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Senate Republicans Attack Women's Health Across Wisconsin PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Melanie Conklin   
Sunday, 29 October 2017 15:45

women-health-servicesGOP ideological attack on the UW and women’s health care may hurt most in rural areas where there are already few OB-GYNs. Anti-choice extremist U.S. Senate candidate Leah Vukmir is a sponsor.

MADISON -- The Wisconsin Senate Health and Human Services Committee is voting today on SB 154/AB 206, a bill that would do even further damage to women’s health care in Wisconsin by worsening the already troubling shortage of OB-GYNs. In Wisconsin, a shocking 20 counties do not have an OB-GYN, according to the American Medical Society.

With this bill, Republicans have shown their dangerous willingness to damage not only women’s health, but also Wisconsin’s strong and proud tradition of higher education and a UW System that is a key economic engine and contributor to our state’s economy, job creation and world-class reputation.

“Republicans, in an effort to promote themselves, are willing to ignore that their actions will cause real-life harm to Wisconsin women who need health care, including prenatal care, annual preventative physicals, cancer screenings and other vital health care provided by OB-GYNs,” said Martha Laning, Democratic Party of Wisconsin chair. “Damaging women’s health, particularly in areas already underserved across our state, goes against our Wisconsin values.” 

leah-vukmirRepublican opportunism surrounding this bill is embodied by the chair of the Health and Human Services Committee, far-right state Sen. Leah Vukmir, who is using this extremist, anti-choice legislation to advance her political career and boost her national profile, even as it limits and weakens Wisconsin women's access to reproductive health care.

Current law already prohibits the use of state and federal funds for abortions, but Republicans' latest far-right proposal takes things an extreme step further, preventing University of Wisconsin System physicians from providing or assisting in abortion services -- even at privately funded facilities and on their own time. Vukmir is a well-established anti-choice extremist who has previously backed a zero-exception abortion ban and even right-wing "personhood" measures that stand to ban common forms of birth control.

In practice, the dangerous legislation would "destroy" the UW School of Medicine's ob-gyn program, according to UW School of Medicine and Public Health Dean Robert Golden, who predicts the bill could harm the medical school’s ability to provide “well-trained ob-gyns just when our state needs them the most to save the lives of women.”

Testifying earlier this summer on behalf of the Wisconsin Academy of Family Physicians, retired Dr. Calvin Bruce, summed up harm that will be done to Wisconsin women by AB 206 this way: "Our academy is neither pro-choice nor pro-life. We have members who have strongly held beliefs on both sides of that issue. We are strongly pro-patient. And we strongly oppose AB206 on workforce, medical and academic grounds."

Schimel Declines To Help Wisconsinites’ Keep Health Care PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Melanie Conklin   
Wednesday, 25 October 2017 12:47

brad-schimelDems say Attorney General too cowardly to stand up to fellow Republicans to help stop skyrocketing health care premiums.

MADISON -- Attorney General Brad Schimel dodged questions at a press conference Monday on whether he will join the lawsuit to help Wisconsinites keep their needed healthcare. He hedged, saying he “doubts” that Wisconsin will join the lawsuit to require the federal government to continue essential health care subsidies.

Without these subsidies and due to the Republican sabotage of healthcare market, the average Wisconsinite will see a 36% increase in their premiums.

martha-laning“Schimel’s spineless comments show just how unwilling he is to do the right thing for Wisconsin and stand up for residents who deserve to keep their health care, and instead blaming his fellow Republicans,” said Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Martha Laning. “As we’ve seen a rise in mental health issues and addiction, as well as prescription drug cost hikes, it is unconscionable that Schimel would refuse to defend a law that helps people in Wisconsin get the treatment they need.”

Schimel told reporters he doubted that Wisconsin would join 19 other states in suing so lower-income Wisconsinites can continue receiving subsidies that reduce out-of-pocket health care costs. He thought he would need permission from Gov. Walker or Republicans in the Legislature, and he did not think they would allow him to do it.

“As attorney general, Brad Schimel has embraced the role of a partisan hack when it comes to wasting state taxpayer money to fight countless unwinnable lawsuits against a law that provided affordable healthcare to 20 million Americans,” continued Laning. “For Schimel to foist the blame for his inaction on other Republicans during a tough re-election campaign is cowardly.”

Last Updated on Wednesday, 25 October 2017 17:51
Vukmir And Nicholson Endorse Increased Healthcare Costs On Wisconsinites PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Brad Bainum   
Tuesday, 24 October 2017 14:56

trumpcareGOP Senate candidates support partisan TrumpCare bills that strip healthcare access from millions, but reject bipartisan fix to fight spiking healthcare costs in Wisconsin after Trump sabotage.

leah-vukmirMADISON - Right-wing state Senator Leah Vukmir and out-of-state special interest puppet Kevin Nicholson have officially endorsed a 36% premium increase on Wisconsin working families.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that Nicholson and Vukmir -- vocal backers of Republican TrumpCare healthcare plans that'd take healthcare away from tens of millions of Americans -- are now fully opposed to a bipartisan Senate bill sponsored by 12 Republicans and 12 Democrats, including Wisconsin's Tammy Baldwin, that aims to stabilize the President Trump-led sabotage of healthcare markets that has premiums spiking across the country, including by 36% in Wisconsin.

“By opposing this bipartisan solution to help make health care more affordable, Kevin Nicholson and Leah Vukmir are once again supporting higher costs for Wisconsinites," said Brad Bainum, Democratic Party of Wisconsin spokesperson for the 2018 Senate race. "Both Vukmir and Nicholson have already supported taking health care away from millions, and now they’re endorsing a 36% premium hike on Wisconsin families.”

Dick Uihlein Super PAC Ad For Kevin Nicholson PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Brad Bainum   
Tuesday, 24 October 2017 10:32

kevin-nicholsonTo-date, the Illinois CEO has invested at least $15 million in 6 groups boosting Nicholson.

MADISON -- Brad Bainum, Democratic Party of Wisconsin spokesperson for the 2018 Senate race, issued the following statement on the latest pro-Kevin Nicholson investment from Illinois CEO Dick Uihlein-bankrolled super PAC Solutions for Wisconsin:

"Despite support from numerous out-of-state special interest groups, Kevin Nicholson can't find anyone from Wisconsin to back his candidacy. That's why his top supporter -- a billionaire CEO from Illinois who can't even vote in next year's GOP primary -- is throwing money at the problem, adding to the $15 million he's already invested in trying to buy Nicholson a Senate seat."

Uihlein-funded groups supporting Kevin Nicholson:

Solutions for Wisconsin -- Uihlein is the group's sole funder, having donated $3.5 million.

FreedomWorks -- Uihlein was the group's top contributor during the 2015-2016 cycle, investing $250,000.

Club for Growth Action -- Uihlein has invested $5.75 million since 2015.

Great America PAC -- Uihlein invested $100,000 during the 2015-2016 cycle.

Restoration PAC -- Uihlein invested $3.45 million during the 2015-2016 cycle.

Americas PAC -- Uihlein has invested $2.16 million through last month.

Kevin Nicholson for... Illinois Billionaires? PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Brad Bainum   
Thursday, 19 October 2017 10:55

nicholsonKevinForWisconsin.com Highlights Nicholson's Relationship with Illinois Billionaire Dick Uihlein, who Has Already Invested At Least $3.5M To Boost Nicholson.

MADISON -- The Democratic Party of Wisconsin is today launching KevinForWisconsin.com -- a project exposing Senate candidate Kevin Nicholson's financial obligations to billionaire Illinois CEO and megadonor Richard Uihlein, who has so-far poured at least $3.5 million into boosting Nicholson's run.

"There's a lot we don't yet know about Kevin Nicholson, but we do know that he's sure to benefit from $3.5 million from an Illinois CEO with a reputation for spending millions to influence the right-wing agenda," said Brad Bainum, Democratic Party of Wisconsin spokesperson for the 2018 Senate race. "Kevin Nicholson backs the Trump-Ryan tax plan that gifts 80% of cuts to wealthy billionaires like Uihlein, so every Wisconsinite should be wondering what else Nicholson has already promised his out-of-state billionaire benefactor in exchange for financial support. Are Wisconsin voters comfortable with a right-wing billionaire CEO from Illinois trying to handpick our state's next U.S. Senator?"

Learn more at KevinForWisconsin.com.

Walker's Revisionist Campaign Stunt PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press   
Wednesday, 18 October 2017 09:11

scott-walker-harleyDemocrats slam latest Walker campaign video.

MADISON - The following is a statement from the Democratic Party of Wisconsin's Communications Director, Melanie Conklin.

“If Scott Walker released an honest video on his track record in Wisconsin, it would show his refusal to expand health care to all Wisconsinites, his rejecting federal money to improve broadband in rural Wisconsin, his wounding cuts to our public schools and his singular pursuit of serving the ultra-wealthy around the country over the majority of middle-class Wisconsin residents. Proof is in his tax giveaways to the rich, his extravagant credit-card state borrowing and his complete failure on his very own job-creation promises that were the centerpiece of his first campaign.

“Scott Walker’s political posing on a motorcycle is fine, but an accurate video would show him being jostled around on Wisconsin’s crumbling roads that are the fourth worst in the nation as he sped across a state line to a waiting jet to take him to his latest coastal fundraiser-- ignoring Wisconsin as he pursues higher office for himself.

“His new white W logo stands for nothing but Walker himself, as he has always put his personal political pursuits far ahead of Wisconsin’s needs and interest.”


Walker campaign video "More to be Done"

Former US Senator Herb Kohl Supports Tony Evers PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Tony Evers for Governor, Nathan Henry   
Tuesday, 17 October 2017 15:56

herb-kohlKohl announces his endorsement of State Superintendent Tony Evers in his run for Governor. Cites Evers strong leadership experience and ability to bring us together.

MILWAUKEE – Former US Senator Herb Kohl announced his endorsement of State Superintendent Tony Evers in his run for Governor. Kohl, who retired from the US Senate in 2012 after 24 years of public service, cites Evers strong leadership experience and ability to bring us together in his endorsement of Evers.

tony_evers_statesupt“I am proud today to announce my endorsement of my friend, Tony Evers, for Governor. I’m supporting Tony because he’s a different kind of candidate. He’s taught in a classroom and led a school. He has changed lives one kid at a time,” Kohl said. “Now he leads a state agency responsible for educating all Wisconsin kids, and he’s changing lives there too. That’s why over 70% of us voted to re-elect Tony last April.”

Kohl, famous for being “Nobody’s Senator but Yours” also previously helped build his family’s grocery and department store business, Kohl’s, into a true Wisconsin success story.

“Tony has succeeded because he knows how to bring people together to solve problems. He treats people fairly and with respect. He gets things done,” Kohl commented. “Over the past seven years, Wisconsin hasn’t had enough leaders like Tony. The politicians in charge in Madison have focused on pointing figures and pitting people against each other. They’re making our problems worse, and people are suffering as a result. With Tony as Governor, this nonsense stops. I believe that Tony will bring the right kind of change to our state,” Kohl concluded.

Tony Evers has been elected three times to serve as State Superintendent of Public Instruction, winning 70 of 72 counties in his last election, with 70 percent of the vote statewide. Evers has spent his entire career educating our kids, previously working as a science teacher, a high school principal and as school district superintendent. As State Superintendent, Evers runs one of the largest agencies in the state, with responsibility over 70,000 educators and 860,000 students. Evers is the father of 3 children and 6 grandchildren, raising his family in communities throughout Wisconsin, including Plymouth, Baraboo, Tomah, Oakfield, Omro, Oshkosh and Verona.

Leah Vukmir Champions Bill To Limit Women's Healthcare Options PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Brad Bainum   
Tuesday, 17 October 2017 09:41

leah-vukmirVukmir supported a zero-exception abortion ban, stated support for so-called "personhood" amendments that could ban common forms of birth control.

MADISON - Far right-wing state Senator Leah Vukmir is today holding a Senate Health and Human Services Committee hearing to tout her latest extremist anti-choice bill that would restrict Wisconsin women's access to a full range of healthcare options by prohibiting certain doctors from providing abortion services. Specifically, the bill forbids University of Wisconsin System doctors from performing abortions at privately funded facilities, on their own time, and even though using state and federal funds for abortions is already prohibited.

As chairwoman of the Senate Committee on Health and Human Services, Vukmir previously supported a 20-week abortion ban and received the endorsement of Pro-Life Wisconsin, an extreme anti-choice group that requires candidates to back so-called "personhood" amendments that would ban all abortions -- even in cases of rape, incest, and to save the life of the mother -- and could even ban some common forms of birth control. And earlier this month, Vukmir predictably celebrated President Donald Trump's move to threaten birth control access for hundreds of thousands of women across the country.

Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Martha Laning issued the following statement on far right-wing Leah Vukmir holding a hearing for her latest anti-choice legislation:

"On women's healthcare, Senator Leah Vukmir's strident anti-choice viewpoints are among the most severe and punitive stances held by any elected official in the country. Her career-long, ideological crusade to take away women's healthcare access and options prove that she is just far too extreme and dangerous for Wisconsin women."



Vukmir Supported Legislation That Would Prohibit University of Wisconsin Health Clinics From Providing Morning-After Contraceptive Pill To Students. “The state Assembly late Thursday narrowly passed a bill that would prohibit University of Wisconsin System health clinics from advertising, prescribing or dispensing the morning-after pill to students." [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 6/17/05]

Vukmir Said Morning-After Contraceptive Pill “Promotes Bad Choices.” “Rep. Leah Vukmir (R-Wauwatosa) said the university shouldn't be in the business of offering a service that encourages young women to be irresponsible. ‘This is about promoting bad choices, and the university shouldn't be the taxpayer-funded vehicle for it,’ Vukmir said.” [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 6/17/05]


Vukmir Supported Legislation To Ban Non-Emergency Abortion Procedures After 20 Weeks Of Pregnancy. “A fast-tracked Wisconsin bill that would ban non-emergency abortion procedures after 20 weeks of pregnancy advanced through a Senate committee Thursday, but its prospects remain unclear in the Assembly. The Senate Committee on Health and Human Services approved the bill on a 3-2 party-line vote, with Republicans supporting it and Democrats opposing it. Under the proposal, doctors who perform an abortion after 20 weeks in non-emergency situations could be charged with a felony and subject to $10,000 in fines or 3½ years in prison. As written, the bill doesn't provide exceptions for pregnancies conceived from sexual assault or incest.” [Associated Press, 6/4/15]

Associated Press: Committee Chair Vukmir “Refused To Add A Last-Minute Amendment…That Would Have Prioritized A Mother’s Care Over That Of A Fetus In An Emergency Situation.” “Committee chairwoman Sen. Leah Vukmir, R-Wauwatosa, refused to add a last-minute amendment from Sen. Jon Erpenbach, D-Middleton, that would have prioritized a mother's care over that of a fetus in an emergency situation. Erpenbach said bill's co-author, Senate President Mary Lazich, R-New Berlin, was trying to rush the bill through the Capitol, with unexpected consequences. “This legislation is all about treating the fetus first, period. That's it,’ Erpenbach said. ‘The Senate president has been hell-bent on rushing this to the point that she doesn't know what it is.’ Vukmir said the state's existing abortion statute gave sufficient description on treating a mother and a fetus in an emergency situation before she called a vote.” [Associated Press, 6/4/2015]


Vukmir Voted Against Emergency Contraception Bill That Passed Through Republican-Controlled State Assembly. “The Republican-controlled state Assembly decisively approved a bill requiring all hospitals - including religious-based institutions- to offer emergency contraception to rape victims. the bill passed 61-35, with 16 Republicans joining the entire Democratic caucus except for one member, Rep. Bob Ziegelbauer of Manitowoc, in support.” [Capital Times, 1/24/08; Project Vote Smart, AB 377]

Vukmir, Nicholson Stand By Trump's Latest Healthcare Sabotage PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Brad Bainum   
Monday, 16 October 2017 15:22

donald-trump-healthcareWith premiums set to spike by 36% after latest Trump sabotage, Vukmir cheers Trump, while Nicholson suggests he didn't go far enough.

MADISON - President Trump late Thursday announced plans to further sabotage the American healthcare system by ending Affordable Care Act cost sharing reduction subsidies -- a reckless, spiteful move expected to skyrocket Wisconsinites' premiums by 36% -- and Leah Vukmir and Kevin Nicholson are cheering him on.

leah-vukmirState Senator Vukmir offered "praise" for Trump's cruel, purely political sabotage that will surge healthcare costs for the working families she mistakenly believes she deserves to represent.

Kevin Nicholson tacitly endorsed Trump's latest sabotage by going out of his way to avoid criticizing Trump's move, then reverted back to his support for previous TrumpCare plans, reaffirming his view that "it's time for Congress to finally deliver conservative health care reforms." Essentially, Nicholson's view is that Trump's piecemeal sabotage approach to forcing through TrumpCare doesn't go far enough.

But here's the real kicker: Nicholson and Vukmir have supported ending the ACA subsidies for months by virtue of backing various TrumpCare plans.

The AHCACassidy-Graham, and BCRA TrumpCare bills -- which both Nicholson and Vukmir supported in one form or another -- would all have ended the same cost-sharing reduction subsidies that Trump just ended in his latest sabotage.
"It's truly despicable that right-wing state Senator Leah Vukmir is actually praising President Trump for hoisting a 36% surge in healthcare costs on Wisconsinites, while out-of-state billionaire puppet Kevin Nicholson tacitly endorses Trump's latest cruelty," said Brad Bainum, Democratic Party of Wisconsin spokesperson for the 2018 Senate race. "At the end of the day, Vukmir is cheering Trump for making life incredibly difficult for hardworking Wisconsin families, while Nicholson complains that Trump's new sabotage didn't inflict enough damage -- and it's as clear as ever that neither is looking out for everyday Wisconsinites."


Vukmir: “The American Health Care Act Ensures A Stable Transition Away From The Affordable Care Act.” “‘After more than six years of Obamacare, 28 million people remain uninsured and premiums have gone up year after year,’ said Wisconsin Senator Leah Vukmir. ‘The American Health Care Act ensures a stable transition away from the Affordable Care Act, and it is imperative Congress works to loosen federal requirements on states so they may have greater authority over how they deliver healthcare – only then can there be true reforms.’” [ALEC, Press Release, 3/7/17]   GRAHAM-CASSIDY
Vukmir Supported Graham-Cassidy. “Vukmir, a state senator from Brookfield, said Friday she wants to repeal Obamacare, move more decisions back to states and opposes a single-payer health care plan supported by Baldwin. ‘While Graham-Cassidy isn't perfect, I do support the notion of allowing states to solve problems,’ Vukmir said in a statement. ‘We know what we're doing in Wisconsin, and the feds need to get out of our way.’” [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 9/22/17]
Nicholson Supported BCRA, Saying That Hopefully The Vote To Start Debate Would Lead To Repealing Obamacare. “Some of the Republicans considering running against U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin showed support for Tuesday's move to end or scale back Obamacare. […] Also considering a run is business consultant Kevin Nicholson, who has the support of a super PAC that has raised $3.5 million. In a statement, he said he hoped the Senate would repeal Obamacare. ‘Republicans have been promising for seven years to repeal Obamacare, and it's time they deliver on that promise,’ Nicholson said in his statement. ‘Hopefully, today's Senate vote will be a step towards repeal, but I'm always nervous when politicians get together. Only time will tell with what they're up to in DC, but I know we need more competition and market forces in health care — and less government.’” [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 7/25/17]

Nicholson Said That He Would Have "Absolutely" Voted For The Senate’s Obamacare Repeal Bill. WAGNER: "Kevin, would you have voted to, would you have voted to repeal Obamacare this week?" NICHOLSON: "Oh, absolutely, and here's why. Obamacare has been a disaster for a lot of reasons, and it's basically limited choices and driven up premiums." [Jeff Wagner Show, 07/27/17]

Steve Kagen, M.D. Endorses Tony Evers for Governor PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Tony Evers for Governor, Nathan Henry   
Saturday, 14 October 2017 12:43

steve-kagen-drGREEN BAY – Tony Evers, State Superintendent of Public Schools and Democratic candidate for Governor of Wisconsin, is proud to announce the strong support of former Congressman Steve Kagen, M.D. “Today, I am proud to announce my strong support for Tony Evers for Governor. Tony is a hard-worker, a winner and cannot be bought. Like all of us, Tony is fiscally responsible and socially progressive. Tony is the change we need,” Dr. Kagen said.

tony_evers“It's hard to find anyone in Madison who has done more than Tony to lift up working class families and their children. No wonder Tony won re-election in a landslide this spring. I trust Tony to bring about the positive changes we need in Madison, and humbly ask you to join him in building a better future for all of us,” Kagen commented.

In 2006, Allergy and Asthma Specialist Dr. Steve Kagen ran for public office for the first time in his life to guarantee access to healthcare for all of us – and he succeeded. His historic legislation banned discrimination by health insurance companies against patients with pre-existing medical conditions, and now no family will lose their home just because a child or family member has a serious accident or becomes ill. While in Congress, Kagen also helped pass the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts, helped save Wisconsin’s SeniorCare prescription drug program, strengthened Medicare, promoted equal rights for women, created thousands of higher-wage jobs building Wisconsin’s roads and bridges and the U.S. Navy’s LCS ships in Marinette and Sturgeon Bay.

“Small business owners are the real job creators in our economy, and they are struggling to keep their heads above water, as workers’ wages keep falling. Up here, people feel like professional politicians in Madison have left them behind. Frankly, they’re not wrong,” Kagen commented. “Tony is one of us; he understands the challenges we face. Throughout his career, Tony has lived and worked all over Wisconsin including here in the Fox River Valley. It’s time we have a Governor who cares about us – not big money special interests who run the show in Madison today.”

Tony Evers won three statewide elections as State Superintendent of Public Instruction, winning 70 of 72 counties in his last election with 70 percent of the vote. Evers has been educating our kids his entire career as a science teacher, high school principal and school district superintendent. As State Superintendent, Evers is responsible for over 70,000 educators and 860,000 students. Evers is proud to be the father of three children and six grandchildren, raising his family in Plymouth, Baraboo, Tomah, Oakfield, Omro, Oshkosh and Verona.

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