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Shilling appoints Taylor, Erpenbach to serve on Joint Finance Committee PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Wisconsin Senate Democrats   
Friday, 02 December 2016 10:39

lena-taylorBoth have been outspoken advocates for working families in Wisconsin and understand the importance of investing in our future.

MADISON – Senate Democratic Leader Jennifer Shilling (D-La Crosse) announced today that Senator Lena Taylor (D-Milwaukee) and Senator Jon Erpenbach (D-Middleton) will be re-appointed to serve on the Joint Committee on Finance for the 2017-18 legislative session.

jennifer-shilling“Sen. Taylor and Sen. Erpenbach have been outspoken advocates for working families in Wisconsin and understand the importance of investing in our future,” said Sen. Shilling. “Their years of experience and commitment to strengthening Wisconsin’s economy will help to focus our upcoming budget discussions on the important issues at hand. I look forward to working with Senators Taylor and Erpenbach as Wisconsin Democrats continue to advocate for investments in education, worker training and infrastructure to boost our economy and create new jobs.”

Sen. Taylor and Sen. Erpenbach welcomed their responsibilities and are eager to bring new ideas and thoughtful solutions to the upcoming budget discussions.

jon-erpenbach-radio“I’m honored to serve another term on the Joint Finance Committee. It’s an important time for both my constituents and all of Wisconsin and I look forward to being a fierce advocate for commonsense bipartisan solutions,” said Taylor. “I will continue to advocate for children, reforming our justice system and fighting for social and economic justice for all.”

“Wisconsin Republicans cannot continue to delay big budget decisions,” said Sen. Erpenbach. “Our economy needs a jumpstart, our roads and bridges need immediate repairs and our communities need more support for local schools. I am grateful for this opportunity to stand up for Wisconsin’s working families and advocate for a more sustainable and forward-looking state budget.”

With the appointment of Sen. Taylor and Sen. Erpenbach to the Joint Finance Committee, Senate Democrats have a strong and diverse leadership team representing a broad spectrum of communities across Wisconsin.

Duffy Chooses Trump’s Swamp Over Wisconsin PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin   
Thursday, 01 December 2016 11:49

sean_duffyWhile Duffy promised Wisconsin voters Trump would ‘drain the swamp’ in Washington he is now cozying up to the corporate lobbyists, big banks, and Wall Street insiders.

MADISON - Yesterday, Rep. Sean Duffy was named the newest character in the hottest reality show on television: the Donald Trump transition team.

After months of acting as Trump Tower talking head, Rep. Duffy is finally getting his reward by joining Trump's transition as an executive committee member.

Duffy joins Wall Street insiders, including Trump’s choice for treasury secretary, Steven Mnuchin, a hedge fund manager who preyed on homeowners struggling during the recession and who has been accused of running a “foreclosure machine.”

"Sean Duffy is leaving Wausau behind and embracing Donald Trump’s revolving door between Wall Street and Washington. While Duffy promised Wisconsin voters Trump would ‘drain the swamp’ in Washington he is now cozying up to the corporate lobbyists, big banks, and Wall Street insiders who will be calling the shots and writing the rules in Washington to make a rigged system work for them." Democratic Party of Wisconsin spokesman Brandon Weathersby said on Thursday.

Shilling Honored by Senate Democratic Leadership Role PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by GBP Staff   
Wednesday, 23 November 2016 09:28

jennifer-shillingWe need to hold Republicans accountable says Shilling. Other leaders for the 2017-18 legislative session include Janet Bewley, Mark Miller, and Janis Ringhand.

MADISON, WI – Wisconsin Senate Democrats gathered on Tuesday and elected a new slate of leaders for the 2017-18 legislative session. To lead the slate, Sen. Jennifer Shilling (D-La Crosse) was unanimously re-elected Senate Democratic Leader.

janet-bewleyIn addition to electing Sen. Shilling, the following senators were unanimously elected to Democratic leadership posts: Assistant Leader Sen. Janet Bewley (D-Delta), Caucus Chair Sen. Mark Miller (D-Monona) and Caucus Vice-Chair Sen. Janis Ringhand (D-Evansville).

“I am honored that my colleagues have once again entrusted me with the responsibility of serving as Senate Democratic Leader," said Shilling. "While Republican gerrymandering and national factors have limited our progress, we also have to re-evaluate our efforts and do a better job connecting with voters across Wisconsin who are anxious about our stagnant economy, upset with the growing income inequality and concerned about the future of our state. Today begins a new chapter."

“I am excited to work with all of my colleagues in the Senate and continue serving as a strong voice for the values and ideals of Wisconsin’s hardworking families," Shilling continued. "Now more than ever, we need to hold Republican leaders accountable and fight for quality schools, safe roads and strong communities. From childcare assistance and student loan debt relief to affordable health care and retirement security, Democrats will continue to push for solutions to grow our middle class, encourage innovation and expand economic opportunities.”

Last Updated on Wednesday, 23 November 2016 09:56
Democrats React to Court Ruling on Assembly District Boundaries PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by GBP Staff   
Tuesday, 22 November 2016 16:14

justiceDemocratic legislative leaders from around the state issue statements on Court striking down GOP gerrymandered districts.

MADISON - A panel of three federal judges Monday struck down state house district maps drawn in 2011 by Wisconsin's Republican controlled legislature, finding the resulting districts so blatantly partisan that they denied Democrats a fair shot at electing candidates of their choosing.

Since taking control of the Legislature in 2011 the Republicans have done everything in their power to tilt elections in their favor including passing extreme voter suppression measures such as Voter ID, the elimination of early voting and gerrymandering legislative districts to give them an unfair advantage at the polls.

dave-hansen"In today’s ruling, the Court’s affirmed what many of us have been saying all along, that the Republicans gerrymandered legislative districts to protect their legislative majorities and to solidify their power in the state capitol for generations," said Sen. Dave Hansen (D-Green Bay) "all in violation of the Constitution".

The people of Wisconsin, regardless of which political party they support, deserve fair and honest elections and for their votes to count. To that end it is now incumbent upon the Court to throw out the current maps and issue a remedy that not only results in new, fair districts but also prevents any partisan efforts to commit similar gerrymandering in the future.

"The Legislature should make passage of non-partisan redistricting reform its first act of the 2017 Legislative Session,” said Hansen.

peter_barcaAssembly Democratic Leader Peter Barca (D-Kenosha) said on the ruling “Voters should be able to choose their representatives, not the other way around. Today’s ruling is a victory for democracy and the people of Wisconsin."

"The districts that were drawn by Republicans have greatly disenfranchised voters in Wisconsin, and it is time that we fix the maps and ensure that every vote truly counts in Wisconsin," said Rep. Dana Wachs (D-Eau Claire), ranking Democrat on the Assembly Committee on Judiciary. "I commend the judges for the meticulous work that went into this decision and I look forward to a remedy that benefits not one particular party or special interest but the voters of the State of Wisconsin."

jennifer-shilling"We've known for years that Republican politicians have abused their power to rig Wisconsin elections in their favor," adds Senate Democratic Leader Jennifer Shilling (D-La Crosse). "From disenfranchising voters, limiting polling places, restricting voting hours and drawing unconstitutional legislative districts, Republican politicians have waged an unprecedented attack on our democratic values. Every voter deserves to have their voice heard and I am relieved that our judicial system is helping to hold Republicans accountable for their unconstitutional partisan power grabs."

“Today’s court ruling recognizes the Republican abuse of power as going too far in shutting out our neighbors' voices in elections," concludes Senator Chris Larson (D-Milwaukee). “Attempts to suppress the public’s voice by politically gerrymandering districts in order to weaken the voting power of targeted groups is a betrayal of our fundamental freedoms and values."

Walker and state Republicans have shown themselves ready to do anything to hold onto power. It is time to move forward with an unbiased system of redistricting to ensure the voices of all our neighbors can be heard.


Jay Wadd contributed to this story.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 22 November 2016 16:51
Ron Kind Will Try to Check Trump's Darker Impulses PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin   
Wednesday, 16 November 2016 16:12

ron_kindNorthwestern Wisconsin Congressman plans to operate under the assumption that Trump meant what he said. While we should show neighbors the kindness and support that are the trademarks of our way of life, change starts in our local communities.

LA CROSSE, WI - The results of last Tuesday’s election left many Wisconsinites feeling scared and uneasy about what the future holds for their lives and the lives of their loved ones. I want everyone to know that they are not alone.

donald-trumpI plan to operate under the assumption that, until proven otherwise, the statements Donald Trump made during the campaign are exactly what he plans to do as President, and I am more dedicated than ever to standing up and fighting to protect Wisconsin and America’s most vulnerable. I will lead my Democratic colleagues in acting as a check against Mr. Trump enacting any of his darker impulses.

While things seem scary and uncertain on a national level I encourage all Wisconsinites, now more than ever, to show their neighbors the kindness and support that are the trademarks of our way of life. Change starts in our local communities.

Anyone looking for ways to help can volunteer their time for causes that help create positive change. I for one plan to continue to look for opportunities to expand my “Kind Communities” volunteer efforts to reach more projects that need help in Wisconsin. Together we can also provide safe spaces for women, communities of color, Muslims, and LGBT individuals to feel accepted.

At a time when so much feels uncertain, you are not alone. Together we will keep up the good fight and ensure that our Wisconsin way of life endures.

Rep. Ron Kind
Wisconsin 3rd District


Ronald James "Ron" Kind (born March 16, 1963) is an American lawyer from La Crosse, Wisconsin. Since 1997 he has served as the U.S. Representative for Wisconsin's 3rd congressional district. He is a member of the Democratic Party. His district is located in the western portion of the state and is anchored by La Crosse, Eau ClairePlatteville, Stevens Point, Wisconsin Rapids and River Falls.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 16 November 2016 17:01
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