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Ron Johnson Spends the Week Convincing Wisconsinites Not to Vote for Him PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Friday, 28 January 2022 18:30

ron-johnsonMADISON, Wis. — Ron Johnson had another busy week on the campaign trail convincing Wisconsin voters that he’s in Washington to serve himself. Johnson told Wisconsin voters:

“Ron Johnson worked overtime to deliver massive tax breaks that benefited him and his biggest donors but thinks that Wisconsin children and senior citizens should be left to fend for themselves. It’s clear that Ron Johnson is in Washington to enrich himself and prioritize his self-serving agenda,” said Democratic Party of Wisconsin Senate Communications Advisor Philip Shulman.

Rebecca Kleefisch “Disappointed” In Plan to Return Taxpayer Dollars PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press   
Friday, 28 January 2022 17:36

rebecca-kleefischMADISON, Wis. — Following Gov. Tony Evers’ plan to direct taxpayer dollars back to Wisconsin families now, Rebecca Kleefisch came out against the tax credits, saying she was “disappointed” in the plan. Thanks to Gov. Evers’ leadership, Wisconsin has a projected record-breaking $3.8 billion budget surplus — and Wisconsinites have still received a 15% tax break.

While Gov. Evers has proposed giving a portion of the surplus back to Wisconsinites now, Republican leaders have indicated they’re going to wait over a year to return taxpayers’ money — essentially holding it hostage until someone from their political party is in power.

Here’s what’s in the plan Kleefisch calls a “non-starter”:

  • $150 tax rebate for every Wisconsin tax filer and each of their dependents
  • Expand the Child and Dependent Care Credit, giving an average of $274 back to more than 100,000 Wisconsinites
  • Create a new $100 million Caregiver Tax Credit, benefiting approximately 370,000 tax filers
  • Nearly $750 million to improve education quality while keeping property taxes down

Kleefisch couldn’t explain why she’s opposing this common-sense plan to return money to working families. Kleefisch supported a tax rebate in 2018, when Wisconsin’s finances and economy were in a much weaker position. At the end of the 2018 fiscal year, Wisconsin’s budget surplus was only $588 million and the state’s rainy day fund only had enough to keep state government running for nearly seven days. Thanks to Gov. Evers’ leadership, Wisconsin now has a rainy day fund that’s five times larger, the lowest unemployment rate in state history, and a record budget surplus.

Today, Wisconsin families are also facing rising costs, and with this unprecedented budget surplus, we have an opportunity to return this money back where it belongs, in the pockets of Wisconsinites.

”It doesn’t matter what the issue is, if it doesn’t help Rebecca Kleefisch’s political campaign, she won’t support it — even if it means returning taxpayer dollars to working families,” said Democratic Party of Wisconsin Communications Director Iris Riis. “While Wisconsin’s economy is miles ahead of the rest of the nation, families are still struggling with rising costs — that’s why it’s so important to direct the unexpected surplus money to taxpayers right now. Governor Tony Evers knows that the right thing to do is to invest this budget surplus back into the economy and directly into Wisconsinites’ pockets.”

Kevin Nicholson’s Entrance to the Wisconsin GOP Primary for Governor PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by DGA Press   
Thursday, 27 January 2022 20:37

kevin-nicholsonDemocratic Governors Association expresses dislike.

WASHINGTON, DC - Today, failed Republican Senate candidate Kevin Nicholson announced his candidacy for governor of Wisconsin.

Democratic Governors Association Executive Director Noam Lee released the following statement:

“Kevin Nicholson wants to slash programs for Wisconsin working families while giving handouts to his wealthy friends. Nicholson supported the GOP’s disastrous tax cuts for the rich and big corporations — meanwhile, he backed efforts to strip health care coverage from hundreds of thousands of Wisconsinites and went on the attack against Social Security.

“Nicholson is an extremist who has supported bans on abortion that provide no exceptions, even if the mother’s life is in danger. He has already signaled a divisive primary ahead, attacking Rebecca Kleefisch’s proposals for being ‘dumb as a bag of hammers.’ Nicholson’s entrance to the GOP primary will trigger a brutal, expensive race to the right where candidates duke it out over who’s most out-of-touch with Wisconsin values.”

Wisconsin Doctor Slams Ron Johnson For Prolonging the Pandemic PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Thursday, 27 January 2022 17:07

ron-johnson“I don’t understand the disinformation – it’s impacting our economy as well as community members,” says Dr. Milosavljevic.

Last Updated on Thursday, 27 January 2022 17:16
Robin Vos Tells Kevin Nicholson to Sit Down PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by DGA Press   
Friday, 21 January 2022 10:36

assembly-wi-robin-vosRepublican Assembly Speaker, worried about Kleefisch’s chances in tough primary, tells Nicholson not to run for Governor.

Yesterday, Republican Assembly Speaker Robin Vos got involved in ongoing infighting by demanding that Kevin Nicholson not run against Rebecca Kleefisch in the GOP primary for governor. 

kevin-nicholson“If Kevin Nicholson is listening — you need to not run for governor,” Vos said. “​​I think if he runs, it hurts our chances to defeat Gov. Evers.”

Nicholson quickly fired back, tweeting, “Thanks, @repvos, for the political advice … How about you focus on doing your job?”

This head-butting comes just two days after Nicholson slammed the Republican “political class.” Kleefisch has been an early favorite of GOP insiders, including Vos, but concerns are clearly high that she might not make it out of a competitive primary.

Even with Nicholson not officially in the race, he and Kleefisch have been going at it for months. When Kleefisch suggested she wants to use voting rights protections to win the election, then strip them away, Nicholson called her proposal “as dumb as a bag of hammers.”

“The GOP is too busy fighting each other to put forth any candidate that Wisconsinites can actually get behind,” said DGA Senior Communications Advisor Christina Amestoy. “Party insiders are clearly worried a competitive primary could destroy Kleefisch and drag whatever nominee that makes it through too far to the right to survive the general. The divisive Wisconsin GOP primary is just getting started, and it looks like none of the Republican hopefuls will emerge unscathed.”

Last Updated on Saturday, 22 January 2022 10:50
Democrats Have Lots of Money Ahead Of 2022 PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press   
Thursday, 20 January 2022 08:51

vote_buttonsMADISON, Wis. - This month, the Democratic Party of Wisconsin will report ending 2021 with approximately $6 million cash-on-hand across state and federal accounts, an impressive show of Democratic energy and enthusiasm heading into the election year.

Tuesday’s report came following the announcement that Gov. Evers ended the year with $10.5 million in the bank after having raised more than $5 million in the second half of 2021 – the most ever raised by any Wisconsin governor in the year prior to an election. Gov. Evers’ record-breaking cash-on-hand total is twice as much as what Scott Walker had on hand at this point in both 2014 and 2018 ahead of his re-election campaigns and significantly more than his challenger, Rebecca Kleefisch.

Also this week, Attorney General Josh Kaul reported ending 2021 with more than $1 million on hand – crushing the two declared Republican candidates, who are currently mired in a messy and bitter primary fight. Attorney General Kaul reported having 26 times more on hand than his closest opponent.

“This November, we’re re-electing Gov. Evers and Attorney General Kaul and defeating Ron Johnson – and we’ll have the resources to do it,” said Democratic Party of Wisconsin interim executive director Devin Remiker. “These totals reflect a grassroots enthusiasm for electing Democrats and continuing our work towards a more fair, more prosperous Wisconsin. Voters know that Democrats are the party of families, working people and progress, and this tremendous show of support means we can do the work of telling our story, organizing everywhere and protecting the freedom of every Wisconsinite to vote.”

Alex Lasry Going Back On The Air With New Statewide Ads PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Alex Lasry Press   
Tuesday, 18 January 2022 15:22

alex-lasry-bucksAds discuss the importance of protecting voting rights, helping raise wages for working families, and how progressive values are good for business.

Milwaukee - Wisconsin U.S. Senate candidate Alex Lasry announced Tuesday that his campaign is going back on the air with a seven-figure statewide media buy. The television buy comes after Lasry’s announcement last week of his campaign’s six figure digital buy.

The television buy will include statewide broadcast and cable in the coming days. The new television ads discuss the importance of protecting voting rights, helping raise wages for working families, and how progressive values are good for business. The ads can be viewed here:

“We are going back on the air to show that there is a real alternative to Ron Johnson - a candidate that has a proven track record of delivering real results for Wisconsinites,” said Lasry. “For over a decade, we have only had one U.S. Senator fighting for us and it’s time to change that. I will fight every day to bring more resources back to Wisconsin and to actually get things done.”

The Lasry campaign previously was on the air with a seven-figure statewide broadcast and cable buy in October and November.

“From elected officials, to organized labor, to everyday people, we are building a statewide grassroots campaign that will beat Ron Johnson,” said Lasry. “As a result of our growing statewide support, we will have the resources needed to win this seat, protect the Democratic majority in the U.S. Senate, and give Tammy Baldwin a true partner in Washington to work on behalf of every Wisconsinite.”

The Democratic Primary Election for the United States Senate will be held Tuesday, August 9th, 2022. For more information about Alex Lasry’s campaign, visit

Last Updated on Wednesday, 19 January 2022 15:28
Labor Groups Call Out Ron Johnson For Abandoning Farmers, Health Care Workers, Laborers PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Thursday, 13 January 2022 10:24

farmer-wicornMADISON, Wis. – In response to Senator Ron Johnson breaking his pledge to only serve two terms by announcing his re-election campaign, leading labor groups from across Wisconsin to blast Johnson for betraying their workers.

See what leaders from the agriculture, health care, and labor sector had to say:

Darin Von Ruden, President of the Wisconsin Farmers Union: “During more than a decade in D.C., Ron Johnson has repeatedly failed to stand up for Wisconsin farmers. Instead Johnson has used his time in office to pass massive tax breaks for himself and his biggest donors, sided with China and agri-business over the family and mid-sized farms across our state, and tried to block needed infrastructure investment that would help farmers grow their business and get our products to market. We know farming is the lifeblood of so many local communities across our state, and Ron Johnson has proven time and time again that his priority is looking out for himself and his wealthy donors at our expense.”

ron-johnsonJaime Lucas, Executive Director of the Wisconsin Federation of Nurses and Health Care Professionals: Ron Johnson has spent his career trying to increase health care costs for Wisconsinites, take away critical protections for people with pre-existing conditions, and now – in the middle of a global pandemic – he has done everything he can to undermine our efforts to get COVID under control. Ron Johnson is putting health care professionals in great peril with his dangerous rhetoric. With health care on the ballot in 2022, we’re committed to ensuring that Ron Johnson is defeated so people across the state can access the essential health care they deserve.

Stephanie Bloomingdale, President of the Wisconsin AFL-CIO: “Senator Ron Johnson is deeply out of touch with the people of Wisconsin. From voting against good union jobs by voting against the transformational bipartisan infrastructure deal, to delaying needed support for working families throughout the pandemic, and failing to support working people by refusing to support the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act, Senator Ron Johnson has continually and without fail put his extreme political interests ahead of what is best for Wisconsin. Wisconsin’s working people are committed to ensuring all people across our state have strong economic opportunity with good and safe jobs, access to high-quality affordable healthcare, and a healthier democracy. That means mobilizing to defeat Senator Ron Johnson at the ballot box next November.”

Johnson previously voted against the bipartisan infrastructure bill, COVID relief funding, rewarded companies for outsourcing jobs, was the deciding vote on the 2017 GOP Tax Scam bill, has spread dangerous COVID disinformation that is prolonging the pandemic, and has continuously tried to repeal the Affordable Care Act.

Last Updated on Saturday, 15 January 2022 10:33
WisDems Launch TV Ad Against Rebecca Kleefisch For Violent, Divisive Rhetoric PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press   
Wednesday, 12 January 2022 17:48

rebecca-kleefisch-rallyKleefisch: “We have to pay mercenaries… because our army must be bigger.”

MADISON, Wis. — The Democratic Party of Wisconsin is launching a TV ad against Rebecca Kleefisch’s violent, divisive rhetoric. Kleefisch has called for building an “army” of “paid fighters” and “mercenaries,” as well as asking supporters if they were ready to have their “knives out.” Violent language only leads to violence — just look at the January 6th insurrection.

Kleefisch’s radical agenda for our state will only escalate the deep divisions in our country. She has vowed to sign extreme changes to our election laws, and hasn’t ruled out allowing the state legislature to overturn election results, should the GOP not like the outcome of the 2024 election. Radical Rebecca is hinting that she would be on board with a coup, as long as it benefits her political party.

The ad comes on the heels of Kleefisch’s first TV buy of the cycle – a misleading attempt to smear Gov. Evers on education –  and more than doubles the measly amount sources say her campaign spent.

It’s clear: Rebecca Kleefisch is too radical and divisive for Wisconsin. The ad begins airing Tuesday.

Click here to watch the ad.

“As we’ve seen from the unprecedented far-right violence over the past year, no good can come from a politician calling to build an army or prepare for bloodshed. Wisconsinites are tired of politicians deliberately trying to divide our communities, but that’s exactly what Rebecca Kleefisch is doing with statements like these," said Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Ben Wikler. “Kleefisch’s divisive language is downright dangerous, and her selfish pursuit for political power will always come before her loyalty to our country. She’s too radical for Wisconsin.”

Ron Johnson’s Rocky Campaign Launch PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Wednesday, 12 January 2022 11:09

ron-johnson-quibblesMADISON, Wis. – Report after report around Ron Johnson’s re-election announcement highlights what a damaged candidate he is after years of solely focusing on his self-serving agenda at Wisconsin’s expense.

See the coverage below of how Ron Johnson has betrayed Wisconsinites:

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: “U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson said Sunday he's running for re-election, breaking a campaign pledge to serve only two terms…Johnson also promoted a key provision of a 2017 tax-cut bill, successfully pushing for a tax break for small businesses and other so-called pass-through entities. Pro Publica reported that Johnson's provision benefited wealthy Americans, including two of the biggest forces in Republican politics in Wisconsin and nationally. ProPublica said that Dick and Liz Uihlein of Pleasant Prairie-based packaging company Uline and Diane Hendricks of Beloit-based ABC Supply ‘contributed around $20 million to groups backing’ Johnson's 2016 reelection campaign.”

WPR: “The Cook Political Report, a national newsletter that analyzes elections, campaigns and political trends, lists the race as one of six U.S. Senate races across the country in 2022 with ‘toss up’ status, rather than being inclined toward one party or another…However, Johnson has been far from a narrowly-focused politician. He has made headlines for his stances on a wide number of issues since arriving on the political scene, from coming to the defense of a major oil company after an oil spill to blaming sunspots for global warming.”

The Wall Street Journal: “Mr. Johnson is facing a trickier road to retaining his seat, with state polling showing him underwater. A Marquette Law School Poll of registered voters in late October showed 38% said they would vote to re-elect Mr. Johnson, while 52% said they would support someone else.”

The Washington Post: “Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) has announced he will seek reelection for a third term this year, despite a previous pledge to retire…Johnson, 66, had promised in 2016 when he ran for his second term that he would retire at the end of it if he won. Earlier this year, the senator waffled on that promise, telling reporters that he had not decided yet whether to run for a third term.”

HuffPost: “...Some Wisconsin Republicans called him a modern-day Joe McCarthy, the late Republican senator from Wisconsin who staged the national witch hunt for communists in the 1950s — dubbed ‘McCarthyism’ — that ultimately destroyed the livelihood of many. McCarthy, who had an acrimonious relationship with many of his Senate colleagues, was ultimately censured.”

The Guardian: “The Wisconsin senator Ron Johnson, a hardline Trump supporter once described as ‘what you get when QAnon and the Tea Party have a baby’, has confirmed he will seek a third term, a step he once promised not to take...Newspapers called for him to resign…Referring to Johnson and Republicans who went through with objections, the paper said: ‘These men are cowards.’”

Rolling Stone: “Johnson, unfortunately, has not been telling the truth when it comes to Covid. He promoted mouthwash (yes, mouthwash) as a way to kill the virus. ‘Standard gargle, mouthwash, has been proven to kill the coronavirus,’ he said. This lie became so popular that it prompted mouthwash company Listerine to create a website debunking the claim. YouTube has also suspended his account — numerous times — for violating its Covid-19 misinformation policy (Johnson has claimed this is censorship).”

Newsweek: “‘Ron Johnson is not someone you can take seriously as a United States senator,’ [Sophia] Nelson said during a segment of MSNBC's The Sunday Show, responding to the news. ‘He is a hack of the highest order. He has, you know, been someone who has just engaged in the most nefarious type of conversation, gas-lighting obstruction, from Russia all the way to January 6th. So I expect nothing less from him. I am no longer surprised,’ said the former GOP attorney…”

Vanity Fair: “Johnson, who on Sunday called upon the ‘support of every American who values the truth and refuses to allow lies and distortions to prevail,’ has been at the forefront of the attacks on public health and democracy that have come to define today’s GOP…Outside of parroting false claims about elections, Johnson has dedicated much of his time to spreading fringe theories about the coronavirus and the efficacy of vaccines. Johnson, who is not vaccinated, has spread anti-vaccine misinformation while advocating for unproven or discredited COVID-19 treatments such as mouthwash.”

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