Wisconsin is not technically illegal," Kleefisch said. "Democrats do it non-stop and they go hard. Republicans must go harder."

There were few reports of groups affiliated with either party gathering absentee ballots from voters in the last year's presidential election.

Republicans have taken a hard stance against the practice and Kleefisch has called for banning it. Democrats have said people should be allowed to deliver ballots to city hall for family members and neighbors, particularly if they have difficulty getting there themselves.

Next, Kleefisch said, Republicans need mercenaries — by which she appeared to mean paid workers.

"Democrats hire mercenaries," Kleefisch said. "Republicans rely on sweet little volunteers to do the exact same things. We must hire mercenaries."

Kleefisch said she wanted Republicans to adopt programs similar to one held last fall in Madison known as "Democracy in the Park.” At those events, voters were able to return absentee ballots they had received in the mail to clerks who were stationed in more than 200 parks.

"(The Wisconsin Elections Commission) has ruled that you're allowed to do the laundry bags full of ballots in the parks," Kleefisch said. "If Democrats are going to do laundry bags full of ballots in parks, then we need to do the laundry bags full of ballots in all the places."


Kleefisch's comments in Door County came two weeks after she declined to tell WKOW-TV in Madison whether she would sign legislation that would allow the Legislature to overrule election officials in deciding how to cast the state's Electoral College votes for president.

Evers spokeswoman Britt Cudaback said Kleefisch's weekend comments showed she was planning to defy her own plans by engaging in election tactics she says she opposes.

"Rebecca Kleefisch is so radical she can't commit to not overturning election results or even to her own campaign platform," Cudaback tweeted. "Wisconsinites just can't trust Rebecca Kleefisch will have the courage to do the right thing when it matters."

Kleefisch faces political newcomer Jonathan Wichmann in the August 2022 primary for the Republican nomination. State Rep. John Macco of Ledgeview and Marine veteran Kevin Nicholson are also considering runs.

Adam Jarchow, a former state representative running for the Republican nomination for attorney general, on Twitter declared that Kleefisch's comments showed she was "a real conservative fighter."

"We have someone who is willing and able to use the same tactics as the Dems," he tweeted. "No more fighting with one hand tied behind our backs. Let’s roll!!!!"

Wisconsin Governor Tells Republicans to Start Over on Gerrymandered Maps PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by DGA Press, Christina Amestoy   
Wednesday, 27 October 2021 08:59

voting-2020-538Gov. Evers has been a “sea wall for fair elections”, says national association of governors.

WASHINGTON, DC - Gov. Tony Evers continues to be the last line of defense for democracy in Wisconsin. Republicans hoping to disenfranchise voters through gerrymandered districts will have to start over after Gov. Evers rejected their redistricting proposals last week.

The GOP-proposed maps feature the same gerrymandered lines that Republicans drew a decade ago to grab power and would make a western Wisconsin congressional district even more favorable for the GOP.

“It’s unconscionable and insulting to the people of this state, frankly, that Republicans think they can pass another set of gerrymandered maps modeled after the same gerrymandered ones we’ve had for a decade,” said Gov. Evers. “Wisconsinites won’t stand for it, and I won’t either — it’s just as simple as that.”

During his time in office, Gov. Evers has been a “sea wall for fair elections.” Earlier this year, Gov. Evers vetoed anti-voting bills that would have discriminately impacted ballot access for people of color, people with disabilities, and senior voters. He also established the nonpartisan People’s Maps Commission, which has held listening sessions across the state to guide them as they draft fair, nonpartisan, and transparent redistricting maps.

Meanwhile, in the Republican gubernatorial primary, Rebecca Kleefisch is siding with conspiracy theorists and threatening democracy by refusing to say whether or not she’d sign a bill allowing the state legislature to overturn election results.

“Gov. Tony Evers’ rejection of the GOP’s gerrymandered maps proves once again that he’s the only thing standing in the way of a Republican assault on our democracy,” said DGA Senior Communications Advisor Christina Amestoy. “Wisconsin Republicans, including Rebecca Kleefisch, will do whatever it takes to overrule the will of Wisconsinites. The stakes couldn’t be higher, and Gov. Evers is committed to protecting the right to vote and fighting for fair maps.”

Last Updated on Friday, 29 October 2021 09:10
Trump’s Encouragement of Sean Duffy Run Delivers Blow to Kleefisch PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by DGA Press   
Friday, 22 October 2021 20:07

donald-trump-kissWASHINGTON - Donald Trump stirred up the Wisconsin GOP primary for governor this week by encouraging a run from Sean Duffy, snubbing Rebecca Kleefisch. The aftermath of Trump’s statement has been disastrous for Kleefisch, who earlier said, “I hope that Donald Trump gets involved in this race.” Kleefisch and her campaign have yet to comment on Trump’s statement.

Here’s just a sample of what local media in Wisconsin are saying:

  • Wisconsin Right Now: “President Donald Trump dropped a grenade into the middle of the Wisconsin governor’s race.”

  • Wisconsin Examiner: “It seems Rebecca Kleefisch cannot get a break with her fellow Republicans … Trump’s praise and his message urging Duffy to run in a primary against Kleefisch to challenge Democratic Gov. Tony Evers, comes despite the fact that Kleefisch’s far-right stances already mimic Trump.”

  • Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: “Former President Donald Trump’s plea to former congressman Sean Duffy to mount a run for governor has scrambled the race and raised the possibility of an intense Republican primary.”

  • WISN 12: “Whether Duffy runs, the statement may offer a blow to other Republican campaigns, most notably former Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch.”

  • Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: “Trump’s statement could signal hurdles for Kleefisch as she works to unify the Republican grassroots with whom Trump remains popular.”

“A Donald Trump-endorsed bid from Sean Duffy would spin the Wisconsin GOP primary into chaos,” said DGA Senior Communications Advisor Christina Amestoy. “If Duffy jumps in, he and Kleefisch will be forced into a brutal battle for the far-right base. The chaotic race to the right will expose Kleefisch’s out-of-touch policies and prove that she’s radically wrong for Wisconsin.”

Last Updated on Saturday, 23 October 2021 10:13
Ron Johnson Blocking January 6th Insurrectionists From Being Prosecuted PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press   
Friday, 22 October 2021 08:54

ron-johnsonWisconsin Republican has downplayed Capitol attack as a largely "peaceful protest", according to Business Insider report.

Madison, Wis., -- Ron Johnson is once again failing to do the job Wisconsin elected him to do and instead adding to the gridlock and dysfunction in D.C. Yesterday, a new report detailed how Johnson is the sole Senator responsible for  blocking the nomination of the U.S. Attorney to prosecute the individuals who attacked the Capitol on January 6th. Read more below on Johnson’s efforts to let those who broke the law and attacked the Capitol avoid prosecution:

Business Insider: Sen. Ron Johnson, who calls the Capitol attack a 'peaceful protest,' confirmed to us he's blocking Biden's choice to oversee the January 6th prosecutions

Sen. Ron Johnson, a Wisconsin Republican who has downplayed the Capitol attack as a largely "peaceful protest," is blocking the confirmation of President Joe Biden's pick to oversee the hundreds of prosecutions stemming from the violence in Washington on January 6.

Johnson's office in a statement to Insider acknowledged his role in the "hold" on the nomination of Matt Graves, a former federal prosecutor whom Biden named in July as his choice for US attorney in Washington, DC.


On January 6, Johnson was serving as chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, a platform he used during the Trump administration to spread conspiracy theories about the FBI and CIA conspiring to bring down the former president. Johnson, who is up for reelection to a third term in 2022, has in recent months said he did not feel threatened on January 6.

In a radio interview, Johnson said he would have felt more threatened if Black Lives Matter protestors had stormed the Capitol rather than Trump supporters. Johnson has also asserted without evidence that the FBI knew more about the planning before the January 6 attack than it has revealed so far.


​​"To compare the actions of people around the country protesting, mostly peacefully, for civil rights, to a violent mob seeking to overthrow the lawfully elected government is a false equivalency and downplays the very real danger that the crowd on January 6 posed to our democracy," said Chutkan, a 2014 appointee to the US District Court for the District of Columbia.


Since January, the office has spearheaded the more than 600 prosecutions that have emerged from the deadly attack on the Capitol. So far, 100 participants in the Capitol attack have pleaded guilty to charges stemming from the violence on January 6.


The Senate Judiciary Committee advanced Graves' nomination in late September as part of a slate of US attorney picks. Of the seven nominees voted out of committee without objection, Graves is the only one who has yet to win confirmation.


Rebecca Kleefisch Flip-Flops on Support for Recalls PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by DGA Press, Christina Amestoy   
Friday, 22 October 2021 08:37

rebecca-kleefischMilwaukee Journal Sentinel: “Recalls for Thee, But Not for Me”

WASHINGTON - The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has caught Rebecca Kleefisch flip-flopping her stance on recalls for political benefit. Kleefisch opposed a 2012 recall attempt when she was the target, but she’s now thrown her support behind a school board recall driven by far-right conspiracy theories surrounding COVID-19 restrictions and critical race theory. 

Desperate to shore up the support of Trump’s base after he snubbed Kleefisch and encouraged a run from Sean Duffy, Radical Rebecca has moved even further right since her time in the catastrophic Scott Walker administration. Kleefisch called the 2012 recall effort “a spectacle,” but she’s changed her tune now that she and her supporters serve to benefit from a recall attempt. 

In addition to amplifying extremist dog-whistles, Kleefisch’s support of the school board recall would benefit Scarlett Johnson, a far-right member of Kleefisch’s campaign leadership and school board challenger.

The Journal Sentinel reported on Kleefisch’s flip-flopping the same day that they also exposed Johnson for posting derogatory tweets, which Kleefisch has yet to condemn.

“Rebecca Kleefisch will say and do whatever it takes to win the support of Donald Trump’s far-right base, even if it means flip-flopping her stances,” said DGA Senior Communications Advisor Christina Amestoy. “Kleefisch’s support of this recall attempt only solidifies her self-serving, radical shift to the right. Wisconsinites will see right through Kleefisch’s hypocrisy and vote against her unpopular agenda next November.”

WI Republicans Tout ARP Funding They Voted Against PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press   
Thursday, 21 October 2021 16:27

derrick_van_orden-at-rally-mjsVoting against critical relief in a pandemic made worse by the GOP spreading misinformation and outright lies is bad policy and bad politics, say Dems.

MADISON, Wis. -- Wisconsin is building back better thanks to Gov. Evers quickly distributing  American Rescue Plan funds for broadband expansion, small business relief, the tourism industry, and rural health services. This critical pandemic relief was passed by President Biden and Democrats in Congress -- and was unanimously opposed by GOP lawmakers. Despite voting against the federal relief and attempting to slow down relief distribution in the state legislature, Wisconsin Republicans are all too eager to take credit for the ARP’s clear success in Wisconsin.

In fact, some of the most vocal opponents of the bill are going as far as to take credit for the benefits funded by the ARP. Take a look at failed Congressional candidate Derrick Van Orden and Representative Tom Tiffany (WI-07):

Just a few months later, both Republicans hosted a round table with local business owners touting the Restaurant Revitalization Fund. The Restaurant Revitalization Fund provided vital funds to businesses most impacted by the pandemic. This relief was funded by -- drum roll, please -- the American Rescue Plan.

tom-tiffanyDespite Tiffany and Van Orden’s stark opposition to the deal, their communities are now using the funds to build back better from this pandemic:

  • Wausau is allocating federal funding to programs addressing homelessness that will expand affordable housing programs and support local businesses,
  • La Crosse is providing grants to nonprofit organizations, and
  • Eau Claire allocated millions in ARP funds to their pandemic response.

The hypocrisy continues with Representative Glenn Grothman (WI-06). Grothman touted both the stimulus checks and restaurant relief funds that were funded by the American Rescue Plan despite -- you guessed it -- voting against the “tremendous influx of resources.”

“Wisconsin Republicans like state Reps. Clint Moses,  Rob Summerfield, Samantha Kerkman, and state Sen. Van Wanggaard are quick to tout the relief that Democrats provided but that their party tried to block,” said Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Ben Wikler. “It turns out, voting against critical relief in a pandemic made worse by the GOP spreading misinformation and outright lies is bad policy and bad politics -- and Wisconsin families have had enough of Republicans’ obstructionism and hypocrisy. Make no mistake: every single Democrat in Congress voted for President Biden’s American Rescue Plan, and Governor Evers has implemented it -- while every single Republican voted against it. Come 2022, Wisconsinites will hold Republicans accountable at the ballot box.”

Last Updated on Friday, 22 October 2021 10:48
WisDems Launch TV Ad Campaign Against Kleefisch PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press   
Friday, 08 October 2021 10:03

rebecca-kleefischHighlight Inept Response to COVID-19

MADISON, Wis. -- The Democratic Party of Wisconsin is launching a TV ad campaign against Rebecca Kleefisch’s failure to provide a plan for combating the COVID-19 pandemic - the number one crisis facing the state and the country.

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: “Rebecca Kleefisch has yet to release a plan to combat a contagious virus that has killed more than 8,000 Wisconsin residents.”

Rather than encourage folks to get vaccinated or wear a mask, Kleefisch has offered up a garbled laundry list of things she wouldn’t do. Kleefisch even accused Gov. Tony Evers of not following the state’s emergency response plan, but state officials debunked that lie and confirmed that Gov. Evers has used the plan as a guide.

Kleefisch has been radical and reckless with the pandemic since last year - she’s supported bogus treatments for COVID-19, attended and promoted potential super spreader events, and spoke to anti-vaccine groups.

Click here to watch the ad.

“We’re 19 months into the pandemic, thousands of Wisconsinites have died—and Rebecca Kleefisch can’t be bothered to consider how she would respond to the pandemic,” said Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Ben Wikler. “Her failure to take the pandemic seriously is a slap in the face to the health care workers who have been run ragged and the thousands of Wisconsinites who have lost their loved ones. Wisconsin is worse off because of Republicans like Kleefisch who continue to be reckless and irresponsible on public health.”

Last Updated on Saturday, 09 October 2021 10:11
Ron Johnson Votes Against Funding the Government PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Friday, 08 October 2021 09:35

ron-johnsonMadison, Wis., -- Thursday, Senator Ron Johnson voted against funding the government, supporting a government shutdown which would slow economic growth and impact federal programs Wisconsinites care about, including potential loss in pay for essential workers like TSA, border patrol, and vaccine developers at the FDA. In response, Democratic Party of Wisconsin Senate Communications Advisor Philip Shulman released the following statement:

“Ron Johnson is too busy figuring out ways to dodge paying his fair share in taxes to care about the Wisconsinites who would suffer if he’d gotten the government shutdown he wanted. Once again, Ron Johnson is abandoning Wisconsin to instead focus on his self-serving political games.”

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